Multiple PickerView in UITableView on iOS 7 - objective-c

With iOS 7 Apple suggest to use UIDatePicker and UIPickerView inline within UITableViewCell as showed here: iOS 7 - How to display a date picker in place in a table view?
I have a table view with N rows dynamically allocated. Each row represent an object fetched from Core Data. What I want is display an UIPickerView just below each row the user tapped in to let user select in a range of values.
I've thought to adopt Apple's way and insert an UIPickerView every 2 rows but this it's pretty weird and causes some issues. How can I 'follow' the normal succession for retrieving each object from my main NSArray _list which contains each object fetched from Core Data?
Is there a 'better' way to implement this without having to insert tons of UIPickerView?
This is an image which explains better, I hope.

Take a good look at the sample code you linked to. You don't insert a picker every other row. There is one picker that appears just below the input row you're editing. The picker only appears during editing.
After you read their code, maybe you could ask a more specific question...?


Create a Mention friend in iOS with Objective-C

still learning iOS development, want to create something like mention friend likes in Facebook / Instagram.
Mention People UI in Instagram
Is it using new TableViewController and add subview to the same View Controller? (in this case, CommentViewController) , but, when i already have UITAbleViewController in my CommentViewController, how can i handle the second tableviewcontroller?
Looking at the image you provided it looks as though the best way to implement this would be a UIViewController that has a UITableView added to it. Each tableview that is created can have a delegate and datasource set for it. When the textview detects that a mention is being entered (more about detecting this later) you would trigger a second tableview to appear as an additional view (subview) that overlays your current tableview (or as the accessory view of the keyboard, the way apple and others present a textview over the keyboard for text entry ex: messages app).
In order to manage the two tableviews my suggestion would be to create two additional classes each of which conform to the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewData source. The first one would be the CommentsTableViewManager and the second would be the MentionsTableViewManager. The first tableview would set the CommentsTableViewManager as its delegate and datasource while the second would use the MentionsTableViewManager.
The other problem you may run into later on is determining how to properly detect mentions being typed into the textview. I've actually created an open source library that will help you with this problem. It's located here: the README should provide enough information for you to get started if you choose to use it.
I hope the information about helps get you started with your app.
From architecture prospective it's way better to have a single table view with altered data source container, depending on current mode.
Speaking an instagram way - either you're showing comments, or, if # symbol was detected, displaying a list of users. So almost all your UITableView's delegate and data source methods will start with something like if (isMentionMode) and you'll choose specific cell class/cell's height/amount of rows per section/etc depends on isMentionMode state.

List with 3 columns editable on the fly

I want to add in an iOS App a list with 3 columns, but I also want that each field could be editable on the fly by clicking directly on it and when I press return it saves the field.
Currently I am using Xcode 4.6.1 and storyboard.
Here is the idea:
Because I am a beginner, I am asking you if there is a way to do that by using the UITableViewCell, UITextField and UITextView or there is something else to create this list faster.
Can you provide me some links with tutorials or similar, please?
Another question is: because each field (Label1,1; Label1,2; L1,3) will refer to the same object (eg.: cable; [size]1 meter; [diameter]1 cm), is it better to put each row in a NSMutuableArray or put everything in a SQLLite Database?
Hope in some hints.
You can create custom cell. I answered how to do it here
And add gesture recognizers for each object on the cell.
Change values and reload data.

Static Grouped UITableView without storyboard

I've been searching and can't find an answer anywhere. I want to a create a really simple grouped table view for "settings" of my app. User taps a button and I want to load a UITableView that has 3 or 4 cells in categories. Is there a way to just set one up in IB without the dynamic code building (ie. cellForRowAtIndexPath).
Note: Most answers I have found pertain to storyboard, which I am not using.
No, you can't. tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: is the way a table gets its data -- there's no way to populate a table without that in iOS (in OSX you can use bindings, but they're not available in iOS).
If you only need a few cells, are you sure you need to use a table?

Best way to implement "iOS Photos style" tiled image gallery

I have an app that basically can be used to download, upload, and manage photos from various web services.
I want the image list view to look like the iOS Photos app but not quite sure what the best way to do that is.
I was thinking I could use NSMutableArray and subclass UIScrollView to create that functionality from scratch but I'd really like to use NSFetchedResultsController because some of the data related to the images are dynamically/asynchronously updated/inserted/deleted in Core Data.
Right now I've setup something pretty hacky.
I created an separate Core Data entity to hold relationships to 4 photos in each managed object and I made UITableView loop through them. Then cellforrow delegate would loop through the 4 photos in each table cell. This approach sucks because it's hard to delete and insert photos dynamically and I have to reconstruct relationships and reload the table each time an update is made.
I've looked at some other libraries that do this but I really want to understand what the most simple and efficient way to do this is.
If you are referring to the tile view, you can duplicate that using a UITableView or a UIScrollView. If you want it to side scroll then a UIScrollView is the starting point.
If you want it to scroll vertically (which I recommend on iPhone) then use a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell.
As for the Core Data side, you are probably coming at this incorrect, you are trying to store UI state information (how many photos are in a cell) in core data. Core Data should not care about how many images are in a cell.
To use a UITableView you would create an array that contains all of your images. You can then determine how many rows you need by dividing that array by the number of images per row.
From there you should subclass UITableViewCell and pass in the 4 images for that cell to draw. Then it is a simple matter of adding 4 UIImageView instances to the custom cell and setting the images.
For a scrollview you crate a UIImageView for each image and then add them as subviews of the UIScrollView. You would then set the frame of each UIImageView so that they are displayed in a grid.
If you find you have more images than you can hold in memory at once then you will need to deal with tiling, effectively paying attention to where the user is scrolling and filling in (via moving the offscreen image views) ahead of the edge the user is scrolling towards. This is the same thing you get effectively for free with a UITableView via its queuing of cells.
I just did this with a UITableView - you are over thinking it with the relationships.
For my solution I created a UITableViewCell subclass has four buttons as properties.
In my cellForRow method I figure out which four images belong to that row and then set the appropriate image for the appropriate button.
My images are in an array in my view controller. I populate the array in viewDidLoad. Whenever I add or delete an image from the managedObjectContext I repopulate the array and then reload the tableview. Reloading the tableview will rearrange the images in the cell appropriately.
Scrolling is smooth and the only drawback I have run into is that I would like the images to animate to their new positions when I delete one, but I do not think that I'll be able to pull that off with this setup.
I think a very nice implementation is AQGridView.
It is easy to extends, has nice reordering (see the springboard demo) and it reuses the cell.
If you ever implemented a TableViewDelegate, you should be able to use it.
You should check out the Three20 photo viewer. The project is on github. Also, there's a nice tutorial for the photo viewer here

Using a UIPickerView with custom values

Im using a navigation controller and a normal view. In the view I'd like a UIPickerView with custom values in it. It would have one column with about 15 values in it. And I want the ability to add an action to each value.
Is there any way I can do this using Xcode? I can't seem to find the corrent help.
You need to look at the documentation for UIPickerViewDelegate.
In order to have an action for each value you will implement pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: and have a different action based on which row was selected.
For the contents of the rows you can implement pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent: if your contents are simple text.
If you want custom drawn contents you can provide a custom view for each row with the pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView: method.
See the UICatalog example that is available in the iPhone Developer examples.