How to open an sshfs-project in Adobe Brackets editor - sshfs

adobe-brackets is an open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Although I followed the instructions on how to open a Project ( see also How to create a new project in adobe-brackets?) this does not work for my project-directory which is mapped via sshfs.
Brackets will show the sshfs directory but without any contents. (neither files nor subdirs)
Opening other locally stored directories works like a charm.
Any hints/suggestions?

Update: This is fixed in the latest release of Brackets, Sprint 34. You should now be able to open files on SSHFS file systems with no trouble.
original answer:
What platform are you on? If Linux, you might be seeing bug #5292, which is currently under investigation.
If not, it might be best if you just file a new bug specifying your platform and any other details, and then the Brackets devs (of which I am one) can take a look. When reporting a bug, always check the console log via Debug > Show Developer Tools and paste any exceptions there into your bug report.


Getting set up with intelliJ IDEA

Really basic question here but this has always stopped me from using any JetBrains product, but here I am trying once again. I also have the same issues with CLion but that will be for another time and hopefully I can figure it out based on some feedback from this post.
I need to set up my environment in IntelliJ. Nothing special. No build tools. Currently I just run my school projects using
java Main
This has gotten me so far but I really want to use IntelliJ tools to their full capacity.
I want to be able to set break points and step in and out of my code in their debugger and all the other nice tools that come with running my code through IntelliJ
Every get started tutorial that I have watched on YouTube or from JetBrains themselves already has a basic build configuration set up to run your basic "Hello World" application and that is what I think I need. Just compile my java files into classes and run/debug them.
This is what the run configuration icon in the IDE should look like
And this is what mine currently looks like
I have set many different JDKs to go along with my projects but none of them seem to get the tools I need set up in the IDE. I have even let IntelliJ download one for me and set it up itself to see if maybe I downloaded and installed it wrong and IntelliJ maybe wasn't recognizing it.
This picture below is showing the project structure for an application that I let IntelliJ download a JDK for and set it up itself
So if someone could help me that would be fantastic. Links to videos, blogs are welcome even though I know that isn't the convention on this forum but I think that would be sufficient for my situation. Thanks in advance!
I have found that if I create a project in IntelliJ that I get all the default configurations that I need. The problem is when I need to get a project from VCS that I am not getting any of the configurations that I need to run/debug my program in IntelliJ.
The easiest solution here would be to click the green play button next to your main method, on the left where line numbers are displayed.
Intellij will configure a default java run configuration for you. It will be displayed in the menu for later use, like in the screenshot you posted, after your first run.
You can also create one using the to menu: Run > Edit run configuration to add some more options like arguments, environment variables (that only apply for the run config), etc.
A good starting point would be the Intellij help page on that topic. This help pages are always a good start and you find comprehensible instructions there on every topic.
Another good resource is the Intellij by JetBrains YouTube channel. This video about debugging shows both ways I described above. They have lots of quick tutorials about lot of features, like code generation or build tools. Check out the channel's playlists for specific topics.
The problem with the already created project is that the default/ folder is not marked as source folder. You can do that by File > 'Project Structure...' and set the default/ folder as Sources:
The cause for intellij not recognizing this is because you didn't use a folder structure like the one of maven.
For source code:
and for tests:
If you set it up that way IntelliJ everything works as expected. I created a pull request to your repo. If you check out the branch, IntelliJ will setup everything correctly automatically.

How can I get IntelliJ's Find in Files to always open in "In Project" mode?

As a long-time Visual Studio user, I often use Find in Files to find things throughout the project.
In IntelliJ, this is causing me problems, because sometimes IntelliJ decides, for some reason, that what I want is "Directory" rather than "In Project". (I usually notice this after I'm baffled by the small number of matches.)
How can I get IntelliJ to exclusively open Find in Files in In Project mode, and never in one of the other settings?
There is no way to invoke Find in Files action with In Project scope instead of Directory permanently. Find in Files switches to Directory automatically if you are focusing in the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project). Otherwise, it opens in the previous state.
You can see and follow IDEA-270151 to change the current behavior.

Can't find previously downloaded files in WSL

I'm not very experienced in *nix operating systems and I'm trying to set up an embedded programming environment in WSL, but I'm getting hung up on basic issues. Last time I was working on this project I had downloaded some files (cargo and rustup, but that shouldn't matter), and I confirmed that they were there and working by getting the version number with -V.
After restarting my computer WSL doesn't recognize rustup or cargo as commands, and the folders don't show up with ls, even though they show up when I check for them in Windows Explorer.
The directory I've been working out of is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4\LocalState\rootfs\home*user* which I'm pretty sure is the default. I’ve verified this by creating a .txt in WSL and finding it with Windows Explorer
Working on Windows 10 64-bit. I chose Debian for arbitrary reasons/ open to switching.
I’m not too worried about the files themselves, I just want to be able to avoid this in the future.
Firstly since you are new to WSL please be aware that the recommendations are to not under any situations edit or modify any Linux files inside of your %LOCALAPPDATA% folder using Windows apps or tools which includes moving files using file explorer. See this blog post from Microsoft If you do you can see corruptions missing files and crashes.
I have no experience with cargo or rust but it sounds like you didnt update your .bashrc (start up script) with details needed to add things to the environment on start up.
There are a few things you can do
Use the history command to look back at what you did when you installed things
Use sudo find / -name rust to look for the executable in your system
When using ls remember that files/folders that begin with a dot are hidden so you need to use ls -al to see them in the terminal
I assume you followed this guide for installation (or similar). If you did not and are still having issues please detail how you installed things.

Updating Old Thunderbird Plugin

I'm looking to update the Mozilla Thunderbird plugin found here. The current version was produced in 2007, and doesn't even allow thunderbird to install it. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of where to start, or maybe even point me in the direction of a plugin that does the same thing.
Most of the knowledge for Thunderbird addons is located at ; the addon you can download from is a mere .zip file so you can definitely look at the source and modify it. contains instructions to setup a development environment, which will allow you to catch errors and figure out why exactly the plugin no longer works.

Free spelling checker for FCKeditor?

I am looking for a free spelling checker that is compatible with FCKeditor and would work with FF & IE.
I am aware of Speller pages. Speller pages requires installing PHP and execute permissions to cmd.exe (scary?).
FCKeditor actually comes with a spellchecker, powered by The version with FCKEditor is an ad-supported hosted version, but you can remove the ads for a fee. You can see it working with the FCKEditor demo, the tool launcher is on the bottom row, fourth button in from the right
There is also NetSpell, which is free and works well apparerently (I've not tried it myself). Its an open source .NET implementation (you havn't specified any server language preference). There is some information on the FCK forums about NetSpell here and here