HQL :Hibernate update query - sql

i use struts2 and hibernate jpa for my app and i have an error when traying using update query with hibernate
here is my code :
in my class dao
public void UpdateNoteEvaluation() {
try {
String hql="update Evaluation e " +
"SET e.Eval_NoteGlobal =: ( SELECT SUM( sv.SousEval_Note ) AS sum FROM sousevaluation sv )" +
Query q= session.createQuery(hql);
} catch (Exception e) {
in my class Action :
public String saveOrUpdate(){
System.out.println("update note ok ok");
return SUCCESS;
so here i can't make the update i get this error :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: node to traverse cannot be null!
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.util.NodeTraverser.traverseDepthFirst(NodeTraverser.java:55)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.parse(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:277)
knowing i have test the update query im phpmyadmin it's work fine

If query has been tested to be working one via phpMyAdmin, it is quite clear that query is SQL query - not a HQL query. Also syntax of query seems to contain MySQL SQL dialect specific LIMIT clause.
Query for native SQL queries can be created via Session.createSQLQuery(String queryString) method:
String sql = ...
Query q = session.createSQLQuery(sql);


Select Count(*) Query using Dapper in .Net Core API returns incorrect value

I'm trying to do a select count query in Sql Server using Dapper. The expected response should be 0 when a profile does not exist. When I do the query in SSMS it returns correctly, but in the API using Dapper it returns 1. Any idea why this is happening?
public IActionResult GetProfileCount(string profileId)
int profileCount = 0;
using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
profileCount = db.Query($"select count(*) from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error retrieving count for ProfileId: {profileId}", ex.Message);
return Ok(profileCount);
I see you added your own answer but could I recommend not doing it that way. When you do
profileCount = db.Query($"select * from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
What you are actually doing is selecting every field from the database, pulling it into your C# application, and then counting how many results you got back. Then you are binning all that data you got back, very inefficient!
Change it to this :
profileCount = db.QueryFirst<int>($"select count(*) from Profile where Id = #profileId", new { profileId })");
Instead you are selecting an "int" from the result set, which just so happens to be your count(*). Perfect!
More on querying in Dapper here : https://dotnetcoretutorials.com/2019/08/05/dapper-in-net-core-part-2-dapper-query-basics/
Also notice that (similar to the other answer), I am using parameterized queries. I also heavily recommend this as it protects you from SQL Injection. Your initial example is very vulnerable!
You can read a little more about SQL Injection in C#/MSSQL here https://dotnetcoretutorials.com/2017/10/11/owasp-top-10-asp-net-core-sql-injection/ But just know that Dapper protects you from it as long as you use the inbuilt helpers to add parameters to your queries.
Another option is use the method ExecuteScalar for "select count" queries:
profileCount = db.ExecuteScalar<int>("select count(*) from Profile where Id=#profileId", new { profileId });
Ref.: https://www.learndapper.com/selecting-scalar-values
Try and change your query to the following:
db.Query($"select count(*) from Profile where Id = #ProfileId", new { ProfileId = profileId }).Count()
I figured it out. The .Count() is counting the rows of the result, which is going to be 1 because the result is one row displaying the number 0. I switched my code to this and it works now.
public IActionResult GetProfileCount(string profileId)
int profileCount = 0;
using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
profileCount = db.Query($"select * from Profile where Id='{profileId}'").Count();
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error retrieving count for ProfileId: {profileId}", ex.Message);
return Ok(profileCount);

Extract Data from a Data table to a text file in JPA

I'm working on data manipulation and my order is to extract all the content of a table into a text file ! I have already implemented this but apprently, I have commited a mistake while creating the request :
public void extractDonneesFichierPlat(){
TypedQuery<NotificationCnavOP> query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:\\Test.txt' FROM NotificationCnavOP", NotificationCnavOP.class);
You cannot use "select * into outfile..." syntax in JPQL which is a separate query language different than SQL. If you want to execute native SQL queries in JPA you must use entityManager.createNativeQuery() method.
But still it is not possible to execute such 'bulk manipulation' query using this method.
The only solution I can think of is to use JDBC instead of JPA and execute:
Object o = entityManager.getDelegate();
System.out.println(o.getClass()); //prints the object class
// in my case it is org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl
SessionImpl s = (SessionImpl)o;
Connection c = s.connection();
try {
Statement stmt = c.createStatement();
stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:/Test.txt' FROM NotificationCnavOP");
} catch (SQLException e) {
The actual implementation of Session depends on the provider. In the case of Hibernate it is org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.
For newer versions of Hibernate it is org.hibernate.Session and it doesn't have the connection() method. So, you should try:
Object o = entityManager.getDelegate();
Session s = (Session)o;
s.doWork(connection -> {
try {
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:/Test2.txt' FROM NotificationCnavOP");
} catch (SQLException e) {
Both versions work in Hibernate 4.

JSP SQL SERVER ResultSet always return empty

I'm doing two queries to a SQL Server database, the first query returns the Result Set with data, but the second query always returns the Result Set empty. If I do the query in the SQL SERVER, it does it well. I have tried to make another query: SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE and always returns empty.
String url,ssql;
int i,j,k;
int reg[]=new int[256];
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Statement stc = conn.createStatement();
ssql="SELECT Nombre,max(Registro) FROM Tabla Group by Nombre order by Nombre";
ResultSet rsc= stc.executeQuery(ssql);
//ssql="SELECT * FROM Tabla Where Registro="+String.valueOf(reg[j]);
ssql="SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Tabla";
rsc= stc.executeQuery(ssql);
out.println(rsc.getString(1)+" "+rsc.getString(2)+" "+rsc.getString(3));
}catch(SQLException se){
There are two problems with your code. The only one you need to fix is that you're not using Parameters in your SQL query. See
public static void executeStatement(Connection con) {
try(PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Person.Contact WHERE LastName = ?");) {
pstmt.setString(1, "Smith");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
System.out.println(rs.getString("LastName") + ", " + rs.getString("FirstName"));
// Handle any errors that may have occurred.
catch (SQLException e) {
Using an SQL Statement with Parameters
Thank you for your response and sorry for not having responded before.
I have tried using prepareStatement, but the ResultSet kept returning empty.
I finally found where I had the problem, if!(Rsc.getRow()==0)) always returned 0, even if the ResulSet had records.
I have removed that part of the program and I have placed while rsc.next() and it works correctly.
What is the second problem that my code has?
Thanks greetings

jdbcTemplate.query works fine when passing few parameters and doesn't work for others

I have a select Oracle SQL that I am hitting using jdbcTemplate.query method. This returns a bean of the values from the table. I am passing a dynamic value to the query that will be used in the WHERE clause. However, the SQL values for few values that i am passing. But when I pass the value as NA it won't work. Any suggestions on this or help me with what am i missing?
private static final String regionSearchSql = "SELECT PRFLID, PRFLNM, RGN_CD FROM %PREFIX%MER_PRFL WHERE RGN_CD = ?";
public List<SearchProfileBean> regionSearchProfile(SearchProfileRequest searchProfileRequest) throws DatabaseQueryException {
try {
return jdbcTemplate.query((QueryUtility.getQueryWithPrefix(regionSearchSql,prefix)), new SearchProfileRowMapper(), searchProfileRequest.getRegionName());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DatabaseQueryException(QueryUtility.getQueryWithPrefix(regionSearchSql, prefix), e);
If i pass 'EMEA', 'LAC', 'JAPA' in searchProfileRequest.getRegionName() - the SQL returns perfect results. But if I pass 'NA' in searchProfileRequest.getRegionName(), it gives empty results. But there are rows in the table for NA.

JDBC select query returns wrong values

I was performing JDBC select query in my web service to return some values from my database. Part of this table is attached to this question. After performing following query:
SELECT * FROM uses WHERE uses_user_fk='22';
I receive only one row, but in database are two values that meet the query conditions, as you can see in attached picture. Can anyone tell me where I made a mistake. I’m using following JDBC instruction to execute the query
ResultSet tempResultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
Bellow image of database table uses:
Below the compete method that query the database, argument query is the same as listed earlier “SELECT * FROM uses…”. I should add that the answer for that query is 4, I also try this query without using quotes (uses_user_fk=22) but the result was the same:
protected ArrayList<Integer> queryForIds(String query, String column) throws Exception {
ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
try {
connect = DriverManager
statement = connect.createStatement();
ResultSet tempResultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
if (tempResultSet.next())
ids.add(new Integer(tempResultSet.getInt(column)));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
return ids;
if (tempResultSet.next())
while (tempResultSet.next())