VBA - Folder Picker - set where to start [duplicate] - vba

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Get File Path (ends with folder)
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a small Access VBA application that requires users to select a folder. I was wondering if there is a way to tell VBA the path at which to start the folder picker. i.e. start the folder picker at C:\data\forms. Currently it seems to be starting from the directory that was previously used. Also is there a way to limit what the folder picker can access. So it can access anything within C:\data but not anything else in C:

I have been using the following code (Not My Code) successfully for many years.
Sub Sample()
Dim Ret
'~~> Specify your start folder here
Ret = BrowseForFolder("C:\")
End Sub
Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
'Function purpose: To Browser for a user selected folder.
'If the "OpenAt" path is provided, open the browser at that directory
'NOTE: If invalid, it will open at the Desktop level
Dim ShellApp As Object
'Create a file browser window at the default folder
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
'Set the folder to that selected. (On error in case cancelled)
On Error Resume Next
BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0
'Destroy the Shell Application
Set ShellApp = Nothing
'Check for invalid or non-entries and send to the Invalid error
'handler if found
'Valid selections can begin L: (where L is a letter) or
'\\ (as in \\servername\sharename. All others are invalid
Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
Case Is = ":"
If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Is = "\"
If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Else
GoTo Invalid
End Select
Exit Function
'If it was determined that the selection was invalid, set to False
BrowseForFolder = False
End Function

Here is a quick and dirty method I use all the time. The function below will only get the user to select the folder they want to start at - I think the simplest way to limit access to a given path is to perhaps check GetFolderName below against the path(s) you want to restrict e.g.
If GetFolderName = "C:\" then
MsgBox("This folder is not for you buddy")
Exit Sub
end if
Also not my code :)
Public Function GetFolderName(Optional OpenAt As String) As String
Dim lCount As Long
GetFolderName = vbNullString
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.InitialFileName = OpenAt
For lCount = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
GetFolderName = .SelectedItems(lCount)
Next lCount
End With
End Function

If you do not need to restrict the folder-view to your user, then I would suggest using the FileDialog method (the interface is more intuitive then what invoking the shell gives you). For additional details, you can read more on CPearson's site. He has a lengthy article on browsing for folders using VBA (mulitple ways; the FileDialog option is at the very end):
Function BrowseFolder(Title As String, _
Optional InitialFolder As String = vbNullString, _
Optional InitialView As Office.MsoFileDialogView = _
msoFileDialogViewList) As String
Dim V As Variant
Dim InitFolder As String
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.Title = Title
.InitialView = InitialView
If Len(InitialFolder) > 0 Then
If Dir(InitialFolder, vbDirectory) <> vbNullString Then
InitFolder = InitialFolder
If Right(InitFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
InitFolder = InitFolder & "\"
End If
.InitialFileName = InitFolder
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next
V = .SelectedItems(1)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
V = vbNullString
End If
End With
BrowseFolder = CStr(V)
End Function
This function takes two parameters. The first, Title is a string specifying the title to be displayed with the file dialog. The second InitialFolder, which is optional, specifies the initial folder to which the dialog should open. The third parameter, also optional, InitialView specifies the view type. See MsoFileDialogView in the Object Browser for the valid values of this parameter. The function returns the fully-qualified folder name selected by the user or an empty string if the user cancelled the dialog.

Here is a much simpler way. This code snippet lets user pick a folder and then prints that folder address to the screen:
Sub PrintSelectedFolder()
Dim selectedFolder
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
selectedFolder = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
'print to screen the address of folder selected
MsgBox (selectedFolder)
End Sub

For mac users:
Sub Select_Folder_On_Mac()
Dim folderPath As String
Dim RootFolder As String
On Error Resume Next
RootFolder = MacScript("return (path to desktop folder) as String")
'Or use RootFolder = "Macintosh HD:Users:YourUserName:Desktop:TestMap:"
folderPath = MacScript("(choose folder with prompt ""Select the folder""" & _
"default location alias """ & RootFolder & """) as string")
On Error GoTo 0
If folderPath <> "" Then
MsgBox folderPath
End If
End Sub
Stolen from http://www.rondebruin.nl/mac/mac017.htm ;)


Outlook deleting attachments

I was trying to get a macro to save attachments from multiple emails in Outlook all at once. I have only tinkered around in Word VBA with successful outcomes and this clearly was too much for a noob like myself.
I tried searching for an already-done macro and I found one on this page (Save attachments to a folder and rename them) and I copied the macro from the most useful answer into my Outlook VBA. Foolish me ran the macro on pretty much all the emails I wanted to do it on, and now the attachments are no longer there instead showing the message:
for every file.
However, that folder does not exist, the link is broken and I cannot seem to manually find the equivalent folder. My question is, are the files stored somewhere in my computer? If so, how can I retrieve them? I have tried looking for them using their file name (which is pretty specific) but to no avail. These files are an automatic PDF generated from a scanner and so to get the files back I need to scan the documents again which takes some time, hence why I am keen on getting the attachment files back. Any answer on what the macro might have done with the files is very much welcome. Worst case scenario, I will have to spend another 90 minutes scanning the docs back.
While not an answer to recovering your files (although you can check the OLK folder as per comments), you may want a better functioning VBA script for saving future attachments; so the following is code to save (and safely remove if desired) attachments from selected e-mails.
Duplicated filenames will not be saved or removed from e-mails unless set to do so.
Update the FilePath to where you would like to save the files
Public Sub SaveAttachmentsFromSelectedEmails()
Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim olSelection As Outlook.Selection: Set olSelection = ActiveExplorer.Selection
Dim FilePath As String: FilePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Documents\Attachments"
If Dir(FilePath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
Debug.Print "Save folder does not exist"
Exit Sub
End If
For Each olItem In olSelection
SaveAttachments olItem, FilePath, RemoveAttachments:=False
Next olItem
End Sub
Function SaveAttachments(ByVal Item As Object, FilePath As String, _
Optional FileExtensions As String = "*", _
Optional Delimiter As String = ",", _
Optional RemoveAttachments As Boolean = False, _
Optional OverwriteFiles As Boolean = False) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ExitFunction
Dim i As Long, j As Long, FileName As String, Flag As Boolean
Dim Extensions() As String: Extensions = Split(FileExtensions, Delimiter)
If Right(FilePath, 1) <> "\" Then FilePath = FilePath & "\"
For j = LBound(Extensions) To UBound(Extensions)
With Item.Attachments
If .Count > 0 Then
For i = .Count To 1 Step -1
FileName = FilePath & .Item(i).FileName
Flag = IIf(LCase(Right(FileName, Len(Extensions(j)))) = LCase(Extensions(j)), True, False)
Flag = IIf(FileExtensions = "*" Or Flag = True, True, False)
If Flag = True Then
If Dir(FileName) = "" Or OverwriteFiles = True Then
.Item(i).SaveAsFile FileName
Debug.Print FileName & " already exists"
Flag = False
End If
End If
If RemoveAttachments = True And Dir(FileName) <> "" And Flag = True Then .Item(i).Delete
Next i
End If
End With
Next j
SaveAttachments = True
End Function

How do I set the browsing folder path to the most recently used directory upon starting the macro?

I'd like to have a way to retrieve the most recent directory for which I saved my email attachments to. I'm continually saving attachments and it's a pain to scroll through all my directories on the browse folder dialog and I'd like to just have it open to the most recent directory I saved to prior.
Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
Dim ShellApp As Object
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
On Error Resume Next
BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0
Set ShellApp = Nothing
Select Case Mid(BrowseForFolder, 2, 1)
Case Is = ":"
If Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = ":" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Is = "\"
If Not Left(BrowseForFolder, 1) = "\" Then GoTo Invalid
Case Else
GoTo Invalid
End Select
Exit Function
BrowseForFolder = False
End Function
I'd like to be able to click on the macro and have the browse dialog point to the most recent directory used.
You need to use the Shell.Explore method to open a specified folder in a Windows Explorer window. The parameter can be a string that specifies the path of the folder or one of the ShellSpecialFolderConstants values.

End If in Access VBA giving me fits

I keep getting an error in this code saying "End If without Block If". I've looked at it and can't see the problem, printed it out and connected all the If statements to their joining End If, and everything looks right.
Is something else throwing e off, like that With/End With block?
Private Sub cmd__Import_Eligibility_Click()
' Requires reference to Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library.
Dim fDialog As FileDialog
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim filelen As Integer
Dim filename As String
Dim tblname As String
' Set up the File Dialog.
Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
fDialog.InitialFileName = "oo*.*"
With fDialog
' Set the title of the dialog box.
.Title = "Please select a file"
' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
.Filters.Add "Excel Spreadsheets", "*.xls*"
.Filters.Add "Comma Separated", "*.CSV"
.Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"
' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
' False, the user clicked Cancel.
If .Show = True Then
'Loop through each file selected and add it to our list box.
varFile = fDialog.SelectedItems(1)
If Right(varFile, 4) = ".xls" Or Right(varFile, 5) = ".xlsx" Then
'get only file name
For a = Len(varFile) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(varFile, 1) = "\" Then
filelen = a
End If
Exit For
filename = Right(varFile, filelen)
tblname = Left(filename, InStr(filename, ".") - 1)
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, tblname, filename, True
End If 'ERRORS OUT ON THIS LINE ==========================
MsgBox "You clicked Cancel in the file dialog box."
End If
End With
End Sub
As Scott posted as a comment, your For...Next loop construct is malformed:
For a = Len(varFile) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(varFile, 1) = "\" Then
filelen = a
End If
Exit For
There's no such thing as a For...Exit For loop. You mean to do this:
For a = Len(varFile) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(varFile, 1) = "\" Then
filelen = a
Exit For
End If
Otherwise the compiler is seeing [roughly] this:
If [bool-expression] Then
For [for-loop-setup]
If [bool-expression] Then
End If
Exit For
End If '<~ expecting "Next" before that "End If" token.
Running an auto-indenter would have made this problem obvious, I think. I happen to manage an open-source project that ported the popular Smart Indenter VBE add-in to .NET, so that it can run in 64-bit environments. See rubberduckvba.com for all the features.

VBA script that maps https to \\ paths for downloads

I wrote a script to download files using VBA. The VBA script has to download items that start with https://collaboration.company.corp/collrooms/specificfolder or with \collaboration.company.corp#SSL\DavWWWRoot\collrooms\specificfolder
The specific folders are the same.
If I allow the script to select the specific mapping, it will only recognize it if I use the definition \collaboration.company.corp#SSL\DavWWWRoot\collrooms\specificfolder
How can I create a mapping in VBA to tell Excel that https://collaboration.company.corp/collrooms/specificfolder and \collaboration.company.corp#SSL\DavWWWRoot\collrooms\specificfolder is the same and that the first specification is also valid?
My code:
Option Explicit
Sub FolderSelection()
'Shows the folder picker dialog in order the user to select the folder
'in which the downloaded files will be saved.
Dim FoldersPath As String
'Show the folder picker dialog.
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.Title = "Select a folder to save your files..."
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
Sheets("Main").Range("B4") = "-"
MsgBox "You did't select a folder!", vbExclamation, "Canceled"
Exit Sub
FoldersPath = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
'Pass the folder's path to the cell. HERE I AM MISSING THE MAPPING. It will show files starting with https if selected and not transfer it to the other structure.
Sheets("Main").Range("B4") = FoldersPath
End Sub
Sub Clear()
'Clears the URLs, the result column and the folder's path.
Dim LastRow As Long
'Find the last row.
With Sheets("Main")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
End With
'Clear the ranges.
If LastRow > 7 Then
With Sheets("Main")
.Range("C8:D" & LastRow).ClearContents
End With
End If
End Sub
and the other part of the download macro is
'Check if the folder exists. I did not check whether it will also download with the https structure?
DownloadFolder = sh.Range("B4")
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(DownloadFolder, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "The path is incorrect!", vbCritical, "Folder's Path Error"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
I tried with a script that I found on Stackoverflow but it does not work
I created an additional module:
Sub test()
Dim dm As New DriveMapper
Dim sharepointFolder As Scripting.Folder
Set sharepointFolder = dm.MapDrive("https://collaboration.company.corp/collrooms/")
' unsure whether I have to add something here and whether this will work with https
Debug.Print sharepointFolder.Path
End Sub
and added the following WebDAV mapping as a new CLASS
Option Explicit
Private oMappedDrive As Scripting.Drive
Private oFSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Private oNetwork As New WshNetwork
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Public Function MapDrive(NetworkPath As String) As Scripting.Folder
Dim DriveLetter As String, i As Integer
For i = Asc("Z") To Asc("A") Step -1
DriveLetter = Chr(i)
If Not oFSO.DriveExists(DriveLetter) Then
oNetwork.MapNetworkDrive DriveLetter & ":", NetworkPath
Set oMappedDrive = oFSO.GetDrive(DriveLetter)
Set MapDrive = oMappedDrive.RootFolder
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Sub UnmapDrive()
If Not oMappedDrive Is Nothing Then
If oMappedDrive.IsReady Then
oNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive oMappedDrive.DriveLetter & ":"
End If
Set oMappedDrive = Nothing
End If
End Sub
The question is also whether removing the dispose method "Class_Terminate" which unmaps the drive would help? When the class goes out of scope then the drive get's unmapped. And how I could put it all together.

Excel vba to solve vba error by "if error, then" rule

First of all, thanks for all the answers I have gotten on my previous questions, you really helped me out. The excel has evolved and now I'm ready to open different excel sheets in the background and print out different sheets on different printers. However, I'm working on a network that changes it's settings (which appear to change randomly).
Sub Client_Overzetten()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open ("G:\Moe\WD\Planning&Control\Client.xlsm")
However, if my colleague would try to open this file, he will get an error, as the same document has a different link (due to access restrictions).
His link is
Is there a formula to go to another location the moment it hits an error? Something like:
Sub Kids_II_Overzetten()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open ("G:\Moe\WD\Planning&Control\Client.xlsm")
If error, then
Workbooks.Open ("G:\WD\Planning&Control\Client.xlsm")
I have the same problem with the serverports of the printer, these ports change randomly
ActivePrinter = "\\w8vvmprint01\Moecombi07 op Ne07:"
However, the next day it can be the same, or can be a different port
ActivePrinter = "\\w8vvmprint01\Moecombi07 op Ne03:"
With the solving of the problem of my first question, can I answer my second question as well (on error, go to the next line)?
Thanks in advance :)
For the network locations you'll need to use the UNC path which will not change rather than the mapped path which can change on different computers.
To find your UNC paths open a command prompt (Run - cmd.exe) and type in net use.
The resulting table will give the local and remote names of the drives- just replace your mapped (local) connection with the remote one.
For example,
may become
Edit - the server name can also be found on the file explorer - windows key + E to open.
It will appear in the folder name as Moe on 'MyServerName' (G:)
To only use the mapped locations you could try:
Sub Test()
Dim wrkBk As Workbook
Dim sFileLocation As String
sFileLocation = "S:\Bartrup-CookD_SomeLocation\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx"
Set wrkBk = Workbooks.Open(sFileLocation)
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 1004 'Microsoft Excel cannot access the file
sFileLocation = "S:\Bartrup-CookD\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbCr & _
" (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure Test."
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Select
End Sub
or ask the user to select the correct file:
Public Sub AskForFile()
Dim vFile As Variant
Dim wrkBk As Workbook
vFile = GetFile("S:\Bartrup-CookD\")
If vFile <> "" Then
Set wrkBk = Workbooks.Open(vFile)
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetFile(Optional startFolder As Variant = -1) As Variant
Dim fle As FileDialog
Dim vItem As Variant
Set fle = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fle
.Title = "Select a File"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Filters.Add "Excel Files", "*.xls*", 1
If startFolder = -1 Then
.InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath
If Right(startFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
.InitialFileName = startFolder & "\"
.InitialFileName = startFolder
End If
End If
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
vItem = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
GetFile = vItem
Set fle = Nothing
End Function