Runtime error with no apparent cause - file-io

I'm working with files in free pascal and I'm trying to open a file, but if it doesn't exists then I create it.
This is my code:
program messages;
const PATH_ = 'data/messages/';
type messageFields =
date : String
; viewed : Boolean
; text : String
; sender : String [ 8 ]
; messagesFile = file of messageFields
procedure openMessagesFile ( var _file: messagesFile; _fileName: String; var error: Boolean );
error := false;
assign ( _file, PATH_+_fileName );
reset ( _file );
if ( ioResult <> 0 ) then
error := true;
var _file: messagesFile
; fileName: String
; error: boolean;
openMessageFile(_file, filename, error);
if ( error ) then
The first time that I execute the program, since the file doesn't exists, throw me an exception.
The second time, works fine!
This is the exception:
An unhandled exception occurred at $00401759 :
EInOutError : Access denied

Have you reproduced this error with the exact code you've posted and I really can't see it causing the error you're getting. I cannot reproduce it and since you haven't included uses SysUtils you should get Runtime error 5 instead of EInOutError.
One thing that's terribly wrong with your code is that you're not closing the file after opening/creating it (although OS usually cleans it up after program finishes). Given this and the fact that you're getting EInOutError instead of Runtime error 5 I believe that your (real, bigger) program keeps the file open after creating it and trying to open it later, but fails since the file is already opened. The second time you run the program the file is already created so it's only opened once (for reading).

The code is a bit atypical, but Windows is known to keep fleeting locks on files for a few seconds even after they are closed and Dos originating code like this might suffer from that.
Maybe using FPC's FileExist() directly works better (IIRC on windows it is findfirst based, and not createfile based)


A resource failed to call close

I'm getting the android logcat message "A resource failed to call close". I've tracked it down to where that message gets generated. Here's the code:
Properties defaultProperties = new Properties();
URL propURL = Util.class.getClassLoader().getResource(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE);
if (propURL != null)
InputStream is = null;
// Load properties from URL.
is = propURL.openConnection().getInputStream();
catch (Exception ex)
The message is generated on the call to "defaultProperties.load(is)".
I put a breakpoint on that line, and when I step over that line, the warning message is generated. I'm not the author of the code but that line gets executed at least two times and its the second time when that line gets called when the warning gets generated. I just don't see how under any circumstances that a resource failed to close would be generated on that line. I'm at a lost to explain how or why that error message would be generated there. Any ideas?
After thinking about this, I've come to the conclusion that the problem doesn't have anything to do with the line "defaultProperties.load(is)" causing the warning. Although the message is always generated the second time that line is called, my current thought is that the problem is happening elsewhere but when this line gets called it's probably yielding to some other VM related thread time to process, and that process is detecting that some resource failed to close. I'm concluding that the problem is related to something altogether different and calling that line is the time when the problem surfaces, but it's not what's causing the problem.

How would I print out errors?

In the software called Roblox studio I need help making a script that whenever an error happens in game, it would print out the error again using the normal print function something like this example here:
Local error = —-whatever the error that happened was
Print(error) —- so it just simply prints it back out
Roblox provides a few different ways to keep track of when errors are thrown in your Scripts and LocalScripts.
If you want to observe errors locally in a script, and you know a specific chunk of code may throw errors, you can use pcall() as a try-catch block.
local success, result = pcall(function()
error("this is a test error message")
if not success then
print("An error was thrown!")
print(result) --"this is a test error message"
If you want to observe errors across all of your scripts, you can attach a callback to the ScriptContext.Error signal. This signal fires any time any error is thrown. It provides information about the error, including the message, the callstack, and a reference to the script that threw the error.
Warning : ScriptContext.Error only fires in the context of the script that registers it. A Script will only observe errors thrown in server scripts, and registering in a LocalScript will only observe errors thrown on the client.
local ScriptContext = game:GetService("ScriptContext")
ScriptContext.Error:Connect( function(message, stack, context)
print("An error was thrown!")
print("Message : ", message)
print("Stack : ", stack)
print("Context :", context:GetFullName())
Similarly, if you only care about the error messages themselves, you can also observe them being printed out to the Output window using the LogService.MessageOut signal. This signal fires any time anything is logged to Output. This includes messages, warnings, and errors.
local LogService = game:GetService("LogService")
LogService.MessageOut:Connect( function(message, messageType)
if messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
print("An error was thrown!")
Use the stderr stream from io library to print debug messages.
-- Define debug function based in print
function debug(...) io.stderr:write(table.concat({...}, '\9') .. '\n') end
-- Debug acts as a regular "print()", but it writes to stderr instead
debug('[filename.lua]', 'debug')
Use "error()" function to print errors.
if true then
error("It should not be true!")
If you want to catch errors from a function, use xpcall()
-- Define debug
function debug(...) io.stderr:write(table.concat({...}, '\9') .. '\n') end
local b = {}
-- This will throw an error because you cant index nil values
debug('[xpcall]', err)
xpcall() wont stop the execution in case of error, so you only need to encapsulate your code in it if you want to catch any unexpected errors at runtime.

SQLExecDirect failed but SQLGetDiagRec has no data

I'm trying to setup some useful error handling in a program that used ODBC. According to documentation if SQLExecDirect returns SQL_ERROR I should be able to call SQLGetDiagRec to get SQL_STATE and possibly some messages, but in my tests when I call SQLGetDiagRec right after getting an error from SQLExecDirect I get SQL_NO_DATA returned and no information.
result = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, <SQL Statement>, SQL_NTS);
if(result == SQL_ERROR)
SQLSMALLINT msg_len = 0;
SQLCHAR sql_state[6], message[256];
SQLINTEGER native_error = 0;
result = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hDbc, 1, sql_state, &native_error, message, countof(message), &msg_len);
// Here 'result' is SQL_NO_DATA
It works in other cases, just not for SQLExecDirect for some reason. I'm also aware that one should cycle through the SQLGetDiagRec results, but if the very first one returns SQL_NO_DATA, according to documentation it means that there are no further ones.
The specific error that I was testing it with was requesting a non-existent table.
Is there anything else that I need to do in order obtain at least an error code, or does the diagnostic not work for errors that result from incorrect SQL requests?
When you call SQLGetDiagRec, pass SQL_HANDLE_STMT and your statement handle (hstmt in your example). That should return errors associated with that specific statement.

I can't rename my transaction on HP Virtual User Generator Script

I've copied Vu's Script, (and of course renamed it) which have access to another DB, and when I run it I have in the output the old transaction name of the old script.
here is the old transaction name which are to seen in the output : MDM_GetAssociations
Here is the renamed transaction:MDM_GET_ASSOCIATIONS_Otmann
After renaming the transaction, I run the script, I got 2 errors:
Error 14 undeclared identifier `MDM_GET_ASSOCIATIONS_Otmann' Action.c C:\GCDM_Test\Scripts\MDM\MDM_Get_POSTGRE_Otmann MDM_Get_POSTGRE_Otmann
Error 15 type error in argument 1 to web_custom_request'; foundint' expected `pointer to const char' Action.c C:\GCDM_Test\Scripts\MDM\MDM_Get_POSTGRE_Otmann MDM_Get_POSTGRE_Otmann
and this is my script :
//########## start the test scenario ############
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS");
//GetAssociations, NOTE: our dummy customers have often NO associations!
web_reg_save_param("RESPONSE", "LB=", "RB=", "Search=Body", LAST);
"Resource=1", // => We are retrieving a ressource,
// which implies that it is not critical for the success of the script.
// Any failures (HTTP 404 - Not found etc.) in downloading the resource
// will be considered as warnings rather than errors.
lr_end_transaction((char*)MDM_GET_ASSOCIATIONS, LR_AUTO);
lr_end_transaction((char*)MDM_GENERIC_TRANSACTION, LR_AUTO);
return 0;
and this is the output where the old transaction name apeared (MDM_GetAssociations), but I don't know where is she coded or from where she came, and as I said before when I try to change it in all position which has to do with Transactions,I got the errors mentioned above.
Here ist the output of the script, where you can see the name of the old the transaction(MDM_GetAssociations).
Action.c(13): Notify: Transaction "MDM_GenericServiceCall_ALL" started.
Action.c(14): Notify: Transaction "MDM_GetAssociations" started.
Action.c(15): web_custom_request("MDM_GetAssociations") started
Action.c(15): web_custom_request("MDM_GetAssociations") highest severity level was "warning", 505 body bytes, 1971 header bytes [MsgId: MMSG-26388]
Action.c(25): Notify: Transaction "MDM_GetAssociations" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 1,8408 Wasted Time: 1,2668).
Action.c(26): Notify: Transaction "MDM_GenericServiceCall_ALL" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 2,4066 Wasted Time: 1,2668).
Ending action Action.
Ending iteration 1.
You have two variables. You do not have their declarations here. You do not have their contents. And you appear to be casting them from another data type to a pointer to a character.
Does this pass with a literal, "My_Test_Transaction"? If so, then you are likely looking at oddities on how your variable is declared, populated and referenced.

Yii CDbException.. invalid input syntax for integer: "1,075"

I started receiving this error from a production site since this morning and I'm wondering why I don't get the same in UAT or the developer environment..
Is any one familiar with an error like this ?
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1,076"
Source File
00360: }
00362: if($this->_connection->enableProfiling)
00363: Yii::endProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query('.$this->getText().')','system.db.CDbCommand.query');
00365: return $result;
00366: }
00367: catch(Exception $e)
00368: {
00369: if($this->_connection->enableProfiling)
00370: Yii::endProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query('.$this->getText().')','system.db.CDbCommand.query');
00371: Yii::log('Error in querying SQL: '.$this->getText().$par,CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR,'system.db.CDbCommand');
00372: throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: {error}',
00373: array('{error}'=>$e->getMessage())));
00374: }
00375: }
00376: }
Attached a screenshot too.. the application is based on yii framework and postgress database.
Quick reply is highly appreciated.
The issue was actually because used number_format() function to a primary key and later in a code section it inputs the formatted number to search query.. i.e select * from user where id = 1,075 (instead of id = 1075)
Changing the number_format() function to apply only on selected areas worked.