Unable to resolve symbol 'ExecutionInfo' - vb.net

I'm getting this error when trying to use ReportingService2010:
Unable to resolve symbol 'ExecutionInfo'
ExecutionInfo and ExecutionHeader worked in ReportingService2005. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, VB.Net, and ReportingServices2010. I can connect to the server and do things like rs.ListChildren.
Any Ideas?

I found the answer to my question. Hopefully this helps others.
There are two main type of endpoints in the Report Server web service, one for Management and one for execution.
The management endpoints are: ReportService2005, ReportService2006, ReportService2010
The execution endpoint is: ReportExecution2005
Therefore you can get report names, paths, data sets, etc. from ReportService2010, but to execute a report you must use ReportService2005.
So here's how you do it:
Add a web reference to the 2005 wsdl of your server, not 2010. So do this: http://<your server>/reportserver/ReportExecution2005.asmx Not this: http://<your server>/reportserver/ReportExecution2010.asmx
Import the referenc
Create an instance of ReportExecutionService: Dim rs As New ReportExecutionService. That is the 2005 executation service that has the ExecutionInfo and ExecutionHeader methods.
Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms155398.aspx


Lucee <cfadmin> does not correctly store connectionString property when executing an "updateDatasource" operation

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. I'm attempting to programmatically add datasources to the Lucee Server context (ie. not on a per-application basis, but rather datasources that are made available to all web contexts on the server). The following call to the tag to create the datasource or later update the same datasource results in the connectionString never being saved correctly.
NOTE: "updateDatasource" will create a datasource if it doesn't already exist.
Host Environment: Windows Server 2019 running Lucee on OpenJDK17.
Database Environment: Windows Server 2019 running SQL Server 2019.
Every time this operation is attempted, the Connection String is stored as "my_database". In other words, it appears to ignore the string provided in the connectionString attribute and instead stores the database name for the datasource connection string.
These settings are exactly what I use when manually setting up a datasource in the Lucee Server administrative area (minus the obvious fake username, passwords, server names, and database names).
Before I go about filing a bug, I wanted to be sure I'm not missing something here. I appreciate any insight!

How do you see what SQL IronSpeed sends to the database?

I'm using IronSpeed Designer 12.2 and trying to write custom SQL in a WhereClause override. The custom SQL I wrote and submitted in the WhereClause is throwing an SQL exception, but I can't see the SQL IronSpeed is sending to the database. Without the SQL, I cannot troubleshoot.
I can't find where the SQL is submitted to the database, such as by an ExecuteReader method call.
I'm using a statement like this:
if (MiscUtils.IsValueSelected(this.MyFilter)) {
String sql = "(EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 CompanyId FROM Collateral as c WHERE CODE = '{0}' AND c.CompanyId = Company.CompanyId))";
wc.iAND(String.Format(sql, this.MyFilter.SelectedValue));
I know my WhereClause SQL is correct when used outside of IronSpeed because I copy-pasted it from a query working directly in MSSQL. However I can't see how IronSpeed combines it with its internally-generated SQL after it becomes a WhereClause.
I'm hoping someone has experience with this issue and can point me in the right direction. Thanks for the help!
If you look for answer long enough, you can find it yourself. Here's how I found you can examine the SQL sent to the database:
Go to C:\Program Files\Iron Speed\Designer v12.2.0.
Copy the BaseClasses folder to the root of my IronSpeed solution folder.
Add the existing BaseClasses project to the IronSpeed solution.
Delete the existing references to baseclasses.dll from the projects in the IronSpeed solution (I'm using a web app rather than web site project).
Add references to the BaseClasses project now included in the solution.
Open the file MicrosoftDynamicSQLAdapter.vb.
In method GetRecordValuesEx(...), go to line 1514 statement "reader = SqlTransaction.ExecuteReader(myCommand, cmdBehavior)" and set a breakpoint on this line.
Run the project. When the breakpoint is hit, examine the command of myCommand object.

Reporting Server throws an error for RunEmbeddedQuery method for XML data source

This the scenario have. There's an SSRS server that has a report where the datasource is of type XML and it uses windows authentication, nothing else to it. Inside the report there's a dataset that uses that data source with this for a query "=Code.ReportUser.GetListOfItems()". This calls a method in the custom assembly that connects to the database and returns data in a string formated like this (angle brackets changed to curly for read
"<Query><XmlData><Items>" + xmlDocument.DocumentElement.InnerXml + "</Items></XmlData></Query>"
where sql datatable is written into the xmlDocument. If I go to the reporting server through an IE and run the report everything works as it should. The Problem occures when add this link to Zangle application which runs it as "IEHOST.app 'report's url'". I believe its a foxpro app that opens a browser object and report fails on the dataset that uses my xml data source. There's no question about url or reports correctness because it functions in a different environment.
This is the server error i get:
Call to GetPermissionsAction(path to my report).
Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
Call to GetPropertiesAction(path to my report, PathBased).
Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction().
Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: ,
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset ‘Items’.;
e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: ,
Cannot set the command text for dataset 'Items'. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException:
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset ‘Items’.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.RunEmbeddedQuery(Boolean& readerExtensionsSupported, Boolean& readerFieldProperties, List`1 queryParams, Object[] paramValues)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---;
I'm not sure what this means exactly. Any thoughts? it looks like a permission issue but i don't understand where. I did try to change xml data source authentication from windows to none and then add my AD account as an execution user on the reporting server. This didnt' change anything still working from browser but from Zangle browser object. One more thing, server requires authentication and all the report regardless of the environment promt for login and successfully authenticate so my credentials seems to pass to the server and only my xml data source is throwing an error when launched from with Zangle. Please share your ideas. I'm a programmer but I'm not too server stuff savy and I'm new to SSRS. Thank you.
Resolved. Turns out that foxpro app lowercases everything and the name of the sql server passed to the assembly doesn't match the name stored in the assembly. Silly :) So we'll be lowercase comparing everything from now on.

DB Query no longer recognizes SQL parameters in existing application when debugging in VS2010

I just started working with an application that I inherited from someone else and I'm having some issues. The application is written in C# and runs in VS2010 against the 3.5 framework. I can't run the application on my machine to debug because it will not recognize the way they referenced their parameters when writing their DB queries.
For instance wherever they have a SQL or DB2 query it is written like this:
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Field1 FROM Table1 WHERE FieldID=#FieldID", SQLconnection))
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
If you will notice the "parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);" statement does not include the "#" symbol from the original command text. When I run it on my machine I get an error message stating that the parameter "FieldID" could not be found.
I change this line:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("FieldID", 10000);
To this:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#FieldID", 10000);
And all is well... until it hits the next SQL call and bombs out with the same error. Obviously this must be a setting within visual studio, but I can't find anything about it on the internet. Half the examples for SQL parameter addition are written including the "#" and the other half do not include it. Most likely I just don't know what to search for.
Last choice is to change every query over to use the "#" at the front of the parameter name, but this is the transportation and operations application used to manage the corporation's shipments and literally has thousands of parameters. Hard to explain the ROI on your project when the answer to the director's question "How's progress?" happens to be "I've been hard at it for a week and I've almost started."
Has anyone run into this problem, or do you know how to turn this setting off so it can resolve the parameter names without the "#"?
Success! System.Data is automatically imported whenever you create a .NET solution. I removed this reference and added it back to make sure that I had the latest version of this library and that fixed the issue. I must have had an old version of this library that was originally pulled in... only thing I can figure.
Its handled by the .NET Framework data providers not Visual Studio.
It depends on the data source. Look here:Working with Parameter Placeholders
You can try working with System.Data.Odbc provider and using the question mark (?) place holder. In thios case dont forget to add the parameters in the same order they are in the query.

ITransactionLocal interface is not supported

I have a .NET 3.5 C# library that uses OleDb to pull data from an Excel file and return it in a DataRowCollection which is used by a CLR Table-Valued Function in SQL Server 2005.
The function works fine when I use SELECT on it. But if I want to use its output as a source for an INSERT INTO a table, I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The ITransactionLocal interface is not supported by the 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider. Local transactions are unavailable with the current provider.
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal.EnlistTransactionInternal(Transaction transaction, Boolean forcedAutomatic)
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()
at GetExcelFunction.GetFile(String strFileName)
at GetExcelFunction.InitMethod(String strFileName)
So, how do I solve this? Do I stop the connection from creating the transaction? If so how? I don't see any relevant methods or properties on the OleDbConnection. Is there a parameter in the connection string?
add ";OLE DB Services=-4" to connection string.