Converting a numeric value to date time - sql

I am working in SQL Server 2012. My date column in a data set looks like this: 41547. The column is in nvarchar (255). I want to convert it to something like this: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (Example: 2013-09-14 12:23:23.98933090). But I can not do this. I am using following code:
select convert(datetime, date_column, 6)
But this is giving following error:
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting
date and/or time from character string.
What am I doing wrong?

Your date is actually a numeric value (float or integer), stored in a char column. So, you need to convert it to a numerical value (in this case, to float) first, like:
select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,date_column))
A value of 41547.5 will result in:
`2013-10-02 12:00:00`
The style argument, in your case 6 is only necessary when converting from or to char-types. In this case it is not needed and will be ignored.
NB: The float value is the number of days since 1900-01-01.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,9.0)) => 1900-01-10 00:00:00; the same as select dateadd(day,9.0,'1900-01-01') would.
The decimal part of the number also equates to days; so 0.5 is half a day / 12 hours.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,.5)) => 1900-01-01 12:00:00. (Here our comparison to dateadd doesn't make sense, since that only deals with integers rather than floats).

There is an easier way to do it as well.
select convert(date,cast (date_Column+ 19000000 as nvarchar(10)))
as date_Column_Formated
from table_Name

I have just found the way to do this.
First I have to covert the nvarchar to int then I have to convert it to date time. I have used following code:
Select convert(datetime, (convert (int, [date_column])), 6) as 'convertedDateTime' from mytable

6 format is: "dd mon yy"
Like this: SELECT convert(datetime, '23 OCT 16', 6)
Other formats will cause your error



Error when converting varchar to date ddmmyyyy

I have a varchar column with the following format ddmmyyyy and I'm trying to convert it to date in the format dd-mm-yyyy. I'm using the query below but I get the error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
select *, coalesce(try_convert(date, newdate, 105), convert(date, newdate))
from mydate
You don't have a date, you have a string. So, you can use string operations:
select stuff(stuff(newdate, 5, 0, '-'), 3, 0, '-')
If you want to convert to a date, you can do:
select convert(date, concat(right(newdate, 4), substring(newdate, 3, 2), left(newdate, 2)))
You could then format this as you want.
However, you should not be converting the value to a date. You should be storing it as a date in the first place.
To turn your string to a date, you can just [try_]cast() it; SQL Server is usually flexible enough to figure out the format by itself:
try_cast(newdate as date)
If you want to turn it back to a string in the target format, then you can use format():
format(try_cast(newdate as date), 'dd-MM-yyyy')
Compared to pure string operations, the upside of the try_cast()/format() approach is that it validates that the string is a valid date in the process.
Have to agree with the others. Why are you storing a date as a string in the first place? In a non-standard format, no less? Here's one way, but you should really fix the data model. Store dates as dates.
DECLARE #badIdea table (dt char(8));
INSERT #badIdea(dt) VALUES('21052020');
SELECT newdate = TRY_CONVERT(date, RIGHT(dt,4) + SUBSTRING(dt,3,2) + LEFT(dt,2))
FROM #badIdea;
BTW 105 won't work because it requires dashes. This works:
SELECT CONVERT(date, '21-05-2020', 105);
That's a bad format too, IMHO, because who knows if 07-08-2020 is July 8th or August 7th. But at least that one is supported by SQL Server. Your current choice is not.
SQL doesn't store date data types in different formats, and it's probably not a good idea to try and adjust this.
If, however, you are wanting a result set to simply display the date in a different format, you are on the right track. You just need to convert your date data type to a string.
, COALESCE ( TRY_CONVERT ( CHAR(10), newdate, 105 ), CONVERT ( CHAR(10), newdate ) )
FROM mydate

Issue with conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type

I can't figure out why I'm getting:
'The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type
resulted in an out-of-range value'
error when these three dates '011318'; '011418'; '011518' are being converted into datetime using CONVERT(datetime, [Date]) as[Date], but there is no problem with '011018'; '011118'; and '011218'.
Any help would be appreciated!
Use a style code, and inject some hyphens into the value to create the MM-dd-yy format:
I think this does what you want:
select convert(date, '20' + right(date, 2) + left(date, 2) + substring(date, 3, 2))
This changes your string from MMDDYY to YYYYMMDD, which SQL Server readily converts to a date.
You get the error because if you convert the date '011318'; '011418'; '011518' they would be interpreted as 18.12.2001; 18.14.2001 and 18.15.2001. Default ist yymmdd and therefore it is out of range, becasue one year = 12 months

SQL server date convertion

I am trying to convert a varchar to date using the below code.
SELECT CAST('14/08/2018' as date) --This code does not work
SELECT CAST('09/08/2018' as date) --This code works
It appears that when the day part of the date gets to '13' that is where it starts breaking.Is there a logical explanation for this?
The error given is :
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 7670
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
You should decide your date component before conversation :
I would considered date with style dd/mm/yyyy :
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '14/08/2018', 103)
However, it seems SQL has set date mm/dd/yyyy.
If so, you can change it :
set dateformat dmy
The cause of your problem is that you have a mm/dd/yyyy format and the first value is the month. You will either need to swap the first and the second value. You can use convert for this purpose with option 101, which converts a mm/dd/yyyy to a mm/dd/yyyy:
select convert(DATE, '14/08/2018', 101);
This is the US standard and this converts your varchar to a DATE. Now, if you want to display this in a format of dd/mm/yyyy, then just do
select convert(varchar(10), convert(DATE, '14/08/2018', 101), 103);

Convert varchar containing various formats to DATETIME

I have a record_created column of type varchar containing multiple values formatted in two different ways throughout.
2017-04-17 16:55:53.3840460
Sep 18 2015 11:25PM
How can I convert this column into a DATETIME to be compared to GETDATE?
GETDATE() is SQL Server specific if so, then you can use try_convert() :
select cast(try_convert(datetime2, col) as datetime)
from table t
where try_convert(datetime2, col) is not null;
However, if the string date is exactly the same format which you have provide then you can simply do casting :
select cast(cast(col as datetime2) as datetime)
from table t;
If you are using SQL Server, then you may be able to use the CONVERT function here:
CONVERT(datetime, LEFT('2017-04-17 16:55:53.3840460', 23), 121) AS date1,
CONVERT(datetime, 'Sep 18 2015 11:25PM', 100) AS date2;
Your first type of timestamp seems to work with mask 121, and the second one works with mask 100. The demo link below shows that the conversions are working.


I have VARCHAR column (MyValue) in my table. It has date value in two different format.
I would like to show them in DATE format.
I wrote query like below:
SELECT CONVERT(date, MyValue, 105) FROM MyTable
SELECT CAST(MyValue as date) FROM MyTable
Both are giving me this error. Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Is there anyway convert to DATE datatype format even the value stored in different formats like above?
Expecting your answers. Thanks in advance.
Does this help?
declare #varchardates table
vcdate varchar(20)
INSERT INTO #varchardates VALUES
SELECT CONVERT(date,vcdate, case when SUBSTRING(vcdate, 3, 1) = '-'
THEN 105 ELSE 126 END) as mydate
FROM #varchardates
Depending on how many different formats you have in your data, you may need to extend the case statement!
See here for list of the different format numbers
You can use TRY_CONVERT and COALESCE. TRY_CONVERT returns NULL if the conversion fails, COALESCE returns the first NOT NULL value:
FROM (VALUES('25-10-2016'), ('2016-10-13')) a(x)
I assumed the value 2016-10-13 is in format yyyy-MM-dd.
You mention in a comment you may have other formats as well. In that case it gets very tricky. If you get a value 01-12-2017 and you have no idea about the format, there is no way to tell whether this is a date in januari or in december.