Executing Stored Proc in Pervasive Control Center - sql

I am relatively new to Pervasive Control Center and I was wondering if I wanted to test a stored Procedure to see its results, how would I simply select that stored proc? I have:
Select SP_test_getMeasure06
I am sure I am missing something because I know this is legal my syntax must be off slightly.
Thanks in advance!

You can execute a stored procedure using either Call or Exec. For example:
exec SP_test_getMeasure06
You'll need to make sure your stored procedure uses the RETURNS clause to get data back. For more information check out the Stored Procedure docs.


Using MSDB stored procedures in application's database stored procedure

This seems like it would be trivial, but I have not been able to come up with a solution to this small problem.
I am attempting to create a stored procedure in my application's database. This stored procedure just executes a job that has been set up in the SSMS on the same server (seemed to be the only way to programmatically execute these jobs).
The simple code is shown below:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'
When ran as is, the procedure technically gets created but cannot be executed due to it not being able to find the 'sp_start_job' since it is using the ApplicationsDatabase. If I try to create the procedure again (after deleting previously created) but updating the USE to MSDB, it tries to add it to that system database for which I do not have permissions to do. Finally, I attempted to keep the original create statement but added the USE MSDB within the procedure (just to use the 'sp_start_job' procedure), but it would error saying USE statements cannot be placed within procedures.
After pondering on the issue for a little (I'm obviously no SQL database expert), I could not come up with a solution and decided to solicit the advice of my peers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You will have to fully qualify the path to the procedure. Of course, you can only execute this is the application has permissions.
Try this:
USE ApplicationsDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure]
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'Nightly Download'

Can't execute stored procedure

I have created a stored procedure and can see it under the stored procedure node, but when trying to execute it doesn't find the procedure.
Under stored procedure node it is called dbo.CopyTable
exec CopyTable
CopyTable is undefined in red saying it does not exist. Why?
Even if I right-click on the procedure and say script stored procedure as execute to - the code it generates is underlined in red and cant find stored procedure either.
Ensure that the database selected contains the stored procedure CopyTable
USE YourDatabase
EXEC CopyTable
Try adding dbo and selecting the right database,
USE databaseName
EXEC dbo.CopyTable
Execute a Stored Procedure
Most likely you are just in the wrong database in the query window, you can specify the database like this:
EXEC [yourDBName].dbo.CopyTable
Reading on how to Execute a Stored Procedure
Considering your updated question:
Even if i rightclick on the procedure and say script stored procedure
as execute to - the code it generates is underlined in red and cant
find stored procedure either.
This could happen if your stored procedure is invalid. Please double-check the validity of the SPROC and ensure the tables it references exist, etc.
Try running your CREATE PROCEDURE. Highlight it, f5 it, and then make sure it runs before you call it elsewhere.
Maybe in your procedure you've accidentally cut-pasted your script name (dbo.CopyTable), say something like...
SELECT * FROM dbo.CopyTable
WHERE ClientId = #ClientId
Then when you call your proc you get 'invalid object name dbo.CopyTable' and assume sql is having trouble finding the stored-proc ... which isn't the problem, its finding and running the proc but its actually a problem within the proc.

How to execute multiple stored procedures at a time?

I want to know that is there any way through which I can execute all my stored procedure at a time.
Presently I am executing each stored procedure using exec "Stored Procedure name" command.
And I have more than 200 stored procedure to be executed on my database.
Is there any easy way out to execute all these stored procedure at a single time as it is difficult for me to keep a track of them?
I suggest you write a stored procedure which calls the other ones.
Put all stored procedures inside a stored procedure,
CALL Proc1
CALL Proc2
Assuming that you are using Query Analyzer, just put a GO in between all those stored proc and run script.
If you want to execute them all in parallel you could create a SQLJob and schedule them all to execute at the same time. Link below is general usage of SQL Jobs.
you can select all stored procedure names from sys.objects table querying type='P'. After you can use cursor for every stored procedure name to execute. But how about stored procedures with parameters? you must provide parameter values as well to avoid from errors.
You can use Service broker to do this async but I dont think it is a great idea to run 200 stored procs at the same time unless you are sure there will not be any contention on the DB

SQL Server: Load stored procedure results into table

I have a stored Procedure that returns multiple resultsets(to be specific three resultsets). I just need the first resultset. I am calling the original procedure from a different procedure where i will store the returned resultset into a #table and use it from my further processing.
Also, i can not modify the original stored procedure to achieve this.
Please help!
It's not possible to retrieve the second or further result set from a stored procedure inside SQL.
Two workarounds:
A scheduled job (like a C# program) that periodically calls the stored procedure and stores the result in tables that other procedures can use.
A SQL CLR stored procedure that does the same. The advantage of a SQL CLR procedure is that you can call it from normal SQL stored procedures, so you don't have to wait for the scheduled task.
I haven't tested this, but a work around would be to use OpenQuery and call your SP using it because "Although the query may return multiple result sets, OPENQUERY returns only the first one". OPENROWSET will also do the same...

List of stored procedure which using another stored procedure

We have almost 2100+ stored procedure in database. we are not able to check each stored procedure to find out whether it is using another stored procedure or not.
Any query to find out same?
Dhruval Shah
As long as you don't have dynamic SQL code, you can get the dependencies from SQL Server.
This article explains it pretty well.
You could use the free SQL Search tool from Red Gate