save that photo into store in sencha touch - sencha-touch-2

When I take photo from camera I have to save that photo into store.
I am getting data:image/jpeg;base64 string for that Image but I am not able to save it into Store.
Please provide me some guide line.


Snapchat style captions on recorded videos

I am using expo and i am trying to implement a feature similar to snapchat/instagrams draw on video and add text/caption to video before upload it. My problem is not the UI part but editing the original video and getting a uri for the new video
I know with images you can use libraries like expo-pixi then take a snapshot of a view but i am not how to go about this for recorded videos specifically
anyone would be kind enough to point me to the right direction?

Agora WebRTC Change video call view

I am working on a react-native project which uses for video calling.
In a video call it shows my camera feed as fullscreen and the reciever's feed as thumbnail which is the opposite of the correct way.
I want to know, Is this the way agora works or is it possible to fix this..?
Because even in their website they have put the images in that way.
image on the home page
I appreciate any help regarding to fix this.
So it seems like you are presenting the local video stream to the larger view. You would need to switch this. Render the remote video stream on the larger view and the local video stream on the thumbnail view.

How to save video overlay iphone xcode

I have created an overlay to an MPMoviePlayerController using the following code, which essentially adds a subtitle in my iphone xcode project:
[_mpMoviePlayerController.view addSubview:lblOverlayView];
I want to now be able to save the video (and eventually facebook, but I don't NEED help with that, just the saving would be fine) with the subtitles. It is playing a preloaded video, and the dynamic part is the subtitle, which is whatever text the user enters (which becomes the value of lblOverlayView. If you have any other ways of adding text that can very over the top of a preexxisting/preloaded video and then saving/emailing/facebooking it, that would also be great! Just some way of doing it!!
Any help I can get will be hugely appreciated.

Open a saved image in camera roll programmatically - iOS

I am able to cature image (using AVFoundation), save image using assets library and save its asset url, open the camera roll programmatically using image picker.
What I want to do is, when I click on the a particular button, the last saved image of the camera roll should show up as if I had opened the camera roll and clicked on that image. I don't want to return the image object back to the program, i just want have a look at the image. And if I swipe on the screen, the camera roll images should scroll.
Also, can I do this using the saved asset url instead of just accessing the last saved image?
Also, If I press cancel there, i might want to return to the camera roll instead of my view controller. Would that be possible?
(I tried to search but i don't think i have the right keywords)
similar question here : Open camera roll on an exact photo
But no answer.

Photo Album inside an app

Do any of you know if it's possible to make a Photo Album inside an app? The app that I'm building has a lot of features, one of them is to take a picture, write on top of it, save it, and then mail it if you want. I know the photos go to the Camera Roll Album, but is there a way for them not to go there? If not, then how can I bring them to my app in some sort of thumbnail scroll gallery or something so that I can edit them and resave them?
Important Note: the many features also consume a lot of memory, so I'll have to use the least resources possible.
Check out UIImagePickerController.
You can also save your photos to the Documents directory as well, it doesn't have to be the Camera Roll or Photo Library.
Source code see here