create query using webservice api for Rally - rally

I am trying to write a query in Ruby to insert a user story in Rally using WSAPI. I read through looked it up and found that wsapi has a create() method, but I am not aware of its signature. I know it uses PUT/Post method for creation, but I just need an example to understand how to write create queries. Does anyone know of any useful resource to know more about this? I have all my code ready, just need information about writing "create" queries using Rally's WSAPI.

There is a full directory of Ruby REST examples in the Github Repository for RallyRestToolkitForRuby:
This create example may be of particular interest. It's for a Defect, but the same logic would apply to Stories:


Refference JSON schema from "define" API YAML file in Postman instead of creating a variable with actual JSON

I have an API in Postman that has defined JSON schemas for every request\response.
I also have a collection of tests that i use for testing this API.
But I don't know how to connect these two substances(things)
I have been searching for a solution for quite a while now and havent found an example set-up or a tutorial how? instead of creating a variable with actual schema in my test collection, I want to reuse already existing schema from API by $ref or some other link method.
This is my first question here, writing it just cause i haven't found a proper answer but functionality that i seek sounds really basic and logical.
Update from Valentin Despa:
"Please note that the API definition is written in a specification like Open API (or similar). It is not the same as the JSON schema which refers to the response body only."
So we can't validate response using that schema.

Bulk extract with Authenticated Connector (

I am new to and this forum.
I am trying to extract information from a target database where I have to run a query with an input. With help of the support, I successfully created the authenticated connector. With multiple inputs that have to be manually entered in the UI, it fetches the data properly.
The problem is I have more than 10,000 inputs to run, so it has to be in a form of bulk extraction. support told me that they do not have this feature within their UI and suggested to use their API posted in here:!/Query_Methods/queryPost.
Could anyone walk me through to make a use of this? I just need a working script that takes multiple string lines as inputs and run the connector that I built and post the result. I am not very familiar with this kind of technology but I am very willing to learn.
Thanks all in advance!
I would be happy to walk you through a bit of an into. It will be a bit basic though since I don't know your specific use case.
Yes, support was correct. You will need to use the POST query in order to pass your authentication credentials as inputs.
I will break down this query by steps. Essentially, our API docs are just a simple UI to pass through your credentials, then you can generate a query API.
ID - This is the GUID of your connector. This information can be found at the end of the URL, like this:
Query - This is where you will put the inputs from your connector in order to execute. Be sure to keep this in structured JSON or it will bring back errors when you are querying.
Once you have successfully entered that information you will query the API.
This will give you the request URL that you need to query the API.
If you have anymore questions, just let me know.

REST API design for running a transformation on a resource

So I know this is crazy from a security standpoint, but let's say I have a posts resource at /posts/ and I'd like an admin to be able to trigger a transformation on the collection (in this case, a simple data migration).
How should I design the URL for something like that? It's basically a remote procedure: "take all the posts, modify them, and save them", which is why it is hard to shoehorn onto REST.
I ended up just doing POST /posts/name-of-transform. It's going to be hacky either way :(
So what you want is to update a collection right?
I think what you're looking for is the http PATCH method. It will acte pretty much like your POST method but instead of creating the ressources it will update them.
You can find more about the PATCH method at this address :

Kohana 3 auth username as number

I want to use numbers as username in Kohana Auth. For example, username 100001?
While adding new user Kohana returns me error: ORM_Validation_Exception [ 0 ]: Failed to validate array
Is is possible to user numbers as username in Kohana?
EDIT: This answer looks simpler and better than mine, but try to understand it at all.
You need to extend User Model, I'll help you using auth with the ORM driver.
Steps to extend User Model:
If you didn't yet, configure Auth module to use orm and create a database table with the fields you want. Here is a good example of how to doing it (It's an old tutorial using ko3.1 but you can still learn from it). PS.: you can have any columns at the 'users' table and you don't need to have the 'username' column if you do not want.
Open and read carefully this file: MODULES/orm/classes/model/auth/user.php (It's self documented and I hope you understand it. If not, stop reading this answer here and read the kohana docs. Some shortcuts: Auth - Kohana User Guide, Auth (orm) methods, addons:auth
Copy the file (don't edit the original) to APPPATH/classes/model/auth/user.php and edit it how you want. Some functions that you may like to edit are: rules, filters and unique_key (<- useful). Be creative, you also can add custom functions.
Test and change whatever else needed.
You can change the login method to works as you like. You can set login by e-mail, make a custom validation method or parse values before saving in the database (see public function filters()). This is helpful for whatever you try to do with auth module using ORM... But... if you really don't want to use ORM, you can build your own driver, learn how.
I made this some time ago in kohana 3.2 but I think you won't get problems with 3.3. If you still have questions, this question on kohana forum may help.

How to log searches in rails?

I'd like to keep a log of all searches that users do on my site which uses the sunspot-rails gem. I don't need the logs to be real-time accessible by my application as they're for analytics that will be processed later.
I'm thinking that I should do the logging in rails rather than in solr itself so that I have access to the entire session, but I'm not sure how to build that. Is there a standard method for this? I saw this question but I would think there would be something more generic than writing it all myself in ApplicationController.
The ultimate answer depends on howwhere you're implementing your search. If you have a single search controller, do the logging there. If you have a collection of search controllers, either do it in each one, or create a base class, do the filter/logging in the base class.
Can you provide any more details?