Transaction starting in stored procedure 1 and ending in SP3 - sql

I have several stored procedures in a job, and In one of them I Begin a transaction to delete some rows and if rows are greater than 10 then I Roll back. however if there are not I don't want to commit straight away, because 2 stored procedure later I do something similar. however if count is greater than 10 in this instance I want it rolled back all the way to when I stared the transaction (two stored procedures ago)
Is it possible to start a transaction in a store procedure and have multiple roll backs and Commit right at the end somewhere or do I have to put all the code into 1 store procedure to do that?

This sounds incredibly prone to failure.
Regardless, you will need to start the transaction in your code then, while using the same connection, execute the procs. The code would then commit or rollback once all the procs have executed.
Assuming this is c#, see the following question for answers: Call multiple SQL Server stored procedures in a transaction

You can write several stored procedures and then execute them as nested.
You can declare variables in order to get the result and use if statement to commit or rais error for catch block or rollback transaction


Is it possible to release Transaction-log locks from within an active (massive data movement) stored procedure?

edited terminology for accuracy:
We have large, daily flows of data within our data-mart. Some of the largest, done with Stored procedures managed by SSIS, take several hours. These long-running stored procedures are preventing the transaction-log from clearing (which compounds the issue because we have numerous SP's running at once, which are then all writing to the T-log with no truncate). Eventually this breaks our database and we're forced to recover from the morning snapshot.
We have explored doing "sub"-commits within the SP, but as I understand it you can't fully release the transaction log within an active stored procedure, because it is itself a transaction.
Without refactoring our large SP's to run in batches, or something to that effect, is it possible to commit to the transaction log periodically within an active SP, so that we release the lock on the transaction log?
edit / extension:
Perhaps I was wrong above:
Will committing intermittently within the SP allow the transaction-log to truncate?
Will committing intermittently within the SP allow the transaction-log to truncate?
If the client starts a transaction, it's not recommended to COMMIT that transaction inside a stored procedure. It's not allowed to exit the stored procedure with a different ##trancount than it was entered with.
The following pattern is technically allowed, although I have never seen it used in the real world:
use tempdb
if ##trancount > 0 rollback
drop table if exists T
create table T(id int identity)
create or alter procedure tranTest
insert into T default values
commit transaction
begin transaction
begin transaction
exec tranTest
select * from T
go 5
It would be deeply confusing for client code to rollback a transaction and not have the stored procedure's work rolled back.
If the client doesn't start a transaction, you can have multiple transactions inside a stored procedure, but the smallest granularity for a transaction is a single DML statement. So each INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE would be run in a single transaction.
The practical solutions to this are, in descending order of goodness:
1) Increase the storage available to the log file to accommodate the transactions.
2) Refactor the ETL to use shorter transactions, possibly readying data in stating tables and loading or switching it in in a single, final transaction
3) Refactor the ETL to run in smaller batches.

C# SQL transaction

I am using a C# class that is calling a SQL stored procedure in a serializable transaction.
So if something goes wrong in the stored procedure, everything is rolled back.
I have one statement in the SQL stored procedure that should be always executed (even if the stored procedure fails at some point and a rollback occurs). The statement is an update of a record.
I cannot change the C# library, so I need to do this in my stored procedure.
Is there some way I can execute that one statement outside the transaction?
You could perhaps use SAVE TRANSACTION. It is not supported in distributed transactions, and your statement must be executed first, so it might not be what you are looking for.
I have found the solution.
I didn't realize that SQL knew it was called in a transactional matter by the c# class.
The update statement that should always be executed is the first step (and also last step) in the procedure. Let me clarify:
I have an IF function. If it is true, the update should occur no matter what. If it is false, some transactional logic should be executed.
Now in the c# class, it expects a result from the stored proc. If the proc doesn't return a result (like it does in the update statement), it rollbacks the transaction.
So by just adding the following lines right after the update statement, the update occurs :)
Your solution does not sound like a good one.. For example- if your stored procedure will be part of bigger transaction, then it will commit all changes made before it. Also I believe no one would guess that your proc has such behaviour without first seeing code.
The need to always execute some part of proc sounds like need for security audit. So maybe you should use trace, extended events or sql server audit instead.
if you really need what you say you need- you can use method described here: How to create an autonomous transaction in SQL Server 2008

Stored proceedure call 2nd SP with Trans Commit

I have one store procedure that will need to call a second stored procedure passing over one input parameter. Due to the nature of both stored procs I'd like to be able to use transactions and commit to ensure all elements are carried out before being committed.
If the relevant contents of the first stored proc are within the transaction aswell as the call to the 2nd stored proc, will this suffice or is it the case that the events of the 2nd sp would be commited seperately???
I hope that makes sense, & thanks for in advance for the help.
Yes they will be part of the same transaction. In fact even if you started a separate transaction inside the second procedure, nested transactions in SQL do not work. The whole thing is committed or rolled back.

SQL Server 2005 stored procedure with logging and error handling

I have a (SQL 2005) stored procedure that processes a giant table and groups old data from the past (up til one year ago). It has this main steps:
copy old data grouped to a new table
copy recent data as is to the new table
rename table
Now I want to log every run and every step in logging tables. However I start a transaction in the beginning so that I can rollback the whole batch if something goes wrong. But that would also rollback my logging which isn't what I want.
How can I resolve this?
Log to a table variable as this doesn't get rolled back with the transaction then at the end of the procedure after commit or rollback insert the contents of the table variable into your permanent logging table.
Use SET XACT_ABORT ON to force rollback
To catch all errors (where code runs), use TRY/CATCH blocks.
Then, you can simply log the errors in your CATCH blocks.
Example here (can add your own logging): Nested stored procedures containing TRY CATCH ROLLBACK pattern?
Personally, I find this more elegant than using table variables.

How does SQL Server treat statements inside stored procedures with respect to transactions?

Say I have a stored procedure consisting of several separate SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. There is no explicit BEGIN TRANS / COMMIT TRANS / ROLLBACK TRANS logic.
How will SQL Server handle this stored procedure transaction-wise? Will there be an implicit connection for each statement? Or will there be one transaction for the stored procedure?
Also, how could I have found this out on my own using T-SQL and / or SQL Server Management Studio?
There will only be one connection, it is what is used to run the procedure, no matter how many SQL commands within the stored procedure.
since you have no explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION in the stored procedure, each statement will run on its own with no ability to rollback any changes if there is any error.
However, if you before you call the stored procedure you issue a BEGIN TRANSACTION, then all statements are grouped within a transaction and can either be COMMITted or ROLLBACKed following stored procedure execution.
From within the stored procedure, you can determine if you are running within a transaction by checking the value of the system variable ##TRANCOUNT (Transact-SQL). A zero means there is no transaction, anything else shows how many nested level of transactions you are in. Depending on your sql server version you could use XACT_STATE (Transact-SQL) too.
If you do the following:
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
everything within the procedure is covered by the transaction, all 6 statements (the EXEC is a statement covered by the transaction, 1+5=6). If you do this:
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
EXEC my_stored_procedure_with_5_statements_inside #Parma1
everything within the two procedure calls are covered by the transaction, all 12 statements (the 2 EXECs are both statement covered by the transaction, 1+5+1+5=12).
You can find out on your own by creating a small stored procedure that does something simple, say insert a record into a test table. Then Begin Tran; run sp_test; rollback; Is the new record there? If so, then the SP ignores the outside transaction. If not, then the SP is just another statement executed inside the transaction (which I am pretty sure is the case).
You must understand that a transaction is a state of the session. The session can be in an explicit transaction state because there is at least one BEGIN TRANSACTION that have been executed in the session wherever the command "BEGIN TRANSACTION" has been throwed (before entering in a routine or inside the routine code). Otherwise, the state of the session is in an implicit transaction state. You can have multiple BEGIN TRANSACTION, but only the first one change the behavior of the session... The others only increase the ##TRANCOUNT global sesion variable.
Implicit transaction state means that all SQL orders (DDL, DML and DCL comands) wil have an invisble integrated transaction scope.