Js Fiddle into dDreamweaver - jsfiddle

my animation works in JS Fiddle, but when I put the code into Dreamweaver the picture will show up in the webpage but the animation will no longer work.
Maybe if anyone has a sample template for the Dreamweaver HTML i can place my .js file links into?


How to use ffmpeg.wasm client side

I am looking to use ffmpeg.wasm in a serverless Vue app, but have no idea how to integrate it. Ideally I want to use it to stitch together Canvas HTMLElement into a video output that the user can download. If anyone can make a JSFiddle, Codepen or whatever other medium demo, that would be great. Working off of this example I am not sure how to add a Canvas element as a frame to a file and then createURL for the resulting file.

How do I link to a pdf in vue?

I'm trying to create a link on my vue app to local pdf files. Right now here's my problem.
My pdfs are located in assets/static/ and presently linking to them like this.
<div id="forms" class="view-wrapper">
<h3>Downloadable Forms</h3>
Claim Form
This brings up a link on the page, but when I click it, I'm taken to a blank page on my app with just the navbar and footer and nothing in between. I'm hoping to have it bring up the document in the browsers pdf viewer in another tab. Some help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: SOLVED: #dan helped me realize that I just had to use one dot to access my assets folder.
To render a pdf in the browser use an <iframe src="path-to-pdf" />. Unless you're binding reactive data to the element you don't have to do anything different in vue. Check out https://stackoverflow.com/a/52644970/6890774 this is a similar issue.

how to properly embed a JW Player script into VueJS?

I'm new to VueJS and trying to setup a simple page and embed a script to play HLS video using JW Player the script provided by JW Player dashboard <script src="https://cdn.jwplayer.com/players/4oE5ZjIY-MoGLPkuA.js"></script>
What would be the proper way to embed that script into .vue file
Knowing .vue files should have template, script and style elements and my understanding is it has to go inside script as a part of data but I'm quite confused on how I would do that and call it inside the template to view it in the browser??
Any help would be appreciated
As you've discovered, <script> tags cannot be embedded in Vue.js. However, <iframe> is a valid tag. The JW Platform allows for you to embed videos via a script tag OR an iframe tag.
Change this:
<script src="https://cdn.jwplayer.com/players/4oE5ZjIY-MoGLPkuA.js"></script>
Into this:
<iframe src="https://cdn.jwplayer.com/players/4oE5ZjIY-MoGLPkuA.html"></iframe>
Notice that the .js changes into .html and script changes into iframe
You may need to customize the iframe to fit your usage properly, some reference docs for how to do that can be found here.

How to add font-awesome to JsFiddle

JsFiddle is my laboratory but everything is at a halt at the moment because I cant get font-awesome to work in it. I tried using the space provided for external links but to no avail. I even added the link directly and it still didn't work.
I'm in the middle of an experiment and I'm not able to get it working. What is the correct way to add font-awesome to JsFiddle?
Just paste the href part of the CDN link
to External Resourses (on the left hand side panel) and click the plus sign.
See this jsFiddle for example.
Check this JSFIDDLE out. It is using an cdn URL in the CSS area.
Import this script:
<script src="https://use.fontawesome.com/c3ef28c600.js"></script>
<script src="https://use.fontawesome.com/f83feeae10.js" ></script>
Font Awesome 5
On the left sidebar of JSFiddle click Resources to open an input field.
Paste the above link into it.
Click the X button to add it to your fiddle.
For current versions and other options (free/pro versions etc) visit their info page on how to Use Font Awesome's Free CDN

tinymce edtor does not load, once dojo is loaded

I have downloaded the latest version of tinyMce and builded a sample html file with a text area and added the code for loading the tinyMce editor in text area and it worked fine.
I tried to load the tinyMce editor in a text area using the same code, in an application where dojo frame work is used( the dojo js will be initially loaded). The tinyMce editor is not getting loaded within this application. Can some one help me to dig this problem or any one of you had faced a similar issue? Any help will be much appreciated
thx Jijo John