Remotely start stop jboss server - jboss7.x

I have a requirement to write a java program to remotely start stop a jboss server on request. Can anyone please suggest how could it be done? One option could be invoke start/stop script but this java program(may be servlet or jsp) exists on different machine. We are using jboss server 7.

A simple method to start and stopping Jboss remotely can be done with the and script, by pointing to the right host and port. If you are on Linux you can run:
rsh user#host /path/to/jboss/bin/
rsh user#host /path/to/jboss/bin/
You can also execute a Shell command with Java, you can use Runtime exec mewthod:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("shell command here");
See this complete answer for more details on Java exec method.
A better alternative I would suggest, is to use JMX-console programmatically, you can stop/restart a Jboss intance by invoking the shutdown method on the Server MBean. JMX approach is more powerful because you can monitor and manage every aspect of the Jboss runinng instanace (like logging, memory or cpu). See this to start.
I've created a snippet to ease your start, see this working solution
create a Jboss user on the Jboss instance using (JBOSS_HOME/bin)
include the jboss-client.jar in your client class-path (the jar is in JBOSS_HOME/bin/client)
Good luck!


JMX Connection to Mule 4 Project running Locally

How do you connect a JMX agent to a Mule 4 project running locally? When I launch JConsole I see two mule-related processes called org.mule.runtime.module.reboot.MuleContainerBootstrap but I cannot connect to either.
I've tried running my project with the following flags and connecting remotely:
But no luck.
I had no problems connecting to (localhost:1096) using just these properties:
JConsole gave me a warning about the insecure connection (no SSL). I accepted to connect insecurely and that was enough.
However when adding is keeps failing to connect. This looks like a Java issue.
If you only want to ensure local connections you can replace it with which should give you the expected result.
Having said that, this is all a pure Java JMX topic. Mule 4 doesn't expose any MBeans over JMX like Mule 3 did so there is no specific reason to connect with JMX.
I'm not sure why you are using jconsole given that VisualVM is a much modern and powerful alternative, unless you are just testing the local JMX connectivity ;-)

Run application on server without ssh session

I have an application written in python, which run on a VPS server. It is a small application that writes, reads and receives read requests from a SQLite database, through a TCP socket.
The downside is that the application runs only when the console is open (using the ssh protocol), when closing the console, that is, the ssh session closes the application.
How should it be implemented? Or I must implement it? because the server is a ubuntu server
nohup should help in your case:
in your ssh session, launch your python app prefixed with nohup, as recommended here
exit your ssh session
The program should continue working even if its parent shell (the ssh session) is terminated.
There are (at least) two solutions:
1- The 'nohup' command, use it as follows: nohup python3 &
This will run your program in the background and won't be killed if you terminate the ssh session, It'll also give you a free prompt after running this command to continue your work.
2- Another GREAT option is the 'screen' command.
This gives you everything that nohup gives you, besides It allows you to check the output of your program (if any) in later logins. Although It may look a little complicated at first sight, but it's SUPER COOL! and I highly recommend you to learn it and enjoy it for the rest of your life!
A good explanation of it is available here

How to test throughput of application using rabbitmq?

I have application that uses rabbitmq to queue messages for other parts of ecosystem. I would like to do some performance testing and tuning, but just on my part (the program). So I guess I would like to somehow "mock" away the rabbitmq server, but without changes to my application.
Is there something like dummy rabbitmq server that just accepts all messages and throws them away immediately? Or can I configure actual rabbitmq in that way?
I was using local docker image for the performance test. You can run it with the command:
docker run -d -p 8081:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
You can access management gui on localhost:8081, default username and password is guest/guest
After you are done running a performance test you can purge queue. You do that in Queues>your queue>Purge
PS: Port can be anything you want, just change 8081 in the docker command :)

How to swap a server in and Out of cluster during runtime

I am implementing session replication in my application. This is old application.
I made all changes and now need to test the server switch and confirm that the objects in session is properly carried to another server in server list.
I have 1 Admin server and 2 managed servers. So the cluster is made of 2 managed server.
while testing I have to always bounce the server and test the flow of my application. This process is very time consuming. So I am looking for any other way to sway a server in and out of cluster
during runtime. I asked on Oracle support website , but they said only way to bounce the server.
How can I write a script for this?
Is there a parameter in weblogic or wlproxy plugin config file that help in this switch.
Your help is appreciated.
using Weblogic scripting tool (WLST) in script mode, you can write a script to automate the shutdown / startup of the managed server that you would like to remove temporarily from the cluster.
you create a file with .py extension which will contain the weblogic commands that you would like to run.
to run the script from commandline:
java weblogic.WLST c:\myscripts\
you can put this line in a shell/batch script.
Another way is to write a Java program or an ANT script to invoke the commands using the weblogic.jar file that comes with weblogic.
If you were to change the state of a weblogic managed server from running to admin mode then also you can test the session replication.
You can do this from admin console by selecting the managed server and going to control tab and changing the state of the server to Admin. You can change it back to running from the same place.
Using WLST you can use the commands suspend and resume
suspending and resuming managed servers is quicker than shutting it down and restarting it again.
I have tested this at my end and it works fine, ie when I change the state to admin, my request goes to another managed server and the session is also replicated.
I have used the sample WLS cluster replication example available in wls installation.

start/stop tomcat using maven

How can i start/stop remote tomcat using maven. I am using cargo plugin which helps me in deploying the application , but doesn't provides the functionality to start/stop the remote tomcat.
Indeed, You can NOT start and stop Tomcat running remotely using Cargo, only deploy and undeploy your web application.
Actually, to my knowledge, there is currently nothing allowing to do this out of the box.
As explained here, the only way to make server "A" start or stop a service like Tomcat when the request comes from client "B" is that yet-another service needs to be available and already running on server "A". [...] and I don't know if such a service is available.
In this message, someone is describing such a solution (based on a socket listener) that you could maybe use (by doing some telnet through maven) but the message is quite old so it's likely outdated and the link pointing to the code seems to be dead. I didn't check out the whole thread, maybe there are other ideas.
If you are using windows, remote service sharing is another possible solution as described here. But, again, this would require some work on your side.
From a security standpoint, it's only possible in this way...
Linux: use an SCP or script via SSH Client (putty), then '$CATALINA_HOME/bin/'
Windows: use sc command, like "sc \ stop tomcat6"
Quick and clean!
You can try to use the maven tomcat plugin or if it does not give you everything you need, you can always use an ant task here is a reference on the task
You can use Cargo Daemon web-application. It runs on the remote machine and can start/stop tomcat for you (as well as deploy an app). You just need to configure Cargo plugin and call mvn:daemon-start. Here is the link: It's easier to start with provided Cargo Daemon archetype:
Try this useful Plugin
Afterwards try this:
mvn tomcat:start
mvn tomcat:stop