SAS Labels are missing and are greyed out in column properties - properties

We have several datasets which are created by reading in csv files. Some macros are run to create data sets. Until recently the labels for column were being displayed when you hove over the column header. However the labels are now blank and you cannot edit them unter column properties.
We are using SAS Enterpise Guide 4.3. Looking into the macros I cannot see anything which remnoves the labels (eg. attrib _ all _ label=' ')
Am I missing something more fundemental?

You need to look for code that originally created labels to begin with, not code that cleared them.
If you use File->Import Data in EG, you enter a wizard to
1) specify data
2) select data source
3) define field attributes
4) advanced options
Step 3 gives you an opportunity to rename fields and create labels that differ from the field names. If you don't specify changes in this screen, no label statements will be created in the code at all.


Is there a way to use variables in vba to identify MS-Access report fields?

I am not a programmer, but have been tasked with doing this anyway! We are working on a research project that involves testing properties of different samples. I am trying to create a form that will generate a custom report based on what the user chooses. So, I have multiple text boxes and check boxes to allow the user to define the query parameters (e.g. composition of the sample must contain at least 5% component A) and choose what data they are interested in seeing in said report (e.g. show pH, color, but not melting point). I have successfully created code to generate the query, then generate a report based on that query, but the report defaults to column widths that are generally too big (for example, the pH column width is 3 inches, it only needs to be about 1). I would like to be able to fix this, but have not been able to figure out how. At the same time, some of these fields contain numbers that are averages of multiple test results, so I would like to limit the number of digits shown, and display them as % where appropriate. I started with just fixing the column width issue:
I have tried to make a collection of the fields that are included, then loop through the collection and set column widths, but cannot figure out how to identify a field with a variable:
If I know the field name I can do this:
Reports("ReportName")!FieldID.Width = 200
But if I have a collection of names, FieldNames, or a string VariableName, none of these work, giving me an error that FieldNames or VariableName is not a valid field in the report:
Reports("ReportName")!FieldNames(1).Width = 200
Reports("ReportName")![FieldNames(1)].Width = 200
Reports("ReportName")![VariableName].Width = 200
Is there a way to reference a field name with a variable?
Alternatively, I thought there might be a way to loop through all fields and set widths - this would involve looking up a column width for each field, which I thought to do by adding a key to a collection of column widths. But I cannot find a way to do that, something like:
For each Field in Reports("Report")
Field.Width = ColumnWidthCollection(Field)
This hangs up on the Field.Width line, with "invalid procedure call or argument", which brings me back to how to reference a field name with a variable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Try with:
Reports("ReportName")(VariableName).Width = 200

sm30: Set matching column heading

I created a table in SAP via se11, then I used the table maintenance generator.
Now I edit the table via sm30:
The second and the third column: Both have the heading "Feldname".
The first "Feldname" column is called COLUMN_NAME and its data element is "Fieldname".
The second "Feldname" column is called AUTH_FIELD and its data element is "XUFIELD"
I would like to see the column names which I gave the columns in se16 (COLUMN_NAME, AUTH_FIELD) in the heading.
How to prevent the table maintenance generator from giving other names in the headings?
Option 1 - use custom data elements:
Instead of using Fieldname and XUFIELD data elements, you can create your custom data elements and give them what header you would like.
(You will have to regenerate table maintenance)
Option 2 - editing screen
When generated the table maintenance, you supplied a function group and a screen number.
Go to SE80 -> Function Groups -> <function_group_supplied> -> screens -> <screen_supplied>.
Then edit it as you want.
Note: Modifying a generated object is considered risky. Your customized changes might be overwritten in a future regeneration.
Add custom data elements with suitable descriptions. Let the new data elements refer to the original ones (resp. the domains) to avoid having to reinvent everything.
Data element descriptions can be translated.
You can set different descriptions for different lengths, e.g. "Field" for the narrow column with length 10, and "Field name" for a wide label with length 30.
Regenerating the maintenance screen won't accidentally delete the changed descriptions.

(Excel-VBA) Specific data import (on the background) in the active sheet

Would you please help me (total beginner) to prepare a VBA macro that would open a sheet on the background and import specific selection as shown below:
Let's say we have downloaded wordcount analysis (xlsx) like this downloaded from a CAT tool for testing.
Now I would need to add a macro to my main sheet that would read lines starting (Column A) with "All". If "All" then I'd need to record columns of that line (specficilly Columns A - O) in array / hashtable?.
Please take a look at this image that summs it all (better than explaining it for me :-)
Let me know in case you need to know more details.
All tips / suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
My suggestion (I'm a beginner too) would be to use the Macro Recorder. Great tool to learn (example).
start recording
filter for 'ALL'
copy/past the Cells
stop Recording
Then have a look at the recorded code and adjust it :)
Looking at your data and the final layout you are looking for, using a Pivot Table would provide you with all of the flexibility you need.
You can:
filter which data to display
generate calculated values based on data in other columns
choose what order your columns are displayed
dynamically change the layout if you decide you want a different view
From your data, I was able to generate the following Pivot Table in about 15 minutes.
There are several good, simple tutorials on building Pivot Tables. A Google search will turn up plenty.
Things you will need to learn about for your particular problem:
Classic display (I used the classic display to get this particular layout)
Calculated Fields (many of the columns in the pivot table are calculated based on your spec). There is a maximum string length of 255 characters for a field calculation, so you may need to rename some of the columns in the original data set.
Of course, basics of Pivot Tables
Loading new data and updating your pivot table
Good Luck!

Qlikview Current selections box to use labels rather than table.fieldnames

In my Qlik View document I want to change the Current Selections information to use the Label applied to the field rather than the table.field format.
For example
Would be
Part Number
Unfortunately there's no way to do this in the Current Selections object. However, you may have some alternatives depending on your requirements.
First of all, if you're just happy with seeing the current selections as text (rather than having the functionality of the Current Selections object), you can create a Text object and use the expression:
=replace(GetCurrentSelections(), 'PartsTable.PartNo', 'Part Number')
This will then look something like the below:
The other alternative is to use the RENAME statement in the load script after all your table loads are complete. RENAME allows you to rename a single field or a collection of fields by using a mapping table. The syntax for a single field is shown below:
RENAME FIELD oldname to newname
If you should need to rename more than one field at a time, you can expand this to:
RENAME FIELD oldname1 to newname1, oldname2 to newname2,...
More detail on the syntax including using a mapping table can be found in the QlikView installed help file.
For your example, I put together a small demo:
RENAME FIELD PartsTable.PartNo to [Part Number];
This then results in:
RENAME is similar to the alias (AS) statement, except that you can first load all of your data, and then do the rename at the end. This will then rename your field so that it appears under its new name in any front-end controls (e.g. Current Selections etc.) However, this may not be suitable for you if you already have an existing field named Part Number in your script.

Double data entry system using Infopath 2007 how to compare 2 infopath documents for differences?

How to compare 2 infopath documents craeted using double data entry system for
differences ?
We have a small project contains few infopath forms. Client is using double data entry system to reduce the errors. We are maintaining entry number in infopath form to seperate each entry.
Note: I know we can compare xml data
files of 2 documents. (xml data file
has field names like field1,field2 and
so on..while on form that field1
represent some meaninngful text) But
the question is we want to compare it
Visually side by side. Any difference
should highlight the field.
The easiest way I can think of is to use a different "comparison" form (instead of trying to alter the original). The new form can have two columns - two fields for each original field. You can load the two documents to compare into datasources (even make fields at the top which prompt for which two docs to compare). One shows in the left column and another in the right. Then just use conditional formatting to highlight where the first column doesn't match the second, or even hide the fields where they are identical so only the differences are visible.
If you want to get really fancy you can even let the user specify or change the values on the form and have them save back to the originals or create another new "merged" version.