VB.net Split string intro multiple variables - vb.net

For a school project we need to make a BoardGame, Now I have made a list of location for the NPC.
These locations are stored in a txt file named player2.txt, as followed http://pastebin.com/ZhbSvjSt
Im using the following the code to read them from the file.
Dim TurnP2 As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(".\player2.txt")(Turn)
Dim source As String = TurnP2
Dim result() As String = Split(source, ",")
But now I'm stuck, I have no clue how to splits these 3 numbers into variable.
For example Take the first row 1,1,5
I need it to place these numbers in the following variables:
CoX = 1
CoY = 1
CoZ = 5
Can anyone help me further?
Also sorry for using pastebin, but I got a strange error while trying to post.
Regards Jurre

I would create a Class:
Private Class Coords
Public coordX As Integer
Public coordY As Integer
Public coordz As Integer
End Class
And then I would fill a list:
Dim source As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(".\player2.txt")
Dim ListCoords = New List(Of Coords)
For Each Val As String In source
Dim s As String() = Val.Split(",")
ListCoords.Add(New Coords With {.coordX = s(0).ToString, _
.coordY = s(1).ToString, _
.coordz = s(2).ToString})
You will have a list of loaded coordinates:

You have multiple lines, so are CoX,CoY,CoZ arrays?
You can use a loop to initialize them. Presuming always valid data:
Dim TurnP2 As String() = IO.File.ReadAllLines(".\player2.txt")
Dim CosX(TurnP2.Length - 1) As Int32
Dim CosY(TurnP2.Length - 1) As Int32
Dim CosZ(TurnP2.Length - 1) As Int32
For i As Int32 = 0 To TurnP2.Length - 1
Dim values = TurnP2(i).Split(","c)
CosX(i) = Int32.Parse(values(0))
CosY(i) = Int32.Parse(values(1))
CosZ(i) = Int32.Parse(values(2))


(VB.NET) Find all duplicates in a list of objects based on multiple properties

I have a list of CommissionStatement objects which i created. I need to create a new list which only holds the duplicates found in this list based on 3 properties: Firm; Provider; and Total (ie each of these 3 have to be the same in 2 or more objects for it to be recognized as a duplicate)
Object is a simple object of strings at the moment.
Private Class CommissionStatement
Property Provider As String
Property Firm As String
Property Source As String
Property Media As String
Property Total As String
Property Received As String
End Class
I have a list of all CommissionStatments as follows:
Dim fileLocation As String = importText.Text
Dim csvText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(fileLocation).Replace(", ", " ")
Dim providerString As String = ""
Dim allStatements = New List(Of CommissionStatement)
Dim countIndex As Integer = 0, maxIndex As Integer = csvText.Split(vbLf).Length
For Each line As String In csvText.Split(vbLf)
'' Remove the top row
countIndex += 1
If countIndex = 1 Then
Continue For
End If
statementProgress.Value = ((countIndex / maxIndex) * 100)
'' Build the New commissionStatement object and add it to the allStatements list
If Not line = "" Then
Dim commissionStatement = New CommissionStatement
With commissionStatement
.Provider = line.Split(",")(0)
.Firm = line.Split(",")(1)
.Source = line.Split(",")(2)
.Media = line.Split(",")(3)
.Total = line.Split(",")(4)
End With
providerString &= commissionStatement.Provider & ","
End If
First post on StackOverflow so sorry if its not very clear! The duplicate list needs to also be a list of CommissionStatements which contain the duplicates from the allStatements list based on Firm Provider and Total
Your best bet is to use a lambda expression. The function below should do what you ask.
Private Function GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(tempStatement As CommissionStatement) As List(Of CommissionStatement)
Return allStatements.FindAll(Function(x) x.Firm = tempStatement.Firm And x.Provider = tempStatement.Provider And x.Total = tempStatement.Total)
End Function
And use it like this..
duplicatelist = GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(testCommisionStatement)
using your own object names of course.
Incidentally, you could shorten the sub using the With statement like below
Private Function GetDuplicateCommisionStatements(tempStatement As CommissionStatement) As List(Of CommissionStatement)
With tempStatement
Return allStatements.FindAll(Function(x) x.Firm = .Firm And x.Provider = .Provider And x.Total = .Total)
End With
End Function

Getting data from dataset

I have got a problem, I have got a filled dataset, but now i need to get a Column value from it and store it into a variable. On Button 2 click i fill it with this:
tbaGridview.Fill(BlGridview1.vwBLcontainerCargo, Bookingnumber)
Now i want to get the data from it that is inside. I have got a for loop:
For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.DataRowCount - 1
Dim OriginSealNumber As String = BlGridview1.vwBLcontainerCargo.Tables("SEALNUMBER").Rows(i).Item(0)
Next i
But it says Tables is not a member of windowsapplication1.blgridView.vwBLContainerCargoDataTable. How do i get the data for each column??
To reference the GridView's table use this sintax:
But I recommend that you use a BindingSource object and iterate through it.
I fixed it myself by using this:
For i As Integer = 0 To GridView1.DataRowCount - 1
Dim OriginSealNumber As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("SEALNUMBER").ToString()
Dim OriginContainerNumber As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("CONTAINERNUMBER").ToString()
Dim OriginContainerType As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("CONTAINERTYPE").ToString()
Dim OriginQuantity As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("QUANTITY").ToString()
Dim OriginPackageType As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PACKAGETYPE").ToString()
Dim OriginDescription As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("DESCRIPTION").ToString()
Dim OriginWeight As String = BlGridview1.Tables(0).Rows(i)("WEIGHT").ToString()
Next i

Generating an array of random strings

I'm trying to build a static array of randomly generated strings of a specific length. I've based what I have so far from here, but each index in the array has the same string, instead of a different strings. What am I doing wrong?
Dim Target As String
Target = InputBox("Input target string")
Dim StringArray(10) As String
For i = 1 To 10
StringArray(i) = GenerateString(Len(Target))
Function GenerateString(size As Integer) As String
Dim Rnd As New Random()
Dim Builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim Ch As Char
For i As Integer = 0 To size - 1
Ch = LegalCharacters(Rnd.Next(0, LegalCharacters.Length))
Return Builder.ToString()
End Function
This: Dim Rnd As New Random() is where the error happens.
When you instantiate a new Random(), it takes the current time as seed. Since you instantiate it again in every iteration AND all the iteration steps happen at the "same" time (in very fast succession), each Random() generates the same output.
You have to instantiate it once before the iterator and pass it in the function as argument or you could also make it a static property of the class.
TL;DR: You will have to re-use the same Random() instead of creating a new one for each iteration.
This should be the correct code:
Dim Target As String
Target = InputBox("Input target string")
Dim StringArray(10) As String
Dim Rnd As New Random()
For i = 1 To 10
StringArray(i) = GenerateString(Len(Target), Rnd)
Function GenerateString(size As Integer, Rnd as Random) As String
Dim Builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim Ch As Char
For i As Integer = 0 To size - 1
Ch = LegalCharacters(Rnd.Next(0, LegalCharacters.Length))
Return Builder.ToString()
End Function

Splitting file into parts for dictionary use

I have an uploaded file, displaying
Han 33.3
Han 5.66
Han 8.3
Chewbacca 99.4
Chewbacca 100.3
Chewbacca 98.1
I need to make an average for each han and Chewbacca using a dictionary, but first I have to split the list in order to do that. How do I split them for this purpose.
I'm making the assumption that the whitespace between the name and quantity is a single space. I'm also calling your values "scores" and Han and Chewbacca "players" for my example solution. The result splits the line into individual key-value pairs; each key represents the list of values found; it:
Imports System.IO
Dim pathToYourFile As String = "Path to your file with file name"
Dim f As StreamReader = File.OpenText(pathToYourFile)
Dim fileText As String = f.ReadToEnd
Dim singleSpace As String = " " 'single space between quotes
Dim playerScores As New SortedDictionary(Of String, List(Of Double))
Dim lines() As String = fileText.Split(vbCrLf.ToCharArray())
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Length - 1
Dim scoreLine() As String = lines(i).Split(" ".ToCharArray())
Dim playerName As String = scoreLine(0)
Dim score As Double = Double.Parse(scoreLine(1))
If playerScores.ContainsKey(playerName) Then
Dim list As New List(Of Double)
playerScores.Add(playerName, list)
End If
Next i
Try this:
Public Class DataClass
Public Property Name() As String
Public Property Value() As Decimal
End Class
' ...
Public Shared Function GetAverageDict(lines As IEnumerable(Of String)) _
As Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
Dim lst As New List(Of DataClass)()
For Each line As String In lines
Dim lastSpaceIndex = line.LastIndexOf(" ")
If (lastSpaceIndex >= 0) Then
Dim name = line.Substring(0, lastSpaceIndex).Trim()
Dim value = Decimal.Parse(line.Substring(lastSpaceIndex + 1), _
lst.Add(New DataClass() With { .Name = name, .Value = value })
End If
Dim averages = From g In From x In lst _
Group x By key = x.Name _
Select New With { .Name = key, _
.Average = Group.Average(Function(y) y.Value) }
Return averages.ToDictionary(Function(x) x.Name, Function(y) y.Average)
End Function
The function first gets the parts from each line. It assumes that the last space is the separator between the parts. This way, the name can also contain space characters.
The data is collected in a list that is afterwards grouped by the name. By calling ToDictionary the result of the grouping operation is converted in a dictionary.
Call the function like this:
Dim dict = GetAverageDict(System.IO.File.GetLines(filePath))

how to get the fix substring from dynamic string content?

I am developing VB.NET windows app. in VS 2010.
I want to get the substring
from the below string .
The position of current string ($CostCenterId|4^10) in the sequence may be change.
but it will always between the two $ sign.
I have written the below code, but confused abt what to write next ?
Public Sub GetSubstringData()
dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
End Sub
Have a look into the Split function of a string. This allows you to split a string into substrings based on a specified delimiting character.
You can then do this:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Debug.WriteLine("$" + sfullString.Split("$"c)(3))
Result: $CostCenterId|4^10
You will probably want to do some error checking to make sure the string actually contains the data you expect though.
However looking at the data, what you have is a string containing key-value pairs so you would be better to have a property to hold the CostCenterId and extract the data like this:
Public Property CostCenterId As String
Public Sub Decode(ByVal code As String)
For Each pair As String In code.Split("$"c)
If pair.Length > 0 AndAlso pair.Contains("|") Then
Dim key As String = pair.Split("|"c)(0)
Dim value As String = pair.Split("|"c)(1)
Select Case key
Case "CostCenterId"
Me.CostCenterId = value
End Select
End If
End Sub
Then call it like this:
Decode("PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$")
Why not split() the string by $ into an array, and then look for the element which contains CostCenterId
This should work:
Dim token = "$CostCenterId"
Dim costIndexStart As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf(token)
Dim costIndexEnd As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf("$", costIndexStart + token.Length)
Dim cost As String = sfullString.Substring(costIndexStart, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart + 1)
Result: "$CostCenterId|4^10$"
If you want to omit the dollar-signs:
Substring(costIndexStart + 1, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart - 1)
Try something like this:
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
auxNum = sDiscription.IndexOf("$"c, CostIndex) - CostIndex
sResult = sDiscription.SubString(CostIndex, auxNum)
Your string,
Dim xString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Substring process,
xString = xString.Substring(xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"), xString.IndexOf("$", xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter") + 1) - xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"))
Try this Code:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian" _
& "Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Dim sp() As String = {"$"}
Dim ar() As String = sfullString.Split(sp, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
MsgBox("$" & ar(0))