Customize the progress bar in nsis - edit

I am new to NSIS scripting and I am trying to get around the scripting tool.
I created a sample installer, using MUI2.
I have used MUI_INSTFILES_PROGRESSBAR smooth Command. But that doesn't have any effect. Can any one help me out? Below snippet is the code I created.
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

The custom progressbar style and colors only work on <= Win2000 and maybe when Visual Styles are disabled on later systems. Google PBS_SMOOTH for more information...


Can I customize the "New File" menu in PhpStorm?

I would like to add some other options, like "PHP Enum" or "PHP Interface" directly to this menu. Also, I would like to put PHP-related options first. It is possible tu customize this in PhpStorm? I'm using last version (2022.3.2) with the new UI enabled.
I tried using Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus & Toolbars but that didn't work for me.
Do you know that you can use the universal PHP Class entry and just change the type of the object (and therefore the file template) there? That can be done right away when typing the file or class name -- just use Arrow Up / Down keys:
(GREEN rectangle area is where that Up / Down key will work; RED rectangle shows my custom file templates)
P.S. The template for PHP Enums is also there, it just the screenshot was taken in a project with PHP 8.0 language level (need 8.1 for enums to appear).
P.P.S. The IDE will remember the last used template when you invoke this dialog again.
You can add new entries to this menu by creating custom File Templates at Settings/Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates
Here are my test custom file templates:
And this is how they appear in that menu:
Customizing this menu (removing items, changing their order)
This is not possible at the moment. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.

Solarized theme doesn't work in all windows in Intellij Idea after trying out New UI in Intellij 2022.3

After upgrading from Intellij 2022.2 to 2022.3 and trying to enable the "New UI":
then my solarized theme didn't seem to work as before. The "code window", terminal etc uses solarized, but other windows, such as the "project window", doesn't as you can see in this screenshot:
I've tried disabling the "New UI" again, but Solarized still won't be applied to all windows the way it previously used to. I've tried using both "Solarized Theme" ( and "Solarized Themes 4lex4" (
Question: How do I get the solarized theme to work in all windows (preferably with the "New UI" if possible)?
The "Main Changes and Known Issues..." link says only to use the Light and Dark themes with the new UI to avoid issues like this.
The new Light and Dark color themes have improved contrast and a
consistent color palette.
Please use only these themes while working with the new UI. Other
themes might look misaligned and have unexpected colors.
I found the answer just as I asked the question 🤦‍♂️ If anyone else have the same problem, you should go to
Settings > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance
and select the solarized theme. Then all windows will use solarized.

How to install a theme color in vba

I just downloaded a color theme on that link (a vssetting file) and would like to know how to install it in VBA.
I have the file but no option to put it into VBA. How do I do that?
You can't use a .vssetting file, that's a Visual Studio thing - the VBE wouldn't know what to do with it.
Its colors are "configurable" through the Tools > Options menu; they're the same rather limited 16-bit colors from 1997... and there's no file you can import that will make a "theme" (a .reg file could act like it, perhaps)
There is a hack, though - you can hex-edit VBE7.DLL and change the available colors to whatever you like. Obviously the risk is that you completely wreck VBA in every single VBA host application at once, but hey shiny colors are worth it eh?
The only thing I'm seeing that's remotely close to "theming" the VBE (and doesn't involve rewriting VBA itself) is what we want to achieve in Rubberduck (an OSS VBIDE add-in project I manage) by version 3.0 (we just kicked off the v2.1.x cycle), when we inject our own AvalonEdit WPF code pane into the VBE, implement our own IntelliSense and take full control of the VBE code panes' appearance and functionality - but there's a lot of work to be done before we can even dream of shipping that wet dream of a feature - so if you know a bit of C# and WPF, by all means join the Rubberduck dev team and help us do it!

Visual Studio Code going down to line automatically

I am using Brackets at the moment i want to switch to Visual Stuido Code but some features of Brackets are very usefull.
One of them, i use the editor narrowly, Brackets going under line automatically if it is not fit the line, but Visual Studio Code does not.
And second one also is when i design a html i can see the differences in live preview, is it possible to see it in Visual Stuido Code also?
Visual Studio Code
You want to enable the Word Wrap in Visual Studio Code.
Go to View -> Toggle Word Wrap.
Live Preview is actually possible in every editor you use. Today's devs use task automators like Gulp or Grunt, so they are not attached to specific editor like Brackets.
Using Gulp (or Grunt) you can set up a task that will watch your files for changes and then do specific actions, like reload the page, recompile Sass files etc.
You can find more here:

How to run GUI related code in GNU Smalltalk?

I have the following code form Dolphin Smalltalk:
digitalClockProcess := [[
Processor sleep: 1000.
(View desktop canvas)
font: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 36) beBold;
text: Time now printString at: 10#10;
] repeat] fork.
which shows a digital clock on the desktop. Can this code be run on GNU Smalltalk? I tried gst and gst-blox on Fedora on a VirtualBox VM and it didn't work, and gst-blox doesn't exist on Ubuntu, and gst-browser on both Fedora and Ubuntu gave a
Object: CFunctionDescriptor new: 1 "<0x7ffb3a010dc0>" error: Invalid C call-out g_date_get_type
when starting up the app. How is it done in GNU Smalltalk?
I am not familiar with GNU Smalltalk (I use Pharo), so maybe there is better way to write the code, but regardless.
gst installed from package manager doesn't need any GUI (it's a CLI), and even though it offers them, it doesn't pull the necessary system libraries to run them, so you have to install them manually:
for gst-browser (new ui): libgtk2.0 libcairo2 (tested on ubuntu)
for gst-blox (old ui): tcl tk (not tested)
I see two problems with the code: GST doesn't support Process>>sleep:, and it uses GUI.
As for GUI, Smalltalks have very different UI libraries, Dolphin is geared towards MS Windows, GNU Smalltalk uses GNU stuff (GTK for the newser gst-browser, and TK/TCL for older gst-blox it seems), Pharo uses Athens, etc. Even if they share some concepts (such as MVC pattern), they do not really share API.
In fact it seems that GNUSmalltalk has "new" UI --- VisualGST (gst-browser) and that gst-blox is deprecated.
In any case, after some digging I end up with the following code. It creates a GTK window (UI used by gst-browser), and then it continuously updates the text.
window := GTK.GtkWindow new: GTK.Gtk gtkWindowToplevel.
window setTitle: 'Time'.
window resize: 400 height: 300.
label := GTK.GtkLabel new.
label setText: Time now printString.
label show.
window add: label.
window show.
digitalClockProcess := [[
(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
label setText: Time now printString.
] repeat] fork.
The code for gst-blox would have to use tcl/tk instead, which I am not familiar with.
Running the code
To run the code in gst-browser, from top menu select 'Tools > Bottom Pane', and then paste the code to a 'Workspace' that will be in the bottom pane (you can add more workspaces via 'File > New Workspace'.
Instructions how to download and build GNU smalltalk can be found here. This should solve your problem with the availability of gst-blox (GNU smalltalk with GUI) on ubuntu.