How to catch IDL "message" with /informational flag - error-handling

I have a astronomy procedure that returns an error message, but it uses the /inf flag. With this flag, none of the normal error flags are set. So how would one catch such an error? For example, I call the procedure, it prints out the informational error message, but how can I check if it outputted such a message? I see it in the console, but how can the program check for this?

I don't believe that is possible. According to the docs, when the INFORMATIONAL keyword is set, !error_state is not changed.
Set this keyword to issue informational text instead of an error. In this case, !ERROR_STATE is not set. The !QUIET system variable controls the printing of informational messages.

I think you can do the following (so long as nothing happened in between):
assuming you have IDL version greater than 6.0. If not, then you can just go into the routine, modify it by defining a keyword that returns the message if it was printed to the screen, otherwise it returns nothing.


Getting Warning sign : OMEGA13 was used but was never set (will evaluate as its name)

Getting warning from Script Checker : "OMEGA13 was used but was never set (will evaluate as its name)"
I've set
start using Omega13
-- some codes here --
stop using Omega13
Anyone has any idea on why the warning sign is there?
Eggplant documentation - Advance scripting: Error Recovery with Omega13
What's probably happened is somewhere you've mistyped some variant of omega13.
Sensetalk treats uninitialized variables as strings. This results in lots of hard to debug errors.
name = "my name"
put naame
This will print naame which is probably not what you wanted.
It looks like the correct form to invoke is omega13 not Omega13, or OMEGA13. I'd check the documentation and make sure that you haven't mistyped it anywhere.
You may also want to look into the strictVariables global which if true will treat using an uninitialized variable as an error.

error recovery in byacc/j and jflex using error token like in yacc

i am writing a compiler for a small language using byacc/j and jflex. i have no problem in finding first error in a given input file. the problem is i cant find more errors. first i used to use yacc and lex and i used special symbol 'error' token at the end of some grammar rules which was built in yacc and i could use 'yyerrok' to simply continue parsing and finding more errors but , in byacc/j i cant find something like that and yyerrok does not work and byacc/j does not recognize that. any suggestions to find more than one error in byacc/j ? or is there ' error ' and 'yyerrok' in byacc/j ?
The only thing that yyerrok does is reset the count of tokens since the last error notification. Yacc parsers suppress error messages in the first three tokens after an error recovery, to prevent cascading error messages.
Using yyerrok -- or setting yyerrflag to 0 -- indicates that error recovery was successful and that error messages should now be produced. It does not have any other effect: with or without yyerrok, parsing will continue.
yyerrok is a C macro, and Java doesn't have macros. So apparently it was dropped from the Java interface. But yyerrflag exists as a parser class member and you should be able to just set it to zero in a parser action.

SQL Server: how to test a trigger that doesn't throw errors but only prints statements?

My trigger checks if a condition is true, and if so throws a warning with a PRINT statement. This later gets caught by the JDBC, for use in the front-end.
My question: how can I make a test for the trigger in T-SQL? I have a testing USP that checks if ERROR_NUMBER equals the specified trigger error, but that only works if the trigger actually throws said error message, which this trigger isn't supposed to do.
Is there an alternative to using a PRINT perhaps, that I can catch in my testing USP, without interrupting the statement? (it is supposed to function anyway)
To make it more concrete: my database is about fishes and aquaria. When you put a carnivorous fish and a herbivorous fish in the same tank, it should give a warning (which my front-end will catch), but not restrict the action. How do I check if that warning was given using a testing USP?
I believe you are looking for RAISEERROR.
From the article:
RAISERROR can be used as an alternative to PRINT to return messages to calling applications. RAISERROR supports character substitution similar to the functionality of the printf function in the C standard library, while the Transact-SQL PRINT statement does not. The PRINT statement is not affected by TRY blocks, while a RAISERROR run with a severity of 11 to 19 in a TRY block transfers control to the associated CATCH block. Specify a severity of 10 or lower to use RAISERROR to return a message from a TRY block without invoking the CATCH block.
So you can use raiserror with a severity of 10 or lower if you don't want to go into the catch block or 11 to 19 if you want to take action (such as removing the inserted data) in the catch block.
Since you can't use both msg_id and msg_str you would need to use sp_addmessage to add the error to the sys.messages catalog first then use msg_id instead of msg_string.
From the linked article:
msg_id Is a user-defined error message number stored in the sys.messages catalog view using sp_addmessage. Error numbers for user-defined error messages should be greater than 50000. When msg_id is not specified, RAISERROR raises an error message with an error number of 50000.

SSIS Logging of OnVariableValueChanged with variable value

I am trying to log all changes in variable values in a SSIS generated with BIML.
I managed to create an event handler that writes everytime a variable changes its value.
When I log I use a parameter whose value I set to "System.VariableValue". I pass this parameter (togheter with variableName and PackageName) to a StoredProc and i write in a log table.
My problem is that often (but NOT always) it seems the parameter does not has any value. I see a new line in the DB Log table so this means the evnt is correctly raised and handled BUT it seems the parameter is empty.
The strangest thing is that sometimes values are logged correctly but not always, not for the same variables, not for the same packages, rather, in a quite random fashion.
Could it be a problem the fact that several variables could change value almost at the same time (some contention on the DB) ? I doubt it, because the row itself gets written on the DB. I even tried to write, as a value, something like 'New value = ' + ? that is, appending the parameter value to a fixed string. The fixed part gets written correctly but.. no value.
The name of the variable that changed value is always written correctly.
Any idea what this could be due to?
As a workaround I tried to use the ready-made logging facility of SSIS but in this case in the message column of the SYSSSISLOG table i can just read the name of the variable that changed, not its new value.
You could use Event Handler to do that. Go to the Variables page, go to Variable Grid Options, check Raise event when variable value changes, and there should be one more option appear for those variables, which is Raise Change Event, default to False, change to True for those variables that you need to track the changes (log). And put a logging task into Event handler
the new line could be the value of parameter has been reset, and that value, most likely equal to blank or whitespace, but still, that is recognized as value change.
if you are not very sure when that happened, you could set a Breakpoint to certain task and add watch window to see how the value change or whether the value will hit blank in the middle of your process

debugging JavaScript runtime syntax errors

Short: I am looking for a way to get the text of the script that was evaluated and caused a syntax error from within the context of window.onerror.
The full scenario includes a phone gap application and the PushNotifications plugins.
When a push message is sent to the device a javascript error is caught using window.onerror.
with the text "SyntaxtError: Expected token '}'"
the reported line number is 1 (is it is usually when dealing with EVALuated code.
The way the plugin executs its code is by using:
NSString * jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#(%#);", self.callback, jsonStr];
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack];
I belive but not 100% sure that this is the code PhoneGap Build are pushing
more code can be seen in here
the self.callback is a string passed by me to the plugin and jsonStr is (supposed to be) an object describing the push message.
when I tried to pass as the parameter that ends up being self.callback the string alert('a');// then I did get the alert and no syntax error. ad now I am trying to understand what does jsonStr gets evaluated to so that maybe I can find a way around it or figure out if its my fault somehow (maybe for the content I am sending in the push notification....)
I also tried to look at the last item of the $('script') collection of the document hopeing that maybe stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString generates a new script block but that does not seem to be the case.
further more in the window.onerror I also tried to get the caller
using var c=window.onerror.caller||window.onerror.arguments.caller; but this returns undefined.
As I stated before - I am looking for ideas on how to determine what exactly is causing the syntax error possibly by getting a hold of the entire block of script being evaluated when the syntax error happened.