easyphp apache error 87 - apache

I recently installed EasyPHP 13.1. Configured it to start with the computer but Apache refuses to do it. Looking into the log file the last 3 lines are:
29/09 12:24:21 EasyPHP EasyPHP Check version
29/09 12:24:25 EasyPHP ServerBase::TimerProc : GetProcessVersion Apache (pid: 6132) error 87
29/09 12:24:25 EasyPHP Apache Unexpected end of Apache !
Manually starting Apache after this will always work. Searched for the error online but found nothing useful. Any ideas?

I had the same issue while in a windows environment. To avoid it I would right click EasyPHP and run as administrator.


How to Configure PgAdmin4 to Use Apache2 from LAMPP?

I installed LAMPP on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine. I also installed PgAdmin4 to work with my Postgresql 14. The problem is, both LAMPP and PgAdmin4 installation came with their own Apache2. This cause error for me, as in the development process, I use and localhost/ at browser interchangeably.
For now, each time I need to edit psql database in PgAdmin4, I need to turn off LAMPP using sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop command and to turn on pgAdmin4 with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start. And vice-versa if I need to test the website output in LAMPP localhost.
Is there any way around them? How to configure pgAdmin4 to use Apache2 from LAMPP? Or to Install pgAdmin4 without the packaged Apache2?
I already tried using PhpPgAdmin 7 instead, but it keeps getting error.

XAMPP Can't Start Apache After Upgrading to PHP7.1.17 "Attempting to start Apache service..."

I have XAMPP installed on Windows 7 virtual machine. My old PHP version was 7.0.9 with Apache 2.4
I needed to upgrade the PHP version to 7.1.x and I set out reading about how to best to this. In end, I settled with the simple plan:
Stop Apache service
Downloaded new PHP version from official php website. For PHP 7 the 7.1.17 version was listed. I downloaded the thread safe version, as my Apache has thread safety enabled.
I extracted the contents of the downloaded archive to a folder.
I copied and replaced all files in the appropriate folders from C:/Server/php with the new php version files from the extracted archive.
I attempted to start Apache from the XAMPP control panel and the server will not start.
The message "Attempting to start Apache service..." just hangs and nothing happens.
The last entry in the error.log file in C:\Server\apache\logs shows the event when the server was stopped and that's it.
When I check the php version from CLI with the command php -v, the console returns installed php version 7.1.17
I tried different suggestions I read from similar questions, like changing ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:8080 and copying php7apache2.dll to apache/bin ( as suggested here: Upgrading PHP in XAMPP for Windows? ), alas the issue is not fixed and Apache does not start.
Of course, I also restarted the virtual machine, all the same.
At this point, I'm dumbfounded. Don't know what to do.
I need to get Apache running with php 7.1, as it is required by Magento 2.2.4. I do not want to reinstall XAMPP, as this will be a lenghty process with a lot of risk for more things to go wrong.
Any help is much appreciated!
Alright, so after checking Windows Logs > Application in Event Viewer I saw the error ".. the Apache service named is not a valid win32 application". I downloaded the x86 version of PHP from official website PHP for Windows
Then copied and replaced files as described above, and Apache started successfully.
To see if your Apache version is x64 or x86 open command prompt and cd to your Apache bin directory, in my case C:/Server/apache/bin , then run:
file httpd

Error installing xampp on windows 7

For Screenshot
I have problem, so before I got these error i have installed xampp v.5.6.30 / PHP 5.6.30 and i want to update to xampp v.7.0.18 / PHP 7.0.18 and i uninstall the old version and install the latest version.
Before I get the error I have error on api-ms-"...".dll but i finished to this error with download the .dll files and the error(1) is show up.
I try to fix this problem so I change the port, but not take effect.
This for screenshot port list/netstat.
I change the httpd.conf port 80 to 8080, and httpd-ssl.conf port 443 to 4433. But didn't take effect.
So what solution to install xamp on my windows 7? Thanks in advance.
Extra : I don't install skype on my windows
Try checking on your 32 system file located on the windows file (C) if you have msvcr100.dll
If it is missing go to a dll.com site and download it and insert it on your system 32 file.
Another dll that might be missing is the API-MS-WIN-CRT-RUNTIME-L1-1-0.DLL
This video explain how to fix this if this is due to a crash like in your print.
I hope it helps.
Wish you the best of luck.

macOS Sierra 10.12.2 Apache not working

I've upgraded to the current version of macOS. I want to work with Apache. Well, my problem is, that when I try to access localhost with or without ~Username, I get an error message saying ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on Chrome or "Can't open Page" on Safari. Apache is running and apachectl configtest says "Syntax OK".
I placed the current version of phpMyAdmin into /Library/WebServer/Documents and tried to access it, same problem.
I followed the steps in this guide without a solution for me
Apache localhost/~username/ not working
So does anyone know what problem I'm facing? I'm clueless right now.
I had the same outcomes as above, using virtual hosts though, and after updating to macos 10.12.2 was receiving ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
My original setup is based on the excellent posts here: https://getgrav.org/blog/macos-sierra-apache-mysql-vhost-apc
And as such, because I'm using Homebrew, all I needed to do was also run brew upgrade on CLI followed by sudo apachectl restart and I'm back up and running.

Apache won't start with ColdFusion 10: mod_jk.conf procedure not found

I'm trying to install ColdFusion 10 on Apache 2.4.4 with Windows 7. I set up Apache et al with WAMP Server (I needed PHP as well), made sure everything was working great there, and then ran the ColdFusion installation after. ColdFusion installation seemed to complete successfully, but Apache was not able to restart with ColdFusion enabled.
Windows Event Viewer reports the following error with Apache Service:
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 548 of C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.4.4/conf/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of C:/wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.4.4/conf/mod_jk.conf: Cannot load c:/ColdFusion10/config/wsconfig/1/mod_jk.so into server: The specified procedure could not be found.
That's referencing this line from mod_jk.conf:
LoadModule jk_module "c:/ColdFusion10/config/wsconfig/1/mod_jk.so"
I copied+pasted, and there doesn't seem to be a problem with that path. mod_jk.so is there.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
Officially CF 10 requires Apache 2.2.xx. It won't work with Apache 2.4.
It will still fire the same error with Apache 2.2 in XAMP - and Apache won't start. If you comment out the call to the module in your httpd.conf - Apache will start.
I have the same issue. I have tried CF 9 and CF 10 with various Apache builds on Windows 7 with the same problem.
Update - I found this page http://forums.adobe.com/thread/764843 - similar issue, I downloaded the 32bit version and re ran a clean install and everything works as expected.