How to cancel 'waiting for upload'? - app-store-connect

I know this isn't a programming question, but I wonder if someone could quickly help me.
I've discovered a minor issue with an app that is 'waiting for upload' in iTunes Connect.
How can I cancel this?

Answer is to upload the binary, and then cancel it.


Radio button turned into stars not working

THis is what i did with jquery. Does it even submit my rating?
The above code is not submitting the rating. Does it even work that way? If not, how can I do it?
Please kindly help me with the solution.

Can't login to ITunes Connect

Can't login to ITunes Connect since yesterday, after inputting my username and password and hitting the login button, it displays blank page on chrome and safari.
Anyone having the same problem?
Yes, I had the same problem too. It resolves itself after some time. For me it took a minute but it may last longer. In the past days Apple had huge problems with iTunes, iTunesConnect and the AppStores.
On the blank screen try to guess where a button is and click on it. That might resolve it (thats what helped me).
Hope it helps :)

How to tell whereabout's my program has hung

How can i best determine whereabouts in my code a program was up to when it hung?
I've got a misbehaving app and I can't tell whats causing the issue.
Dont want to post code and ask you guys to tell me, I'd rather figure out how to figure it out myself :)
If it's still responsive to the Visual Studio IDE, then just press the pause button.

VB.NET Detect when an application is flashing in taskbar

I've been searching it for hours and the only thing I can find is how I can make a .NET app flashing/blinking on taskbar.
I want to be notified when an application is flashing on taskbar.. Is that possible?
Sorry for the delay.
Maybe my question was not clear enough but this code that I showed to you it's what I want and more. When an app starts flashing on taskbar it notifies you adding an item on the listbox.
Code Example
Thanks for helping.

Mac Caps Lock Sign on password input?

i'm not sure if its just me. i noticed that on the mac or maybe its just in chrome in general but when you press down the caps lock key on a password input box a little grey notification image pops up. the problem is this covers an important feature on my site.
Is there a way to tell it where to pop up? i have seen it pop up in different place such as inside the input field on other sites.
Would appreciate if anyone has any ideas or knows how to sort it. thanks