Magento how get options with some additional information - sql

I am working with options, to add some additional info like image. and I saved this data to my own table with option_type_id and option_id. now on frontend I would like to join my own table data to default options. so these options come with image info.
this function returns option data, now I have to reach the implementation of this function where it generate the query so I could add join to retrieve my own data with.

I dont see a clean way to do this.
Here is a dirty way:
RewriteMage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Option and add this function below.
Modify it with you join. however the join to you table would then be done for every product option. You will need to check for somekind of a flag and only add your join if this flag is set.
protected function _getLoadSelect($field, $value, $object)
$select = parent::_getLoadSelect($field, $value, $object);
if("do your check here"){
$select->join('your table')
return $select;

Here is what i got success from.
i overridden the resource collection of product
class MYC_COPSwatch_Model_Resource_Product_Option_Collection extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Product_Option_Collection{
public function addValuesToResult($storeId = null)
if ($storeId === null) {
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$optionIds = array();
foreach ($this as $option) {
$optionIds[] = $option->getId();
if (!empty($optionIds)) {
/** #var $values Mage_Catalog_Model_Option_Value_Collection */
$values = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option_value')
->addSwatchToResult($storeId) //USED Join in this function
->setOrder('sort_order', self::SORT_ORDER_ASC)
->setOrder('title', self::SORT_ORDER_ASC);
foreach ($values as $value) {
$optionId = $value->getOptionId();
if($this->getItemById($optionId)) {
return $this;
might be save time for someone.


Flatten laravel nested relationship (parent to descendants) get all childerns

This is my Controller
$categoryIds = Category::select('id')->with('childrenRecursive')->where('id', 1)->get();
Ad::whereIn('category_id', $categoryIds)->get();
This is my model
public function parent() {
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class, 'parent_id');
public function childs() {
return $this->hasMany(Category::class, 'parent_id');
public function Ads() {
return $this->hasManyThrough(Ad::class, Category::class, 'parent_id', 'category_id', 'id');
How get all childern categories ides
I solved this problem with this solution
My Controller
public function index()
$parent = Category::with('descendants')->find(1);
$descendants = $this->traverseTree($parent, collect([1]));
$ads = Ad::whereIn('category_id',$descendants)->get();
return response($ads);
protected function traverseTree($subtree, $des)
$descendants = $des;
if ($subtree->descendants->count() > 0) {
foreach ($subtree->descendants as $descendant) {
$this->traverseTree($descendant, $descendants);
return $descendants;
I'd do it with Laravel's Subqueries approach.
$parentId = 4;
Ad::whereIn('category_id', function($q) use ($parentId) {
->where('parent_id', $parentId);
If you want to add the parent model, you can chain with():
Ads::whereIn('category_id', function($q) use ($parentId) {
->where('parent_id', $parentId);
Your code chunks are not clear so you may need to tweak my code example.
If I understand your question properly you need to get ads corresponding to id's of all related records also, for a given category record.
$category = Category::with('childs:id,parent_id')
->where('id', 1)
$categoryIds = collect([$category->parent_id, $category->id]);
$category->childs->map(fn($child) => $categoryIds->push($child->id));
$ads = Ads::whereIn('category_id', $categoryIds->filter()->all())
// Can eager load the product(s) if needed

Enhance Exporting Report to csv/excel using yii

My system is working fine for small database and my report is generates from at least 5 table of phpmyadmin after certain limit of data load '500 internal server error' will come.I want enhance exporting a report to csv/excel from phpmyadmin using yii for larger database.
I use this extension to export to CSV.
I have created an action that I can attach to any controller that I need to export.
class Csv extends CAction {
public $field_list;
public function run() {
$controller = $this->getController();
/* Disable the logging because it should not run on this function */
foreach (\Yii::app()->log->routes as $route) {
if ($route instanceof \CWebLogRoute) {
$route->enabled = false;
//use the existing filters
$model_name = $controller->modelName();
$model = new $model_name('search');
$dataProvider = $model->search();
$criteria = $dataProvider->criteria;
//remove the pagination
//changing the criteria to only select what we want
$criteria->select = implode(',', $this->field_list);
//export to CSV
$csv = new \ECSVExport($dataProvider);
if(isset($_GET['test'])) {
echo $csv->toCSV();
} else {
\Yii::app()->getRequest()->sendFile($controller->modelName() . '_'.date('Y-m-d').'.csv', $csv->toCSV(), "text/csv", false);
field_list are the fields that I need to export.
For the controller I add
* #return array actions to be mapped to this controller
public function actions(){
return array(
'field_list'=>array('', '', 't.status'),
I use the same search as in the controller because it suits me and because I use I actually can export exactly what is on the screen. Change the field list to what you need. Remember to give access to the csvAction function.
You can use yiiexcell extension for that: it is simple wrapper for PHPExcel

How to extend Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder

I'm planning to have a function that will store the sql statement on the Cache using the given second parameter on remember() as the key and whenever the sql statement changes it will run against the database again and overwrite the stored sql, also the cached result, and if not it will take the default cached result by the remember() function.
So I am planning to have something like this on Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
* Execute the query based on the cached query
* #param array $columns
* #return array|static[]
public function getCacheByQuery($columns = array('*'))
if ( ! is_null($this->cacheMinutes))
list($key, $minutes) = $this->getCacheInfo();
// if the stored sql is the same with the new one then get the cached
// if not, remove the cached query before calling the getCached
$oldSql = self::flag($key);
$newSql = $this->toSql().implode(',', $this->bindings);
if ($newSql!==$oldSql)
// remove the cache
// update the stored sql
self::updateFlag($key, $newSql);
return $this->getCached($columns);
return $this->getFresh($columns);
public static function updateFlag($flag, $value)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
$flags[$flag] = $value;
\Cache::put(t().'databaseFlags', $flags, USER_SESSION_EXPIRATION);
public static function flag($flag)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
return #$flags[$flag] ?: false;
But the thing is, I don't want to put this directly on Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder since it is just my need for the current application I am working. I'm trying to extend Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder, but the problem is it does not detect the my extension class.
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::getCachedByQuery()
My Extension Class
<?php namespace Lukaserat\Traits;
class QueryBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {
* Execute the query based on the caced query
* #param array $columns
* #return array|static[]
public function getCachedByQuery($columns = array('*'))
if ( ! is_null($this->cacheMinutes))
list($key, $minutes) = $this->getCacheInfo();
// if the stored sql is the same with the new one then get the cached
// if not, remove the cached query before calling the getCached
$oldSql = self::flag($key);
$newSql = $this->toSql().implode(',', $this->bindings);
if ($newSql!==$oldSql)
// remove the cache
// update the stored sql
self::updateFlag($key, $newSql);
return $this->getCached($columns);
return $this->getFresh($columns);
public static function updateFlag($flag, $value)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
$flags[$flag] = $value;
\Cache::put(t().'databaseFlags', $flags, USER_SESSION_EXPIRATION);
public static function flag($flag)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
return #$flags[$flag] ?: false;
Implementing on..
use LaravelBook\Ardent\Ardent;
use Lukaserat\Traits\DataTable;
use Lukaserat\Traits\QueryBuilder as QueryBuilder;
use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag as MessageBag;
class ArdentBase extends Ardent implements InterfaceArdentBase{
use DataTable;
Am I missing something?
Is it correct that I overwrite the get() method on the Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder by renaming the function I made in my extension class from getCachedByQuery to get since I just extending the routine of the get.
I changed
public function getCachedByQuery($columns = array('*'))
public function get()
on my Lukaserat\Traits\QueryBuilder
and it is now working as I expected..

Laravel 4: Select row if a relation exists by querying relation

I am trying to query a products table, and want it to return a collection if a relation exists.
Iteration 1 below queries all rows in the products table, and lazy loads the metals table if $name matches. This is wrong.
My Route:
Route::group(array('prefix' => '{api}/v1'), function()
Route::controller('products', 'Api\V1\ProductController');
My Controller:
public function getFilter($metal = null) {
$products = $this->product;
if ($metal) {
$products->with('metal', function($query, $metal) {
$query->where('name', $metal);
return Response::api($products->get());
I want only $products to display if = $metal. e.g. something like:
$this->products->where('', $metal)->get;
Solution using part of Glad To Help's answer:
This provides an alternative approach 2, without the need for joins.
Unfortunately you cannot do this with one swipe in Eloquent yet.
BUT, there is a way by using the inverse relation, like this:
public function getFilter($metal = null)
// filter the metals first
$metals = Metal::with('products')->where('name', '=' , $metal)->get();
$products = array();
foreach($metals as $metal)
// collect the products from the filtered metals
$products = array_merge($products, $metal->products->toArray() );
return $products;
If this is not elegant solution for you, you will either have to use Fluent to construct the query and join the products x metals table manually or pre-join them by overriding the newQuery() method.
1) alternative approach one.
public function getFilter($metal = null) {
return DB::table('products')->join('metal', '', '=' , 'metal.product_id')
->where('', $name)
2) alternative approach two
class Product extends Eloquent{
public function newQuery($excludeDeleted = true){
return parent::newQuery()->join('metal','id','=','metal.product_id');

Extra Attribute Disappears after it is set successfully

I am trying to get all records that are tied to a parent object through a lookup table, and insert them directly into the model. I have an object, Role, that hasMany() RoleEndpoints. RoleEndpoints belongs to Role and hasMany() Endpoints. All the data is being retrieved exactly as I expect, however, it seems to disappear after I set it.
class ACL {
private $_di;
public function __construct($di) {
$this->_di = $di;
public function createACL() {
if(!$this->_acl) {
$this->_acl = new stdClass();
$roles = $possibleRoles = Roles::find();
* Check if there is at least one role out there
if($roles->count() > 0) {
* Iterate over all of the records
while($roles->valid()) {
$endpoints = array();
* Grab each role's endpoints through the relationship
foreach($roles->current()->getRoleEndpoints() as $roleEndpoint) {
$endpoints[] = Endpoints::findFirst($roleEndpoint->endpoint_id);
* At this point, the endpoints exist in the current Role model;
I tried several different approaches; this seemed the best
$roles->current()->endpoints = $endpoints;
* Set object to loop through from the beginning
* Here is where my issue lies.
* The endpoints attribute, which is set as a public attribute in the model class
* gets unset for some reason
while($roles->valid()) {
echo '<pre>';
As the comments say, during the second iteration of the result set, the endpoints attribute drops becomes null for some reason. Am I doing something wrong here? Am I missing a step?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
There is a missing next() in the iterator traversing:
while ($roles->valid()) {
$endpoints = array();
* Grab each role's endpoints through the relationship
foreach ($roles->current()->getRoleEndpoints() as $roleEndpoint) {
$endpoints[] = Endpoints::findFirst($roleEndpoint->endpoint_id);
* At this point, the endpoints exist in the current Role model;
* I tried several different approaches; this seemed the best
$roles->current()->endpoints = $endpoints;
//Missing next
Also, you don't need to iterate the cursor in that way, just a foreach is easy to read and maintain:
$roles = Roles::find();
$roleEndpoints = array();
if (count($roles)) {
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$endpoints = array();
* Grab each role's endpoints through the relationship
foreach ($role->getRoleEndpoints() as $roleEndpoint) {
$endpoints[] = Endpoints::findFirst($roleEndpoint->endpoint_id);
* At this point, the endpoints exist in the current Role model;
* I tried several different approaches; this seemed the best
$roleEndpoints[$role->id] = $endpoints;
//Get the endpoints
foreach ($roleEndpoints as $roleId => $endpoint) {
Also, If this is a common task you can add a method to your model to reuse that logic:
class Roles extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model
public function getEndpoints()
$endpoints = array();
foreach ($this->getRoleEndpoints() as $roleEndpoint) {
$endpoints[] = Endpoints::findFirst($roleEndpoint->endpoint_id);
return $endpoints;
public function initialize()
So you can get your endpoints:
$roles = Roles::find();
if (count($roles)) {
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$endpoints = $role->getEndpoints();