Error taking int of logs in VBA - vba

When I calculate log(8) / log(2) I get 3 as one would expect:
However, if I take the int of this calculation like this the result is 2 and thus wrong:
How and why does this happen?

Likely because the actual number returned is of type double. Because floats and doubles cannot accurately represent most base 10 rational numbers the number returned is something like 2.99999999999. Then when you apply int() the .999999999 is truncated.
How floating-point number works: it dedicates a bit for the sign, a few bits to store an exponent, and the rest for the actual fraction. This leads to numbers being represented in a form similar to 1.45 * 10^4; except that instead of the base being 10, it's two.


How does numpy manage to divide float32 by 2**63?

Here Daniel mentions
... you pick any integer in [0, 2²⁴), and divide it by 2²⁴, then you can recover your original integer by multiplying the result again by 2²⁴. This works with 2²⁴ but not with 2²⁵ or any other larger number.
But when I tried
>>> b = np.divide(1, 2**63, dtype=np.float32)
>>> b*2**63
Although it isn't working for 2⁶⁴, but I'm left wondering why it's working for all the exponents from 24 to 63. And moreover if it's unique to numpy only.
In the context that passage is in, it is not saying that an integer value cannot be divided by 225 or 263 and then multiplied to restore the original value. It is saying that this will not work to create an unbiased distribution of numbers.
The text leaves some things not explicitly stated, but I suspect it is discussing taking a value of integer type, converting it to IEEE-754 single-precision, and then dividing it. This will not work for factors larger than 224 because the conversion from integer type to IEEE-754 single-precision will have to round the number.
For example, for 232, all numbers from 0 to 16,777,215 will convert to themselves with no error, and then dividing by 232 will produce a unique floating-point number for each. But both 16,777,216 and 16,777,217 will convert to 16,777,216, and then dividing by 232 will produce the same number for them (1/256). All numbers from 2,147,483,520 to 2,147,483,776 will map to 2,147,483,648, which then produces ½, so that is 257 numbers mapping to one floating-point number. But all the numbers from 2,147,483,777 to 2,147,484,031 map to 2,147,483,904. So this one has 255 numbers mapping to it. (The difference is due to the round-to-nearest-ties-to-even rule.) At the high end, the 129 numbers from 4,294,967,168 to 4,294,967,296 map to 4,294,967,296, for which dividing produces 1, which is out of the desired half-open interval, [0, 1).
On the other hand, if we use integers from 0 to 16,777,215 (224−1), there is no rounding, and each result maps from exactly one starting number and stays within the interval.
Note that “significand“ is the preferred term for the fraction portion of a floating-point representation. “Mantissa” is an old word for the fraction portion of a logarithm. Significands are linear. Mantissas are logarithmic. And the significand of the IEEE-754 single-precision format has 24 bits, not 23. The primary field used to encode the significand has 23 bits, but the exponent field provides another bit.

Internal error occurred during runtime generation of Program Dump ID: BCD_OVERFLOW

Internal error occurred during runtime generation of Program (Dump ID: BCD_OVERFLOW)
No error during check but activation gives this error.
This issue occurs in any ABAP code if you try to assign a value to a numeric attribute or variable, which is "out of range" (so leads to an overflow). See here all the possible value range for numeric types:
Type Value Range
---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b 0 to 255
s -32,768 to +32,767
i -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
int8 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807
p The valid length for packed numbers is between 1 and 16 bytes. Two places are
packed into one byte, where the last byte contains only one place and the sign,
which is the number of places or places calculated from 2 * len1. After the
decimal separator, up to 14 decimal places are allowed ( the number of decimal
places should not exceed the number of places). Depending on the field length
len and the number of decimal places dec, the value range is: (-10^(2len-1)
+1) / (10^(+dec)) to (+10^(2len-1) -1) /(10^(+dec)) in increments of 10^(-dec).
Any intermediate values are rounded decimally. Invalid content produces undefined
decfloat16 Decimal floating point numbers of this type are represented internally with 16
places in accordance with the IEEE-754-2008 standard. Valid values are numbers
between 1E385(1E-16 - 1) and -1E-383 for the negative range, 0 and +1E-383 to
1E385(1 - 1E-16) for the positive range. Values between the ranges form the
subnormal range and are rounded. Outside of the subnormal range, each 16-digit
decimal number can be represented exactly with a decimal floating point number
of this type.
decfloat34 Decimal floating point numbers of this type are represented internally with 34
places in accordance with the IEEE-754-2008 standard. Valid values are numbers
between 1E6145(1E-34 - 1) and -1E-6143 for the negative range, 0 to +1E-6143
and 1E6145(1 - 1E-34) for the positive range. Values between the ranges form
the subnormal range and are rounded. Outside of the subnormal range, each
34-digit decimal number can be represented exactly using a decimal floating
point number.
f Binary floating point numbers are represented internally according to the
IEEE-754 standard (double precision). In ABAP, 17 places are represented (one
integer digit and 16 decimal places). Valid values are numbers between
-1.7976931348623157E+308 and -2.2250738585072014E-308 for the negative range
and between +2.2250738585072014E-308 and +1.7976931348623157E+308 for the
positive range, plus 0. Both validity intervals are extended to the value zero
by subnormal numbers according to IEEE-754. Not every sixteen-digit number can
be represented exactly by a binary floating point number.
Minimal reproducible example:
REPORT ztest.
DATA num TYPE int1.
num = 1000. " <=== run time error
The solution is to use a larger data type like int2 (up to 32767) or I (integer on 4 bytes):
REPORT ztest.
DATA num TYPE int2. " <=== larger type
num = 1000. " <=== no more error
NB: decfloat34 is the larger possible numeric data type, it can handle virtually any value.
This issue can occur in methods, Function modules, or in Report also.
The main reason behind this issue is the runtime configuration of attributes present in code.
For example,
DATA: num type int1 value 256.
This statement is syntactically fine but the value that is being assigned to variable num is more than the range of type INT1. So it will dump while activation only.
DATA: num type int1 value {<=255}
Similarly, this error can occur in any case where the compile-time and runtime configuration conflict.

How do you multiply two fixed point numbers?

I am currently trying to figure out how to multiply two numbers in fixed point representation.
Say my number representation is as follows:
In my case, the number 10.01000000000000 = -0.25.
How would I for example do 0.25x0.25 or -0.25x0.25 etc?
Hope you can help!
You should use 2's complement representation instead of a seperate sign bit. It's much easier to do maths on that, no special handling is required. The range is also improved because there's no wasted bit pattern for negative 0. To multiply, just do as normal fixed-point multiplication. The normal Q2.14 format will store value x/214 for the bit pattern of x, therefore if we have A and B then
So you just need to multiply A and B directly then divide the product by 214 to get the result back into the form x/214 like this
AxB = ((int32_t)A*B) >> 14;
A rounding step is needed to get the nearest value. You can find the way to do it in Q number format#Math operations. The simplest way to round to nearest is just add back the bit that was last shifted out (i.e. the first fractional bit) like this
AxB = (int32_t)A*B;
AxB = (AxB >> 14) + ((AxB >> 13) & 1);
You might also want to read these
Fixed-point arithmetic.
Emulated Fixed Point Division/Multiplication
Fixed point math in c#?
With 2 bits you can represent the integer range of [-2, 1]. So using Q2.14 format, -0.25 would be stored as 11.11000000000000. Using 1 sign bit you can only represent -1, 0, 1, and it makes calculations more complex because you need to split the sign bit then combine it back at the end.
Multiply into a larger sized variable, and then right shift by the number of bits of fixed point precision.
Here's a simple example in C:
int a = 0.25 * (1 << 16);
int b = -0.25 * (1 << 16);
int c = (a * b) >> 16;
printf("%.2f * %.2f = %.2f\n", a / 65536.0, b / 65536.0 , c / 65536.0);
You basically multiply everything by a constant to bring the fractional parts up into the integer range, then multiply the two factors, then (optionally) divide by one of the constants to return the product to the standard range for use in future calculations. It's like multiplying prices expressed in fractional dollars by 100 and then working in cents (i.e. $1.95 * 100 cents/dollar = 195 cents).
Be careful not to overflow the range of the variable you are multiplying into. Your constant might need to be smaller to avoid overflow, like using 1 << 8 instead of 1 << 16 in the example above.

Objective-C: Strange calculation result

I am learning Objective-C and have completed a simple program and got an unexpected result. This program is just a multiplication table test... User inputs the number of iterations(test questions), then inputs answers. That after program displays the number of right and wrong answers, percentage and accepted/failed result.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(#"Welcome to multiplication table test");
int rightAnswers; //the sum of the right answers
int wrongAnswers; //the sum of wrong answers
int combinations; //the number of combinations#
NSLog(#"Please, input the number of test combinations");
for(int i=0; i<combinations; ++i)
int firstInt=rand()%8+1;
int secondInt=rand()%8+1;
int result=firstInt*secondInt;
int answer;
int percent=(100/combinations)*rightAnswers;
NSLog(#"Combinations passed: %d",combinations);
NSLog(#"Answered right: %d times",rightAnswers);
NSLog(#"Answered wrong: %d times",wrongAnswers);
NSLog(#"Completed %d percent",percent);
[pool drain];
return 0;
Problem (strange result)
When I input 3 iterations and answer 'em right, i am not getting of 100% right. Getting only
99%. The same count I tried on my iPhone calculator.
100 / 3 = 33.3333333... percentage for one right answer (program displays 33%. The digits after mantissa getting cut off)
33.3333333... * 3=100%
Can someone explain me where I went wrong? Thanx.
This is a result of integer division. When you perform division between two integer types, the result is automatically rounded towards 0 to form an integer. So, integer division of (100 / 3) gives a result of 33, not 33.33.... When you multiply that by 3, you get 99. To fix this, you can force floating point division by changing 100 to 100.0. The .0 tells the compiler that it should use a floating point type instead of an integer, forcing floating point division. As a result, rounding will not occur after the division. However, 33.33... cannot be represented exactly by binary numbers. Because of this, you may still see incorrect results at times. Since you store the result as an integer, rounding down will still occur after the multiplication, which will make it more obvious. If you want to use an integer type, you should use the round function on the result:
int percent = round((100.0 / combinations) * rightAnswers);
This will cause the number to be rounded to the closest integer before converting it to an integer type. Alternately, you could use a floating point storage type and specify a certain number of decimal places to display:
float percent = (100.0 / combinations) * rightAnswers;
NSLog(#"Completed %.1f percent",percent); // Display result with 1 decimal place
Finally, since floating point math will still cause rounding for numbers that can't be represented in binary, I would suggest multiplying by rightAnswers before dividing by combinations. This will increase the chances that the result is representable. For example, 100/3=33.33... is not representable and will be rounded. If you multiply by 3 first, you get 300/3=100, which is representable and will not be rounded.
Ints are integers. They can't represent an arbitrary real number like 1/3. Even floating-point numbers, which can represent reals, won't have enough precision to represent an infinitely repeating decimal like 100/3. You'll either need to use an arbitrary-precision library, use a library that includes rationals as a data type, or just store as much precision as you need and round from there (e.g. make your integer unit hundredths-of-a-percent instead of a single percentage point).
You might want to implement some sort of rounding because 33.333....*3 = 99.99999%. 3/10 is an infinite decimal therefore you need some sort of rounding to occur (maybe at the 3rd decimal place) so that the answer comes out correct. I would say if (num*1000 % 10 >= 5) num += .01 or something along those lines multiply by 100 moves decimal 3 times and then mod returns the 3rd digit (could be zero). You also might only want to round at the end once you sum everything up to avoid errors.
EDIT: Didn't realize you were using integers numbers at the end threw me off, you might want to use double or float (floats are slightly inaccurate past 2 or 3 digits which is OK with what you want).
100/3 is 33. Integer mathematics here.

Why decimal behave differently?

I am doing this small exercise.
declare #No decimal(38,5);
set #No=12345678910111213.14151;
select #No*1000/1000,#No/1000*1000,#No;
Results are:
Why are the results of first 2 selects different when mathematically it should be same?
it is not going to do algebra to convert 1000/1000 to 1. it is going to actually follow the order of operations and do each step.
yields: #No*1000 = 12345678910111213141.51000
then /1000= 12345678910111213.141510
yields: #No/1000 = 12345678910111.213141
then *1000= 12345678910111213.141000
by dividing first you lose decimal digits.
because of rounding, the second sql first divides by 1000 which is 12345678910111.21314151, but your decimal is only 38,5, so you lose the last three decimal points.
because when you divide first you get:
then only six decimal digits are left after point:
then *1000
because the intermediary type is the same as the argument's - in this case decimal(38,5). so dividing first gives you a loss of precision that's reflected in the truncated answer. multiplying by 1000 first doesn't give any loss of precision because that doesn't overload 38 digits.
It's probably because you lose part of data making division first. Notice that #No has 5-point decimal precision so when you divide this number by 1000 you suddenly need 8 digits for decimal part:
123.12345 / 1000 = 0.12312345
So the value has to be rounded (0.12312) and then this value is multiply by 1000 -> 123.12 (you lose 0.00345.
I think that's why the result is what it is...
The first does #No*1000 then divides it by 1000. The intermediates values are always able to represent all the decimal places. The second expression first divides by 1000, which throws away the last two decimal places, before multiplying back to the original value.
You can get around the problem by using CONVERT or CAST on the first value in your expression to increase the number of decimal places and avoid a loss of precision.
DECLARE #num decimal(38,5)
SET #num = 12345678910111213.14151
SELECT CAST(#num AS decimal(38,8)) / 1000 * 1000