Search for all G+ posts mentioning or linking to a domain or url? - google-plus

Is there any way to search or structure a url in Google+ to get all posts that link to or reference a URL or domain? Similar to the way you can do it in Pinterest like
This structured query does not get nearly everything:

Google+ does not offer a specific API for getting posts that reference a specific URL or host. As Joanna mentions, you can use the method to do a full text search based on any given string, which could be a URL.

Google+ does not offer a URL that you can use to search to target specific shares. However, you can use the Google+ API to make an API call, where you can specify a query, which does a full text search. The API will return the public posts that contain the matched text.


How Can I retrieve all posts shared on google+ from a specific Domain?

I want to retrieve domain specific posts shared on google through API. Can some body please help me that which API should be suitable for it?
The API providing functionality closest to what you are looking for is It will only return public posts, it may return posts with the domain in the post text, and it is likely to be incomplete. You will have to surround the domain with quotes like "" and orderBy=recent.
Example query

Get all reviews and ratting from gplus

I have to get list of comment and rating of my goolge-plus page in json format form this url (test url)
I try in developer section of google-plus page. but i dont get appropriate method to find this. please any body can told me in which section of google developer i found this method. this is the first time i have to integrate any google api.
For your Google+ Page, you can make a call to activities.list using the Google+ Page ID to see all of the public posts that the Page has made, including +1s and comments and reshares on those posts. The documentation explains it well and also has an API explorer which you can try for yourself.
For additional information on a particular post, you can try comments.list--as you mentioned--or activities.get.
For the number of +1s for the Google+ Page specifically, you can try a people.get call using the Page ID.
The Google+ API does provide you with some information you ask for as Joanna states, but I believe what you really are looking for is the Place details within the Google Places API, which provides details about businesses, such as reviews. That API will return ratings and reviews. If you also needed +1s then you'd need to use both APIs.

Is it possible to search twitter users by url?

I am developing an application and I am wondering whether there is any way to search a particular user by the give URL?
basically what I want to do is to find out the relationship between a website and twitter account, say by given domain, the code will find out the possible twitter account for this website, say #iamowneroffoobar whose url value has been set as '' in twitter.
By checking the twitter API, I couldn't find any way to do this, but I have already seen this feature been implemented by few other sites, anyone knows how to do this?
I don't have a direct or easy answer but you can try looking for the URL within Twitter pages using Google or Bing's Search API.
This article notes that you can Search for Twitter users based on the words used in their bio profile - intitle:”on twitter” “bio * sport”*
This will provide you with a long list of people who have used the word sport in their Twitter bio. Again, just alter the search term to suit your own needs.
See if you can adapt this search query to find URL specified in the bio of a Twitter user programmatically.
You could make your own web crawler that searches for the link within the HTML source page. For example, search the web for top sites that index under "foobar" in the domain name, then crawl those pages for the code for their twitter button, which contains the username. I have some ideas of how to do this in Python. Mainly just what I've learned for the CS101 course on

Google+ Company pages

I am trying to access my company pages in Google+ via its API. However, I can find an endpoint that would return my company page?
I've looked at this endpoint, but I don't see a way of listing all of my companies.
Any ideas?
Instead of the "me", you should be able to use the 21 digit code you'll find in the URL if you look at a page's profile.
You cannot currently determine what pages are owned or managed by a user. You may wish to star this bug to indicate your interest in having this implemented.

How can i remake the return from Google search api?

How can i use Google search api to get like on the google engine, title of website,a short description and URL. Is it possible?
I tried the api but it gives me only some information that doesn`t have a url or title to a website.
Using the Google shopping api, you can retrieve the title, short description and url. I've achieved this in a c# application where it returns a json file from the url below and parse over it.
You need a apiId to start with.
Using this url you can add search parameters after the q, in this example just searching for digital camera.
for more details
I'm not sure that I have enough information, but I find the Google Custom Search API reference page has the reference JSON/ATOM examples:
This query will get you started:{YOURAPIKEY}&cx={cx?}&cref={cref?}&q=st%20olaf
Does this get you started?
Take care!