Adding a 0 to the Time in a VB Console Application -

I have created a console application in VB.Net that adds 2 times together and then displays the output of the final time. I've managed to get it working after much work but I have a problem:
Sometimes when I calculate the time and the end result is below '10 mins', it doesn't include the "0" in front of the minutes. I say this because all numbers under 10 mins on a clock are like 09, 08, 07, etc..
For example, I do 2:05 + 1:02 which the answer is meant to be 3:07 instead it comes out as 3:7. Another example would be I do 1:00 + 2:00 and the output is 3:0 when its meant to be 3:00.
Can anyone help me figure out this problem?

Format the number using a custom format. Example:
Dim minuteString as String = minutes.ToString("00")


What is the right way to save time values in Rails 5

I'll have to save various working hours (open and closes) and wonder what is the best format/way to use ?
Sure I can choose to have time time as DB type for these values and format the DB time like that:
=> "15:52"
Instead of Time.current I'll be select the corresponding time value from the DB:
Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:48:28 UTC +00:00
But what is solution to choose for a User to enter time values in the front-end ? Moreover, I'll have to either choose a general format for hours, like
Or (it the requirement changes) enable a locale-dependent format like this:
7ч30 (for Russia)
7h30 (for France)
Any ideas and tips ? Thank you.
I'd store "seconds from midnight", so 15:52 would be stored as the integer 57120. Then I'd write a custom type see the attribute docs for more details that converts to/from that integer.
Then I'd just have different formats in the locale file that I'd use for that conversion.

later.js every nth weekday of every month

I am using later.js (meteor package, voidale:later-js-tz#1.1.9) to schedule events, using the later.parse.text() parser.
I can schedule weekly events on a given weekday with no problem, with strings like 'at 11:00 on Monday'.
But I get parse errors trying things like 'at 11:00 on every second Monday of every month'.
Q: Is there a way to do this in later.js, or if not, is there a javascript library available that does support this?
I found moment-recur, which supports this nth-weekday of a month in its API, but doesn't have a text parser.
I then used PEGjs to build a text parser which outputs the necessary parameters, which I use in a straightforward way to call the moment-recur API.

How to search a given time range for every day in Splunk?

I am trying to search for an event that happens in a specific time range in Splunk but I want that search to encompass all of the data I have indexed which covers a wide date range.
For example, I want to see if a line in an indexed log file contains the word 'Error' between the hours of 9am and 4pm from the 25 days worth of logs I have indexed. If the word 'Error' shows up outside of that time range, I don't want that displayed in my search results.
For date/time format I am using mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss
Any ideas how I might go about this?
You can try a search something like this:
index=foo earliest=-25d (date_hour > 9 and date_hour < 16) "Error"
while the selected answer is great, it did not work in my case (splunk v6), however this did work (it was mainly adding the | eval date_hour... )
and my full working search (between hours of 6am to 11pm , for each of the prior 25 days):
index=mymts earliest=-25d | eval date_hour=strftime(_time, "%H") | search date_hour>=6 date_hour<=23 host="" "/netmap/*"
hope this helps others.

Selecting a datetime range in YII input form

Here is the problem.
I have to create a submission form on my Yii-based website. The form requires to enter a datetime range.For that I am using "jui datetimepicker" third-party Yii extension.
I use two date fields with this extension pertaining to start and end time respectively. So, what I want to achieve is be able to restrict the start datetime only to time in the future (neither past dates nor time should be selected) and the end time itself should be restricted to the maximum of three hours following the start time.
EXAMPLE: a user wants to schedule an event. They choose a date and time, which are of course in the future. Let's say they choose March 15, 13 O'clock as the start time in the start time field. Once they are done and move to the next field ("end time"), the respective datetimepicker restricts the range of time from March 15, 13:00 to March 15, 16:00.
Hence the second datetimepicker should be dynamically updated depending on the input of the first one.
It's possible o specify date range in the datetimepicker starting from the current date, but there is nothing like that for the time selection, so a user still can select time which has already passed.
It's not that I want to solve this problem with this extention, if anybody has any suggestions about YII solutions allowing to specify a datetime range in the most clean and effective way - it would be much appreciated.
You should use the edaterangepicker extension instead.
Given the API for the jquery timepicker addon. you should add the following to your widget call (along side 'model','attribute', etc)
'minDateTime'=>'<start dateTime here>',
'onSelect'=>'<JS function to run>'
The function you run on the "onSelect" event should dynamically set the minDateTime for the second dateTime input field, for ex:
function (selectedDateTime){
<EndDatePickerElement>.datetimepicker('option', 'minDateTime', <start dateTime here using selectedDateTime> );
There are more examples on the link provided earlier if you need to make it even more precise (like say if you wanted the starting date to be pushed back by the amount of time the user was on the page rather than it being set when the page was loaded. etc...)

Social Engine time display format

I'm working on a Events module in SE4, and would like to display time/date in some particular format. This is the code i use now, for displaying event start time:
echo $this->locale()->toTime($event->starttime); and this code displays output 11.00 which is okay, but my question is: how to format this output?
Let's say I need output 11:00, is there a way to format it that way?
Try this