Is this a server issue or a plesk issue? - apache

I have a personal server still running plesk 10.4.4 on CentOS 5 (Media Temple) and I am installing a rails app on a client server (new server running Plesk 11.5 on CentOS 6.5) and when I create a new site through the "Subscriptions" panel, the output is this:
But on my server, I do the same process and the output is this:
Why is this server not generating all the config, lib, conf, etc directories like when I install a new site via plesk on my server? Is this a CentOS 6 thing or a Plesk 11.5 thing?
Has anyone noticed this or can you point me in the direction of a changelog for Plesk or CentOS so that I can be assured this isn't an issue in server setup?

This is normal Plesk 11.5 vhost structure.


looking to migrate Java projects from tomcat 9 to tomcat 8.5 (downgrade)

I am looking to use an earlier version of tomcat for my project to comply with AWS supported system. So my project is using tomcat 9 and works fine. I successfully installed tomcat 8.5 on my computer and when I try to 'run on server' with eclipse I get an error.
The server cannot be started because one or more of the ports are invalid. Open the server editor and correct the invalid ports.

Orchard CMS with windows server 2012 r2 showing HTTP 500 - page can not displayed

I have configure orchard 1.8 with IIS 8 using windows platform installer on Windows Server 2012 r2
but showing me Http 500 page can not be displayed.. not loading the orchard CMS setup page.
I have given full permission with orchard in IIS as per mentioned steps online. but still not succeed. please help me on it.
Check the StaticFileModule is in IIS, something like this happened to me too in Window 8.1 and running on IIS Local.
but for the looks of it you might be missing more config stuff. Check your Windows Server IIS and make sure you have everything you need enabled and install. StaticFileModule was not installed in IIS in Windows 8.1.

Upgrade MAMP's Apache Server to 2.4

I'm currently using MAMP PRO which comes shipped with Apache 2.2 and I have some experience in upgrading/configuring PHP under MAMP in order to install specific modules etc but what I would like to do now is upgrading the Apache HTTP server in order to use a server module that only work in version 2.4, does anyone have experience in doing this?

Installing Zend Server along with Apache server

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 operating system. I have already Apache, PHP, Mysql configured and running without any issues on my system. Now I would like to install Zend Server in my system will this break my already present Apache sever? Will there be any issues?

How to Integrate LDAP with Gitorious running on a CentOS 6 Server?

How to Integrate LDAP with Gitorious running on a CentOS 6 Server ?
I've a CentOS 6 Server running on a Virtual Machine in which I have configured Gitorious which is running properly with all the features.
Now I want to integrate LDAP with Gitorious. How can I do it ?
please provide me step-by-step solutions
This appears to be supported natively: