Sql Server 2012 - Group data by varying timeslots - sql

I have some data to analyze which is at half hour granularity, but would like to group it by 2, 3, 6, 12 hour and 2 days and 1 week to make some more meaningful comparisons.
|DateTime | Value |
|01 Jan 2013 00:00 | 1 |
|01 Jan 2013 00:30 | 1 |
|01 Jan 2013 01:00 | 1 |
|01 Jan 2013 01:30 | 1 |
|01 Jan 2013 02:00 | 2 |
|01 Jan 2013 02:30 | 2 |
|01 Jan 2013 03:00 | 2 |
|01 Jan 2013 03:30 | 2 |
Eg. 2 hour grouped result will be
|DateTime | Value |
|01 Jan 2013 00:00 | 4 |
|01 Jan 2013 02:00 | 8 |
To get the 2 hourly grouped result, I thought of this code -
WHEN DatePart(HOUR,DateTime)%2 = 0 THEN
CAST(CAST(DatePart(HOUR,DateTime) AS varchar) + '':00'' AS TIME)
CAST(CAST(DATEPART(HOUR,DateTime) As Int) - 1 AS varchar) + '':00'' END Time
This seems to work alright, but I cant think of using this to generalize to 3, 6, 12 hours.
I can for 6, 12 hours just use case statements and achieve result but is there any way to generalize so that I can achieve 2,3,6,12 hour granularity and also 2 days and a week level granularity? By generalize, I mean I could pass on a variable with desired granularity to the same query rather than having to constitute different queries with different case statements.
Is this possible? Please provide some pointers.
Thanks a lot!

I think you can use
Declare #Resolution int = 3 -- resolution in hours
DateDiff(Hour, 0, datetime) / #Resolution * #Resolution, -- integer arithmetic
0) as bucket,
Group By
DateDiff(Hour, 0, datetime) / #Resolution * #Resolution, -- integer arithmetic
Order By
This calculates the number of hours since a known fixed date, rounds down to the resolution size you're interested in, then adds them back on to the fixed date.
It will miss buckets out, though if you have no data in them
Example Fiddle


Left join with nested selects and aggregate functions

I have one table of generated dates (s) which I want to join with another table (d) which is a list of dates where a specific occurrence has happened.
table s
Wednesday 23rd August 2017
Thursday 24th August 2017
Friday 25th August 2017
Saturday 26th August 2017
table d
day_created -------------------------------- count
Thursday 24th August 2017 ---------------- 45
Saturday 26th August 2017 ---------------- 32
I want to show rows where the occurrence does not take place, which I cannot do if I just have table d.
I want something that looks like:
day_created -------------------------------- count
Wednesday 23rd August --------------------- 0
Thursday 24th August 2017 ---------------- 45
Friday 25th August 2017 ------------------ 0
Saturday 26th August 2017 ---------------- 32
I've tried joining with a left join as follows:
SELECT day_created, COUNT(d.day_created) as total_per_day
(SELECT date_trunc('day', task_1.created_at) as day_created
FROM task_1
SELECT (generate_series('2017-05-01', current_date, '1 day'::INTERVAL)) as standard_date
ON d.day_created=s.standard_date
GROUP BY d.day_created
ORDER BY day_created DESC;
I don't get an error however the join isn't working (i.e. it doesn't return dates where the count is null). What it returns is the dates from table d and the count, but not the dates in between where there are 0 occurrences.
I've been going round in circles and have understood that I need to make table s (I think!) the left table, but I'm getting confused as a newbie with the syntax.
This is all in PostgreSQL 9.5.8.
Basically, you had the LEFT JOIN backwards. This should work, with some other simplifications and performance optimizations:
SELECT s.standard_date, COUNT(d.day_created) AS total_per_day
FROM generate_series('2017-05-01', current_date, interval '1 day') s(standard_date)
LEFT JOIN task_1 d ON d.day_created >= s.standard_date
AND d.day_created < s.standard_date + interval '1 day'
This counts rows in d, like you commented. Does not sum values.
Be aware that generate_series() still returns timestamp with time zone, even if you pass date values to it. You may want to cast to date or format with to_char() for display in the outer SELECT. (But rather group and order by the original timestamp value, not the formatted string.)
There may be corner cases depending on the current time zone setting depending on the actual undisclosed table definition.
How to avoid a subquery in FILTER clause?
I have one table of generated dates (s)
In real databases, we don't store a generated series. We just generate them when needed.
which I want to join with another table (d) which is a list of dates where a specific occurrence has happened. [...] I want to show rows where the occurrence does not take place, which I cannot do if I just have table d.
Nah, you can do it.
CREATE TABLE d(day_created, count) AS VALUES
('24 August 2017'::date, 45),
('26 August 2017'::date, 32);
SELECT day_created, coalesce(count,0)
SELECT d::date
FROM generate_series(
'2017-08-01'::timestamp without time zone,
'2017-09-01'::timestamp without time zone,
'1 day'
) AS gs(d)
) AS gs(day_created)
LEFT OUTER JOIN d USING(day_created)
ORDER BY day_created;
day_created | coalesce
2017-08-01 | 0
2017-08-02 | 0
2017-08-03 | 0
2017-08-04 | 0
2017-08-05 | 0
2017-08-06 | 0
2017-08-07 | 0
2017-08-08 | 0
2017-08-09 | 0
2017-08-10 | 0
2017-08-11 | 0
2017-08-12 | 0
2017-08-13 | 0
2017-08-14 | 0
2017-08-15 | 0
2017-08-16 | 0
2017-08-17 | 0
2017-08-18 | 0
2017-08-19 | 0
2017-08-20 | 0
2017-08-21 | 0
2017-08-22 | 0
2017-08-23 | 0
2017-08-24 | 45
2017-08-25 | 0
2017-08-26 | 32
2017-08-27 | 0
2017-08-28 | 0
2017-08-29 | 0
2017-08-30 | 0
2017-08-31 | 0
2017-09-01 | 0
(32 rows)

how to group dates from ms access database as week of month using excel vba

I am using MS access 2010 database and working with Excel VBA to connect to the database and make queries. Suppose I have a table named "MyTable" like this below:
| Date | Count |
|7/7/16 | 12 |
|7/8/16 | 15 |
|7/15/16 | 18 |
|7/18/16 | 16 |
|8/7/16 | 15 |
|8/8/16 | 10 |
|8/15/16 | 9 |
|8/16/16 | 18 |
Now I want to use query to get a table like this:
|Week by Month | Sum |
|July Week 2 | 27 |
|July Week 3 | 18 |
|July Week 4 | 16 |
|Aug Week 2 | 25 |
|Aug Week 3 | 27 |
Use DatePart to get the week of the year, then subtract the week of the first day of the month (zero based week of the month) and then add 1 (to get to a one based week of the month:
Public Function WeekOfMonth(x As Date) As Integer
WeekOfMonth = DatePart("ww", x) - _
DatePart("ww", DateSerial(Year(x), Month(x), 1)) _
+ 1
End Function
Note that the Access SQL version should be idential to what's after the = sign.
I have solved this as below:
select weeknum, sum(count1) from (
select format(date1,'MMM') & " Week - " & int((datepart('d',date1,1,1) -1 ) / 7 + 1) as weeknum, count1 from MyTable)
group by weeknum
Show Week of Month where Week 1 is always the 1st Full Week of the Month starting in that month (First Sunday is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7), days of the month prior to the first Sunday are counted as week 4/5 of previous month.
After searching and failing to find EXACTLY the right answer for my situation - I modified ComIntern's solution as follows. This is used a CONTROL on a REPORT, where [StartDate] is a criteria on the form that calls/generates the report:
This results in showing the Week of Month based on FULL weeks - and accounts for when the previous month's week 5 included 1 or more days from this month.
For example - Week 5 of Oct 2017 is 29 OCT - 04 NOV. If I did not include the IIF statement to adjust the formula, 05-11 NOV is returned as Week 2, but for my reporting purposes it is Week 1 of NOV. I have tested this out and appears to ALWAYS work, if you need to see Week of Month, based on FULL weeks, this should work for you!

Oracle SQL Special Period Format

I have a special fiscal period in format YYYYMMM, for example
Feb of 2015 is 2015002
Nov of 2014 is 2014011
I need to do subtraction from the period, 2 months ago from 2015002 is 2014012, but i cant do like
SELECT '2015001' - 2 FROM DUAL
How can i do that?
You should first convert it to a date, then subtract months and convert back to the format you need.
with x(y) as (
select '2015002' from dual
select y,
from x
| 2015002 | February, 01 2015 00:00:00 | December, 01 2014 00:00:00 | 2014012 |

SQL Bucket Time Stamp into incrementsof 2 hours

I want to write a sql to bucket the time into an increment of 2 hours.
For example 0-2, 2-4, 6-8, ………18-20, 20-22, 22-24
Time I want it to be
6/8/2015 20:49 20-22
6/5/2015 12:47 12-14
6/9/2015 16:46 16-18
You can use a case expression and some simple arithmetic to group the time values into buckets:
when datepart(hour, time) % 2 = 0 then -- n % 2 = 0 determines if hour is even
cast(datepart(hour, time) as varchar(2))
+ '-'
+ cast(datepart(hour, time) + 2 as varchar(2))
else -- hour is odd
cast(datepart(hour, time) - 1 as varchar(2))
+ '-'
+ cast(datepart(hour, time) + 1 as varchar(2))
end as bucket
from t
Note that I made the assumption that the odd hours should be bucketed into the even numbered buckets, and that there should not be any odd buckets (like 1-3, 3-5 etc).
Sample SQL Fiddle
Sample output:
| time | bucket |
| June, 08 2015 00:49:00 | 0-2 |
| June, 08 2015 23:49:00 | 22-24 |
| June, 08 2015 20:49:00 | 20-22 |
| June, 05 2015 12:47:00 | 12-14 |
| June, 05 2015 13:47:00 | 12-14 |
| June, 09 2015 16:46:00 | 16-18 |
Try this :
Simple integer division can drop everything in the right buckets for you. For example, 1/2 = 0, 2/2 = 1, 3/2 = 1, etc. After that it is just a matter of formatting the output:
cast((datepart(hour, time)/2)*2 as varchar(2))+'-'+ cast((datepart(hour, time)/2)*2+2 as varchar(2)) as bucket
from t
Note that the division of two integers defaults to integer division, which is why this works.

check date ranges with other date ranges

I have the table Distractionswith the following columns:
id startTime endTime(possible null)
Also, I have two parameters, it's period. pstart and pend.
I have to find all distractions for the period and count hours.
For example, we have:
`id` `startTime` `endTime`
1 01.01.2014 00:00 03.01.2014 00:00
2 25.03.2014 00:00 02.04.2014 00:00
3 27.03.2014 00:00 null
The columns contains time, but don't use them.
Period is pstart = 01.01.2014 and pend = 31.03.2014
For example above the result is equal:
for id = 1 - 72 hours
for id = 2 - 168 hours(7 days from 25 to
31 - end of period)
for id = 3 - 120 hours (5 days from 27 to 31 - the distraction not completed, therefore select end of period)
the sum is equal 360.
My code:
sum ((ds."endTime" - ds."startTime")*24) as hoursCount
from "Distractions" ds
--where ds."startTime" >= :pstart and ds."endTime" <= :pend
-- I don't know how to create where condition properly.
You'll have to take care of cases where date ranges are outside the input range and also account for starttime and endtime being null.
This where clause should keep only the valid data ranges. I have substituted the null startime with a earliest date and null endtime with a date
far in the future.
where coalesce(endtime,date'9999-12-31') >= :pstart
and coalesce(starttime,date'0000-01-01') <= :pend
Once you have filtered records, you need to adjust the date values so that anything starting before the input :pstart is moved forward to the :pstart,
and anything ending after :pend is moved back to :pend. Subtracting these two should give the value you are looking for. But, there is a catch. Since
the time is 00:00:00, when you subtract the dates, it will miss one full day. So, add 1 to it.
SQL Fiddle
Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:
create table myt(
id number,
starttime date,
endtime date
insert into myt values( 1 ,date'2014-01-01', date'2014-01-03');
insert into myt values( 2 ,date'2014-03-25', date'2014-04-02');
insert into myt values( 3 ,date'2014-03-27', null);
insert into myt values( 4 ,null, date'2013-04-02');
insert into myt values( 5 ,date'2015-03-25', date'2015-04-02');
insert into myt values( 6 ,date'2013-12-25', date'2014-04-09');
insert into myt values( 7 ,date'2013-12-26', date'2014-01-09');
Query 1:
select id,
case when coalesce(starttime,date'0000-01-01') < date'2014-01-01'
then date'2014-01-01'
else starttime
end adj_starttime,
case when coalesce(endtime,date'9999-12-31') > date'2014-03-31'
then date'2014-03-31'
else endtime
end adj_endtime,
(case when coalesce(endtime,date'9999-12-31') > date'2014-03-31'
then date'2014-03-31'
else endtime
end -
case when coalesce(starttime,date'0000-01-01') < date'2014-01-01'
then date'2014-01-01'
else starttime
+ 1) * 24 hoursCount
from myt
where coalesce(endtime,date'9999-12-31') >= date'2014-01-01'
and coalesce(starttime,date'0000-01-01') <= date'2014-03-31'
order by 1
| 1 | January, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | January, 03 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 72 |
| 2 | March, 25 2014 00:00:00+0000 | March, 31 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 168 |
| 3 | March, 27 2014 00:00:00+0000 | March, 31 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 120 |
| 6 | January, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | March, 31 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 2160 |
| 7 | January, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | January, 09 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 216 |