Worklight 5.0.6 - How to enable Java remote debugging? - ibm-mobilefirst

I would like to debug the server part of my Worklight application (java). AFAIK Worklight 5.0.6 uses an embedded Jetty HTTP server. I wonder how it's possible to enable remote debugging for this process so I can set breakpoints, watch scope variables and so on?
Thank you in advance,

In Worklight 5.0.6, where the Jetty application server is used, Java debugging is not possible.
A possible solution, in case you are an IBM Worklight customer is to deploy Worklight on WAS Liberty, where you should be able to do this.


Mobile first Server 8 queries

I new new Mobile first platform and websphere application server(WAS)
I installed mobile first server (MobileFirst- my system and I am assuming the mobile first runs on WAS
I am having following queries.
How to deploy .war file in mobile first server 8 as it's console which is run 9080 port doesn't have option to deploy war file as it only have option to deploy adapter ?
If a deploy adapter on the mobile first server, at what location on the server i find the file ?
If war deployed on websphere then still how i use mobile first sevices like push, analytics.
Can i use spring and hibernate while developing adapters or any other ibm options are available in contrast to spring and hibernate.
As I am new to ibm products, want to know what are the topics and product need to learn before i start development.
Kindly share
Before all, you should google.
How to deploy .war file in mobile first server 8 as it's console which
is run 9080 port doesn't have option to deploy war file as it only
have option to deploy adapter ?
In v8.0 you no longer need to deploy .war files to the underlying application servers. Certainly not in the developer edition.
You either start a server instance on Bluemix, or use the DevKit for local installations. Then, you either create native apps or Cordova apps - using the native tools or Cordova CLI, and develop adapters using Maven.
Learn more in the Knowledge Center and find additional documentation and tutorials in the developer center.
If a deploy adapter on the mobile first server, at what location on
the server i find the file ?
The adapter file (.adapter) is deployed to the MobileFirst database.
If war deployed on websphere then still how i use mobile first sevices
like push, analytics.
Yes, those are services that are available to you out of the box. Learn more in the knowledge center and developer center.
Can i use spring and hibernate while developing adapters or any other
ibm options are available in contrast to spring and hibernate.
Yes, you can use these technologies. And adapter is a JAX-RS application and so you can integrate a
As I am new to ibm products, want to know what are the topics and
product need to learn before i start development.
Product documentation is available in the following websites:
IBM Knowledge Center:
MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center:

Push notification does not work on mobilefirst platform 7.1 server

We have develop a cross platform app with mobilefirst studio 7.0 and test it on production environment.
It was fine before we upgrade our project with mobilefirst studio and test it on clean staging server ( 20151012-1525).
It seems that the push notification functionality dedicated on mobilefirst 7.0 did not work properly on production server of mobilefirst platform version 7.1. The source code and configuration file of our mobilefirst push notifcation adapter and configuration files are here.
Inorder to fix the issue, we refer to official push notification tutorial which was documented here.
Surprisingly, although the source project in official tutorial looks fine on development server, it still not work on production server either.
We have test this project using iphone5s with ios 8.4 and HTC 816h phone with android 4.4.2, both of them fail to register push notification service after we login to the HybridEventSource sample application and tap the “Subscribe Notification” button.
The Mobilefirst server logs down internal server error message during the registration process of client devices.
I am wondering how to let the push notification mechanism work again on mobilefirst 7.1?
Either a valid push notification sample code of mobilefirst 7.1 or any fix pack which we do not know is welcomed.
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server,
we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
The server log message generated during this test is in this file.
The log file generated while we run EventSourceNotification app as xcode project is in this file.
For detail system log from ios device, please refer to device log file
And the Log message generated by HTC 816h android 4.4.2 phone is here
Information about our server environment:
Operating system : centos 5.8 linux
Java development kit : Oracle jdk 1.8 update 65 x86-64
Application server : Apache tomcat server 7.0.63
Worklight environment database : oracle database 11g.
Apple push notification service certificate : sandbox version
Well that's kinda suspicious, isn't it?
Since we did not authenticate users via mobilefirst server, and devices were connected through vpn to server, we prefer to have a solution which does not depends on particular mobilefirst server side authentication mechanism.
You are using the push mechanism provided by MFPF but you do not want to go through MFPF? You are required to go through MFPF if you want to use the push mechanism provided by MFPF... What did you mean by the above?
That said, did your DBA examine mf7-1-EventSourceNotifications-catalina.out.log? There are quite a few Oracle-related exceptions there that you should look at.
If you are still unable to resolve it I suggest to open a PMR instead so that the development team will be able to further investigate.

Is it possible to deploy a JAX-RS web service to MobileFirst Server?

My team is working on the migration of a hybrid app from Tibco Silver Mobile(TSM) platform to IBM MobileFirst Platform.
I have a JAX-RS webservice developed using Weblogic IDE which is currently hosted on TSM server. This webservice does a security check for all the incoming back-end requests and pass the request to the back-end if it is from a valid source.
When the app will be migrated from TSM to MobileFirst platform the TSM server will be moved out of the scene. I am looking for some alternate options for hosting this JAX-RS webservice. I don't want to make any changes to the webservice since it is a tested and proven code used in the TSM based solution.
I understand from the IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.0 documentation that JAX-RS support is now available on the MobileFirst Server and JAX-RS specification based Java adapters can be developed and deployed to the server.
Can I deploy the above mentioned webservice .WAR file as such to MobileFirst Server, without making any customizations?
If yes, what is the procedure for deploying the webservice (.WAR) to MobileFirst Server?
If no, what are the alternate options that can be considered?
As indicated in the comments above:
MFP Server is actually a Java EE application deployed to a supported Java EE application server, WebSphere Liberty or full WebSphere ND being the normal options, though TomCat is also supported.
In principle your own JAX/RS WAR file can be deployed to these same servers, the details will depend upon exactly what Java EE features you exploit and you will need to understand those Java EE servers' administration model. MFP itself is not affected by this, and you need no MFP knowledge to do it. You just need to understand the chosen Java EE server. Personally I would start with WebSphere Liberty.
A further question would be whether it is better to isolate your JAX/RS and Mobile First servers into their own Java EE server instances. It can be easier to manage and scale if you keep things separate, but technically there should be no interference if you do co-locate them. It is pretty trivial to spin up a dedicated Liberty server.
A more interesting question is whether there is value in actually exploiting the MFP Adapter capability to create JAX/RS services. In effect it's your familiar JAX/RS programming model but packaged slightly differently, deployed as a MFP adapter, and with the option explicitly to exploit the MFP security model and easily call other MFP adapters.
Personally, if I were coming to a project with no existing JAX/RS services and have commited to MFP and its security model then I would do my JAX/RS in the MFP Adapters.

Turn Off Worklight server logging from server.xml

I know that I can turn off the logging on server.xml for the developer edition.
But we are running WL enterprise, where can I find the server.xml to turn off the adapters logging.?
I do not think this has to do with your project specifically.
In the application server's server.xml (if you followed the deployment instructions for Worklight projects as provided in the Knowledge Center) you should have an entry specifying your Worklight project.
In this same file, you need to configure the logging level for com.worklight.
See here: Logging mechanisms
Maybe this will work:
<logging traceSpecification="com.worklight.*=info=disabled"/>
You need to play with it per the WebSphere documentation (as it is not related to Worklight per-se).
Related question (you need to do the opposite of the written in the answer): IBM Worklight 6.0 - How to enable/view WL.Logger.debug in adapters?

JBoss AS7 remote debugging and deploying

I install JBoss AS on VPS. I forward ports and I can access to server form my local machine. It is any possibility to add this server to Eclipse IDE?
I expect the same effect debugging and deploying to remote instance of jboss.
Best regards
Do you try eclipse jboss tools plugin?
Look at this tutorial from point 5.