IE9 defineGetter Error Terraformer.js -

I have an MVC4 application I am working on and each time I try and run it in IE9 I get an error saying:
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'defineGetter'
terraformer.js, line 1007 character 5
this is the line of code getting the error:
this.__defineGetter__("bbox", function(){
return calculateBounds(this);
i am trying to create a new incident from a properties dialog box but it will not let me continue. it works fine in crome. i dont know why it keeps going to this terraformer.js file too. i am really new to all this coding so any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. someone told me i can try to update the terraformer file but im not sure how to do that. i really hope someone can help me move forward with this issue.
thank you in advance.

i just needed to update the terraformer code from github with an updated version. doing this fixed the problem and now i get no errors.


How to fix types.ArgumentError: argument 1: <class 'TypeError'>: expected LP_POINT instance instead of pointer to POINT?

I'm using selenium, pyautogui, pywinauto to automate the desktop app. I'm automating settings app. And based on the user's input value I'm trying to change the value of the current brightness of the computer. but it keeps on showing this error.
The most important part is I wasn't getting the error 3 weeks ago and everything was working fine but yesterday when I run the script it started throwing the error.
The complete error I'm getting is-
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 1: : expected LP_POINT instance instead of pointer to POINT
Some part of the script where the process get stuck and starts throwing the error. the script stop running at the 3rd line...
slider = content_of_page.find_element_by_id("SystemSettings_Display_Brightness_Slider")
pyautogui.dragRel(args.value, 0, duration=1.0, button='left')
I'm using pyautogui=0.9.47
I also had the same issue and reinstall did not help. I found solution in:
After installing pywinauto==0.6.6 all work ok for me.
I had the exact problem just right now.
I fixed it by un- and reinstalling pyautogui and pywinauto.
The problem persisted after reinstalling pyautogui, but was fixed after reinstalling pywinauto. So I am not sure if you need to reinstall both or just pywinauto.
Hope that helps!

Blocklayered module not working prestashop 1.6

I have a bug on my prestashop website that i don't know how to fix.
My blocklayered module is not working... I've tried refreshing cache and indexes and also restored the module with original one but it's not working... I've also setted permissions to 777 for all the folders and files of the module...
Here is the error line:
v_24_2e5bc2f239b0cac64f2bff372a426d98.js:4 GET 500 ()
You can see the problem on this page for exemple:
Could you please have a look to my problem?
Thanks a lot for your help! :)
Seems like a silly resolution but we had the same issue.
screenshot of blank line
Found the fix by total fluke.
In blocklayered.php remove the blank line on the top of the file.
Some apache configs manage this others not. Sometimes there is a hidden ascii value in there that throws an error of headers already sent.
One of our clever engineers spotted this after hours of searching.
Nearly killed us.
Hope this helps.

Error report on FBSDKLoginButton

I have the following error and I have no idea where it's coming from.
I really need help.
Thank you.Click here to see
Problem solved.
If like me you encounter this type of problem it could be due to a language change in your settings (localization) or your main storyboard.
What I did is I put back everything to default, did a Product > Clean, and deleted the app and reinstalled it.

How to fill a textbox from a website using webbrowser

I'm new at Visual Basics and I'm trying to fill the forms of the following website:
I tried using this line of code:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("nome").SetAttribute("Value", "Test")
However, whenever I try I got the following error:
A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'
I would appreciate if someone could help me to accomplish this, it would save me a lot of time if I could automate this task.
Thank you in advance, Daniel.
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("nome").InnerText = Test
That will select the input named "nome" and fill it with the text "Test"
Hope this helps.
According to Microsoft documentation, the SetAttribute function your are using is case sensitive.
You'll need to replace "Value" for "value".
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("nome").SetAttribute("value", "Test")
However, the kind of error message you are getting seems to occur before the call to the SetAttribute function. Go in debug mode and make sure that every objects used before the SetAttribute function are not null.
You need to be using a combination of WebClient and HtmlAgilityPack. See these examples:
How can I download HTML source in C#
How to use HTML Agility pack

Extjs 3.2 : Js error in built function "onDocumentReady"

I`m getting js error, after loading below function,
After coming out of "aFunc123" function,extjs immediatly calls "onDocumentReady" function, problem is, passed arguments are undefined,and also I dont know how it`s getting called.Please check out, for this problem I`m getting error like `"Unable to get property 'apply' of undefined or null reference"`.
Please suggest me what wrong I`m doing here.
I`m using ExtJS 3.2,IE10.
Thanks in advance.
Ext 3.4.1a was released recently to add IE10 support. You can download it from the Ext website. Otherwise, older versions don't have support for IE10.