Manipulating a record data - sql

I am looking for a way to take data from one table and manipulate it and bring it to another table using an SQL query.
I have a Column called NumberStuff that has data like this in it:
I need to cut off the INC portion of the number and convert it into an integer and store it into a Column in another table so that it ends up looking like this:
Any help would be much appreciated!

Another approach is to use the Replace function. Either in TSQL or as a Derived Column Expression in SSIS.
SELECT REPLACE(T.MyColumn, 'INC', '') AS ReplacedINC
REPLACE([MyColumn], "INC", "")
This removes the character based data. It then becomes an optional exercise in converting to a numeric type before storing it to the target table or letting the implicit conversion happen.

Simplest version of what you need.
select cast(right(column,6) as int) from table
Are you doing this in a SSIS statement, or? it always the last 6 or?...
This is a little less dependant on your formatting...removes 0's and can be any length (will trim the first 3 chars and the leading 0's).
select cast(SUBSTRING('INC000000315482',4,LEN('INC000000315482') - 3) as int)


How to get value string with regexp in bigquery

Hi i have string in BigQuery column like this
cancellation_amount: 602000
after_cancellation_transaction_amount: 144500
refund_time: '2022-07-31T06:05:55.215203Z'
cancellation_amount: 144500
after_cancellation_transaction_amount: 0
refund_time: '2022-08-01T01:22:45.94919Z'
i already using this logic to get cancellation_amount
but the output only amount 602000, i need the output 602000 and 144500 become different column
Appreciate for helping
If your lines in the input (which will eventually become columns) are fixed you can use multiple regexp_extracts to get all the values.
regexp_extract(file,r'cancellation_amount:\s*([^\n\r]*)') as cancellation_amount
regexp_extract(file,r'. after_cancellation_transaction_amount:\s*([^\n\r]*)') as after_cancellation_transaction_amount
FROM table_name
One issue I found with your regex expression is that .*cancellation_amount won't match after_cancellation_transaction_amount.
There is also a function called regexp_extract_all which returns all the matches as an array which you can later explode into columns, but if you have finite values separating them out in different columns would be a easier.

Commas using SAS and TD SQL

I am using SAS to pull data in a Teradata environment. I am counting the rows in the Teradata table, but want the output to be in a comma format (i.e. 1,000,000). I was able to use the code below to display the value as a comma, but when I try to add the column in SAS, I can't since the output is in a character format. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to format the number value as comma, so that it can be used for calculation purposes in SAS? Thanks.
CAST(Count(*) as (format 'Z,ZZZ,ZZ9')) as char(10)) as rowCount,
Assuming you're using pass through, pull it in as numeric and format it on the SAS side. You've now converted it to character (char10) and SAS doesn't do math on character variables which makes logical sense.
select rowCount format=comma12. from con
count(*) as rowCount ....
If you have a select * you can always format it later in a data step or via PROC DATASETS. SAS separates the display and storage layers so the format controls the appearance but the underlying data still remains numeric.

SQL ORACLE : Is it possible to convert NUMBER with CHAR (varchar2 datatype) to NUMBER datatype

I have a big problem right now and I really need your help, because I can't find the right answer.
I am currently writing a script that triggers a migration process from a table with raw data (data we received from an excel file) to a new normalized schema.
My problem is that there is a column PRICE (varchar2 datatype) with a bunch of traps. For example: 540S, 25oo , I200 , S000 .
And I need to convert it to the correct NUMBER(9,2) format so I can get: 5405, 2500, 1200, 5000 as NUMBER for the previous examples and INSERT INTO my_new_table.
Is there any way I can parse every CHAR of these strings that verify certain conditions?
Or others better way?
Thank you :)!
One of the wonderful things about Oracle that some other DBs lack, is the TRANSLATE function:
SELECT TRANSLATE(number, 'SsIilOoxyz', '5511100') FROM t
This will convert:
S, s to 5
I, i and l to 1
O, o to 0
Remove any x, y or z from the number
The second and third arguments to translate define what characters are to be mapped. If the first string is longer than the second then anything over the length of the second is deleted from the resulting string. Mapping is direct based on position:
Look at the columns of the characters; the character above is mapped to the character below:
You can use translate() and along with to_number(). Your rules are not exactly clear, but something like this:
select to_number(translate(price, '0123456789IoS', '012345678910'))
from t;
This replaces I with 1, o with 0, and removes S.

SQL Server comma delimiter for money datatype

I import Excel files via SSIS to SQL-Server. I have a temp table to get everything in nvarchar. For four columns I then cast the string to money type and put in my target table.
In my temp table one of those four columns let me call it X has a comma as the delimiter the rest has a dot. Don't ask me why, I have everything in my SSIS set the same.
In my Excel the delimiter is a comma as well.
So now in my target table I have everything in comma values but the X column now moves the comma two places to the right and looks like this:
537013,00 instead of 5370,13 which was the original cell value in the temp and excel column.
I was thinking this is a culture setup problem but then again it should or shouldn't work on all of these columns.
a) Why do I receive dot values in my temp table when my Excel displays comma?
b) how can I fix this? Can I replace the "," in the temp table with a dot?
I think I found the reason but not the solution:
In this X column in excel the first three cells are empty - the other three columns all start with 0. If I fill these three cells of X with 0s then I also get the dot in my temp table and the right value in my target table. But of course I have to use the Excel file as is.
Any ideas on that?
Try the code below. It checks whether the string value being converted to money is of numeric data type. If the string value is of numeric data type, then convert it to money data type, otherwise, return a NULL value. And it also replaces the decimal symbol and the digit grouping symbol of the string value to match the expected decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol of SQL Server.
DECLARE #MoneyString VARCHAR(20)
SET #MoneyString = '$ 1.000,00'
SET #MoneyString = REPLACE(REPLACE(#MoneyString, '.', ''), ',', '.')
THEN #MoneyString
As for the reason why you get comma instead dot I have no clue. My first guess would be cultural settings but you already checked that. What about googling, did you get some results?
First the "separator" in SQL is the decimal point: its only excel that is using the comma. You can change the formatting in excel: you should format the excel column as money and specify a decimal point as the separator. Then in the SSIS import wizard split out the transformation of the column so it imports to a money data type. Its a culture thing, but delimiter tends to be used in the context of signifying the end of one column and the start of the next (as in csv)
Well thats a longstanding problem with excel. It uses the first 30 or so rows to infer data type. It can lead to endless issues. I think your solution has to be to process everything as a string in the way Yaroslav suggested, or supply an excel template to have data predefined and formatted data type columns, which then have the values inserted. Its a pita.

how to rearrange a data

I have a table like this:-
Item Model
A 10022009
B 10032006
C 05081997
I need to rearrange/convert the Model column into this format:-
Item Model
A 20090210
B 20060310
C 19970805
The Model column is character.
You can try the following
SET Model = substr(Model, 5, 4) + substr(Model, 3, 2) + substr(Model, 1, 2)
The right way to do this, assuming those are date fields (and they certainly look like them), is to put that data into a date type column, not a string type column.
Then you can use the DBMS-provided date/time manipulation functions as they were meant to be used, including being able to extract them in the format and order that you want.
Normally, I would have proposed a simple textual change with substrings but, since you're going to change the data anyway, the best thing to do is bite the bullet and change the schema so all your problems disappear (not just one of them).
If you want to keep it as a string type, the syntax to use depends on your DBMS. It's likely to be one of the following:
substring (column, start, length) # substr for Oracle, I think.
substring (column FROM start for length)