Unable to deploy Mule app on mule standalone server - mule

While using the Mule Maven plug-in to deploy the deployable archive on the Mule standalone server I receive this error intermittently.
Error : Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException:
Could not rename C:\mule-standalone\mule-ee-distribution-standalone-3.4.0\mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.0\apps\**MyProject.zip**.temp
to C:\mule-standalone\mule-ee-distribution-standalone-3.4.0\mule-enterprise-standalone-3.4.0\apps\**MyProject.zip**
I am using the following Maven plug-in:

This happens when you have a file opened in the mule apps folder. The maven-mule plugin is not able to rename /delete the older app and as a result the build fails.


Deployment issue on an on premise cluster with Maven arm Deployment - Mule 4.4.0

I am trying to deploy a Mule application to On prem using Maven, but when i execute the command, the result it's a error, could you please told me if anyone know what can i do to solve this problem:
mvn clean deploy -DmuleDeploy -Dclustername="" -Dusername="" -Dpassword=""
NOTE: clear the parameters shown above in the command...
Message Issue:
Unauthorized Access. Please verify that authToken is valid
Log Maven:
Failed to execute goal org.mule.tools.maven:mule-maven-plugin:3.8.0:deploy (default-
deploy) on project mulesoft-cicd-pipeline: Execution default-deploy of goal
org.mule.tools.maven:mule-maven-plugin:3.8.0:deploy failed: Unauthorized Access. Please
verify that authToken is valid.
POM File - Build Section:
NOTE: I am using my Anypoint Platform username and password, have access to the cluster but have two-step authorization enabled...
If someone can help me I would appreciate it very much...
You cannot use your user credentials with MFA enabled. Instead use a connected app. It is described in the documentation: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-runtime/4.4/deploy-on-premises#authentication-methods

Apache ServiceMix 5.x full version

I need to run Apache ServiceMix on servers with no direct connection to the internet. I am unable to find a "full" assembly for Apache ServiceMix 5.1.4. An older version of ServiceMix (4.5.3) has a full version available for download.
Is a full version of 5.1.4 is available and if so where?
Starting with ServiceMix 5.0.0 we have removed the full and minimal assemblies and we provide only the default assembly which only includes bundles used by default boot features (please see discussion under http://servicemix.396122.n5.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Which-assemblies-to-keep-around-td5719173.html)
If you have a project you want to deploy on the ServiceMix, you can add a new module to your project that runs the add-features-to-repo goal of the features-maven-plugin and zips everything up. Next you can deliver the zip file with all the bundles for
all the features you need to install on ServiceMix.
Thanks to KSobkowiak's answer which pointed me in the right direction. I am posting the steps I used to get a custom ServiceMix 5.x up and running in case anyone else needs to do the same. The instructions assume Linux, but windows steps should be similar.
1) Download and unzip ServiceMix and Maven
cd /opt
unzip apache-servicemix-5.1.4.zip
unzip apache-maven-3.0.3.zip
2) Configure maven proxy, if needed:
3) Create a maven project directory
mkdir serviceMix_features
cd serviceMix_features
4) Create a maven pom file with the following xml. I got the list of descriptors by running features:listurl command in the servicemix console. The features would be whatever you need in your custom servicemix distro, in this case I am adding the webconsole and several camel components.
<name>My custom service mix repository</name>
5) Execute the maven project. I noticed that sometimes maven would get part way through and fail. After retrying, I noticed that it pulled in additional jars each run, and finnally succeeded on the fourth try.
/opt/apache-maven-3.0.3/bin/mvn install
6) Overlay the maven files on the default service mix distro.
cp -Rvn target/features_repo/* /opt/apache-servicemix-5.1.4/system/
7) zip or tar your custom service mix distro and move it where you need to. If you were using a proxy, you can deconfigure the maven proxy and clear your maven repo to verify service mix was correctly updated from the service mix console.
features:install webconsole
You can find all releases from ASF from the Apache archive. For ServiceMix it is here: http://archive.apache.org/dist/servicemix/

Deploying maven liferay project to remote Jboss based Liferay portal

I'm new with Liferay portal.
here is my config
--Liferay 6.1 deployed on JBoss AS 7.1.1 Final
--Maven 3.1.1
I can easily deploy my portlet(maven project) in local Liferay instance
but i'm trying to deploy this portlet to a remote instance
here is a part of my pom.xml
I would " liferay.parent.server " to target the remote directory something like
I have been working on for a long time
i will really appreciate your helps
Thank you
You need to install the Remote IDE Connector plugin to the remote instance of Liferay portal.
There are both CE version and EE version
Now you can deploy it via your Eclipse: tutorial
Or you can use Jenkins plugin, but be aware this issue (you need to download the source, fix it, and build it)
I remember that Liferay not support remote connector for JBoss.You can see this documents regard enter link description here Maven plugin for JBoss.
Sure, you can do remote deploy by maven plugin. You can read this guide http://www.dontesta.it/blog/en/blog-2/cms/liferay/liferay-maven-come-fare-il-deploy-remoto-dei-plugin/
In this article we will see a possible solution for remotely deploying the artifact of a Liferay project based on the maven
The plugin maven wagon-maven-plugin (or wagon) is what will allow you copy the WAR of our portlet on the remote server and then the hot deployment of Liferay (of which I recommend reading the hot deployment versus auto deploy) will carry out the actual installation. Listing 1 shows the wagon plugin configuration included within the plugins section of our project pom.

Using cargo to deploy war to remote Jboss7 server

I would like to use Cargo to deploy my maven generated war file to a remote JBoss Server that is already running.
I have configured my pom.xml like this:
<!-- Container configuration -->
<timeout>300000</timeout> <!-- 5 minutes -->
<!-- Configuration to use with the container -->
<!-- Deployer configuration -->
<!-- Deployables configuration -->
Of course all variables of the form <my...> are filled out with the real values.
If I run this with the maven command:
mvn -X cargo:deploy
The maven console says:
Sep 12, 2012 5:06:12 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.0.3.GA
Sep 12, 2012 5:06:12 PM org.jboss.remoting3.EndpointImpl <clinit>
INFO: JBoss Remoting version 3.2.2.GA
[DEBUG] [swordCallbackHandler] Responded to a RealmCallback
[DEBUG] [swordCallbackHandler] Responded to a NameCallback
[DEBUG] [swordCallbackHandler] Responded to a PasswordCallback
[INFO] [Boss7xRemoteDeployer] The deployment has failed: org.codehaus.cargo.util.CargoException: Cannot deploy deployable org.codehaus.cargo.container.jboss.deployable.JBossWAR[myWar.war]
On the running JBoss server I can see a logging message in the console like this:
17:07:24,197 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.remote.connection] (Remoting "pc09:MANAGEMENT" read-1) JBREM000200: Remote connection failed: java.io.IOException: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
(sorry for the german inside of the log. It basically says: An existing connection was closed by the remote host.)
Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong or how I could get more debug info from cargo to find out what exactly the problem is?
BTW: I have used the JBoss CLI access to that Jboss Server for Arquillian tests so I am pretty confident that the access to that Jboss server via CLI should be ok.
Seems like I have to undeploy first. To reassure that the access to the CLI works I just connected to it using the jboss-cli.bat. Then I just coincidentally undeployed the existing war and after that the deployment via cargo started to work.
(Can I close this question or mark it as resolved in any way?)

Unable to Deploy to Tomcat using Maven3 with Mail API

I am working on an application where we need to use java mail functionality. We have started using maven 3.x as out build tool.
Everything was working fine till Java Mail API has not been introduced. We are using Eclipse with M2Eclipse plugin but most of our deployment work is being done by maven Command line.
We have introduced following dependency in our pom.xml and I have verify that both mail.jar and activation.jar are in there respected folder structure.
We tried the following command
> mvn clean
and then
>mvn tomcat:deploy
Though maven is showing that it has successfully deployed war on the tomcat but tomcat console showing that it is failing to deploy application and in other successful cases we are facing a strange issue, as we are using hibernate for persistance layer so on examing the folder structure it came out that the mapping file .hbm files are missing due to which Session factory is not creating and server is not able to startup.
Here is the snap shot of plugin entry
From you procedure I see:
mvn clean - that deletes target directory with your build
mvn tomcat:deploy - should take the build (which was deleted with mvn clean) and deploy it on tomcat
There is no build phase. So use instead mvn clean package tomcat:deploy. If your application is already deployed in tomcat try mvn clean package tomcat:redeploy. For details check plugin documentation.
Which Tomcat version do you use?
According to http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/codehaus/mojo/tomcat-maven-plugin/ you use the version 1.1. In the plugin documentation you can find there that Tomcat 7 is not supported in this version. For that you must upgrade to version 2.0. See http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2.0-SNAPSHOT/
Probably yo