Communication between different ViewControllers in Cocoa - objective-c

I thought that the answer to this question might be very easy to find but in fact it is not. I t is basically about a best practice in MVC but I need a more specific answer to Cocoa's implementation of MVC.
Let's say you have a MainView which displays data from an mutable array via Bindings and the option to add a new Item to this array. Now, the data added to the array might be more complex and might even need validation before it can be added to the array or an object of my data class can be created. So, I have added an new MVC or to be more specific VC pair to my project which is a view where all data can be entered and a button to save it. A click action on the save button will cause the validation to start and should then, eventually, add the data to the array if the validation was successful.
I am wondering which is the best solution to access the array from the AddViewController. A shared mutable array? Setting a property in the AddViewController?
For someone who is used to MVC the answer might be quite easy. Furthermore, I am able to access the array but I really want to know which is the best way to do so.

Delegate concept is the answer to all your problems!
Once data validation is successful pass the data to your MainView controller to be added to the array :)
Your AddViewController should have a protocol, and delegate property
#protocol AddViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
-(void)addViewController:(AddViewController*)addViewController didCompleteWith:(id)data;
#interface AddViewController : SuperClass
#property (nonatomic,weak)id<AddViewControllerDelegate>delegate;
Your main view controller should implement this protocol, and set it self as AddViewController delegate.
Upon validating the data AddViewController should call protocol defined method on the delegate.
-(void)dataValid:(id)data {
[self.delegate addViewController:self didCompleteWith:data]


Saving UIViewController in appDelegate

I am using Xcode 4.3 and need to know the parent view controller of the current view.
I am also using storyboard.
self.parentViewController always returns nil.
I saw different answers to save the parent view controller in AppDelegate class as a property. E.g., To create a variable: UIViewController parentViewController in AppDelegate and in the code write:
appDelegate.parentViewController = self;
I am afraid that it will consume memory - as this is a heavy object.
What is the best approach to know aretnViewController when using story board?
Whether or not an object is "heavy" does not matter as long as you store only a reference to it (in your case in the application delegate). Creating a second object would make a difference, but the line
appDelegate.parentViewController = self;
does not do that, it merely stores a reference to the object.
I know that this does not answer your direct question, but I think you should go ahead with the "store a reference in the app delegate" approach.

Pass data back to the previous controller

I have two controllers in the storyboard, embedded in a NavigationController, and there is a segue to switch between these.
Passing data from the first controller to the second one is pretty straightforward by implementing prepareForSegue, and set the properties of the second controller using segue.destinationViewController.
I should pass back data to the from the second controller to the previous one also. I googled, but I have not found any simple, but working code to demonstrate it.
Would you be so kind give me a simple sample about the best way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
In your second view controller class you create a protocol and delegate. The first view controller will set it self as the delegate in prepareForSegue and implement the protocol methods. The second view controller will then call the methods to pass data back to the first view controller. Here is some code from one of my projects as an example.
#protocol TableSelectorDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)didMakeSelection:(id)selectionString forType:(NSString *)dataTitle;
- (void)didAddNewValue:(NSString *)newValue forType:(NSString *)dataTitle;
#interface TableSelectorViewController : UITableViewController
#property (nonatomic, weak) id<TableSelectorDelegate> delegate;
when you set the data you're passing to the second controller you can also set a pointer to the previous one.
The "recommended" way of doing this is using a delegate. Have the first view controller set itself as the delegate of the new view controller during the -prepareForSegue: call, then when you're done, you call whatever delegate methods you've defined.
This is a bit more work than tightly coupling the two controllers, but it actually saves time if you ever find you need to use the controller in a slightly different way. If you watch the WWDC'11 video on using IB and Storyboards, they actually go through this pattern in depth and include code examples and demos, so I recommend taking a look at that.
I've been studying all of the variants to this question of how to pass data from one view controller to another and have come to see that Apple's Second iOS App Tutorial has not only the code but a lovely explanation of everything involved.

What are NSManagedObjectContext best practices?

I'm working with a Navigation Controller based iOS app. There are multiple tableView screens that pull and save data from a Core Data persistent store. Most of the data for the different table views comes from NSFetchedResultsController instances or NSFetchRequests.
The app works as intended but I have been getting a few random crashes and glitches that seem to be related to Core Data. For example sometimes when I save the context the app will crash but not always. Another thing I've been seeing is the very first tableView doesn't always update the reflect the data that was modified in it's detail view.
Currently I'm passing around a single Managed Object Context that was created in the app delegate to each of the different view controllers by setting the context property of the view controller just before I push it onto the navigation stack.
This seems like a clunky, hacky way of getting the job done. Is there a better design pattern to use?
I noticed in one of the WWDC sessions using delegation but I've never used creating my own delegates before and haven't been able to puzzle it out of the WWDC session.
Use singleton NSManagedObjectContext for all Controllers isn't a best practice.
Each Controller should have your own Context to manage specific, sometimes atomic, operations at document store.
Think if you can edit a NSManagedObject attached to Controller that pass the same Context to other Controller that will select another instance to delete or edit.. you can lost the controll about modified states.
When you create a view controller, you pass it a context. You pass an
existing context, or (in a situation where you want the new controller
to manage a discrete set of edits) a new context that you create for
it. It’s typically the responsibility of the application delegate to
create a context to pass to the first view controller that’s
Use a singleton for your CoreData setup (NSPesistentStoreCoordinator, NSManagedObjectModel & NSManagedObjectContext). You can use this singleton to execute the fetch requests you created in your Models and to add or delete Entities to your Context.
Delegates are not that hard. Following is a sample:
#class SomeClass
#protocol SomeClassDelegate <NSObject> //Implements the NSObject protocol
- (void) someClassInstance:(SomeClass *)obj givesAStringObject:(NSString *)theString;
- (BOOL) someClassInstanceWantsToKnowABooleanValue:(SomeClass *)obj //Call to delegate to get a boolean value
- (NSString *) thisMethodIsOptional;
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
id<SomeClassDelegate> delegate;
//Other instance variables omitted.
#property (assign) id<SomeClassDelegate> delegate;
#implementation SomeClass
#synthesize delegate;
- (void) someMethodThatShouldNotifyTheDelegate {
NSString *hello = #"Hello";
if (self.delegate != nil && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(someClassInstance:givesAStringObject:)]) {
[self.delegate someClassInstance:self givesAStringObject:hello];
Option 1 could be something like this, you will have to setup the variables in the init of the object (and implement the singleton ofcourse):
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
#interface CoreDataUtility : NSObject {
NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel;
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator;
+ (CoreDataUtility *)sharedCoreDataUtility;
- (NSEntityDescription *) entityDesctiptionForName:(NSString *)name;
- (NSMutableArray *) executeRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)request;
- (id) getInsertedObjectForEntity:(NSString *)entity;
- (void) deleteAllObjects:(NSString *) entityName;
- (void) deleteManagedObject:(NSManagedObject *)object;
- (void) saveContext;
Currently I'm passing around a single Managed Object Context that was
created in the app delegate to each of the different view
controllers...This seems like a clunky, hacky way of getting the job
done. Is there a better design pattern to use?
There's nothing particularly special about a managed object context in this respect, it's just another object that your view controller may need to do its job. Whenever you're setting up an object to perform a task, there are at least three strategies that you can use:
Give the object everything it needs to get the job done.
Give the object a helper that it can use to make decisions or get additional information.
Build enough knowledge about other parts of the application into the object that it can go get the information it needs.
What you're doing right now sounds like the first strategy, and I'd argue that it's often the best because it makes your view controllers more flexible, less dependant on other parts of the app. By providing the MOC to your view controllers, you leave open the possibility that you might someday use that same view controller with a different context.
Jayallengator makes the helpful observation that every managed object has a reference to its context, and if you're passing around specific managed objects you don't also need to pass along the context. I'd take that a step further: if you're passing specific managed objects to your view controller, the view controller often won't need to know about the context at all. For example, you might keep Game objects in your data store, but a GameBoardViewController will probably only care about the one Game that's being played, and can use that object's interface to get any related objects (Player, Level, etc.). Perhaps these observations can help you streamline your code.
The second strategy is delegation. You'll usually use a protocol when you use delegation, so that your object knows what messages it can send its helper without knowing anything else about the helper. Delegation is a way to introduce a necessary dependency into your code in a limited, well-defined way. For example, UITableView knows that it can send any of the messages defined in the UITableViewDelegate protocol to its delegate, but it doesn't need to know anything else about the delegate. The delegate could be a view controller, or it could be some other kind of object; the table doesn't care. The table's delegate and data source are often the same object, but they don't have to be; again, the table doesn't care.
The third strategy is to use global variables or shared objects (which is what people usually mean when they talk about singletons). Having a shared object that you can access from anywhere in your code is certainly easy, and you don't have that "klunky" extra line of code that configures your object, but it generally means that you're locking your view controllers in to using that shared object and no other. It's a lot like gluing a hammer to your hand because you know for certain that that hammer is the tool you need. Works great for pounding nails, but it can be painful if you later discover that you'd like to use the same hand for driving screws or eating dinner.
The singleton approach seems to be best-practice, but another trick I found useful was that in cases where you're passing a NSManagedObject from one view controller to the next anyway (usually as an instance variable), you don't need to also pass the NSManagedObjectContext since you can get the context from the object you passed in by invoking [myManagedObject managedObjectContext]. This can be a handy shortcut when there's maybe only one or two methods where you need the context and you don't want the overhead of creating yet another NSManagedObjectContext ivar/property.

How to refer to the calling class in Objective-C

Can you refer to the sender of a message without passing the sender as a parameter?
This is simplified code for the sake of discussion:
// mainTableViewController.m
[dataModel loadData]; //Table is requesting data based on user input
// dataModel.m
-(void) loadData{
// I want to store the sender for later reference
sendingTableViewController = ???? ;
- (void) connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
// Web data is loaded. Ask the sending tableViewController to
// reload it's data.
[sendingTableViewController.tableView reloadData];
I'm still getting used to how to refer to methods and properties that are the responsibility of another object. I want to send a message to dataModel to load some data using NSURLConnection. But I don't just want to return the data because I don't want to sit around waiting for the data to load. I want to send a message to the mainTableViewController once connectionDidFinishLoading is called.
Since the loadData method may be called from any number of tableViewControllers I can't just say [mainTableViewController reloadData].
Follow-Up Question
Great Information! I love the no-judgement nature of StackOverflow.
So the mainTableViewController would be the Delegate of the dataModel?
Would it be correct to say that the dataModel class defines the informal protocol?
I currently instantiate my dataModel class from within my mainTableViewController. So I could change my code like this:
// mainTableViewController.m
dataModel *myDataModel = [[dataModel alloc] initWithDelegate:self ];
// Does this method need to be defined in the mainTableViewController header file
// since I will already have defined it in the dataModel header file?
-(void) dataDidFinishLoading {
[self.tableView reloadData];
// dataModel.m
-(id) initWithDelegate:(id)aDelegate{
self.delegate = aDelegate;
-(void) connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection {
[self.delegate dataDidFinishLoading];
Is it bad that my TableViewController is instantiating my dataModel, cause then my dataModel is owned by the TableViewController? Should I really instantiate the dataModel from the AppDelegate instead?
Thank You!
I daresay this isn't the correct way to think about the problem. Architecturally, by giving the data model knowledge of the table view controller, you are coupling your model layer to your controller layer. Violating separation of concerns is a bad thing.
In Cocoa, the use of delegate objects is used all over the place. A delegate object is an object that implements a particular protocol with callback methods that can be called when things or events (such as data loading from a remote location, in your case) occur. I recommend that you create a delegate property in your data model, have an interface that mainTableViewController (or any other class, really) implements, and assign that class as the delegate. Then, when the data is finished loading, call the appropriate method on self.delegate. In that callback method, you could then call [tableView reloadData].
Again, you do not want your data model to be coupled (meaning aware of) the existence of your controller classes.
I just re-read the last part of your question, about having multiple table controllers needing to listen for notification of the data being finished loading. For that, I suggest you use the Observer pattern in Cocoa by using NSNotificationCenter. You use use the notification center in the data model to send notifications to observers (you don't care who is observing; the notification center handles those details) and you'd also use it in your table controllers to subscribe to the notification. Delegates are a nice, simple solution if you only need one object to be directly called when something happens. Notifications are more complex and have more overhead, but give you the flexibility to have an arbitrary number of objects "listening" for a notification to be posted.
Follow-Up Response
A class doesn't define an informal protocol; the developer does. You could also define a formal protocol in a separate .h file and have the controller implement it if you want an enforceable contract. With a formal protocol, you can also use #optional on methods that don't have to be implemented by a class conforming to the protocol.
It is also not at all bad to instantiate the data model from within the table view controller. In fact, this is one very correct way to do it. Since the data model exists to encapsulate data that (presumably) a controller will want to display later, you can think of the controller as owning the data model. You may even consider making an instance variable (and perhaps a property, too) to store your data model. Besides that, your rewritten code looks good to me!
Do you mean the keyword self?
if (canHaz) {
self.cheeseBurger = [[[CheeseBurger alloc] init] autorelease];
[cheeseBurger onNomNom];

Events for custom UIView

What's the best way for registering events for my UIView subclass, so that I can connect them to IBAction-s in interface builder?
Currently I've just got a standard UIView dropped onto my main view and I've set the class to "RadioDial" (my custom class). This displays the view fine, but I have no idea how to get events out of it.
Please clarify: do you mean that you would like Interface Builder to offer your view controllers to wire up custom events that your view subclass will be emitting (much like the Button controls allow you to wire up Touch Inside, etc)?
If you need this type of functionality, you will need to use a generalized 'delegate' property on your View combined with a protocol.
#protocol RadioDialDelegate
#interface RadioDial
id<RadioDialDelegate> radioDelegate;
#property (nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet id<RadioDialDelegate> radioDelegate;
This will allow the controller to wire up to the view (assuming it implements RadioDialDelegate) and receive any events that come out of the view. Alternatively, you can use an untyped delegate and in your View code, use a late bound call:
if([radioDelegate respondsToSelector:#selector(dialValueChanged:)]) {
[radioDelegate dialValueChanged:self];
Create a method in your view controller (if nothing else, you should have a RootViewController in you project). Let's say your method is
-(void) buttonClicked { code code code }
In the controller's header file (for example RootViewController.h) you then put:
-(IBAction) buttonClicked;
And in IB you right-click your button/radio dial/whatever. You will see a list of events and you can drag FROM the connector of the event you want your controller to receive, to the object in IB that represents the controler (probably First Responder). This depends on how your IB structure is set up, but it should be straightforward.
Another alternative is to learn how to create UIViews programatically, and forget about IB for the time being. Opinions are divided about whether it's better to learn to use IB at the outset, or whether it's better to learn how to do everything in code and save IB for later. In any case, it's necessary to learn both ways of setting up an interface at some point.