Frame for clip view will be different at runtime error in Xcode 5 and Objective-C - objective-c

I'm now building on OS X app using Xcode 5.0 and Cocoa, and when I used a lot of objects ranging from text field, text view, radio buttons, to check box, etc... and ran the simulator, it looks like working successfully. However, there are two warnings which are tagged with yellow triangles that read Misplaced view - Frame for "clip view" will be different at runtime in MainMenu.xib file.
What does the error mean? And how can I resolve the warnings? And finally, should I bother to work a bit harder to try to remove those warnings when I get to sell the app? (or does Apple still allow developers to sell an app even when it has some warnings but nonetheless sounds working?)
For your information, I didn't write any code in any of my files yet - just dragged objects out to Interface Builder, and edited and aligned those objects a bit and just ran it, which this book does (but this book assumes to use Xcode 4).

Xcode5 defaults to using Auto-Layout. The warnings mean that some of your UI elements do not have enough constraints set, so when you manipulate the UI (for example resize the window) things may look different than you intended.
When you open MainMenu.xib in Interface Builder, a yellow arrow should appear in the component section. Click that arrow and a view appears that explains the offending elements. Each has another yellow element that brings up a context menu with suggested fixes.

Optionally you can disable "Use Autolayout" of the nib.


Widget Simulator does not display elements of "Today Extension”

I want to implement the “Today Extension” feature into one of my applications. I successfully added the extension, gave it a run and saw the “Hello World” screen on the simulator. I then deleted the "Hello World” label, and added my own labels to the view. Nothing spectacular and really nothing I thought which would make me any trouble…
Now when I run the widget all I get is an empty Simulator:
Things I tried:
Checked that "File’s Owner" has the view connected
Coloured the labels and made sure they aren’t hidden
Checked if the view’s controller gets initialised accordingly
Fiddled around with Autolayout: The extension view does look like a (too) small bar compared to the size I assigned. The strange thing is, that even if I drag one label to the top, it does not appear
Tried a “Clean” and “Clean Build Folder” and also “Clear Snapshot” in the simulator
Downloaded a working today extension from Github to check if I did something wrong. Couldn’t find anything.
It does seem like I’m working on the wrong view. But it is in fact the same view which displayed me the “Hello Word” label. Am I missing something? (#Moderator: I suggest adding the following tags: osx-today-widget, widget-simulator. Thanks in advance.)
Without the code it is hard to say, but maybe this helps:
what text color does your label have?
make sure to give it "Control text color"
what is your minimum height>
click the "Custom view" in your xib file (the root view) and click Editor > Pin > Height.
Set it to 200 and "greater or equal than"

Permanent Misplaced View warning for Clip View in NSTableView

My application has a log window that displays lines in an NSTableView:
When I add auto layout constraints to the window no matter what I do I get a Misplaced View warning for the Clip View:
I've tried updating its frame, updating its constraints, and resetting to suggested constraints, but nothing gets rid of the warning. The window displays and resizes correctly at runtime, and it doesn't even appear to be possible to add constraints to the Clip View itself.
I've pushed the code to github if you want to look at it in Xcode: The code requires the 10.10 SDK to compile, but the xib should be viewable in Xcode 5 and up.
I met the same issue recently, warning about Clip view expected value is 17px larger than actual value.
I believe it is a bug of Xcode. And I do find a workaround to fix it(other than downgrading my OS to 10.9).
The solution is to edit the attributes of tableView in IB, disable "Headers". Don't show table headers and the warning will be magically gone. And we can guess that by default the table header is 17px :)
It's just a workaround, not an ideal solution. This is not our fault. The best solution is to wait for Apple to fix this Xcode bug.
Scrollviews' subview hierarchy are only sort of compatible with auto layout.
One way around this is to constrain the clip view so it is not bothering you.
Then in the inspector, mark those constraints to be removed at runtime.
If the error is coming from ClipView.
Check the ScrollView size, remember it.
And then click ScrollView as target, open up size inspector, enable Intrinsic Size using Placeholder with ScrollView size.
I use the Xcode 12.3, the latest version of Xcode. But also have the same warning. I remove the misplaced view warning by change the TableView Content Mode from View Based to Cell Based and then the warning disappeared. And then I change back to View Based. The warning will never appeared again.

unknown pattern color for the background color attribute

Getting the compiler warning:
Unsupported Configuration:
Unknown pattern color for the Background Color attribute
on my xib when trying to set the background color of a UIView to clear in interface builder. I swear I've made a UIView clear in the past without any trouble. Google isn't giving me anything useful. I feel like there is a head-slapping-simple answer here but after 14 hours at the keyboard (not on this issue) my tired mind isn't figuring it out.
I had lot of problem with the same issue. I solved this by this way
"select the UIView in interface builder, background color first set default color in option and build it".
I started getting this warning after updating to Mavericks and Xcode 5.1.1
I read elsewhere that the clearColor was the cause of this warning but in my case it was a pattern very similar to the standard Apple dark grey style background you see after updating an iPhone. No idea how it got there, don't remember ever asking for a pattern rather than a color nor how to select a pattern in the color selector popup. Perhaps it was chosen by IB because something in my original code was missing.
I changed it to Default, rebuilt and the warning has not returned. The only problem was going through each UIView until I found the one causing the warning because the background preview dropbox control in attributes is tiny.
Once aware of it, the pattern can be seen instead of a color
This is going to be a compile time error in XCode 8 (beta). Storyboard wont even open.
So we need to open storyboard in editor mode in XCode 7.x and search for "pattern" text and find the view as suggested by #Gordon Dove and fix it by changing the pattern to a plain color.

Xcode/iTunes/Instruments central toolbar item; what's it called and how do I create one?

I'd like to create a toolbar item like the central item seen in Xcode/iTune/Instruments/etc:
Can anyone tell me what it's called and how to go about creating my own?
Also, will I face problems getting my app approved by Apple when I submit it to the Mac App Store, for imitating Apple's own apps too much?
I finally implemented the solution from here:
iTunes or Xcode style information box at top of window
Here are the initial results:
This is an Apple's private control, but you cannot create it as a NSToolbarItem. Check this other Q/A to know how to add a custom view in the window's main frame.
Is it possible to draw in the label area of NSToolbar?
I've noticed some interesting things about Instruments:
If you make the window narrow such that the overflow menu is triggered, the items in that menu are all blank.
You can't change the icon size or turn labels on/off.
Colors does not have a label when you add it to the toolbar.
The labels on Space, Flexible Space, and Colors do not line up with the other items' labels.
These are interesting because they seem to fit an idea I had for implementing this: turn labels off, and give all your items custom views, where normal-looking items actually have manually drawn labels. It would obviously be a lot of work, but it gives you enough freedom to effectively do full-height items.
The nice thing is that, unlike the view/window hack that Xcode seems to use, you still have a customizable toolbar with draggable items.

NSTextView enclosing scroll view jumps on spacebar

I have an odd behavior with my app and I don't know where it comes from. I have implemented a NSScanner for a text view content that works very well. The scanner works in conjunction with the text storage to set attributes on the text storage string via text view delegate methods. However, each time I enter a space, the enclosing scroll view scrolls back to the top of the text view. Can anyone give me a hint where this comes from ?
Probably not much hassle for those more experienced than me, I found out the possible reason for this behavior (see above) so I post it here in case anyone will look for solutions for similar "problems". It seems that turning off "Non-contiguous layout" option in the XCode 4.x attributes inspector for the NSTextView in case will solve the problem. The documentation for NSLayoutManager provides more clues (under "Overview" section): "Noncontiguous layout is an optional layout manager behavior new in Mac OS X v10.5..."
Maybe somebody more experienced than me will provide more info on this and the reason of this behavior of the enclosing scroller view when non-contiguous option is checked (which is, by default).
I am stuck with the same problem and turning off "Non-contiguous layout" does solve the problem, but it gives rise to another problem which is that the NSTextView gets sluggish for 10k lines of text. A similar question has been answered differently but I wonder if it works. That solution also imposes some restrictions which may not be applicable to you though.