Apache SSL server not starting, "Address already in use"? - apache

I have installed Apache 2.0.58 together with PHP 5.1.4. When I start the server using ./apachectl start, I manage to get the server running to serve HTTP as well as PHP pages, but when I try to start SSL for HTTPS using ./apachectl startssl, I get the error below:
(125)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:54912
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
When I run netstat -an | grep 54912 I don't see that port 54912 is being used at all. For reference, I hosted my HTTPS page on port 54912, and while in "httpd.conf" it already has the Listen 54912 directive, I also changed the file "ssl.conf" to Listen 54912 from the default Listen 443for https.
Any idea how I can get my server to run and serve HTTPS?

It's probably because apachectl startssl was deprecated in version 2.0 (and was removed in has version 2.2)
It's likely that apache start has already started the SSL virtual hosts, in particular if these virtual hosts (or other SSL-related options) haven't been defined in a <IfDefine SSL> section (because in Apache 2.0, apachectl startssl is equivalent to apachectl -k start -DSSL): they would be part of the main configuration.

Got the server running! :)
As mentioned by #EJP, the problem is because there are 2 Listen 54912 inside config. So by changing the file httpd.conf to Listen 14912 and retaining the file ssl.conf to Listen 54912, I can now run apachectl startssl and after entering the password, the server is up and running!
Special thanks to Tim Yencken for the help. (Dunno if he's here or not).


Apache not starting alongside Nginx

Have a development server with 2 static ips. Apache runs on one, Nginx on the other. Everything seems fine except after reboot. Nginx starts Apache doesn't. Can someone please tell me where to look outside log files for what the issue could be...or tell me the process on how to make this work..
Thanks in advance...
Rebuilt the server using only Apache. When binding it to a single ip to one interface it still does not start after boot. When I unbind it, it boots fine. Doesn't seem to be a conflict with Nginx on the other ip, seems to do with the binding of Apache itself...still perplexed...
I went to sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Changed Listen 80 to Listen 8080 and I was able to restart apache2 after that with the following command:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
It's probably because default port for both nginx and apache is 80. So for example when nginx starts, the port will be in use, and apache can't access to that port.
in ypur httpd.conf of apache, find the line that says Listen 80 and change that port to whatever you want. then restart apache.
If this is not the issue, then report results of these commands in your post plz:
$ systemctl status httpd // or apache2 instead of httpd
$ systemctl status nginx
$ jourcanctl -xe

Starting web server apache2 failed

I have a Virtual Server. Till yesterday everything works fine on it.
Today my Hostcompany restarted my server to config something on I/O.
When I trying to get to my address I get
Welcome to nginx!
If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.
For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org.
Commercial support is available at nginx.com.
Thank you for using nginx.
I tried to sudo service apache2 start and get these Error Message:
* Starting web server apache2
(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
* The apache2 instance did not start within 20 seconds. Please read the log files to discover problems
Does someone know how I can fix this problem?
Stop Nginx service nginx stop
Restart Apache service apache2 restart
You have another webserver that's running on the host (probably as part of the startup during the restart) You need to shut that off first.
You can run netstat -tulpn | grep :80 and that'll tell you what that process is
The problem is this, Nginx (another web server engine) it's using your port 80 so apache it's unable to start, a fast fix it turn of nginx and then restart apache.
You can do it with service nginx stop and service apache2 restart if you are using Ubuntu or Debian based release, if you are using an RHEL distro then use service nginx stop and service httpd restart
Here is my solution
first: sudo update-rc.d -f nginx remove
than: sudo rm /etc/init.d/nginx
after restarting VM almost everything works fine. Some strange thing is almost there.
When I goto www.myfoobarwebpage.com now apache is working and it's all ok!
When I goto myfoobarwebpage.com (without www.) I get "Welcome to nginx! ..."
Try this. My Apache config has 2 extra lines by mistake.
"Include conf/extra/httpd-8080.conf"
"Include conf/extra/httpd-8080.conf"
Therefore, it was saying address already in use because it already loaded the Virtual host once and was trying again.
Solution was to delete this extra line and have only one include.

apache service not started xampp

I am using Apache 2.2.17 with XAMPP Control Version 2.5 but and apache is using port 8080 but when I start apache service it shows:
ERROR : Apache service not started [-1]
and to see the port is used by any other program i did
netstat -a -n -o
from where i got PID 2952 is using that port which is java.exe as I need that to run my program.
I had changed port in the apache/conf/httpd.conf file as
#Listen [::]:87
Listen 87
and ServerName localhost:87 and restarted my pc but the port was not changed .Please help to get access to localhost/phpmyadmin
Take care of a few things.
Firstly, close Xampp completely before editing the httpd.conf file. Xampp tends to run Apache and other stuffs in the background even after you quit it. To check if it's closed completely, use the Task Manager.
Secondly, try any other Port number. To check which ports are unused, open command prompt and type netstat -an. You can view the list of ports that are open.

httpd running internally but not externally

I have a new server running CentOS, and it has httpd running on
I can connect to my server through ssh on, but when I go to in my browser, it says "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to".
I also tried wget to see if that works, and here is where it gets interesting.
when I run:
On my server it gets the index.html file as it should.
but when I run it on my laptop is says "Connecting to failed: No route to host."
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Seems like your Apache configuration binds httpd to
Find line Listen in Apache main configuration - something like /etc/httpd/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and change this line to Listen
Restart Apache and it will probably work.

ssl_error_rx_record_too_long and Apache SSL [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've got a customer trying to access one of my sites, and they keep getting this error > ssl_error_rx_record_too_long
They're getting this error on all browsers, all platforms. I can't reproduce the problem at all.
My server and myself are located in the USA, the customer is located in India.
I googled on the problem, and the main source seems to be that the SSL port is speaking in HTTP. I checked my server, and this is not happening. I tried the solution mentioned here, but the customer has stated it did not fix the issue.
Can anyone tell me how I can fix this, or how I can reproduce this???
Turns out the customer had a misconfigured local proxy!
The link mentioned by Subimage was right on the money for me. It suggested changing the virtual host tag, ie, from <VirtualHost myserver.example.com:443> to <VirtualHost _default_:443>
Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long
This usually means the implementation of SSL on your server is not correct. The error is usually caused by a server side problem which the server administrator will need to investigate.
Below are some things we recommend trying.
Ensure that port 443 is open and enabled on your server. This is the standard port for https communications.
If SSL is using a non-standard port then FireFox 3 can sometimes give this error. Ensure SSL is running on port 443.
If using Apache2 check that you are using port 443 for SSL. This can be done by setting the ports.conf file as follows
Listen 80
Listen 443 https
Make sure you do not have more than one SSL certificate sharing the same IP. Please ensure that all SSL certificates utilise their own dedicated IP.
If using Apache2 check your vhost config. Some users have reported changing <VirtualHost> to _default_ resolved the error.
That fixed my problem. It's rare that I google an error message and get the first hit with the right answer! :-)
In addition to the above, these are some other solutions that other folks have found were causing the issue:
Make sure that your SSL certificate is not expired
Try to specify the Cipher:
The solution for me was that default-ssl was not enabled in apache 2.... just putting SSLEngine On
I had to execute a2ensite default-ssl and everything worked.
In my case I had to change the <VirtualHost *> back to <VirtualHost *:80> (which is the default on Ubuntu). Otherwise, the port 443 wasn't using SSL and was sending plain HTML back to the browser.
You can check whether this is your case quite easily: just connect to your server http://www.example.com:443. If you see plain HTML, your Apache is not using SSL on port 443 at all, most probably due to a VirtualHost misconfiguration.
In my case I had forgot to set SSLEngine On in the configuration. Like so,
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLEngine On
If you have the error after setup a new https vhost and the config seems to be right, remember to link in sites-enabled too.
Old question, but first result in Google for me, so here's what I had to do.
Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop with Apache installed
All the configuration and mod_ssl was installed when I installed Apache, but it just wasn't linked in the right spots yet. Note: all paths below are relative to /etc/apache2/
mod_ssl is stored in ./mods-available, and the SSL site configuration is in ./sites-available, you just have to link these to their correct places in ./mods-enabled and ./sites-enabled
cd /etc/apache2
cd ./mods-enabled
sudo ln -s ../mods-available/ssl.* ./
cd ../sites-enabled
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/default-ssl ./
Restart Apache and it should work. I was trying to access https://localhost, so your results may vary for external access, but this worked for me.
Ask the user for the exact URL they're using in their browser. If they're entering https://your.site:80, they may receive the ssl_error_rx_record_too_long error.
In my case, I had the wrong IP Address in the virtual host file. The listen was 443, and the stanza was <VirtualHost> but the server did not have the address!
My problem was due to a LOW MTU over a VPN connection.
netsh interface ipv4 show inter
Idx Met MTU State Name
--- --- ----- ----------- -------------------
1 4275 4294967295 connected Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
10 4250 **1300** connected Wireless Network Connection
31 25 1400 connected Remote Access to XYZ Network
netsh interface ipv4 set interface "Wireless Network Connection" mtu=1400
It may be an issue over a non-VPN connection also...
You might also try fixing the hosts file.
Keep the vhost file with the fully qualified domain and add the hostname in the hosts file /etc/hosts (debian)
ip.ip.ip.ip name name.domain.com
After restarting apache2, the error should be gone.
Please see this link.
I looked in all my apache log files until I found the actual error (I had changed the <VirtualHost> from _default_ to my fqdn). When I fixed this error, everything worked fine.
I had a messed up virtual host config. Remember you need one virtual host without SSL for port 80, and another one with SSL for port 443. You cannot have both in one virtual host, as the webmin-generated config tried to do.
In my case the problem was that https was unable to start correctly because Listen 443 was in "IfDefine SSL" derective, but my apache didnt start with -DSSL option. The fix was to change my apachectl script in:
Hope that helps somebody.
I had the same problem in some browser to access to my SSL site.
I have found that I had to give to fireFox the right proxy (FireFox was accessing directly to internet).
Depending of the lan configuration (Tunneling, filtering, proxy redirection), the "direct access to internet" mode for FireFox throws this error.
For me the solution was that my ddclient was not cronning properly...