Split a field and add these fields to another table - sql

I have a table which has a field that allows up to 120 chars. I want to split the field into three fields. If the field contains more than 40 chars and less than 80 then split the field into two. The split point should be the first space char, before the 40th character and add the two new fields to another table. and if the field is 120 char then split them in three.
Will appreciate the help!

I guess you could do something along the lines of:
NULLIF(SUBSTRING(MyCol,41,40), ''),
NULLIF(SUBSTRING(MyCol,81,40), ''),
To have your 1 column broken down correctly for your INSERT statement.
The NullIf function will set whatever column needs to be NULL correctly if the SubString() function returns an empty string for that value.


Regular expression - capture number between underscores within a sequence between commas

I have a field in a database table in the format:
This is format is uniform to the entire field. Three underscore separated numeric values, a comma, three more underscore separated numeric values, another comma and then three underscore separated text values. No spaces in between
I want to extract the middle value from the second numeric sequence, in the example above I want to get 444
In a SQL query I inherited, the regex used is ^.,(\d+)_.$ but this doesn't seem to do anything.
I've tried to identify the first comma, first number after and the following underscore ,222_ to use as a starting point and from there get the next number without the _ after it
This (,\d*_)(\d+[^_]) selects ,222_444 and is the closest I've gotten
We can try using REGEXP_REPLACE with a capture group:
'\1') AS num
FROM yourTable;
Here is a demo showing that the above regex' first capture group contains the quantity you want.

Combine several columns in one with Teradata

I have 10 columns and their values could be either null, or a name of a fruit.
I would like to add another column with all the fruits that every row has. I have used Concat(column1 , column2,..., column10) as name.
Issue : There are no commas coming on the result and if I add the comma before concatenating, we are having them together, the last word is also a comma.
Any ideas?
You can use the standard concatenation (||) in conjunciton with COALESCE function, which returns the value of the first non-null argument.
select coalesce(column1||',', '')||coalesce(column2||',', '')|| ... ||coalesce(column10||, '');

Insert dash after numbers in vargraphic field

I have a field in a db2 database where I need to modify the string from left column (unformatedName) to right format column (formatedName).
Here's an example:
What is the best way to find a number in a string and put a dash after the number? The column may have more then one set of numbers. I.E. There can be numbers in the start of the string, in the middle and in the end.
locationcode AS unformatedName,
locationcode AS formatedName

Regex to split values in PostgreSQL

I have a list of values coming from a PGSQL database that looks something like this:
I'm looking to parse this field a bit into individual components, which I assume would take two regexp_replace function uses in my SQL. Essentially, any non-numeric character that appears before numeric ones needs to be returned for one column, and the other column would show all non-numeric characters appearing AFTER numeric ones.
The above list would then be split into this layout as the result from PG:
I have created a function that strips out the non-numeric characters (the last column) and casts it as an Integer, but I can't figure out the regex to return the string values prior to the number, or those found after the number.
All I could come up with so far, with my next to non-existant regex knowledge, was this: regexp_replace(fieldname, '[^A-Z]+', '', 'g'), which just strips out anything not A-Z, but I can;t get to to work with strings before numeric values, or after them.
For extracting the characters before the digits:
regexp_replace(fieldname, '\d.*$', '')
For extracting the characters after the digits:
regexp_replace(fieldname, '^([^\d]*\d*)', '')
Note that:
if there are no digits, the first will return the original value and then second an empty string. This way you are sure that the concatenation is equal to the original value in this case also.
the concatenation of the three parts will not return the original if there are non-numerical characters surrounded by digits: those will be lost.
This also works for any non-alphanumeric characters like #, [, ! ...etc.
Final SQL
fieldname as original,
regexp_replace(fieldname, '\d.*$', '') as before_s,
regexp_replace(fieldname, '^([^\d]*\d*)', '') as after_s,
cast(nullif(regexp_replace(fieldname, '[^\d]', '', 'g'), '') as integer) as number
from mytable;
See fiddle.
This answer relies on information you delivered, which is
Essentially, any non-numeric character that appears before numeric
ones needs to be returned for one column, and the other column would
show all non-numeric characters appearing AFTER numeric ones.
Everything non-numeric before a numeric value into 1 column
Everything non-numeric after a numeric value into 2 column
So there's assumption that you have a value that has a numeric value in it.
regexp_matches(val,'([a-zA-Z]*)\d+') AS before_numeric,
regexp_matches(val,'\d+([a-zA-Z]*)') AS after_numeric
Attached SQLFiddle for a preview.

SQL: insert space before numbers in string

I have a nvarchar field in my table, which contains all sorts of strings.
In case there are strings which contain a number following a non-number sign, I want to insert a space before that number.
That is - if a certain entry in that field is abc123, it should be turned into abc 123, or ab12.34 should become ab 12. 34.I want this to be done throughout the entire table.
What's the best way to achieve it?
You can try something like that:
select left(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col)-1 )+space(1)+
when PATINDEX('%[.]%',col)<>0
then substring(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col),len(col)+1-PATINDEX('%[.]%',col))
else substring(col,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col),len(col)+1-PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',col))
from tab
It's not simply, but I hope it will help you.
SQL Fiddle
I used functions (link to MSDN):
and regular expression.