header function is not working on online server - header

I have been having problem with header(); This script was generated by dreamweaver login. why will it work on some hosting company and do not work on the company i m hosting?
I have notice that header() do not work on my hosting company at all on all my pages. why do i have this problem?
if (PHP_VERSION >= 5.2) {
} else {
//declare two session variables and assign them
$_SESSION['MM_Username'] = $loginUsername;
$_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'] = $loginStrGroup;
if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) && false) {
$MM_redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginSuccess ); }
else {
header("Location: ". $MM_redirectLoginFailed );

It looks like there is a problem with the brackets around the header() calls:
if (PHP_VERSION >= 5.2) {
} else {
//declare two session variables and assign them
$_SESSION['MM_Username'] = $loginUsername;
$_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'] = $loginStrGroup;
// changes made below <------
if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) && false) { <--- && false needs fixing
$MM_redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginSuccess );
} else {
header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginFailed );
Edit - the && false in the if statement will also always fail, this needs to be resolved.

add that code below after <body>
add that code below before </body>
and voola problem solved. ^_^


How can I properly redirect to a route in Laravel 8?

I tried every similar question I found here, but none worked.
I have these two groups and I just want to redirect to each specific route according to the type of user, i`m using Laravel 8 + inertia and vue 3
Route::prefix('user')->namespace('App\Http\Controllers\Customer')->middleware(['role', 'auth'])->group(function () {
Route::resource('dashboard', DashboardController::class)->only('index');
Route::resource('accounts', MyAccountController::class);
Route::prefix('staff')->namespace('App\Http\Controllers\Staff')->middleware(['role', 'auth'])->group(function () {
Route::resource('dashboard', DashboardController::class)->only('index');
Route::resource('accounts', MyAccountController::class);
// role middleware
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
if (!\Auth::check())
return redirect('login.index');
if ($request->user() && $request->user()->isAdmin()) {
$path = $request->path();
if( strpos($request->path(), 'user/') !== FALSE ) {
$path = str_replace('staff/', 'user/', $request->path());
return redirect($path);
} else {
$path = $request->path();
if( strpos($request->path(), 'staff/') !== FALSE ) {
$path = str_replace('staff/', 'user/', $request->path());
return redirect($path);
return $next($request);

resize of image not working in codeigniter 3

I've been attempting to resize a image in codeigniter 3 ,but no luck! I have the resize inside the ddoo_upload() function , the resize() will work , when it comes to one image field within that form and if you will add two image field within that form , then the resize() will not work. Not sure what is wrong!
This is what i have tried for image upload,The code below shows my upload function (and resize within it)
if (isset($_FILES['destiimg']) && $_FILES['destiimg']['name'] != '') {
$filename = $this->ddoo_upload('destiimg', '2000' , '336');
} else {
$filename = NULL;
if (isset($_FILES['destiimg_thumb']) && $_FILES['destiimg_thumb']['name'] != '') {
$destbannerthumb_imgnew = $this->ddoo_upload('destiimg_thumb', 300 , 225);
} else {
$destbannerthumb_imgnew = NULL;
function ddoo_upload($filename, $width, $height)
$config['upload_path'] = './uploads/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif';
$config['overwrite'] = FALSE;
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload($filename)) {
echo $this->upload->display_errors();die();
return NULL;
} else {
$data = $this->upload->data();
$filename = $data['file_name'];
$config1['image_library'] = 'gd2';
$config1['source_image'] = $this->upload->upload_path.$this->upload->file_name;
//$config1['create_thumb'] = TRUE;
$config1['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE;
$config1['width'] = $width;
$config1['height'] = $height;
$this->load->library('image_lib', $config1);
return $filename;
The upload works fine , but the resize has some issue.
You are missing some config options when loading image_lib.
Look at the manual, you didn't specified source_image (and other options).
If you want to use something advanced, there is good library called Image Moo. It's older but good working with CI3.

Validating the login window in appcelerator

I am working with appcelerator and i am creating a login window. But all the validations do not seem to work properly. Also the error i am facing for the validation where username should not be numeric is throwing me a runtime error. Please help!
function loginUser() {
var uName = $.username;
var pwd = $.password;
var correctUName = "sayali";
var correctPwd = "123sayali";
var letters = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
if(uName == "" || pwd == ""){
alert("Please fill all the credentials!!");
if(uName.match == letters){
if(uName == correctUName){
if(pwd == correctPwd){
alert("Login Successful!!");
alert("Incorrect Password!");
alert("User doesn't exist!");
("Numeric values are not allowed in Username!");
Instead of using uName.match == letters you should use i.e. letters.test(uName)
Click here for more information on regular expressions and Javascript

PHP 7 SSH2.SFTP stat() bug work around

I have an app the uses an SFTP connection to download files. It was working correctly in PHP 5.6, not so much in PHP 7. The error I get is as follows:
PHP Warning: filesize(): stat failed for ssh2.sftp ...
My code is as follows:
public function retrieveFiles($downloadTargetFolder,$remoteFolder = '.') {
$fileCount = 0;
echo "\nSftpFetcher retrieveFiles\n";
$con = ssh2_connect($this->host,$this->port) or die("Couldn't connect\n");
$isAuth = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($con, $this->user, $this->pubKeyFile, $this->privKeyFile);
} else {
$isAuth = ssh2_auth_password($con, $this->user, $this->pass);
if ($isAuth) {
$sftp = ssh2_sftp($con);
$rd = "ssh2.sftp://{$sftp}{$remoteFolder}";
if (!$dir = opendir($rd)) {
echo "\nCould not open the remote directory\n";
} else {
$files = array();
while (false != ($file = readdir($dir))) {
if ($file == "." || $file == "..")
$files[] = $file;
if (is_array($files)) {
foreach ($files as $remoteFile) {
echo "\ncheck file: $remoteFile vs filter: " . $this->filter."\n";
if ($this->filter !== null && strpos($remoteFile,$this->filter) === false) {
echo "file matched\n";
$localFile = $downloadTargetFolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($remoteFile);
//$result = ftp_get($con,$localFile,$remoteFile,FTP_BINARY);
$result = true;
// Remote stream
if (!$remoteStream = #fopen($rd."/".$remoteFile, 'r')) {
echo "Unable to open the remote file $remoteFolder/$remoteFile\n";
$return = false;
} else {
// Local stream
if (!$localStream = #fopen($localFile, 'w')) {
echo "Unable to open the local file $localFile\n";
$return = false;
} else {
// Write from our remote stream to our local stream
$read = 0;
$fileSize = filesize($rd."/".$remoteFile);
while ($read < $fileSize && ($buffer = fread($remoteStream, $fileSize - $read))) {
$read += strlen($buffer);
if (fwrite($localStream, $buffer) === FALSE) {
echo "Unable to write the local file $localFile\n";
$return = false;
echo "File retrieved";
// Close
if ($result) {
ssh2_exec($con, 'exit');
} else {
echo "Error authenticating the user ".$this->user."\n";
return $fileCount;
After some research I found there was an issue with stat():
My question
Is there a workaround to allow me to download via SFTP given my current code or is there another library someone can recommend to use instead?
My PHP version:
PHP 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.3 (cli) ( NTS )
Quoting PHP ssh2.sftp opendir/readdir fix,
Instead of using "ssh2.sftp://$sftp" as a stream path, convert $sftp to an integer like so: "ssh2.sftp://" . intval($sftp) . "/". Then it will work just fine.
The reason for the change is as follows:
PHP 5.6.28 (and apparently 7.0.13) introduced a security fix to URL parsing, that caused the string interpolation of the $sftp resource handle to no-longer be recognized as a valid URL. In turn, that causes opendir(), readdir(), etc. to fail when you use an $sftp resource in the path string, after an upgrade to one of those PHP versions.
As for other libraries... only other library I'm aware of is phpseclib, which has an emulator of sorts for libssh2:
That "emulator" could certainly be improved upon tho. Like a composer.json file ought to be added, etc.
I had the same issue with php 8.0.
Try putting the filesize command before the fopens.

how to add an image to product in prestashop

i have a pragmatically added product in my code , the product is added to presta correctly but not about its image .
here is some part of my code that i used :
$url= "localhost\prestashop\admin7988\Hydrangeas.jpg" ;
$id_productt = $object->id;
$shops = Shop::getShops(true, null, true);
$image = new Image();
$image->id_product = $id_productt ;
$image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($id_productt) + 1 ;
$image->cover = true; // or false;echo($godyes[$dt][0]['image']);
if (($image->validateFields(false, true)) === true &&
($image->validateFieldsLang(false, true)) === true && $image->add())
if (! self::copyImg($id_productt, $image->id, $url, 'products', false))
but my product have not any image yet
the problem is in copyImg method ...
here is my copyImg function :
function copyImg($id_entity, $id_image = null, $url, $entity = 'products')
$tmpfile = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'ps_import');
$watermark_types = explode(',', Configuration::get('WATERMARK_TYPES'));
switch ($entity)
case 'products':
$image_obj = new Image($id_image);
$path = $image_obj->getPathForCreation();
case 'categories':
$path = _PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.(int)$id_entity;
$url = str_replace(' ' , '%20', trim($url));
// Evaluate the memory required to resize the image: if it's too much, you can't resize it.
if (!ImageManager::checkImageMemoryLimit($url))
return false;
// 'file_exists' doesn't work on distant file, and getimagesize make the import slower.
// Just hide the warning, the traitment will be the same.
if (#copy($url, $tmpfile))
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'.jpg');
$images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes($entity);
foreach ($images_types as $image_type)
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'-'.stripslashes($image_type['name']).'.jpg', $image_type['width'],
if (in_array($image_type['id_image_type'], $watermark_types))
Hook::exec('actionWatermark', array('id_image' => $id_image, 'id_product' => $id_entity));
return false;
return true;
can anybody help me ?
You have 2 issues:
You are passing 5th parameter (with value) to copyImg, while the function does not have such.
Your foreach ($images_types as $image_type) loop must include the Hook as well (add open/close curly braces).
foreach ($images_types as $image_type)
ImageManager::resize($tmpfile, $path.'-'.stripslashes($image_type['name']).'.jpg', $image_type['width'], $image_type['height']);
if (in_array($image_type['id_image_type'], $watermark_types))
Hook::exec('actionWatermark', array('id_image' => $id_image, 'id_product' => $id_entity));
You should also check if the product is imported correctly, expecially the "link_rewrite" and if the image is phisically uploaded in the /img/ folder.