Icons, Asset Catalog and Info.plist confusion - ios7

I have an app that started life for iOS 5 and has been updated ever since. For iOS 7 I have switched over to using an Asset Catalog for all the resources, which is nice and appears to work well. However, when I try to submit to Apple I get validation errors:
Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIconFiles': 'Icon#2x.png'
I get the same error for the other icons, too. These icons do appear in the Asset Catalog and the names -- right down to the case -- match exactly as far as I can tell. The Asset Catalog is in the "Copy Bundle Resources" and all the resources appear in the right place when I run the app on both my iPhone and iPad (in iOS 7) and in the Simulator for iOS 6.
I have updated the app to use the minimum deployment target of iOS 6.
So, how do I successfully submit my update to Apple? Do I need the references in the Info.plist? Are there any other settings that I should check? Is the warning spurious and something that I should ignore (after raising a Radar)?

When an asset catalog is compiled for iOS 6 and lower, the images are put in the root of the app bundle, as if you were just copying them the old way. When this happens, Apple names the images according to the asset name, rather than the filename, which means we can still use +[UIImage imageNamed:] to get the assets on iOS 6 and lower.
This is true for the App Icon asset, when we have the following icons set in our asset catalog:
They become compiled like so:
As iOS 6 is still iOS 6, these files must be referenced in the Info.plist, otherwise the existing system wouldn't work. Looking in the compiled Info.plist for this test app, you see that Xcode has added CFBundleIconFiles for us and so we don't need to.
I have uploaded the test project I used to github.com/danielctull-tests/AssetTest.

Okay, so here is what I ended up doing. I'm not 100% sure it's correct but I thought that it was worth sharing.
I removed CFBundleIconFile, which I don't think is used in iOS 6 and above
I used the asset name rather than the icon filename in CFBundleIconFiles
I'm not clear what the proper names are so, for the sake of clarity: by icon filename I mean the name visible in the Attribute Inspector of the Asset Catalog when the icon is selected; and by asset name I mean AppIcon, which refers to seven actual icons in my case.
This both passes Apple's validation step and appears to look okay. I don't currently have an iOS 6 device but it displays correctly in the Simulator.

I had also a lot of Problems on this matter - I was constantly getting the error with the missing CFBundleIconName and that my Icons where not found. So here is my story, maybe it will be of help for somebody. By the way, I am using Visual Studio with Xamarin.
Add an Asset Catalogue to your Project with AppIcons (the actual name of the asset is not important but just that it is for the application icons). Add all of the necessary icon sizes. For the 'App Store' icon I have added an icon without a # in the name as someone in the forums suggested, but I am not sure, if it is 100% necessary. For generating the different icon sizes there are a lot of Websites and tools that can do that for you and you just need to provide the 1024x1024 one. They will generate the rest.
In the Info.plist under 'Visual Assets' and then 'App Icons' set the source to the asset that you have just created.
Now check your Info.plist. Do not open it with an external Editor, because all of your changes will be overwritten once you build your project. Do the following - right mouse click on the Info.plist in the Solution Explorer then select Open With -> Generic PList Editor.
Check that you have the following entries:
-Property = CFBundleIconName, Type = String. Value = Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset
-Property = XSAppIconAssets, Type = String. Value = Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset
Note that Visual Studio automatically adds, when it adds something altogether, 'Resources/Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset' as the Value. But in my case the Asset Catalog was created outside of the Resources folder and therefore, my icons where not found. So, check where your assets folder was created.
CFBundleIconFiles was not needed, because Apple uses the Asset Catalog instead now.
I hope that I was of some help :)


Windows 10 Phone Store Logo Error

I created my app in Unity and after publishing for Android and iPhone, i'm trying to get the Windows 10 Phone version published.
I added my image assets to Unity, but when I open the generated project in Visual Studio, I get the following error in the Visual Assets tab:
A mixture of mages with and without the "scale" or "targetsize" qualifiers exists in the project for the logical name "Assets\StoreLogo.png" for the "Scale 100 50x50 px" image. All the other images are importing correctly.
The only related question I see on SO is:
Adding all images to the Package.AppXManifest results in a compiler warning
but in my case it is an error instead of a warning
The image with the correct scale does exist in my Assets folder, even though I had to add it manually:
Just wondering if anyone knows how to debug/fix this? rename the image, create a new image etc? ie: Why the 50x50px scale 100 image is not working as expected.
My Unity version is 5.3.4, Visual Studio 2015
It's basically saying that StoreLogo.png will be ignored since there is a file with same name plus the scale qualifier: StoreLogo.scale-100.png.
When packaging the two files are considered the same, but to prevent unexpected behavior you should delete one of them. It basically means that if you change StoreLogo.png, but not StoreLogo.scale-100.png, the output will not change since the packaging process will always ignore the StoreLogo.png file.
I would rename the StoreLogo.png file to just Logo.png and keep them both. But you can also delete one of them and get rid of the warning.
Seems that the order of adding the PNG to the project matters. So, for the StoreLogo you would need to add the 50x50 resolution PNG first.
And if you are using version control, make sure it is checked-in.

Xcode 5 invalid image path error

Im relatively new to programming and am just in the process of uploading my first app to the app store however i am getting the following error message which i just can't figure out / fix. I have looked everywhere online for a solution but as yet, no luck. Please can someone help? I am using Xcode 5:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon40x40'" at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
This really doesn't mean anything to me as i have tried all the usual asset catalogue stuff / looked at my p-list.
You need an App Icon.
If you created the project in Xcode 5 then there should be a catalogue called Images.xcassets where you should place the icons of the correct sizes for your app.
I have added a screenshot of my app as an example of what I am talking about:
I saw the same error. First I thought that the images where not correct (I found one with 144 dpi), but the error showed up again.
Just search for the exact name "AppIcon40x40" in the whole project using Shift+Cmd+F. I have seen it referenced in a plist file under another key. There you have to change the names to the appropriate ones.

Launch screens supporting iOS6 and iOS7 - forced to splash screen

When it comes to the launch screen I can't find a unifying way to mimic the look of the application on both iOS6 and iOS7 (supporting both). Are we forced to make a regular splash screen of a logo or similar if we have a toolbar menu or do you guys have any great ideas how to solve it?
Short answer
In iOS 7, an app can use a different launch image depending on which version of iOS it’s running in. To provide different launch images, add the UILaunchImages key to the Info.plist file and use a dictionary to describe each launch image.
It uses the following keys:
UILaunchImageName - A string containing the name of the PNG image file. The image file must reside at the top level of the app bundle.
The name you specify for this key should not include a filename
extension, nor should it include modifiers such as #2x, -568h,
~iphone, or ~ipad.
On disk, your image filenames may still include the #2x, -568h,
~iphone, or ~ipad modifiers as appropriate, although they are not
required. The system automatically accounts for such modifiers when
choosing which file to load.
UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion - for iOS7 this should be a string “7.0”.
UILaunchImageOrientation – String containing one of: Portrait, PortraitUpsideDown, Landscape, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight.
UILaunchImageSize – String specifying width and height, ex: “{320, 480}”. You must specify the width and height with respect to
the device in a portrait orientation. In other words, portrait and
landscape images targeting the same device would have the same width
and height.
If this key is present, iOS 7 uses it exclusively to obtain launch
BUT: I found that sticking to the naming convention also for iOS7 helped a lot!
This key is supported in iOS 7.0 and later.
OK – so now what?
Because I already had launch images for iOS6 and with all their specific naming conventions. I chose to make a copy of all of them and prefix the name with ”iOS7-” so as to limit my own confusion about all the different sizes and names. Making a prefix should prove to come in handy as then most of the images would immediately be loaded correctly.
The filenames:
I had these for iOS6 already, I also list the file sizes for those in need:
Default.png (320x480)
Default#2x.png (640x960)
Default#2x~ipad.png (2048x1496)
Default~ipad.png (768x1004)
Default1024x768.png (1024x768)
Default1024x768#2x.png (2048x1536)
Default-568h#2x.png (640x1136)
Default768x1024.png (768x1024)
Default768x1024#2x.png (1536x2048)
Default-Landscape~ipad.png (1024x748)
Default-Portrait#2x~ipad.png (1536x2048)
So I made a copy of all of these filenames for iOS7 (same sizes) prefixing them with "iOS7-":
In XCode
Now to create your entry in PLIST. Go to your-name-of-application.plist. In a blank area, right-click and choose ”Add Row”. Make sure it becomes a top item and not a sub-item of some other information in the .plist.
Right-click on this UILaunchImages and select value type ”Array”.
Use the illustration below as a guide to the text and for how it will look when it is all finished:
If you open up this array so the little indicator triangle to the left points down, it is empty the first time, but if you choose ”add row” while it is open it will create a sub-line. Do that now:
Right-click on the UILaunchImages and select ”Add row”.
Right-click on this new line (item 0) and select value type ”Dict”
Continue opening this items with the triangle indicator and right-click and ”Add row”
This item you will name UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion and set value type to “string” and the string to “7.0”
Now the following are all strings and should be at the same level as the UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion item. In the same dict (dictionary). Create these by just choosing “Add row” for each:
UILaunchImageName – base-name-of-iOS7-launch-image. In my case this was ”iOS7-Default”
UILaunchImageOrientation - example: Portrait
UILaunchImageSize - the size of the elementary base iOS7-Default.png: "{320, 480}". The program will find all the files with permutations of the base name. Remember to select the base name of the file without ipad/iphone/portrait/landscape or .png specifications.
Xcode had already made the following items in the .plist for me after first adding iOS6 images in all available slots :-)
UILaunchImageFile~ipad … = ”Default” – so this was OK
UILaunchImages~ipad … Had two items that needed to be updated to iOS7 versions, because they where now incorrectly holding the iOS6 version. Those I had named Default1024x768 and Default768x1024 and now I just prefixed ”iOS7-” to each of the names and I was done.
Example of how it may look for those wanting to edit plist directly:
<string>iOS7-Default </string>
<string>{320, 480}</string>
[edit by jd: fixed spelling of "UILaunchImages"]
Highlight the project in the project browser, select "General", scroll down to "App Icons", click on "Use Asset Catalog", and select "Migrate". Your existing icons and splash screens will be automagically migrated into an asset catalog. You can then select the catalog to add further images.
To add new images you simply drag from Finder and drop into the squares for each image type.
(Caution: The catalog editor inexplicably uses a non-scrollable wide format, and you can be missing stuff off the right side if your screen isn't wide enough.)
You can also use the new image catalogue feature in Xcode 5 to manage multiple versions of launch images.
Now you can directly add the app icons and splash images in the images.xcassets,
Click on + button to add the respective image set for iphone5 with iOS 5,6,7 ,iphone4, iPad.
now no need to set the images name like default.png,default#2x.png
Be warned when using an images.xcassets repository it will not allow you to localize your splash screens.
I'm currently trying to get a French and English version of our app.
WWW> Will this 'plist' method work if you need to localize your splash screens?
I also had the same issue with an older app that I developed for iOS 7. It Archived and Uploaded fine with Xcode 6, but the "binary not optimized for iPhone5" error returned with Xcode 7. After trying a myriad of other solutions, I was only successful by removing all references to any Launch Image (since I was using a universal .xib) AND setting the deployment target from 7.0 to 8.0

Objective C two errors pngcrush

I don't have any problems with my code, but I think there are some settings wrong.
On the simulator, my application works great, but when I want to put it on my device I get the following error:
**pngcrush caught libpng error**
Could not find file: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PROJ-afhreiqghfsdvwbrdbfrawtkuser/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/PROJ.app/Email.png
This is the first error I get, and it only happens with Mail.png and Emailp.png. All other pics are okay.
The second error I get is not really an error. But when I view the .app folder which is on my device, I have lots of files which shouldn't be in there:
I have these for every header. How can I change it so it won't all land in my bundle?
I'm gessing that Email.png has not been linked to your target when you imported the image, thus it has not been moved to your device.
You can check if you select the blue area with the project's name in the navigator window and go to Build Phases -> Copy Boundle Resources and add it with the little plus sign at the bottom if it's not in the list.
My other guess is that the actual filename is email.png and while the simulator is case-insensitive, the device is not. That can be why it cannot find it.
2, I'm quite certain XCode generates those files at build time and somehow they got put in the .app package. Can you tell us what's inside those files?

-HD image file not found?

Why am I getting
cocos2d: CCFileUtils: Warning HD file not found: META-hd.png
If I definitely have META-hd.png file in my project?
What I am doing is running my .tmx tilemap. The map uses a tileset that searches for "META.png" (without -hd suffix since I am expecting cocos2d to automatically put it on).
I've found the problem. I only do have -hd versions of my files. But I don't have "non-hd" versions. And for some reason, CCFileUtils will throw me errors when I don't have both types in my project.
Verify that the image is part of the app's target. If it was included as part of a group, and say there was a duplicate on file 10 of 25, the copy stops and files 1-9 are NOT tagged as part of the target. You have to go back and sweep the floor by hand.
In Xcode 4 show the assistant editor, and click the resource in the navigator. The target membership will be shown. If your app is not checked, click on that and voilà, the file will now be found.
In rare cases, i have had to clean the target and recompile to make this effective.
If I understand correctly you will have to have a -hd version of the tilemap as well: meta.tmx and meta-hd.tmx.
Also be sure that your image file is named META-hd.png and not META-HD.png and both images use the same case: META.png and META-hd.png. The iPhone file system is case sensitive (not the iOS Simulator though).