How to assign sources to Ivy library in IntelliJ IDEA? - intellij-idea

I created a Webapp with an Ant/Ivy build using Spring framework and imported the project into IntelliJ IDEA. Using the IvyIDEA plugin the dependencies are resolved and a library with the jars is created automatically by the plugin.
How can I assign the sources (they are downloaded and stored in the ivy cache) to the Idea library so I can just click on a class of a dependency to browse the source?

To see ivy's cache libs I did these steps:
1) Add library folder (Choose Java from + menu):
2) "cache" item will be added to libraries. Choose all modules of your project that should now see "cache" library (you could also add inside 'dependency' tab on each module)
3) now you should tell intellij to check recursively inside cache folder. To do this you must edit a file as follows:
File is located in your project folder under .idea/libraries/cache.xml
<component name="libraryTable">
<library name="cache">
<root url="file://$USER_HOME$/.ivy2/cache" />
<jarDirectory url="file://$USER_HOME$/.ivy2/cache" recursive="true" />
recursive property must be set to 'true'

It has to be explicitly enumerated in ivy.xml (at least in my Idea 11.1.5), i.e. sources are not shown for packages resolved as dependency of packages stated in ivy.xml. After introducing it is necessary to refresh modules (Tools->IvyIdea->resolve for ...).
See also:


What is required to run a hello world in kotlin with IntellJ

I have a Mac (Catalina OS) with Java 15 and IntelliJ 2020.2 (community edition) installed. The kotlin plugin is also installed. When I create a new Kotlin Project, add a main function, then there is way to run it, there is no 'Start' Button next to the main function. The problem is obviously that it doesn't find the runtime. The iml file looks as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src" isTestSource="false" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="KotlinJavaRuntime" level="project" />
When I click on 'add framework support', I can add a new KotlinJavaRuntime which then just appends an <orderEntry> to the iml file with the name KotlinJavaRuntime (2).
I don't want to use maven or gradle here. I know that gradle can resolve the dependencies for me. I just want a plain vanilla Kotlin hello world project. The documentation has a 'Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA' section which just mentions the Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ. There seems to be no requirement to have gradle or maven installed, the plugin should do it.
I know that you can use brew install kotlin to install the SDK manually, but then the documentation is wrong and the plugin alone cannot run Kotlin with a prior manual installation of the SDK or the usage of maven/gradle.
I think I know what happened in this case.
The Kotlin Code was loaded as an 'IntelliJ' Module inside a Java project that was using maven. In IntelliJ there's a hidden folder .idea/libraries/ which was missing the description of the Kotlin Runtime (this makes sense, since the dependencies were managed via maven). I have restarted and created a new project from scratch. This time you'll see the file .idea/libraries/KotlinJavaRuntime.xml, which is exactly what is referenced from the iml file. The .idea folder is very magic. For me the confusion is that modules in IntelliJ are not really isolated from the project, they share - like in this case - the .idea folder.
I hope this helps also other users.
If you created the kotlin-file yourself, you have to tell IntelliJ that it should run this file.
Normally shows a run icon next to your main method.
run button/icon
Option 2: Right Click on the file containing the main method and see if there is a run this file option.
Option 3: add run config manually
Click add config which should be on the left of the run button (don't mind that it is disabled)
Click + and choose Kotlin.
Set main class to MainKt which is the default for kotlin

Nuget package content files not served when deployed

I have build NuGet package consisting of Razor Class Library (RCL) project at .net core 2.2. Once packed I see that it contains static assets that I have configured:
When I install package inside target project, assets refs are visible inside project structure:
But when I try to access them at runtime - i get 404:
I see that those files are not "physically" placed inside wwwroot folder (they are iniside package folder).
Is there any way to serve those files? How this should be configured?
So far I have been using those approches:
Can Razor Class Library pack static files (js, css etc) too?
They work fine when I directly reference RCL project, but when packed with NuGet and installed does not work any more.
They work fine when I directly reference RCL project, but when packed
with NuGet and installed does not work any more.
As far as l know, when you use nuget and choose PackageReference nuget management foramt, the files which targets to import into the main project are introduced into your main project as links(The corresponding files will not exist in the physical path of your solution , but will be linked to the corresponding file address in the %userprofile%\.nuget\xxx). It is the feature of PackageReference nuget management format.
To solve it, l think you can add a custom build target in the nuget project(Include MSBuild props and targets in a package). With it, you can copy the files from nuget package into the main project.
1.add a target file like .targets or .props(must be the same as the package id) into the \build folder(must be created under the project root directory) of the project. All of these are based on nuget packaging mechanism.
2.add these codes into the target file
<Project xmlns="">
<SourceScriptFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\content\xxxx(relative paths in the current project)" />
<Target Name="CopyScriptsToProject" BeforeTargets="Build">
<Copy SourceFiles="#(SourceScriptFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(ProjectDir)\wwwroot\xxxx\"
Use a target to copy the file #(SourceScriptFiles) into the main project.(The DestinationFolder is just the destination address).
3.If you use nuspec file to pack your package. You should also add these files under the files node in it.
<!-- Include everything in \build -->
<file src="build\**" target="build" />
<!-- Other files -->
<!-- ... -->
In addition, such operation is a pre-build event and when you install the package, you should build your project first and then you will find the file under the destination folder.
Besides, here is a good sample in the github and l hope it can give detailed information and steps.
Hope it could help you.

IBM MobileFirst: using external jar files during command line build

We are trying to use a org.JSON.JSONObject library for some intense json processing in the adapter side. We have Java classes which processes the data received from http adapters.
mobilefirst 6.3.0 and using cli 20150701 build
(the recent one).
This JSON referencing has no issues when building from eclipse mobilefirst studio environment.
We are building this environment in ubuntu linux 14.04. There is an error in referencing org.JSON.JSONObject..x.jar file when we execute
mfp start or mfp build or mfp deploy
Is there a way to reference this jar file during mfp start or mfp build or mfp deploy as a classpath.
We need to have something like
mfp -classpath "path/to/json.jar" build
please help.
As it turns out, the CLI does not yet recognize jars placed into the server/lib folder of your project. In oder to make this work, you can make a simple edit to the following file:
[cli install folder]/mobilefirst-cli/node_modules/generator-worklight-server/lib/build.xml
At or about line 123, add the third fileset element shown below:
<!-- Classpath for server runtime libraries used when building the WAR -->
<path id="server-classpath">
<fileset dir="${worklight.jars.dir}" includes="worklight-jee-library.jar" />
<fileset dir="${worklight.server.install.dir}/wlp/dev" includes="**/*.jar" />
<!-- add server/lib folder to classpath -->
<fileset dir="${}/../server/lib" includes="**/*.jar" />
After that, running 'mfp start' (or 'mfp restart' if your server is already running) will compile your custom Java code with any jars that you add to the server/lib folder included in the classpath.
JARs for use by your adapters should be added to you Project's server directory in the folder lib. They will be included in your Projects WAR file when the project is built (in Studio or by the ant tasks) and when you deploy that WAR it will be visible to your adapters.
I agree with #bjustin_ibm. Thanks for that. While the above approach works, there's also another way of doing this.
Alternative hack
Just add your required .jars to the following location, it gets added to the classpath during mfp start
This solution is more simple and doesn't really have to maintain the build.xml file.
Hope this helps.

How to add a file to MonoDevelop Packaging project

This seems like a simple question, but I can't find it documented anywhere.
I'd like to add a ReadMe.txt file to the zipped binary archive in my MonoDevelop Packaging project.
I tried this:
<Package name="Linux Binaries">
<Builder targetFile="..\" platform="Linux" configuration="Release" ctype="BinariesZipPackageBuilder">
<SolutionItemReference path="..\Keeper.OfScripts\Keeper.OfScripts.csproj" />
<!-- ************************************** -->
<!-- This is where I tried to add the file. -->
<SolutionItemReference path="..\Keeper.OfScripts\ReadMe.txt" />
<RootEntry path="..\Keeper.OfScripts.sln" id=":root:" />
But nothing got added (the package did build correctly, but it omitted the ReadMe.txt file).
Is this is same syntax as an MSBuild file? Either way, I can't find anything that helps.
Well, I thought I set the build-action to Content and properties to Copy to Output Directory for ReadMe.txt, but I didn't. If you set those things, then the file will be included in your package.
Doing so also checks the Include in deploy box in the file's property window.
The way packaging projects work is somewhat strange. The format is not currently compatible with MSBuild, despite the file header. Essentially, a packaging project only includes projects - the list of included projects can be edited in the package options. The files that are included from each project are controlled using the property grid when the files are selected in the solution tree. When the packaging project is built, it can generate several different kinds of package, but they all have the same sources.

Ant inheriting Maven properties

I am considering converting an Ant/Ivy project to Ant/Maven-Ant-Tasks. I do not want to use Maven by itself because I need more control over the build process.
Is there any way for the Ant build.xml file inherit properties set in the pom.xml file?
I have been creating a generic build.xml file that can be used across several projects and loads a project-specific file, but it would be nicer if I could put all of those properties in the pom.xml file.
I use the XMLProperty ant task to parse and copy those properties
<xmlproperty file="<your pom location>" keepRoot="false"/>
<property name="test" value="${properties.test}"/>
Another option, if you use the maven Antrun plugin to run the build, the properties will be available to use in the build file