Check for Existing Saved Query in MS Access -

I need to create a saved MS Access query from within my program using OleDb. But before I create the query I need to check and see if it already exists in the database. If it does exist I want to update it. How do I check for an existing query in MS Access using OleDb?

"If it does exist I want to update it."
Based on the comment discussion, I understand you will execute a statement on the OleDB connection to create the query. (In Access parlance, a QueryDef object.)
When the query does not already exist, the execute succeeds and you're done.
If the query does exist, the execute attempt will throw an error which you will trap in your VB.Net code. At that point, you want to revise the existing query. Unfortunately, I don't know any way to alter an existing query with OleDb. You can however discard the existing query and re-execute your statement to create the new version.
You can execute an Access DDL statement to discard the existing query. One of these two versions will do what you need:
DROP VIEW YourQueryNameHere;
The first is for plain SELECT queries. The second is for what Access calls "action queries": INSERT; UPDATE; DELETE. A "make table" query (SELECT <field list> INTO NewTable FROM ...) also falls into the second (PROCEDURE) category as I recall (check to confirm if you need it). I think a SELECT query with PARAMETERS also falls into that second category (check if needed).
Note this is a only a suggested direction. I can't offer you VB.Net code. And I'm hopeful you know or can figure how to do the required error-handling in VB.Net.


Creating a database view from a dynamic string (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) in a PL/SQL package - Questions?

I want to create a dynamic view at runtime made up of string of columns and a where clause using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on one database which will be queried on a second database using a db_link.
My question are the following.
The view will be queried on another database using a database_link do I need to also GRANT privileges to the view (i.e. PUBLIC) and the SYNONYM (as PUBLIC) at the same time (if at all)? or does this only need to be created once?
Can a package be INVALID if in the PL/SQL package there is a reference to an object on another database via a database link that doesn't exist, is INVALID or has changed in structure? Or does it compile regardless?
I'm assuming I would need "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" in the the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE string as the second time I run this process the view will already exist on the database?
Thanks Guys in advance for any feedback on this.
First of all, I'd suggest you not to do that. In Oracle, objects are created once and used any time you want. What benefit do you expect from creating a view dynamically? (I'm not saying that you must not do it, just suggesting to think it over).
Now, to answer your questions:
You don't need GRANT because - in order to create a database link, you already know remote database's username and password
If object in another database is invalid, then executing or compiling your procedure will fail
Yes, as without or replace Oracle will complain that object with that name already exists.

Query will not update table in subform MS-Access

I created a table in MS-Access 2010 by running the following script on SQL server 2008
SELECT * into qryInstrumentInterfacelog FROM tblInstrumentInterfaceLog
qryInstrumentInterface is used to populate a subform on the main form. After a "Process" button is pressed, files are read in and stored in the database. tblInstrumentInterface will be inserted with a new record everytime a new file is read in. My problem is qryInstrumentInterfacelog will not update with tblInstrumentInterfaceLog, it will just keep the same data it had when the script was first ran on the server. I have tried different methods to requery the subform but I realized the subform had no issues it was the actual table that wasn't changing. How can I get qryInstrumentInterfacelog to be dynamic and update as tblInstrumentInterfaceLog updates? Is my SQL code wrong?
Well, one important concern is that, indeed, you cannot repeat the query as written.
"Select... into" creates a new table only. It does not insert/append to such a table.
So if you are really calling that a second time, it is probably erroring out.
If you really want to drop and replace the table, make sure to call an explicit "Drop Table" in advance of your "Select...Into".
A typical pattern, in SQL Server t-sql, is
if object_id('*your_table_name*') is not null
drop table *your_table_name*
*...your select...into*

Access 10' with SQL Server DB 'Operation must use an updateable query'

I have an Access 2010 'front-end' DB that has its data stored in a SQL Server DB 'back-end.'I'm trying to write the most simple UPDATE query I can and being met with this error: 'Operation must use an updateable query.' My qry code is:
UPDATE tblTableLastModifiedDates SET LastModified = NOW()
WHERE id='1';
A lot of this DB was set up before I got this job so the dumb table names are not my fault. Also, I checked the tblTableLastModifiedDates and it actually has no PK and I've been unable to create one. I'm not sure if that is the problem.
Before I scrap all this and start it over (to do it the right way), I figured I'd ask if anyone knew how to fix this error.
This error implies that tblTableLastModifiedDates is a view that is not unique enough to update the LastModified field in the underlying table. This isn't that uncommon.
The best approach is going to be to execute the UPDATE against the underlying table.

Debugging sub-queries in TSQL Stored Procedure

How do I debug a complex query with multiple nested sub-queries in SQL Server 2005?
I'm debugging a stored procedure and trigger in Visual Studio 2005. I'd like to be able to see what the results of these sub-queries are, as I feel that this is where the bug is coming from. An example query (slightly redacted) is below:
DateUpdated = ( SELECT TOP 1 inserted.DateUpdated FROM inserted )
tblEP ep
JOIN tblED ed ON ep.EnrollmentID = ed.EnrollmentID
ProgramPhaseID = ( SELECT ...)
Visual Studio doesn't seem to offer a way for me to Watch the result of the sub query. Also, if I use a temporary table to store the results (temporary tables are used elsewhere also) I can't view the values stored in that table.
Is there anyway that I can add a watch or in some other way view these sub-queries? I would love it if there was some way to "Step Into" the query itself, but I imagine that wouldn't be possible.
Ok first I would be leary of using subqueries in a trigger. Triggers should be as fast as possible, so get rid of any correlated subqueries which might run row by row instead of in a set-based fashion. Rewrite to joins. If you only want to update records based on what was in the inserted table, then join to it. Also join to the table you are updating. Exactly what are you trying to accomplish with this trigger? It might be easier to give advice if we understood the business rule you are trying to implement.
To debug a trigger this is what I do.
I write a script to:
Do the actual insert to the table
without the trigger on on it
Create a temp table named #inserted
(and/or one named #deleted)
Populate the table as I would expect
the inserted table in the trigger to
be populated from the insert you do.
Add the trigger code (minus the
create or alter trigger parts)
substituting #inserted every time I
reference inserted. (if you plan to
run multiple times until you are
ready to use it in a trigger throw
it in an explicit transaction and
rollback after checking your
Add a query to check the table(s)
you are changing with the trigger for
the values you wanted to change.
Now if you need to add debug
statements to see what is happening
between steps, you can do so.
Run making changes until you get the
results you want.
Once you have the query working as
you expect it to, it is easy to take
the # signs off inserted and use it
to create the body of the trigger.
This is what I usually do in this type of scenerio:
Print out the exact sqls getting generated by each subquery
Then run each of then in the Management Studio as suggested above.
You should check if different parts are giving you the right data you expect.

Force SQL Server column to a specific value

Is it possible to force a column in a SQL Server 2005 table to a certain value regardless of the value used in an insert or update statement is? Basically, there is a bug in an application that I don't have access to that is trying to insert a date of 1/1/0001 into a datetime column. This is producing a SqlDateTime overflow exception. Since this column isn't even used for anything, I'd like to somehow update the constraints on the columns or something in the database to avoid the error. This is obviously just a temporary emergency patch to avoid the problem... Ideas welcome...
How is the value being inserted? If it's through a stored proc... you could just modify the Sproc to ignore that input parameter.
if it's through client-side generated SQL, or an ORM tool, otoh, then afaik, the only option is a "Before" Trigger that "replaces" the value with an acceptable one...
If you're using SQL 2005 you can create an INSTEAD OF trigger.
The code in this trigger wil run in stead of the original insert/update
I'd create a trigger to check and change the value
If it is a third party application then I will assume you don't have access to the Stored Procedure, or logic used to generate and insert that value (it is still worth checking the SPs for the application's database though, to see if you can modify them).
As Charles suggested, if you don't have access to the source, then you need to have a trigger on the insert.
The Microsoft article here will give you some in depth information on creating triggers.
However, SQL Server doesn't have a true 'before insert' trigger (to my knowledge), so you need to try INSTEAD OF. Have a look here for more information. In that article, pay particular note of section 37.7, and the following example (again from that article):
CREATE TRIGGER T_InsertInventory ON CurrentInventory
INSERT INTO Inventory (PartNumber, Description, QtyOnOrder, QtyInStock)
SELECT PartNumber, Description, QtyOnOrder, QtyInStock
FROM inserted
the simplest hack would be to make it a varchar, and let it insert that as a string into the column.
The more complicated answer is, you can massage the data with a trigger, but it would still have to be valid in the first place. For instance I can reset a fields value in an update/insert trigger, but it would still have to get through the insert first.