Switching word wrap automatically on in Komodo Edit when opening file - file-io

I use Komodo Edit 8.5 and i want to set the word wrap automatically on, when i'm opening a file. Unfortunately i can't find this setting in "Edit > Preferences". Can you help me?
And exists there a possiblity to change this settings in the 'prefs.xml'-file?

The word wrap preferences are located in the following hierarchy:
Edit|Preferences|Editor|Smart Editing
If you want to set it using prefs.xml, here is the setting:
<long id="editAutoWrapColumn">80</long>
I would advice against editing prefs.xml directly, in this case the Pref UI should suffice but if you wish to manually modify a pref it's safer to use the API:
You can use a macro or the Extension Developer addon to access the API.
Komodo Source: XML Files


Edit document properties in MS-Word 2016

I am currently trying to setup a template where the user is prompted to add "tags" to their document when they open a new MS-Word file. Currently I have broken this down in a few parts.
Startup prompt
Connect the document/script to the "tag" property (so the user don't have to manually change it)
Ideally implement a drop-down menu, so I don't accidentally tag some files with small differences such as spaces, case sensitive formating etc.
Currently I have tried most of what Word has to offer, which is why I came here. The easiest answer is to go in "File -> Information -> Tags" and edit this manually, but this is what I hope to automate. I have used the feature "Quick Parts", where I can add a field which edits properties such as "Author", "Tags" etc. The problem here is that they are not customizable, so I can not implement a drop-down menu. I have tried to use the "Developer" section in Word to add controllers such as drop-down menus, but I have not found a way to connect these to the document properties. I also tried using the FILLIN command to see if it could be used as shown below, just to test if I could set these properties from the document in this way.
{ SET bkmTitle { TITLE { FILLIN "Enter the document title" } } }
The problem with this implementation is that I don't want to press F9 in these fields when I start up a new project. I have not done much research into the startup prompt because I see this as the finishing touch, but if anyone has any advice on that too, it would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have any experience with macros/VBA, but I am open to learn if that is the easiest way to realize this project. Thank you kindly in advance.
From Charles Kenyon's links I solved my problem with Quick Parts. My solution was to extract the .docx file so I could access the .xml file within. Inside the .docx file (also works with the .dotm template file found in /AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Templates). Using 7-zip I opened the .dotm archive and went on word -> document.xml.
I made a template by editing the Normal.dotm (MS-Word template file). Here I added a Quick Part for "Category", then saved the template. I then opened the .xml file as mentioned above where I could edit this Quick Part for the template from textfield to a drop down menu (was not possible to change in Word to my knowledge).
To change it into other types than drop down menu, it is possible to add other control forms from Word by clicking on the "Developer" tab and selecting other controls such as "Checkbox". When you open the "document.xml" file afterwards, you can now see the schema for a checkbox.
When editing the "Document Properties" style Quick Parts, they are automatically linked to the document properties, which is what I wanted to learn how to do. It is probably possible to also use the document.xml file to explore how to link other fields to the document properties. I hope this answer might help others if they want to explore more options in MS-Word.

Is there an 'Open Folder...' keyboard shortcut in VS Code?

I don't see a keyboard shortcut for "Open Folder..." listed on the documentation page below, and after searching elsewhere for a while I didn't see anything else.
I thought I would ask here before putting an issue on GitHub about it. (Also there doesn't seem to be a open / closed issue about this anywhere on the GitHub repo.)
There is indeed a shortcut for it, the command is workbench.action.files.openFolder, and the default keybinding is Ctrl+K,Ctrl+O.
It's easy to find in the list of shortcuts (File → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts) if you search for "folder" or "openFolder" in the Default Keybindings.
Hit Cmd+O on macOS or Ctrl+O on Windows/Linux to activate the open dialog, select a folder, and click "Open."
Note: This answer was written before multiple folder workspaces were implemented in VS Code. If you open folders this way, it will replace your entire workspace with the folder you selected to open. If you want to add a folder to your existing workspace, you must use Cmd+K, Cmd+O on a macOS or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O on Windows/Linux.

IDEA IDE - disable inspection for one file

Is there a way to disable inspection for one file opened in the editor? I occasionally open large library file in the editor to inspect its source code, and don't want IDEA to run inspections on this particular file.
Use Hector the Inspector guy. You can access it by clicking on "guy in a hat" icon in Status Bar or via Code | Configure Current File Analysis... from the main menu.
Once there you can move the "Highlighting Level" slider from "Inspections" to "Syntax" .. or even "None" in case of a large or complex file.
Settings here affect current file only (excludes "Power Save Mode" option)
Depending on a file, you may have multiple sliders (e.g. in .php file you will see separate sliders for HTML and PHP languages: this may change depending on some other settings):
If your file is actually part of the library (PHP or JavaScript; "Library" in terms of IDE, of course) then they by default should not have inspections enabled in them:
UPDATE 2021-06-11:
Hector the Inspector has been removed from the status bar since 2020.2 version or so. You can get it back by installing Hector the Inspector plugin from Settings/Preferences | Plugins
You can set scope for your project and run inspections only for selected scopes.
#see Inspection severity and scopes

How to change the default new/open project directory in PhpStorm 8?

When I click open or new project PhpStorm shows the way to C:\User\Myname. Tell me how to change this to C:\xamp\www ?
There is no GUI for that.
PhpStorm should remember last used folder (when you successfully created new project) and use it by default for next one (does for me; although I'm using the same path since v1 .. maybe this was broken since then).
If it does not and if you have brave heart .. you can edit config file directly :)
Close IDE
Open this file in any text editor: C:\Users\USERNAME\.WebIde80\config\options\ide.general.xml (path is for PhpStorm v8 on Windows 7; for other OS/versions please see this link: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23358108-Directories-used-by-the-IDE-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs )
File is very short -- just find <option name="lastProjectLocation" node and edit value attribute -- put desired path there
Save changes, Launch IDE and see if it worked for you.

Resharper live templates in sql files

I created live template for creation of a stored procedure and I set availability in *.sql files. But when I'm in SQL file I don't have possibility to use live template by typing live template shortcut. I know that I have to change some setting in Visual Studio or in Resharper but I didn't find anything. Do you have any idea about that? I'm using VS 2013 and Resharper 8. Thank you.
Custom live templates should be able to work in .sql files.
You don't mention how you set your live template up, but here is how I acheived this with Visual Studio 2013 and ReSharper 8.2.
The example should allow you to type sf + TAB and get a select * from $TABLE$ template inside of a .sql file.
Go to ReSharper's Template Explorer via RESHARPER -> Templates Explorer...
Make sure you are on the "Live Templates" tab (the 1st one) of the Templates Explorer.
Under "Scopes" on the left side make sure "Global" is selected.
Click the new icon to bring up the template editor.
Add your template shortcut keys sf.
Add your template SELECT * FROM $TABLE$.
On the right side of the template editor window, select the link next to "Availability".
In the "Select Scopes" window that comes up, uncheck "Everywhere" and expand "In files matching".
Use the File mask *.sql
OK out and save your template.
The sf template should now be available in .sql files.
If you've followed these steps and it's still not working, you may have keyboard shortcut conflicts with another plugin. Consider reinstalling or repairing ReSharper or resetting the keyboard shortcuts via the RESHARPER -> Options -> Keybaord & Menus screen.
ReSharper's Live Templates only work in file formats that ReSharper supports, since Live Templates rely on other ReSharper features that need to understand languages, such as auto-formatting, name shortening and auto-imports and availability in scope. Also, Live Templates are inserted by selecting the item from ReSharper's code completion windows - if there's no code completion, there can't be any Live Templates.
Since ReSharper doesn't know about .sql files, you don't get Live Templates.