How to group common parameters when calling the same SQL Server stored procedures multiple times? - sql

I am in the process of writing a SQL query file for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 which will call a number of stored procedures to create a merge publication. The baseline script was generated through the New Publication Wizard in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
The "problem" I am facing is that when creating the merge articles using the sp_addmergearticle stored procedure, I need to define a number of parameters which are common to all merge articles, such as the publication name, source owner, destination owner and so on.
The question, then: Is there a way to group a collection of named parameters and supply them in a common fashion so administering changes to these parameters would be simpler?
For example, consider the following query snippet:
use [MyDatabase]
exec sp_addmergearticle #publication=N'MyPub',
exec sp_addmergearticle #publication=N'MyPub',
Now, I would like to make this piece of script easier to read and maintain so that the sp_addmergearticle calls would take a set of parameters which are common to all calls, and some specific parameters which are call-specific.
For example, like this:
use [MyDatabase]
-- Common parameters for all merge articles
DECLARE #common_parameters
-- #publication=N'MyPub'
-- #source_owner=N'TheOwner',
-- #destination_owner=N'TheOwner',
-- #allow_interactive_resolver=N'true'
exec sp_addmergearticle #common_parameters,
exec sp_addmergearticle #common_parameters,
Does anyone know if this is possible? If possible, what means should I use to accomplish this?

You can just use local variables for some values (these can't, unfortunately, cross batch boundaries):
use [MyDatabase]
-- Common parameters for all merge articles
DECLARE #publication sysname
DECLARE #source_owner sysname
DECLARE #destination_owner sysname
DECLARE #allow_interactive_resolver nvarchar(5)
select #publication=N'MyPub',
exec sp_addmergearticle #publication=#publication,
exec sp_addmergearticle #publication=#publication,
And then at least there's only one place that these need to be updated, as required.


Loop Through All SSMS Databases without Recreating Stored Procedure

Background Information:
In Python, I might write something like this if I want to apply the same logic to different values in a list.
database_list = ["db_1", "db_2", "db_3"]
for x in range(0,len(database_list),1):
print("the database name is " + database_list[x])
What I am trying to do:
What I am trying to do in SSMS, is pull a list of DB objects for each database. I created a stored procedure to pull exactly what I want, but I have to run it against each database, so 10 databases mean running it 10 times.
My goal is to do this with a T-SQL query instead of Python.
I tried doing something like this:
exec sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?; EXEC [dbo].[my_stored_procedure]';
The problem with this is, [dbo].[my_stored_procedure] has to exist in every database I want to do this in.
How can I create the stored procedure in 1 database, but execute it for all databases or a list of databases that I choose?
I know what you are trying to do and if it's what I think (you seem reluctant to actually say!) you can do the following:
In the master database, create your procedure. Normally you wouldn't do this, but in this case you must prefix it sp_
use master
create procedure sp_testproc as
select top 10 * from sys.tables
Now if you run this, it will return tables from the master database.
If you switch context to another database and exec master.dbo.sp_testproc, it will still return tables from the master database.
In master, run
sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_testproc
Now switch context to a different database and exec master.dbo.sp_testproc
It will return tables from the database you are using.
Try creating your sproc in master and naming it with an sp_ prefix:
USE master
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_sproc_name
-- You *may* need to mark it as a system object
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_sprocname
It should then be available in all dbs
Create the stored procedure in the Master database with the sp_ prefix, and use dynamic SQL in the stored procedure so it resolves object names relative to the current database, rather than the database which contains the stored procedure.
use master
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getobjects]
exec ('
select *
from [sys].[objects]
where is_ms_shipped = 0
order by type, name
use AdventureWorks2017
exec sp_getobjects
#LunchBox - it's your single stored procedure (that you create in one database) that is actually going to need to contain the "exec sp_MSforeach ...." command, and instead of the command to be executed being "EXEC ", it will need to be the actual SQL that you were going to put into the stored proc.
Eg. (inside your single stored procedure)
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE ?; SELECT * FROM <table>; UPDATE <another table> SET ...';
Think of the stored procedure (that you put into one database) as being no different than your Python code file - if you had actually wanted to achieve the same thing in Python, you would have either needed to create the stored proc in each database, or build the SQL statement string in Python and execute it against each database.
I understand what you thought you might be able to achieve with SQL, but stored procedures really don't work the way you were expecting. Even when you're in the context of a different database, but you run EXEC <different_db>.stored_proc, that stored proc ends up running in the context of the database in which it exists (not your context database).
Now, the only one issue you may come up against is that the standard sp_MSforeachdb stored proc has a limit of 2000 characters for the command that can be executed (although, it does have multiple "command" parameters, this may not be practical if you were planning on running a very large code block, perhaps with variables that carry all the way through). If this is something that might impact what you're intending to do, you could do a search online for "sp_MSforeachdb alternatives" - there seem to be a handful that people have created where the command parameter can contain a larger string.

Should we end stored procedures with the GO statement?

Should we end stored procedures with GO statement, if so what are the advantages of using GO?
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress #City nvarchar(30)
FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address
WHERE City = #City
The statement go, per the documentation
Signals the end of a batch of Transact-SQL statements to the SQL Server utilities.
GO is not a Transact-SQL statement; it is a command recognized by the sqlcmd and osql
utilities and SQL Server Management Studio Code editor.
SQL Server utilities interpret GO as a signal that they should send the current batch
of Transact-SQL statements to an instance of SQL Server. The current batch of statements
is composed of all statements entered since the last GO, or since the start of the
ad-hoc session or script if this is the first GO.
A Transact-SQL statement cannot occupy the same line as a GO command. However, the line
can contain comments.
Users must follow the rules for batches. For example, any execution of a stored procedure
after the first statement in a batch must include the EXECUTE keyword. The scope of
local (user-defined) variables is limited to a batch, and cannot be referenced after a
GO command.
A stored procedure definition, per the documentation for create procedure, comes with restrictions. it must be the first (and only) statement in the batch:
The CREATE PROCEDURE statement cannot be combined with other Transact-SQL statements in
a single batch.
That means the body of stored procedure ends with the batch. Adding GO in your source file is good practice. Especially since it's common to do things prior to and following the creation of a stored procedure. You'll often see source files that look something like this:
if (object_id('dbo.foobar') is not null ) drop procedure dbo.foobar
-- dbo.foobar --------------------------------------------
-- This stored procedure does amazing and wonderful things
create procedure dbo.foobar
{a sequence of amazing and wonderful SQL statements}
return 0
grant execute on dbo.foobar to some_schema
And the value for GO is adjustable in Sql Server Management Studio's options. If you'd like to use something like jump instead of go, you can (bearing in mind that you're almost certainly going to give yourself grief in doing so.).
No, you should end your procedure with RETURN.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress #City nvarchar(30)
FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address
WHERE City = #City
The GO is really meant to separate commands in a sql script.
Just wanted to point out that without a GO at the end of your stored procedure, any T-SQL after the supposed end of the procedure body will still be included in the body of the proc.
For example
SELECT * FROM dbo.Bar;
In this example, running EXEC dbo.Foo will end up dropping the table even though it is after the END. To avoid that, you need to place a GO after the END.
I prefer to surround the body of the stored procedure with begin and end statements:
#City nvarchar(30)
) AS
FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address
WHERE City = #City;
GO is a not a T-SQL command. It is understood by the tools that run scripts. As the documentation describes:
GO is not a Transact-SQL statement; it is a command recognized by the
sqlcmd and osql utilities and SQL Server Management Studio Code
SQL Server utilities interpret GO as a signal that they should send
the current batch of Transact-SQL statements to an instance of SQL
Server. The current batch of statements is composed of all statements
entered since the last GO, or since the start of the ad hoc session or
script if this is the first GO.
By the way, in your case, a user-defined table function might be more appropriate than a stored procedure.

Dynamic Table from stored procedure

I'm trying to create a temp table from stored procedures, from this link
In the string he defines the sql server version. Our clients have different types of sql servers, from 2005 until 2012.
String: 'SQLNCLI', 'Server=(local)\SQL2008;Trusted_Connection=yes;','EXEC getBusinessLineHistory'
How can I use that command independently from sql server plataform
The OPENROWSET creates a dynamic link to a remote server.
You can create a dynamic TSQL call to a dynamic link with changing parameters. Below is sample code. This can be converted into a store procedure with a #my_Server passed as a parameter.
Please note, this does not support multiple calls at the same time since only one table exists.
You can not use a local temp table since there might be a scoping issue with EXEC calling sp_executesql inside a stored procedure.
These are things you will need to research.
-- Set the server info
SET #my_Server = 'Server=(local)\SQL2008';
-- Clear the staging table
truncate table STAGE.dbo.MYTABLE;
-- Allow for dynamic server location
SET #my_TSQL =
';Trusted_Connection=yes;'', ''EXEC usp_My_Stored_Procedure'')';
-- Run the dynamic remote TSQL
exec sp_executesql #my_TSQL;

Alter or Create multiply stored procedures at once from multiply files in SQL Server 2008

I have a large amount of stored procedures that I am updating often and then transferring to a duplicate database on another server. I have been opening each “storedproc.sql” file from within SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and then selecting Execute in the tool bar which will ether create or alter an existing stored procedure. I have been doing this for each stored procedure.
I am looking for a script (or another way) that will allow me to alter all of the stored procedures on the databases with ones that are located in a folder at one time. I am basically looking for a script that will do something similar to the pseudo-code like text below.
USE [DatabaseName]
UPDATE [StoredProcName]
USING [directory\file\path\fileName.sql]
UPDATE [StoredProcNameN]
USING [directory\file\path\fileNameN.sql
Not the cleanest pseudo-code but hopefully you understand the idea. I would even be willing to drop all of the stored procedures (based on name) and then create the same stored procedures again on the database. If you need more clarity don’t hesitate to comment, I thank you in advance.
To further explain:
I am changing every reporting stored procedure for an SSRS conversion project. Once the report is developed, I move the report and the stored procedure to a server. I then have to manually run (ALTER or CREATE) each stored procedure against the duplicated database so the database will now be able to support the report on the server. So far this has not been too much trouble, but I will eventually have 65 to 85 stored procedures; and if I have to add one dataset field to each one, then I will have to run each one manually to update the duplicate database.
What I want to be able to do is have a SQL script that says: For this database, ALTER/CREATE this named stored procedure and you can find that .sql text file with the details in this folder.
Here is some code that I use to move all stored procedures from one database to another:
DECLARE #SPBody nvarchar(max);
DECLARE #SPName nvarchar(4000);
SELECT, sm.definition
FROM <SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.all_objects ao JOIN
<SOURCE DATABASE>.sys.sql_modules sm
ON sm.object_id = ao.object_id
WHERE ao.type = 'P' and SCHEMA_NAME(ao.schema_id) = 'dbo'
order by 1;
OPEN #SPCursor;
if exists(select * from <DESTINATION DATABASE>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines r where r.ROUTINE_NAME = #SPName)
SET #query = N'DROP PROCEDURE '+#SPName;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #query;
exec <DESTINATION DATABASE>..sp_executesql #SPBody;
select #ErrMsg = 'Error creating '+#SPName+': "'+Error_Message()+'" ('+#SPBody+')';
--exec sp__LogInfo #ProcName, #ErrMsg, #ProductionRunId;
You need to put in and as appropriate.
For Reference
c:\>for %f in (*.sql) do sqlcmd /S <servername> /d <dbname> /E /i "%f"
I recommend saving all your stored procedure script files starting with if exists(...) drop procedure followed by the create procedure section. Optionally include a go statement at the end depending on your needs.
You can then use a tool to concatenate all the files together into a single script file.
I use a custom tool for this that allows me to define dependency order, specify batch separators, script types, include folders, etc. Some text editors, such as UltraEdit have this capability.
You can also use the Microsoft Database Project to select batches of script files, and execute them against one or more database connections stored in the project. This is a good starting place that doesn't require any extra software, but can be a bit of a pain regarding adding and managing folders and files within the project.
Using a schema comparison tool such as RedGate's SQL Compare can be useful to synchronize the schema and/or objects of two databases. I don't recommend using this as a best practice deployment or "promote to production" tool though.

How do I run SQL queries on different databases dynamically?

I have a sql server stored procedure that I use to backup data from our database before doing an upgrade, and I'd really like it to be able to run the stored procedure on multiple databases by passing in the database name as a parameter. Is there an easy way to do this? The best I can figure is to dynamically build the sql in the stored procedure, but that feels like its the wrong way to do it.
build a procedure to back up the current database, whatever it is. Install this procedure on all databases that you want to backup.
Write another procedure that will launch the backups. This will depend on things that you have not mentioned, like if you have a table containing the names of each database to backup or something like that. Basically all you need to do is loop over the database names and build a string like:
SET #ProcessQueryString=
'EXEC '+DatabaseServer+'.'+DatabaseName+'.dbo.'+'BackupProcedureName param1, param2'
and then just:
EXEC (#ProcessQueryString)
to run it remotely.
There isn't any other way to do this. Dynamic SQL is the only way; if you've got strict controls over DB names and who's running it, then you're okay just truncating everything together, but if there's any doubt use QUOTENAME to escape the parameter safely:
#dbName NVARCHAR(50)
SET #sql = 'SELECT stuff FROM ' + QUOTENAME(#dbName) + '..TableName WHERE stuff = otherstuff'
EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL (#sql)
Obviously, if there's anything more being passed through then you'll want to double-check any other input, and potentially use parameterised dynamic SQL, for example:
#dbName NVARCHAR(50)
#someValue NVARCHAR(10)
SET #sql = 'SELECT stuff FROM ' + QUOTENAME(#dbName) + '..TableName WHERE stuff = #pOtherStuff'
EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL (#sql, '#pOtherStuff NVARCHAR(10)', #someValue)
This then makes sure that parameters for the dynamic SQL are passed through safely and the chances for injection attacks are reduced. It also improves the chances that the execution plan associated with the query will get reused.
personally, i just use a batch file and shell to sqlcmd for things like this. otherwise, building the sql in a stored proc (like you said) would work just fine. not sure why it would be "wrong" to do that.
best regards,
MSSQL has an OPENQUERY(dbname,statement) function where if the the server is linked, you specify it as the first parameter and it fires the statement against that server.
you could generate this openquery statement in a dynamic proc. and either it could fire the backup proc on each server, or you could execute the statement directly.
Do you use SSIS? If so you could try creating a couple ssis packages and try scheduling them,or executing them remotely.