Fiji and Jython: closing or suppressing a plugin dialog box - jython

I am looping through image pairs and registering them with the TurboReg plugin in Fiji. I have some background in Python so am using Jython.
The problem is when TurboReg completes a dialog box appears which asks if you want to save results - I don't - I want to continue looping. How can I close or suppress the dialog box without having to do it manually?
I tried to recreate the problem succinctly, but I am new to Jython and Fiji so below is a snippet from my script minus some functions that call the images etc.
from ij import IJ
w = WindowManager
# dictionary of variables
d = {"t":target.path_to_image, "tCropRight":target.width-1, "tCropBottom":target.height-1, "s":source.path_to_image, "sCropRight":source.width-1, "sCropBottom":source.height-1}
# run TurboReg dialog"TurboReg ", "-align \
-file %(s)s 0 0 %(sCropRight)s %(sCropBottom)s \
-file %(t)s 0 0 %(tCropRight)s %(tCropBottom)s \
-bilinear \
1131 847 \
1595 1198 \
1131 4636 \
1595 6561 \
6188 847 \
8732 1198 \
6188 4636 \
8732 6561 \
-hideOutput" % d)
w.setCurrentWindow(w.getWindow("Output")) # select output window"Stack to Images") # stack to images
w.setCurrentWindow(w.getWindow("Data")) # select data window"16-bit") # convert to 16 bit
IJ.saveAs("Tiff", temp_nir) # save image

I have figured out my own problem! The dialog is called "Results", so:
from ij import IJ
w = WindowManager
win = w.getWindow("Results")
This closes dialog without asking whether saving is required.


Sample Input from file

I am trying to create the input for rules from a sample file. The sample file contains a Column SampleID which should be used as sample wildcard. I want to extract the paths of normal and tumor bams from the columns Path_Normal and Path_Tumor per SampleID from the data frame.
For this I tried like this:
import pandas as pd
input_table = "sampletable.tsv"
samples = pd.read_table(input_table).set_index("SampleID", drop=False)
rule all:
expand("/directory/sm_mutect2_paired/vcf/{sample}.mt2.vcf", sample=samples.index)
rule Mutect2:
tumor = samples[samples['SampleID']=="{sample}"]['Path_Tumor'],
normal = samples[samples['SampleID']=="{sample}"]['Path_Normal']
"gatk --java-options '-Xmx16G -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=16' Mutect2 \
-R /directory/ref/genomics-public-data/references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \
{input.tumor} \
{input.normal} \
-L /directory/GATK_interval_files_Agilent/S07604514_hs_hg38/S07604514_Covered.bed \
-O {output} \
--af-of-alleles-not-in-resource 2.5e-06 \
--germline-resource /directory/GATK_gnomad/af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz \
-pon /home/zyto/unger/GATK_PoN/1000g_pon.hg38.vcf.gz"
When doing a dry run I do not get an error message but the execution fails because the input is empty which becomes looking at the log:
atk --java-options '-Xmx16G -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=16' Mutect2 -R /directory/GATK_ref/genomics-public-data/references/hg38/v0/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -L /directory/GATK_interval_files_Agilent/S07604514_hs_hg38/S07604514_Covered.bed -O /directory/WES_Rezidiv_HNSCC_Clonality/sm_mutect2_paired/vcf/HL05_Rez_HL05_NG.mt2.vcf --af-of-alleles-not-in-resource 2.5e-06 --germline-resource /directory/GATK_gnomad/af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz -pon /directory/GATK_PoN/1000g_pon.hg38.vcf.gz
The two input files should appear between "Mutect2" and "-R".
So it looks I am doing something wrong defining the inputs...
You need to defer the determination of the input files of that rule to the so-called DAG phase, when jobs and wildcard values are known. This works via input functions. I would strongly recommend to do the official Snakemake tutorial, which covers this topic in depth.

Can't get $TPU_NAME environment variable to work properly

I'm a newbie! I'm trying to train BERT model from scratch on a Kaggle kernel. Can't get the BERT script to work on TPUs. Works fine on CPUs though. I'm guessing the issue is with the $TPU_NAME environment variable.
!python \
--input_file='gs://xxxxxxxxxx/*' \
--output_dir=/kaggle/working/model/ \
--do_train=True \
--do_eval=True \
--bert_config_file=/kaggle/input/bert-bangla-test-config/config.json \
--train_batch_size=32 \
--max_seq_length=128 \
--max_predictions_per_seq=20 \
--num_train_steps=20 \
--num_warmup_steps=2 \
--learning_rate=2e-5 \
--use_tpu=True \
If the script is using a tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver() (, then you can simply instantiate the TPUClusterResolver without any arguments, and it'll automatically pickup the TPU_NAME (
Okay, I found a rookie solution :P
import os
from the returned dictionary, you can get the address. Just copy paste it or something. It'll be in the form 'TPU_NAME': 'grpc://xxxxxxx'.

How periodicaly evaluate the Performance of Models in TF-Slim?

I am trying to use DensNet for regression problem with TF-Slim. My data contains 60000 jpeg images with 37 float labels for each image. I divided my data into three different tfrecords files of a train set (60%), a validation set (20%) and a test set (20%).
I need to evaluate validation set during training loop and make a plot like image.
In TF-Slim documentation they just explain train loop and evaluation loop separately. I can just evaluate validation or test set after training loop finished. While as I said I need to evaluate during training.
I tried to use slim.evaluation.evaluation_loop function instead of slim.evaluation.evaluate_once. But it doesn't help.
eval_op=list(names_to_updates.values()) + print_ops,
summary_op = tf.summary.merge(summary_ops),
eval_interval_secs = eval_interval_secs )
I tried evaluation.evaluate_repeatedly as well.
from import evaluation
eval_ops=list(names_to_updates.values()) + print_ops,
eval_interval_secs = eval_interval_secs )
In both of these functions, they just read the latest available checkpoint from checkpoint_dir and apparently waiting for the next one, however when the new checkpoints are generated, they don't perform at all.
I use Python 2.7.13 and Tensorflow 1.3.0 on CPU.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Using evaluate_once works just fine with bash script using sleep. Appears that Tensorboard is capable plotting multiple single runs from given eval_dir...
So I use something like:
set -e
# Paths to model and evaluation results
# Where the dataset is saved to.
# Run evaluation (using slim.evaluation.evaluate_once)
while [ "$CONTINUE" -ne 0 ]
python \
--checkpoint_path=${TRAIN_DIR} \
--eval_dir=${TEST_DIR} \
--dataset_name=master_db \
--preprocessing_name=preprocess224 \
--dataset_split_name=valid \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--model_name=mobilenet_v1 \
echo "sleeping for next run"
sleep 600
This appear to be issue of setting the checkpoint_path properly as addressed here:
Where the answer is by Ellie68 setting:
if tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.checkpoint_path):
if tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.checkpoint_path):
checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.checkpoint_path)
checkpoint_path = FLAGS.checkpoint_path

ghostscript cmyk black value in pdf

I'm still trying to convert an RGB-pdf to an CMYK-pdf using PSOcoated_v3.icc as outputProfile (see my earlier question). I'm convinced now that ghostscript treats the profile like lcms2 does (and apparently also Photoshop). However, when using ghostscript to write a PDF file the black still looks washed out so I decided to dig into the PDF file and grab the cmyk color value.
The situation is as follows: I start with an RGB-pdf exported from Inkscape which is simply a black rectangle filling up the entire page; lets name that file black.pdf. Now I convert the pdf via
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK \
-sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK \
-sOutputICCProfile=PSOcoated_v3.icc \
-sDefaultRGBProfile=sRGB2014.icc \
-dOverrideICC=true \
-dRenderIntent=1 \
and examine the content of the resulting pdf. The print commands for the rectangle look different whether I use gs9.20 from the debian repository or gs9.22 binary from ghostscript website.
in case of version 9.20 I get
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
/R7 gs
0.722 0.675 0.671 0.882 k
0 0.0195313 10902.9 7748.55 re
and for version 9.22
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
/R7 gs
1 1 1 0 k
0 0.0195313 10902.9 7748.55 re
In both cases the cmyk-black value is different from [0.83, 0.67, 0.51, 0.95] which I would expect using the PSOcoated_v3 profile and relative colorimetric intent.
Simply changing to sDevice=tiff32nc yields the expected cmyk representation for black.
Any ideas?
By the way. Is the output color profile saved within the pdf?

Tensorflow Slim Imagenet training

I am trying to prepare the date to train an ImageNet model from scratch and I am a bit confused about how the training works.
While preparing the TF records I noticed this file inside the Inception model data directory: "imagenet_metadata.txt". The file holds labels for 21842 classes yet the training script and "imagenet_lsvrc_2015_synsets.txt" file only works for 1000 classes.
I am wondering what modifications I need to do to train the model on the 21K classes not the 1K one?
It's quite straightforward with slim.To Train imgnet 21k with slim I recommend to do the following steps:
1.In tf_models/slim/datasets Folder create a copy of File ( for example the new file Change the required
Variables to your desired Values:
_FILE_PATTERN = ####your tfrecord_file_pattern. for me('imgnet_%s_*.tfrecord')
'train': ####Training Samples,
'validation': ####Validation Samples,}
_NUM_CLASSES = 21841
*the wordnet synset contains 21482 entries but the total number of classes in imagenet21k in 21481 (n04399382 is missed).so be sure about the total number of available classes.
*Also you need to do a little modification in code in order to load the synset files from your local address.
base_url = '/home/snf/libraries/tf_models/slim'
synset_url = '{}/listOfTags.txt'.format(base_url)
synset_to_human_url = '{}/imagenet21k_metadata.txt'.format(base_url)
Add the new dataset to in tf_models/slim/datasets :
from datasets import imgnet
datasets_map = {
'cifar10': cifar10,
'flowers': flowers,
'imagenet': imagenet,
'mnist': mnist,
'imgnet': imgnet, #add this line to dataset_map
In tf_models/slim/ create File containing these lines:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3" python
--train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
--dataset_name=imgnet \
--dataset_split_name=train \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--model_name=inception_v4 \
--max_number_of_steps=10000000 \
--batch_size=32 \
--learning_rate=0.01 \
--learning_rate_decay_type=fixed \
--save_interval_secs=60 \
--save_summaries_secs=60 \
--log_every_n_steps=100 \
--optimizer=rmsprop \
--num_readers=12 \
set the file to executable (Chmod +x ) and run it (./ )