SQL Server DDL changes (column names, types) - sql

I need to audit DDL changes made to a database. Those changes need to be replicated in many other databases at a later time. I found here that one can enable DDL triggers to keep track of DDL activities, and that works great for create table and drop table operations, because the trigger gets the T-SQL that was executed, and I can happily store it somewhere and simply execute it on the other servers later.
The problem I'm having is with alter operations: when a column name is changed from Management Studio, the event that is produced doesn't contain any information about columns! It just says the table was locked... What's more, if many columns are changed at once (say, column foo => oof, and also, column bar => rab) the event is fired only once!
My poor man's solution would be to have a table to store the structure of the table that's going to be altered, before and after the alter operation. That way, I could compare both structures and figure out what happened to which column(s).
But before I do that, I was wondering if it is possible to do it using some other feature from SQL Server that I have overlooked, or maybe there's a better way. How would you go about this?

There is a product meant for doing just that (I wrote it).
It monitors scripts that contained ddl changes, who wrote them and when together with their effect on performance, and it gives you the ability to easily copy them as one deployment script. For what you asked, the free version is sufficient.

There is no special feature in SQL Server regarding your need. You can use triggers, but they require a lot of T-SQL coding for proper function. Fast solution would be some third party tools, but they're not free. Please take a look at this answer regarding the third party tools https://stackoverflow.com/a/18850705/2808398


Include but not Delete SQL Schema Compare

I am attempting to use SQL Schema Compare in Visual Studio 2013/15 and am running into the problem that discluding tables from delete removes them from being processed at all.
The issue is that the tables it is trying to delete are customer made tables, so when we sync our version against their databases it asks to delete them. We do not want to delete them, but some of their tables have constraints on ours so when it attempts to CCDR it fails due to table constraints. Is there a way to add the table to be (re-created? like the rest of them?), without writing scripts for each client to do what SQL Schema Compare already does just for those few tables?
Red-Gate's SQL Compare does this somehow, but it's hidden from us so not quite sure how it's achieved. Discluding doesn't delete, but does not error on the script either.
The option "Drop constraints not in source" does not appear to work correctly. It does drop some, however there are others that it just does not drop the constraints. In red-gate's tool, when we compared I found how to get the SQL from it, and their product doesn't say the table needs to be updated at all, while Visual Studio's does. They seem to work almost identical, but the tables that fail are the ones that shouldn't be update at all (read below)
Update 2:
Another problem I've found is "Ignore column collation" also doesn't work correctly, as tables that shouldn't be getting dropped are being told they need to be updated even though it's only order of column changes, not actual column or data changes, which makes this feel like more of a bug report than anything.
My suggestion with these types of advance data calculations is to not use Visual Studio. Put the logic on the Sql engine and write the code for this in Sql. Due to the multi user locking issues of a Sql engine these types of processes are prone to fail when the wrong combinations of user actions happen at the same time. The Visual Studio tool can not interface with the data locking issues due to records changing that the Sql engine can. If you even get this to work it will only be safe to run if you are in single user mode.
It is a nice to use tool, easier than writing Sql but there are huge reliability and consistency risks for going down this path.
I don't know if this will help but I've found this paragraph
on the following page:
The update will fail because our change involves changing a column
from NOT NULL to NULL and as a result causes data loss. If you want to
proceed with the update, click on the Options button (the fifth one
from the left) on the toolbar for the Schema Compare and uncheck the
block incremental deployment if data loss option.

SQL Server Auditing Alternatives with Application User Tracking

I'm looking for an auditing solution that does exactly what Change Data Capture (CDC) does, except I need it to also track the application user that made the change. I'm currently using SQL Server 2012 Enterprise and may be upgrading to 2014 later this year.
We already have an auditing solution in place that leverages Delete, Insert, and Update triggers, but some new requirements might force us to update every audit trigger and corresponding audit table. Given various problems we've run in to with that solution over the years, this seems like as good a time as any to reevaluate and potentially replace the solution.
To give you an idea of what I'm currently working with (and may be able to leverage), we use a stored procedure (ConnectionInitialize) to store a user id with a SPID in a table (ApplicationUser) and then we delete the row using another stored procedure (ConnectionReset) once we're done making our deletes, inserts, and updates.
Were we to use CDC, I looked into adding a trigger to something like the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table, but I couldn't find a way to map the LSN back to the SPID (and therefore the user id) that was being used. This also presented some other issues in that CDC is always a little bit behind.
I looked into SQL Server Audit a little bit, but that presented some challenges of its own. We're using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to appease some of our security requirements, but SQL Server Audit looks like it'd need a separate encryption strategy; that and I'm more interested in the columns than in the actual SQL statements. Even so, these aren't deal-breakers for me, so I'm still looking into it.
Given what I'm trying to accomplish, does anyone have any feedback or recommendations?
By itself, CDC doesn't meet the requirements. The reason being is that CDC only grabs changes to your data, not any underlying context under which those changes were made. You can, however, get what you're looking for if you're willing to tag your data with some audit columns. The basic idea is that you append a column to your table (or to a different table if you aren't able to modify the actual table for whatever reason) and populate it with the user who last modified the record (pretty simple to do via an insert/update trigger). Once that is actual data, you can consume it however you need to (CDC being one possible mechanism).
Late answer but hopefully useful.
There is a third party tool, ApexSQL Audit, capable of meeting your requirements. My previous company is using it for years and they have been satisfied with it.
There is a helpful comparison article you can read to find more details about audited data, auditing mechanisms, integrity protection etc, for both CDC & Audit tool at one place.

How do I reconstruct a database schema from hundreds of separate scripts?

I requested that a client send me a copy of their current MS SQL database. Instead of being given a database backup, or small set of scripts I could use to recreate the database, I was provided with hundreds upon hundreds of individual SQL scripts, and no instructions on the order in which they'd need to be run.
The scripts cannot simply be executed in one batch operation, as there are foreign key dependencies between tables. It appears as though they've limited these scripts to creating a single table or stored procedure per script.
Normally, I'd simply ask a client to provide the information in a more usable format, but they're not known for getting back to us in a timely manner, and our project timeline is already in jeopardy due to delays on their end.
Are there any tools I can use to recreate the database from this enormous set of scripts?
This may sound a bit arcane, but you can do the following, iteratively:
Put all the scripts into a list of "scripts to be run"
Run all the scripts in the "to be run" scripts
Remove the successful runs
Repeate 2-3 until no scripts are left
The scripts with no dependencies will finish in the first round. The ones that depend on them in the next round, and then so on and so on.
I would suggest that you operate all this from a metascript, that uses a database table to store the names of the available scripts.
Good luck.
If you set your folder of scripts as a data source in Red Gate SQL Compare, and specify a blank database as the target, it should allow you to compare and deploy to the target database. This is because the tool is able to read all SQL creation scripts recursively from the folder you specify. This is available as a fully functional 14-day trial, so you can easily test it in your scenario.
The quickest (and by far the dirtiest) way of (maybe) doing this is to concatenate all of the scripts together, ensuring that you have a GO statement in between each one. Make sure there are no DROP statements in your scripts, or this technique won't work.
Run the concatenated script repeatedly for... I don't know, 10 or so iterations. Chances are you will have their database recreated properly in your test system.
If you're feeling more rigorous, go with Gordon's suggestion. I'm not really aware of a tool which will be able to reconstruct the dependencies, but you may want to take a look at Red-Gate's SQL Compare, which you can get a demo of for free, and can do some pretty magical things.
You can remove all the foreign keys constraints. Then, organize the scripts so that it first creates all the tables, then add back all the foreign keys. Finally create indexes.
Building on Gordon.
Split them up into one table each.
Count the number of FK and sort starting with least first.
Then remove the scripts that run as Gordon suggests.
Another potential problem is that is creates the table and fails on the FK and leaves the table.
You come back later to create the take and the table is already there so it fails.
If you parse them out with Table FKs
Start with Tables with no FK in a list
Then loop thru Tables with FK
Only add to the List if all the FK are already in the List.
If you know .NET then a class with string property table, sting property script, and a property List String of FK property names.
They should parse out pretty clean regex.

Best practices for writing SQL scripts for deployment

I was wondering what are the best practices in order to write SQL scripts to set up databases for production and/or development, for instance:
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
May I include the hole script in a transaction?
Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
The problem with your question is is hard to answer as it depends on the way the scripts are used in what you are trying to achieve. you also don't say which DB server you are using as there are tools provided which can make some tasks easier.
Taking your points in order, here are some suggestions, which will probably be very different to everyone elses :)
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE
What alternative are you thinking of using? If your question is should you put the CREATE DATABASE statement in the same script as the table creation it depends. When developing DB I use a separate create DB script as I have a script to drop all objects and so I don't need to create the database again.
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
I wouldn't, simply because the users may well change but your schema has not. Might as well manage those changes in a smaller script.
Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
If you are importing the data in an attempt to recover the database then you may well have to if you are using auto increment IDs and want to keep the same values. Also you may end up importing the tables "out of order" an not want checks performed.
May I include the whole script in a transaction?
Yes, you can, but again it depends on the type of script you are running. If you are importing data after rebuilding a db then the whole import should work or fail. However, your transaction file is going to be huge during the import.
Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
Again, for maintenance purposes it's probably better to keep them separate.
This probably depends what kind of database and how it is used and deployed. I am developing a n-tier standard application that is deployed at many different customer sites.
I do not add a CREATE DATABASE statement in the script. Creating the the database is a part of the installation script which allows the user to choose server, database name and collation
I have no knowledge about the users at my customers sites so I don't add create users statements also the only user that needs access to the database is the user executing the middle tire application.
I do not disable FK checks. I need them to protect the consistency of the database, even if it is I who wrote the body scripts. I use FK to capture my errors.
I do not include the entire script in one transaction. I require from the users to take a backup of the db before they run any db upgrade scripts. For creating of a new database there is nothing to protect so running in a transaction is unnecessary. For upgrades there are sometimes extensive changes to the db. A couple of years ago we switched from varchar to nvarchar in about 250 tables. Not something you would like to do in one transaction.
I would recommend you to generate one script per database and version control the scripts separately.
Direct answers, please ask if you need to expand on any point
* Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Normally I would include it since you are creating and owning the database.
* Should I create users for the database in the same script?
This is also a good idea, especially if your application uses specific users.
* Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
If the script includes data population, then it helps to disable it so that the order is not too important, otherwise you can get into complex scripts to insert (without fk link), create fk record, update fk column.
* May I include the hole script in a transaction?
This is normally not a good idea. Especially if data population is included as the transaction can become quite unwieldy large. Since you are creating the database, just drop it and start again if something goes awry.
* Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
One per database is my recommendation so that they are isolated and easier to troubleshoot if the need arises.
For development purposes it's a good idea to create one script per database object (one script for each table, stored procedure, etc). If you check them into your source control system that way then developers can check out individual objects and you can easily keep track of versions and know what changed and when.
When you deploy you may want to combine the changes for each release into one single script. Tools like Red Gate SQL compare or Visual Studio Team System will help you do that.
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
That depends on your DBMS and your customer.
In an Oracle environment you will probably never be allowed to do such a thing (mainly because in the Oracle world a "database" is something completely different than e.g. in the PostgreSQL or MySQL world).
Sometimes the customer will have a DBA that won't let you create databases (or schemas or users - depending on the DBMS in use). So you will need to supply that information to the DBA in order for him/her to prepare the environment for your script.
May I include the hole script in a transaction?
That totally depends on the DBMS that you are using.
Some DBMS don't support transactional DDL and will implicitely commit any transaction when you execute a DDL statement, so you need to consider the order of your installation script.
For populating the tables with data I would definitely try to do that in a single transaction, but again this depends on your DBMS.
Some DBMS are faster if you commit only once or very seldomly (Oracle and PostgreSQL fall into this category) but will slow down if you commit more often.
Other DBMS handle smaller but more transactions better and will slow down if the transactions get too big (SQL Server and MySQL tend to fall into that direction)
The best practices will differ considerably on whether it is the first time set-up or a new version being pushed. For the first time set-up yes you need create database and create table scripts. For a new version, you need to script only the changes from the previous version, so no create database and no create table unless it is a new table. Now you need alter table statements becasue you don't want to lose the existing data. I do usually write stored procs, functions and views with a drop and create statment as dropping those pbjects doesn't generally affect the underlying data.
I find it best to create all database changes with scripts that are stored in source control under the version. So if a client is new, you run the create version 1.0 scripts, then apply all the other versions in order. If a client is just upgrading from version 1.2 to version 1.3, then you run just the scripts in version 1.3 source control repository. This would also include scripts to populate or add records to lookup tables.
For transactions you may want to break them up into several chunks not to leave a prod database locked in one transaction.
We also write reversal scripts to return to the old version if need be. This makes life easier if you have a part of a change that causes unanticipated problems on prod (usually performance issues).

Log changes made to all fields in a table to another table (SQL Server 2005)

I would like to log changes made to all fields in a table to another table. This will be used to keep a history of all the changes made to that table (Your basic change log table).
What is the best way to do it in SQL Server 2005?
I am going to assume the logic will be placed in some Triggers.
What is a good way to loop through all the fields checking for a change without hard coding all the fields?
As you can see from my questions, example code would be veeery much appreciated.
I noticed SQL Server 2008 has a new feature called Change Data Capture (CDC). (Here is a nice Channel9 video on CDC). This is similar to what we are looking for except we are using SQL Server 2005, already have a Log Table layout in-place and are also logging the user that made the changes. I also find it hard to justify writing out the before and after image of the whole record when one field might change.
Our current log file structure in place has a column for the Field Name, Old Data, New Data.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Updated 12/22/08: I did some more research and found these two answers on Live Search QnA
You can create a trigger to do this. See
How do I audit changes to sq​l server data.
You can use triggers to log the data changes into the log tables. You can also purchase Log Explorer from www.lumigent.com and use that to read the transaction log to see what user made the change. The database needs to be in full recovery for this option however.
Updated 12/23/08: I also wanted a clean way to compare what changed and this looked like the reverse of a PIVOT, which I found out in SQL is called UNPIVOT. I am now leaning towards a Trigger using UNPIVOT on the INSERTED and DELETED tables. I was curious if this was already done so I am going through a search on "unpivot deleted inserted".
Posting Using update function from an after trigger had some different ideas but I still believe UNPIVOT is going to be the route to go.
Quite late but hopefully it will be useful for other readers…
Below is a modification of my answer I posted last week on a similar topic.
Short answer is that there is no “right” solution that would fit all. It depends on the requirements and the system being audited.
Advantages: relatively easy to implement, a lot of flexibility on what is audited and how is audit data stored because you have full control
Disadvantages: It gets messy when you have a lot of tables and even more triggers. Maintenance can get heavy unless there is some third party tool to help. Also, depending on the database it can cause a performance impact.
Creating audit triggers in SQL Server
Log changes to database table with trigger
Advantages: Very easy to implement, natively supported
Disadvantages: Only available in enterprise edition, not very robust – if you change the schema your data will be lost. I wouldn’t recommend this for keeping a long term audit trail
Reading transaction log
Advantages: all you need to do is to put the database in full recovery mode and all info will be stored in transaction log
Disadvantages: You need a third party log reader in order to read this effectively
Read the log file (*.LDF) in sql server 2008
SQL Server Transaction Log Explorer/Analyzer
Third party tools
I’ve worked with several auditing tools from ApexSQL but there are also good tools from Idera (compliance manager) and Krell software (omni audit)
ApexSQL Audit – Trigger based auditing tool. Generated and manages auditing triggers
ApexSQL Log – Allows auditing by reading transaction log
Under SQL '05 you actually don't need to use triggers. Just take a look at the OUTPUT clause. OUTPUT works with inserts, updates, and deletes.
For example:
INSERT INTO mytable(description, phone)
OUTPUT INSERTED.description, INSERTED.phone INTO #TempTable
VALUES('blah', '1231231234')
Then you can do whatever you want with the #TempTable, such as inserting those records into a logging table.
As a side note, this is an extremely easy way of capturing the value of an identity field.
You can use Log Rescue. It quite the same as Log Explorer, but it is free.
It can view history of each row in any tables with logging info of user, action and time.
And you can undo to any versions of row without set database to recovery mode.