Multipeer Connectivity Disconnect - ios7

I'm having trouble with staying connected using the Multipeer Connectivity Framework in iOs7. Currently my app is programmatically handling the browsing and advertising using MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser and MCNearbyServiceBrowser. I have an alert view that asks the user if he is a browser or an advertiser. On the return from that view I instantiate either an MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser or Browser accordingly.
#pragma - Alert Delegate
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
if (buttonIndex == 0)
_browser = [[MCNearbyServiceBrowser alloc]initWithPeer:_peerID serviceType:#"Context-xl"];
[_browser setDelegate:self];
[self.detailViewController setRemote:YES];
[_browser startBrowsingForPeers];
} else
_advertiser = [[MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser alloc]initWithPeer:_peerID discoveryInfo:nil serviceType:#"Context-xl"];
[_advertiser setDelegate:self];
[self.detailViewController setRemote:NO];
[_advertiser startAdvertisingPeer];
[self.detailViewController configureView];
My session delegate method peer:...DidChangeState... is getting called twice, once for the connect and again for the disconnect. I'm not stopping the advertiser or browser at all after the session is started. Should I stop browsing/advertising?

EDIT Used a support ticket with Apple and they confirmed that calling sendData with too much data or too often can cause disconnects.
EDIT My hypothesis is that Apple has a thread or queue that is polling to check if peers are connected. If this thread / queue stalls (i.e. a breakpoint is hit or the app pegs the CPU or does something that takes a while on the main thread) it appears that this causes a disconnect.
Creating my session without encryption seems to have helped performance and with the disconnects, although they still happen.
MCPeerID* peerId = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:self.displayName];
self.peer = [[MultiPeerPeer alloc] initWithDisplayName:peerId.displayName andPeer:peerId];
self.session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:peerId securityIdentity:nil encryptionPreference:MCEncryptionNone];
In addition, I have found calling sendData too often (more than 30-60 times a second) can cause the framework to get in a bad state and cause freezes and disconnects.


Multipeer Connectivity Doesn't Connect Second Time

I'm using the Multipeer Connectivity Framework to transfer files between devices. I'm using the standard MCAdvertiserAssistant and MCBrowserViewController to connect the devices. On the first try from device A to device B things work fine. Same things on the first transfer from device B to device A.
If you try either direction again, after MCBrowserViewController presents its dialog to choose a peer and you select one, the popup to accept the request on the other device never appears. No error messages, no calls to delegate methods - just nothing. Has anyone come across this and any ideas?
I had the same problem and solved it with initiating all the necessary components every time I start advertising or browsing for peers. It isn't the cleanest solution but in my case it works 100%.
The code below is how I implemented it, so this is without the build-in ViewController provided by Apple.
Please be aware that [session disconnect] is an async method which sometimes take a few seconds to complete.
- (void)startBrowsing
// Initiate new advertiser
isAdvertising = YES;
_peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:#"Wallet"];
_session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:_peerID];
_session.delegate = self;
_advertiser = [[MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser alloc] initWithPeer:_peerID discoveryInfo:nil serviceType:#"made2pay"];
_advertiser.delegate = self;
// Start advertiser
[_advertiser startAdvertisingPeer];
- (void)stopBrowsing
[_advertiser stopAdvertisingPeer];
[_session disconnect];
_session = nil;
_peerID = nil;
_advertiser = nil;
isAdvertising = NO;

Why does my MCSession peer disconnect randomly?

Im using MCNearbyServiceBrowser and MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser to join two peers to a MCSession. I am able to send data between them using MCSession's sendData method. All seems to be working as expected until I randomly (and not due to any event I control) receive a MCSessionStateNotConnected via the session's MCSessionDelegate didChangeState handler. Additionally, the MCSession's connectedPeers array no longer has my peers.
Two questions: Why? and How do i keep the MCSession from disconnecting?
This is a bug, which I just reported to Apple. The docs claim the didReceiveCertificate callback is optional, but it's not. Add this method to your MCSessionDelegate:
- (void) session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveCertificate:(NSArray *)certificate fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID certificateHandler:(void (^)(BOOL accept))certificateHandler
The random disconnects should cease.
UPDATE After using a support ticket to Apple, they confirmed that calling sendData too often and with too much data can cause disconnects.
I have had disconnects when hitting break points and when backgrounding. Since the break points won't happen on the app store, you need to handle the backgrounding case by beginning a background task when your app is about to enter the background. Then end this task when your app comes back to the foreground. On iOS 7 this gives you about 3 background minutes which is better than nothing.
An additional strategy would be to schedule a local notification for maybe 15 seconds before your background time expires by using [[UIApplication sharedApplication] backgroundTimeRemaining], that way you can bring the user back into the app before it suspends and the multi peer framework has to be shutdown. Perhaps the local notification would warn them that their session will expire in 10 seconds or something...
If the background task expires and the app is still in the background, you have to tear down everything related to multi-peer connectivity, otherwise you will get crashes.
- (void) createExpireNotification
[self killExpireNotification];
if (self.connectedPeerCount != 0) // if peers connected, setup kill switch
NSTimeInterval gracePeriod = 20.0f;
// create notification that will get the user back into the app when the background process time is about to expire
NSTimeInterval msgTime = UIApplication.sharedApplication.backgroundTimeRemaining - gracePeriod;
UILocalNotification* n = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
self.expireNotification = n;
self.expireNotification.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:msgTime];
self.expireNotification.alertBody = TR(#"Text_MultiPeerIsAboutToExpire");
self.expireNotification.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName;
self.expireNotification.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 1;
[UIApplication.sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification:self.expireNotification];
- (void) killExpireNotification
if (self.expireNotification != nil)
[UIApplication.sharedApplication cancelLocalNotification:self.expireNotification];
self.expireNotification = nil;
- (void) applicationWillEnterBackground
self.taskId = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^
[self shutdownMultiPeerStuff];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:self.taskId];
self.taskId = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
[self createExpireNotification];
- (void) applicationWillEnterForeground
[self killExpireNotification];
if (self.taskId != UIBackgroundTaskInvalid)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:self.taskId];
self.taskId = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
- (void) applicationWillTerminate
[self killExpireNotification];
[self stop]; // shutdown multi-peer
You'll also want this handler in your MCSession delegate due to Apple bug:
- (void) session:(MCSession*)session didReceiveCertificate:(NSArray*)certificate fromPeer:(MCPeerID*)peerID certificateHandler:(void (^)(BOOL accept))certificateHandler
if (certificateHandler != nil) { certificateHandler(YES); }
There are many causes of this, and the two answers thus far are both correct in my experience. Another which you'll find in other similar questions is this: Only one peer can accept another's invitation.
So, to clarify, if you set up an app where all devices are both advertisers and browsers, any devices can freely invite any others found to join a session. However, between any two given devices, only one device can actually accept the invitation and connect to the other device. If both devices accept each others' invitations they will disconnect within a minute or less.
Note that this limitation does not prevent the desired behavior because - unlike what my intuition stated before I built my multipeer implementation - when one device accepts an invitation and connects to another device they both become connected and receive connection delegate methods and can send each other messages.
Therefore, if you are connecting devices which both browse and advertise, send invitations freely but only accept one of a pair.
The problem of only accepting one of two invitations can be solved a myriad of ways. To begin, understand that you can pass any arbitrary object or dictionary (archived as data) as the context argument in an invitation. Therefore, both devices have access to any arbitrary information about the other (and of course itself). So, you could use at least these strategies:
simply compare: the display name of the peerID. But there's no guarantee these won't be equal.
store the date your multipeer controller was initialized and use that for comparison
give each peer a UUID and send this for comparison (my technique, in which each device - indeed each user of the app on a device - has a persistent UUID it employs).
etc - any object which supports both NSCoding and compare: will do fine.
I've been having similar problems. It seems though that if I have run my app on one iOS device, and connected to another, then quit and relaunch (say when I rerun from Xcode), then I am in a situation where I get a Connected message and then a Not Connected message a little later. This was throwing me off. But looking more carefully, I can see that the Not Connected message is actually meant for a different peerId than the one that has connected.
I think the problem here is that most samples I've seen just care about the displayName of the peerID, and neglect the fact that you can get multiple peerIDs for the same device/displayName.
I am now checking the displayName first and then verifying that the peerID is the same, by doing a compare of the pointers.
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session peer:(MCPeerID *)peerID didChangeState:(MCSessionState)state {
MyPlayer *player = _players[peerID.displayName];
if ((state == MCSessionStateNotConnected) &&
(peerID != player.peerID)) {
NSLog(#"remnant connection drop");
return; // note that I don't care if player is nil, since I don't want to
// add a dictionary object for a Not Connecting peer.
if (player == nil) {
player = [MyPlayer init];
player.peerID = peerID;
_players[peerID.displayName] = player;
player.state = state;
I was disconnecting immediately after I accepted the connection request. Observing the state, I saw it change from MCSessionStateConnected to MCSessionStateNotConnected.
I am creating my sessions with:
[[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:peerID]
NOT the instantiation method dealing with security certificates:
- (instancetype)initWithPeer:(MCPeerID *)myPeerID securityIdentity:(NSArray *)identity encryptionPreference:(MCEncryptionPreference)encryptionPreference
Based on Andrew's tip above, I added the delegate method
- (void) session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveCertificate:(NSArray *)certificate fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID certificateHandler:(void (^)(BOOL accept))certificateHandler {
and the disconnects stopped.

WebSocket Connection is not closing using SocketRocket

I use the SocketRocket library for Objective-C to connect to a websocket:
-(void)open {
if( self.webSocket ) {
[self.webSocket close];
self.webSocket.delegate = nil;
self.webSocket = [[SRWebSocket alloc] initWithURLRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"ws://"] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:20]];
self.webSocket.delegate = self;
[self.webSocket open];
Opening the connection works totally fine. The delegate is called after the connection was established.
-(void)webSocketDidOpen:(SRWebSocket *)webSocket {
NSLog(#"WebSocket is open");
But when I want to close the connection, nothing happens.
-(void)close {
if( !self.webSocket )
[self.webSocket close];
self.webSocket.delegate = nil;
The delegate for successfully closing the connection is not called. Can anyone tell me why this happens?
Thank you for reading my question.
I figured out that the delegate is never called, because the websocket is never really closed. The closing of the websocket in the SRWebSocket happens in the method pumpWriting like this:
if (_closeWhenFinishedWriting &&
_outputBuffer.length - _outputBufferOffset == 0 &&
(_inputStream.streamStatus != NSStreamStatusNotOpen &&
_inputStream.streamStatus != NSStreamStatusClosed) &&
!_sentClose) {
_sentClose = YES;
[_outputStream close];
[_inputStream close];
if (!_failed) {
dispatch_async(_callbackQueue, ^{
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(webSocket:didCloseWithCode:reason:wasClean:)]) {
[self.delegate webSocket:self didCloseWithCode:_closeCode reason:_closeReason wasClean:YES];
_selfRetain = nil;
NSLog(#" Is really closed and released ");
else {
NSLog(#" Is NOT closed and released ");
All streams and an object to retain the websocket are closed or deleted there. As long as they are still open, the socket won´t be closed appropriately. But the closing never happened in my program, because when I tried to close the websocket, _closeWhenFinishedWriting was always NO.
This boolean is only set once in the disconnect method.
- (void)_disconnect;
assert(dispatch_get_current_queue() == _workQueue);
SRFastLog(#"Trying to disconnect");
_closeWhenFinishedWriting = YES;
[self _pumpWriting];
But when calling the closeWithCode method in SRWebSocket, disconnect is only called in one case and that is, if the websocket is in the connecting state.
BOOL wasConnecting = self.readyState == SR_CONNECTING;
SRFastLog(#"Closing with code %d reason %#", code, reason);
dispatch_async(_workQueue, ^{
if (wasConnecting) {
[self _disconnect];
This means, if the socket is in another state, the websocket will never really close. One workaround is to always call the disconnect method. At least it worked for me and everything seems to be alright.
If anyone has an idea, why SRWebSocket is implemented like that, please leave a comment for this answer and help me out.
I think this is a bug.
When calling close, the server echo's back the 'close' message.
It is received by SRWebSocket, however the _selfRetain is never set to nil, and the socket remains open (the streams are not closed) and we have a memory leak.
I have checked and observed this in the test chat app as well.
I made the following change:
-(BOOL)_innerPumpScanner {
BOOL didWork = NO;
if (self.readyState >= SR_CLOSING) {
[self _disconnect]; // <--- Added call to disconnect which releases _selfRetain
return didWork;
Now the socket closes, the instance is released, and the memory leak is gone.
The only thing that I am not sure of is if the delegate should be called when closing in this way. Will look into this.
Once an endpoint has both sent and received a Close control frame, that endpoint SHOULD Close the WebSocket Connection as defined in Section 7.1.1. (RFC 6455 7.1.2)
The SRWebSocket instance doesn't _disconnect here because that would close the TCP connection to the server before the client has received a Close control frame in response. In fact, _disconnecting here will tear down the TCP socket before the client can even send its own Close frame to the server, because _disconnect ultimately calls _pumpWriting before closeWithCode: can. The server will probably respond gracefully enough, but it's nonconforming, and you won't be able to send situation-unique close codes while things are set up this way.
This is properly dealt with in handleCloseWithData:
if (self.readyState == SR_OPEN) {
[self closeWithCode:1000 reason:nil];
dispatch_async(_workQueue, ^{
[self _disconnect];
This block handles Close requests initiated by both the client and the server. If the server sends the first Close frame, the method runs as per the sequence you laid out, ultimately ending up in _pumpWriting via closeWithCode:, where the client will respond with its own Close frame. It then goes on to tear down the connection with that _disconnect.
When the client sends the frame first, closeWithCode: runs once without closing the TCP connection because _closeWhenFinishedWriting is still false. This allows the server time to respond with its own Close frame, which would normally result in running closeWithCode: again, but for the following block at the top of that method:
if (self.readyState == SR_CLOSING || self.readyState == SR_CLOSED) {
Because the readyState is changed on the first iteration of closeWithCode:, this time it simply won't run.
emp's bug fix is necessary to make this work as intended, however: otherwise the Close frame from the server doesn't do anything. The connection will still end, but dirtily, because the server (having both sent and received its frames) will break down the socket on its end, and the client will respond with an NSStreamEventEndEncountered:, which is normally reserved for stream errors caused by sudden losses of connectivity. A better approach would be to determine why the frame never gets out of _innerPumpScanner to handleCloseWIthData:. Another issue to keep in mind is that by default, close just calls closeWithCode: with an RFC-nonconforming code of -1. This threw errors on my server until I changed it to send one of the accepted values.
All that said: your delegate method doesn't work because you're unsetting the delegate right after you call close. Everything in close is inside an async block; there won't be a delegate left to call by the time you invoke didCloseWithCode: regardless of what else you do here.

GameKit: who's the Master?

I'm building an application (already on the app store by the way, called MotAMot): a boggle, free app.
This game proposes several playing modes: standalone, multi players using the same iDevice and MULTI in which 2 players play the same gameboard at the same time but each using his own iDevices.
I'm using a GKPeerPickerController instance to manage the connection between the 2 devices.
My only concern is that I can't decide who's iPhone will play the server role and who's the client. When a player sends an invitation to the other, its cool, I can decide that this player will be the server.
Say for instance that player 1 invites player 2 to join the game. But at the same time (or just a few seconds after), player 2 invites player 1 before he gets the invitation popup displayed on his device. My question: how can I be sure that player 1 invited player 2 first (or the opposite)? I mean, of course I got some callbacks because I'm implementing the GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate protocol. But it seems that I get the same messages on both devices, regardless of who really initiates the connection.
// New connection
- (void)peerPickerController:(GKPeerPickerController *)picker
didConnectPeer:(NSString *)peer
toSession:(GKSession *)session
// Set the session
[self setCurrentSession:session];
// I'm implementing the GKSessionDelegate protocol
[session setDelegate:self];
// I'll handle any received data from my enemy
[session setDataReceiveHandler:self withContext:nil];
// I'm cleaning the room
[myPicker setDelegate:nil];
[myPicker dismiss];
[myPicker autorelease];
myPicker = nil;
// A peer changed its state
- (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peer didChangeState: (GKPeerConnectionState)state
switch (state)
case GKPeerStateConnected:
[self peerConnected:peer];
case GKPeerStateDisconnected:
// Libération de la session
[currentSession release];
currentSession = nil;
case GKPeerStateAvailable:
case GKPeerStateConnecting:
case GKPeerStateUnavailable:
Would someone have any idea on this?
Why can't you solve this the old fashioned way? Civilization IV for example puts you into a server-room screen, in which case you are the server waiting for clients and it makes sense for you to not accept any new connections.
I would do something akin to that. it turns out this person had a problem (slightly related) and in my understanding it is solved in a similar way.

What's the correct way to stop a background process on Mac OS X?

I have an application with 2 components: a desktop application that users interact with, and a background process that can be enabled from the desktop application. Once the background process is enabled, it will run as a user launch agent independently of the desktop app.
However, what I'm wondering is what to do when the user disables the background process. At this point I want to stop the background process but I'm not sure what the best approach is. The 3 options that I see are:
Use the 'kill' command.
Direct, but not reliable and just seems somewhat "wrong".
Use an NSMachPort to send an exit request from the desktop app to the background process.
This is the best approach I've thought of but I've run into an implementation problem (I'll be posting this in a separate query) and I'd like to be sure that the approach is right before going much further.
Something else???
Thank you in advance for any help/insight that you can offer.
The daemon could handle quit apple events or listen on a CFMessagePort.
If you use signals you should handle the signal, probably SIG_QUIT, that is sent instead of just letting the system kill your process.
If you have cleanup that may take a while, use something other than signals. If you are basically just calling exit, then signals are fine.
If you already have a CFRunLoop going then use CFMessagePort. If you are already handling apple events than handle quit.
CFMessagePort is a wrapper around CFMachPort that provides a name and some other conveniences. You can also use the NS wrappers for either.
I found an easier way to do this using an NSConnection object. I created a very simple ExitListener object with this header:
#interface ExitListener : NSObject {
BOOL _exitRequested;
NSConnection *_connection;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL exitRequested;
- (void)requestExit;
and this implementation:
#implementation ExitListener
#synthesize exitRequested = _exitRequested;
// On init we set ourselves up to listen for an exit
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
_connection = [[NSConnection alloc] init];
[_connection setRootObject:self];
[_connection registerName:#"com.blahblah.exitport"];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[_connection release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)requestExit {
[self setExitRequested:YES];
To setup the listener, the background process simply allocates and inits an instance of the ExitListener. The desktop application then asks the background process to exit by making this call:
- (void)stopBackgroundProcess {
// Get a connection to the background process and ask it to exit
NSConnection *connection = [NSConnection connectionWithRegisteredName:#"com.blahblah.exitport" host:nil];
NSProxy *proxy = [connection rootProxy];
if ([proxy respondsToSelector:#selector(requestExit)]) {
[proxy performSelector:#selector(requestExit)];
Using NSMachPorts directly seemed to lead to far more problems in registering and obtaining references. I found that NSConnection is the simplest way to create a basic communication channel for the sort of situation that I needed to solve.