Illegal xml parsing import to sql mac roman - sql

I have a xml that says it's encoding is UTF-8. When I use openxml to import data into sql, I always get "XML parsing: line xxxxxx, character xx, illegal xml character.
Right now I can go to each line and replace it with the a legal character and it goes well. Sometimes there maybe be more than 5 mac roman characters and it becomes tedious to replace. I am currently using notepad ++ and there is probably a way for this.
Can anyone suggest if anything can be done in sql level or does it have to checked before ran in sql?
So far, most of the characters found are, x95, x92, x96, xbc, xbd, xbo.

In your question, you did not specify whether illegal characters you had to remove were Unicode or not. Or whether the file was really expected to contain UTF-8 characters. Unlike for the ASCII, for UTF-8 some byte combinations are illegal, so if you declare the text file to be encoded in UTF-8, you might not be able to read it successfully till end (such a thing could never happen with ASCII).
So it is possible that by removal of <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> you just declared some non-unicode encoding of your file (instead of previously declared UTF-8), so reading the data passed. You did not have many foreign characters like ľťčý in the file, did you? Normally, it is a must that you check what happened to those after the import. It might happen that your import passes without error, but city name Čadca becomes äadca and somebody will thank your company for rendering his address unreadable.


Encoding issue in Postgres ERROR "UTF8" is it best to set encoding to UTF8 or to make the data WIN1252 compatible?

I created a table importing a CSV file from an excel spreadsheet. When I try to run the select statement below I get the error.
test=# SELECT * FROM dt_master;
ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xc2 0x9d in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "WIN1252"
I have read the solution posted in this stack overflow post and was able to overcome the issue by setting the encoding to UTF8, so up to that point I am still able to keep working with the data. My question, however, is whether setting the encoding to UTF8 actually is solving the problem or it is just a workaround that and will create other problems down the road and I would be better off removing the conflicting characters and making the data WIN1252 compliant.
Thank you
You have a weird character in your database (Unicode code point 9D, a control character) that probably got there by mistake.
You have to set the client encoding to the encoding that your application expects; no other value will produce correct results, even if you get rid of the error. The error has a reason.
You have two choices:
Fix the data in the database. The character is very likely not what was intended.
Change the application to use LATIN1 or (better) UTF-8 internally and set the client encoding appropriately.
Using UTF-8 everywhere would have the advantage that you are safe from this kind of problem.

how to render a dicom file's header unreadable

Kind of a strange question, but I'm doing some testing to handle errors when a dicom file's tags can't be read.
Unfortunately I don't have a damaged dicom available.
Specifically, can anyone advise how to apply some sort of incorrectly encoded text tag or some invalid numeric data tag onto the file, such that it can't be read by python's pydicom package?
you could have a look at the dcmodify tool from the DCMTK. It can be used to insert, modify and delete attributes. I doubt that it is possible to specify invalid attribute values through the command line, but you could surely modify the source code to accomplish that (except you can definitely write attribute values that exceed the maximum length according to the Value Representation).
My approach would be to create a buffer of characters and write binary data to it. Then pass it to the method that writes the value to the attribute.
write unicode (UTF-8) sequences which are not a valid unicode character
write ascii characters which are not covered by the characterset specified by (0008,0005) - not sure whether pydicom would run into problems but it would be wrong from the DICOM perspective
write non-numeric characters to attributes with Value Representation "Decimal String" or "Integer String".
formats other than YYYYMMDD for VR "Date"
formats other than HHMMSS.FFFFFF for VR "Time"
other characters than ['0'-'9'], '.' for VR "Unique Identifier"
[edit]: DCMTK, dcmodify:

Delete the first characters before parse an XML (SAX)

I have who xml files apparently identical named wrong.xml and good.xml.
The code is the follow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
The problem is that the XMLReader class (org.xml.sax.XMLReader) detects the follow error when parse the wrong.xml.
Content is not allowed in prolog
The reason is that exist an hidden characters before prolog.
I only got to see these characters using a basic java file reader and I can see that the first and second characters are -1 and -2.
'-1''-2'<?xml version>......
Notepad, Ultraedit32, Wordpad, Notepad++, etc. neither can see them.
My real problem is that I need read the xml from an FTP automatically, then I need any way for delete these characters before parse with xmlReader without parse all document because some documents are very big.
How delete the first char of a file?
You'll have to remove those characters before the parser sees them, but you don't need to read the whole file and write it back out again with those characters removed.
A sax parser can read from an InputSource based on a Reader. There are many implementations of this Reader interface for reading from a file, url or other data source, but you can also wrap whatever your primary Reader is in a FilterReader extension that you code to perform changes needed to the data before it goes on.
It isn't difficult to code an extension of FilterReader that drops the first two characters but passes on everything else, and that will do just what you need. If the need to drop those characters isn't known until runtime, but can be detected then in a sensible way, this can be to do it only when needed. It might make sense to drop all characters before the first '<'.

Encoding issue in I/O with Jena

I'm generating some RDF files with Jena. The whole application works with utf-8 text. The source code as well is stored in utf-8.
When I print a string contaning non-English characters on the console, I get the right format, e.g. Est un lieu généralement officielle assis....
Then, I use the RDF writer to output the file:
Model m = loadMyModelWithMultipleLanguages() getSomeStringFromModel(m) ) // log4j, correct output
RDFWriter w = m.getWriter( "RDF/XML" ) // default enc: utf-8
w.setProperty("showXmlDeclaration","true") // optional
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(pathToFile)
w.write( m, out, "" )
// file contains garbled text
The RDF file starts with: <?xml version="1.0"?>. If I add utf-8 nothing changes.
By default the text should be encoded to utf-8.
The resulting RDF file validates ok, but when I open it with any editor/visualiser (vim, Firefox, etc.), non-English text is all messed up: Est un lieu généralement officielle assis ... or Est un lieu g\u221A\u00A9n\u221A\u00A9ralement officielle assis....
(Either way, this is obviously not acceptable from the user's viewpoint).
The same issue happens with any output format supported by Jena (RDF, NT, etc.).
I can't really find a logical explanation to this.
The official documentation doesn't seem to address this issue.
Any hint or tests I can run to figure it out?
My guess would be that your strings are messed up, and your printStringFromModel() method just happens to output them in a way that accidentally makes them display correctly, but it's rather hard to say without more information.
You're instructing Jena to include an XML declaration in the RDF/XML file, but don't say what encoding (if any) Jena declares in the XML declaration. This would be helpful to know.
You're also not showing how you're printing the strings in the printStringFromModel() method.
Also, in Firefox, go to the View menu and then to Character Encoding. What encoding is selected? If it's not UTF-8, then what happens when you select UTF-8? Do you get it to show things correctly when selecting some other encoding?
Edit: The snippet you show in your post looks fine and should work. My best guess is that the code that reads your source strings into a Jena model is broken, and reads the UTF-8 source as ISO-8859-1 or something similar. You should be able to confirm or disconfirm that by checking the length() of one of the offending strings: If each of the troublesome characters like é are counted as two, then the error is on reading; if it's correctly counted as one, then it's on writing.
My hint/answer would be to inspect the byte sequence in 3 places:
The data source. Using a hex editor, confirm that the é character in your source data is represented by the expected utf-8 hex sequence 0xc3a8.
In memory. Right after your call to printStringFromModel, put a breakpoint and inspect the bytes in the string (or convert to hex and print them out.
The output file. Again, use a hex editor to inspect the byte sequence is 0xc3a8.
This will tell exactly what is happening to the bytes as they travel along the path of your program, and also where they deviate from the expected 0xc3a8.
The best way to address this would be to package up the smallest unit of your code that you can that demonstrates the issue, and submit a complete, runnable test case as a ticket on the Jena Jira.

Problem with word "Nestlé" in an XML doc (UTF-8 encoding) using NXXMLParser. Any idea?

We are using NSXMLParser in Objective-C to parse our XML document, which are all UTF-8 encoded. One document has a string "Nestlé" in it (as in ...<title>Nestlé Novelties</title>...). The parser just quit, reporting an error with error code=9, due to the French letter "e" at the end of the word "Nestle". Furthermore, we tried using IE, Chrome, Safari to show the same document directly. They reported a similar encoding error.
We are using UTF-8 for all incoming XML document, which means that all of them have "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>" as the top of the document.
Is this an encoding problem? If so, how do we solve this? What encoding should we use for all of our XML documents? Thanks in advance!
Have you checked the file with a hex editor to verify that the "é" is indeed UTF-8, 0xC3 0xA9 ?
In HTML, I would use Nestlé Does that work for your application?
Something I saw just now in an example XML file was that a string containing user-defined input (which happened to include é characters) wrapped the contents of the containing tag in CDATA declarations. This has the effect of making the parser completely ignore the characters contained therein.