VB.net disable a TabPage of a TabControl - vb.net

I currently have a form that uses TabControl which has 5 TabPages. I want to create a button that could disable a specific TabPage.
I have tried
TabPage1.Enabled = False
But it does not work. How do I do this?

you need to use the TabPages collection. Add a button to your form and try this
Private Sub Button1_Click( sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TabControl1.TabPages(0).Enabled =false
End Sub
It's a base zero array, so in your case it should be from 0-4.
Or you can access it from the text of the tab
Private Sub Button2_Click( sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim tabPage As TabPage
For Each tabPage In TabControl1.TabPages
If tabPage.Text ="TabPage2"
tabPage.Enabled =False
End If
End Sub

Currently, the following two code blocks does the same thing: disables all the controls on that TabPage (Sets Control.Enabled = False). The tab itself is still visible and selectable from the TabControl, it is not hidden. The tab is selectable and all the elements appear disabled.
TabMyTab.Enabled = False
MyTabControl.TabPages(4).Enabled = False where the TabPages(4) is the 5th in the TabControl collection.
Your initial code should work if that is your intent.
If you want to disable the tab similar to i.e. button.Enabled = False which does not allow the control to be used, you will need to do something different as disabling a TabPage as in the code above disables all controls in that tab. If this is what you want, keep reading. A lot of programmers suggest using the TabControl to disallow the tab from being selected by selecting a different or the previously selected tab. This is the most effective way I know. I would implement this as follows:
Private PreviousTab As New TabPage
Private CurrentTab As New TabPage
Private Sub TabControlName_Deselected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControlName.Deselected
PreviousTab = e.TabPage
End Sub
Private Sub TabControlName_Selected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControlName.Selected
CurrentTab = e.TabPage
If (PreviousTab.Name <> CurrentTab.Name) And (CurrentTab.Name = UnselectableTab.Name) Then
MessageBox.Show("Tab disabled.", "Selection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
TabControlName.SelectedTab = PreviousTab
End If
End Sub
Substitute your own values for "UnselectableTab" and "TabControlName" for your project.

You can combine the use of disabling the tab, that way the behavior is dynamic if you change which tabs are enabled or disabled in code.
Private Sub TabControl1_Deselected(sender As Object, e As TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Deselected
PreviousTab = e.TabPage
End Sub
Private Sub TabControl1_Selected(sender As Object, e As TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selected
If Not e.TabPage.Enabled Then
TabControl1.SelectedTab = PreviousTab
End If
End Sub

You can disabled a tab by setting its Enabled property:
TabControl1.TabPages("tbPage1").Enabled = False


Changed checked state on checkbox with button appearance in VB.NET

As stated in my summary, I am currently working on a Virtual OS in VB.Net. I am currently working on the session as I am done with the login stuff.
I am having trouble with a checkbox with button appearance. I want to set the CheckState to Checked if I click on the button with the Click() event like this:
Private Sub btnApps_Click(Byval sender As Object, Byval e As EventArgs) Handles btnApps.Click()
If btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked
End If
End Sub
I also tried the Checked property.
This code is not working at all, if I put the whole If-End If section in the CheckedChanged event I get a StackOverflowException. What am I doing wrong?
The CheckBox is a custom control b.t.w.
If you'd like to prevent your Checkbox from automatically changing state and change the appearance with your own Click event, you can turn AutoCheck to false.
Information found thanks to this question: How to cancel RadioButton or CheckBox checked change
Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents btnApps As New clsChk
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
btnApps.AutoCheck = False
End Sub
Private Sub btnApps_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnApps.Click
If btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked Then
btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked
btnApps.CheckState = CheckState.Checked
End If
End Sub
End Class

Multiple selection in datagridview

I work on a new project that need a multiple row selection/deselection by the user in a datagridview with only a tap on a touch screen.
The form should look like this:
For exemple, if the user want to delete row 2 and 5, he only need to tap once on each line to select/deselect them. After the selection is done, he tap on "Delete Row" button.
I've already try to play with the CellClick event without success!!
Can someone have a clue how can I handle this problem?
After setting MultiSelect property to True and SelectionMode to FullRowSelect you can use a List to store which row of your DataGridView is selected.
On CellClick you can add/remove rows from your List, on RowPostPaint you can select a row if it's included in the List and on RowsRemoved you have to clear the List.
Private intSelectedRows As New List(Of Integer)
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellClick
With CType(sender, DataGridView)
Dim intRow As Integer = .CurrentRow.Index
If Not Me.intSelectedRows.Contains(intRow) Then
.CurrentRow.Selected = False
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridView1_RowPostPaint(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowPostPaint
If Me.intSelectedRows.Contains(e.RowIndex) Then
CType(sender, DataGridView).Rows(e.RowIndex).Selected = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridView1_RowsRemoved(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowsRemoved
End Sub
If you want to clear selection you can use this code:
Private Sub btnClearSelectedRows_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClearSelectedRows.Click
For Each intSelectedRow As Integer In Me.intSelectedRows
Me.DataGridView1.Rows(intSelectedRow).Selected = False
Next intSelectedRow
End Sub

Changing checkbox appearance to button

I am using a checkbox as a toggle switch (ON-OFF Button) by changing its appearance to Button using Checkbox.Appearance property.
When I run the VB.NET application, the Checkbox turns into a button only after the first click. Is it possible to change the appearance of the Checkbox to button as default? I also want the button to Popup when the user clicks "ON". I have tried changing the appearance using FlatStyle property, but it doesn't work.
I am using the following code:
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
CheckBox1.Appearance = System.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Button
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
CheckBox1.Text = "ON"
ElseIf CheckBox1.Checked = False Then
CheckBox1.Text = "OFF"
End If
End Sub
It is possible to select Appearance into the Load event of the form
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.CheckBox1.Appearance = Appearance.Button
End Sub

Disable Tab Control when pressing Button VB.NET

I would like to ask if how could possibly disable tabs in tabcontrol.
This is what the codes looks like when disable:
Public Sub TabControl1_Selecting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selecting
If e.TabPageIndex = 3 Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
This code only disable while you load the form
I was trying to convert a code from c# however it doesn't work as I expected.
See this code:
Public Sub EnableTabs(ByVal Page As TabPage, ByVal bolFlag As Boolean)
EnableControls(Page.Controls, bolFlag)
End Sub
Private Sub EnableControls(ByVal Ctrls As Control.ControlCollection, ByVal bolFlag As Boolean)
For Each Ctrl As Control In Ctrls
Ctrl.Enabled = bolFlag
EnableControls(Ctrl.Controls, bolFlag)
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'I have problems with this line
EnableTabs(TabControl1.TabPages(TabControl1.SelectedIndex) = 0, False)
End Sub
Is there anyway that I could possibly disable a tab while clicking a button?
Let me know!
Try this:
Private Sub Button_Click( sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Dim tabPage As TabPage
For Each tabPage In TabControl1.TabPages
If tabPage.Text ="TabPage1"
tabPage.Enabled =False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click( sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TabControl1.TabPages(0).Enabled =false
End Sub
Yet another answer.
At some point if you want to disable a tab - use this code at the appropriate point
TabControl1.TabPages(x).Enabled = False
Where x is the zero-based index of the tab page you want to disable.
When the user clicks on a TabPage, the Selecting event fires for the whole control. Using the e eventargs parameter you can see the index of the TabPage being selected. The code in this event checks to see if it is disabled and if so, cancels the tab click.
Private Sub TabControl1_Selecting(sender As Object, e As TabControlCancelEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selecting
If e.TabPage.Enabled = False Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
I already answered it. Anyhow, I would like to share it for you guys.
I just change the code from:
EnableTabs(TabControl1.TabPages(TabControl1.SelectedIndex) = 0, False)
EnableTabs(TabControl1.TabPages(1), False)
This code only the contain of tab not by disable while selecting/clicking the tab header. I think I just use this one for now. If you have other source of code that is useful enough. Just leave on the answer section below. I loved to hear them all.
Thanks anyway.
I have already my own answer based on it. And I used this code right now, for example I have 3 tabs with 0-2 index respectively.
Public Sub Tab0Flag As Boolean
Public Sub Tab1Flag As Boolean
Public Sub Tab2Flag As Boolean
Public Sub TabControl1_Selecting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selecting
If e.TabPageIndex = 0 Then
e.Cancel = Tab0Flag
End If
If e.TabPageIndex = 1 Then
e.Cancel = Tab1Flag
End If
If e.TabPageIndex = 2 Then
e.Cancel = Tab2Flag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EnableTabs(ByVal Tab0 As Boolean, ByVal Tab1 As Boolean, ByVal Tab2 As Boolean)
Tab0Flag = Tab0
Tab1Flag = Tab1
Tab2Flag = Tab2
End Sub
Private Sub frmG_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'I'll Only Disable the 2nd tab
EnableTabs(False, True, False)
End Sub

How to select TextBox on Label Click

In Microsoft Access, when you click on a label, the textbox associated with that label gets the focus. As far as I can tell, VB.NET does not have this same functionality. I know I can always add something in to the click event of the label, like so...
But I have dozens of fields on the form, and it would make it so much easier if I did not need to add this to the click event of each label.
I guess it would be possible to make an event for all labels that forces a tab to the next control, and assuming that I have the Tab indices set up correctly, then this would work. The problem would occur when adding new fields to the form, in which case all tab indices would need re-verified.
Private Sub Label1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click, Label2.Click
'code to tab to next field...
End Sub
Is there any easier way?
First, set the controls' TabIndex orders on your form then use this code:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf c Is Label Then AddHandler c.Click, AddressOf Label_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Label_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Me.SelectNextControl(sender, True, True, True, True)
End Sub
End Class
Now whenever you click on a label, the following control in the order will be focused.
How about creating a dictionary where the label is the key and the control to focus is the value, then add a Click event handler to all of the label in the Dictionary. Everytime you add a label/control 'all' you need to do is add another KeyValuePair to the Dictionary
Simple Example:
Public Class Form1
Protected Friend DicLabelToControl As Dictionary(Of Label, Control)
Protected Friend Sub InitLabelDic()
DicLabelToControl = New Dictionary(Of Label, Control) From {{Label1, TextBox1}, {Label2, TextBox2}}
End Sub
Protected Friend Sub AddClickEventsToLabels()
For Each lb As Label In DicLabelToControl.Keys
AddHandler lb.Click, AddressOf HandleLabelClick
End Sub
Private Sub HandleLabelClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
DicLabelToControl(CType(sender, Label)).Focus()
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
End Class