get all store records even though filters applyed - sencha-touch-2

Is it possible that I can get all records even though the filters are apply to the store.
Please provide some guideline or reference code.
var spareStore = Ext.getStore('ABC');
spareStore.filter( 'item', value);
when I alert spareStore count it should be all rechords.

U can use snapshot property of store as :
var allRecords = store.snapshot ||;


In Parse Need to fetch nested relation data in one call

I am currently working with parse in react native.
I have a query that fetches data from a collection which has a property with relation to other collection.
Now i want to fetch all these relational data in a single call rather then calling each relation separately.
Currently i get one collection then get its relational data separately in a new call.
const data1 = await result
const data2 = data1.relation("test");
const data3 = await data2.query().find();
Now i want to fetch the relational data along with the data1 in the very first call.
I would like to know is it even possible in parse.
If yes how?
I have been trying to fetch relational data all day but no success.
Any help would really be appreciated.
I hope you're fine :)
Using relations, you will need to fetch the data with more than a single call.
Why is it necessary?
It is required because the relation type creates a new collection on the database to store the relational data.
Please, take a look at the code below:
query.find().then(results => {
for (var i = results.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let object = results[i];
object.relation("data1").query().each(function(relatedObject) {
/* .... */
Is there another option to receive the data in a single call?
Yes, there is! To configure this option, you will need to use the pointer or array type, then you will be able to use include() method and get the column value, please read more about it below:

How can I get all the rows of ag-grid?

ag-grid provides a way to get selected rows using api.getSelectedRows() function. And provides a way to set all rows using api.setRowData([]) function.
I'm looking for something getAllRows() to return all the rows in the grid. I know there is a way to loop through all the rows using api.forEachNode() etc.
Is there any way I can get the entire array of rows?
I don't think there is such a method but you can make your own:
getAllRows() {
let rowData = [];
this.gridApi.forEachNode(node => rowData.push(;
return rowData;
you are looking for getRenderedNodes
Note: this will only retrieve the rendered rows. If you use row virtualization, meaning only the rows in the viewport will be in the DOM, only those will be returned. As per the functions docs:
Retrieve rendered nodes. Due to virtualisation this will contain only the current visible rows and those in the buffer.
I think this is the simplest answer.
let {rowsToDisplay} = params.api.getModel();
Ag-grid doesn't provide any method to do that. You can check it here Accessing Data Ag-grid and here Grid Api.
I guest the reason is because you can do it through a loop, as you mentioned before.
let items: Array<rows> = [];
this.gridApi.forEachNode(function(node) {
Or if the source of your ag-grid is linked through angular there is no need to loop over the grid (assuming that the data grid has not pending changes)
This is how I get the rowData from the grid API:
Lots of methods include gridOptionsWrapper in their return object, so you don't necessarily have to use getModel().
It gives a list of all rows, even if you filter by any columns.
getAllRows() {
let allRows = [];
this.gridApi.forEachNodeAfterFilter((rowNode) => allRows.push(rowNode));
return allRows;
I was wondering the same thing and found it annoying that you cannot simply get all rows. In my case I needed to flip a flag on all rows, where the indicator is set outside the component containing the grid, so I did the following. This is in TypeScript for a React app.
const rows = gridApi!.getSelectedRows();
rows.forEach(row => {
row.coverageAction = this.props.isIndicatorChecked;

CRM Dynamics SDK how to access related data

I'm using early-bound entities, generated by CrmSvcUtil, and I'm testing the SDK by retrieving an account entity:-
var account = myContext.AccountSet.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == Guid.Parse("..."));
(BTW is there an easier way to retrieve an entity by ID?!)
Looking at the account object that is returned, I can see various properties of type OptionSetValue (e.g. "PreferredContactMethodCode"). How do I get the actual item from this OptionSetValue object?
Similarly, there are numerous properties of type EntityReference, which contains an Id and LogicalName (the entity name I presume). How can I populate such a property - is it one of the Get... methods? And do these have to be called separately, or is it possible to "pre-fetch" certain relationships as part of the initial query that retrieves the account entity?
Similarly with the various IEnumerable<> properties (which presumably correspond to 1-M entity relationships), e.g. a property called "opportunity_customer_accounts" of type IEnumerable. How do I populate one of these properties? And (again) does this have to be done as a separate query/method call, or can it be "pre-fetched"?
I'm not really sure how much simpler the retrieve operation could get but for a single record the user of the context is probably overkill. So you could retrieve a specific record where you know directly with the IOrganizationService:
account = service.Retrieve("account", Guid.Parse("..."), new ColumnSet(true));
Option Set Labels
For the OptionSet labels you can look at my answer here: How to get the option set from a field in an entity in CRM 2011 using crm sdk and C#.
If you need the label for multiple OptionSet's on an entity you may want to just retrieve the Entity's metadata once (
string entityName ="contact";
// Get the metadata for the currently list's entity
// This metadata is used to create a "Property Descriptor Collection"
RetrieveEntityRequest mdRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest ( )
{ EntityFilters = EntityFilters.All,
LogicalName = entityName,
RetrieveAsIfPublished = false
// Execute the request
RetrieveEntityResponse entityResponse = ( RetrieveEntityResponse ) this.ServiceProxy.Execute ( mdRequest );
EntityMetadata entityData = entityResponse.EntityMetadata;
//To Get Option Set Data
var preferdList= ( entityData.Attributes.Where ( p => p.LogicalName == "preferredcontactmethodcode" ) ).ToList ( ).FirstOrDefault ( ); ;
if ( preferdList != null ) {
PicklistAttributeMetadata optionList= preferdList as PicklistAttributeMetadata;
OptionSetMetadata opValues= optionList.OptionSet;
foreach ( var op in opValues.Options ) {
preferedMethod.Add ( new OptionSet { Value = op.Value.Value, Text = op.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label.ToString() } );
To set an EntityReference typed field:
account.primarycontact = new EntityReference("contact", Guide.Parse("..."));
If they have a value and you requested the column in your ColumnSet() they should be populated, so I'm not really sure I understand your question. If you mean, you want the full record then you need to do a service.Retrieve(...) for the record.
Related Entities (i.e., opportunity_customer_accounts)
This is where using an OrganizationServiceContext makes life easier (
context.LoadProperty(contact, "transactioncurrency_contact");
// read related entity dynamically
var currency = contact.GetRelatedEntity("transactioncurrency_contact");
// read related entity statically
var currencyStatic = contact.transactioncurrency_contact;
If you are not using an OrganizationServiceContext you can try using a QueryExpression using LinkedEntities, although I've never done this to populate an early-bound entity so I don't know if it works (perhaps someone will add a comment with the answer.)

How do I implement, for instance, "group membership" many-to-many in REST Cloud Code?

A user can create groups
A group had to have created by a user
A user can belong to multiple groups
A group can have multiple users
I have something like the following:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Group', function(request) {
var creator = request.user;
var group = request.object;
var wasGroupCreated = group.existed;
if(wasGroupCreated) {
var hasCreatedRelation = creator.relation('hasCreated');
var isAMemberOfRelation = creator.relation('isMemberOf');
Now when I GET user/me with include=isMemberOf,hasCreated, it returns me the user object but with the following:
hasCreated: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
isMemberOf: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
I'd like to have the group objects included in say, 'hasCreated' and 'isMemberOf' arrays. How do I pull that using the REST API?
More in general though, am I approaching this the right way? Thoughts? Help is much appreciated!
First off, existed is a function that returns true or false (in your case the wasGroupCreated variable is always going to be a reference to the function and will tis always evaluate to true). It probably isn't going to return what you expect anyway if you were using it correctly.
I think what you want is the isNew() function, though I would test if this works in the Parse.Cloud.afterSave() method as I haven't tried it there.
As for the second part of your question, you seem to want to use your Relations like Arrays. If you used an array instead (and the size was small enough), then you could just include the Group objects in the query (add include parameter set to isMemberOf for example in your REST query).
If you do want to stick to Relations, realise that you'll need to read up more in the documentation. In particular you'll need to query the Group object using a where expression that has a $relatedTo pointer for the user. To query in this manner, you will probably need a members property on the Group that is a relation to Users.
Something like this in your REST query might work (replace the objectId with the right User of course):

Add users to UserMulti field type using Client Object Model

I'm bit of a SharePoint noobie so please bear with me.
I need to be able to create a new list item in one our custom list using the client object model. I have been following the example described on the MSDN site and for the most part this has worked.
We have a list that contains several fields including a UserMulti field type. I am having problems adding users to this field. So far I have tried the following but this somehow always seems to default to the system account rather than the user specified in the field.
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = "1;#domain\\johndoe";
Do I need to do some type of lookup first? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
It took a little while but I figured it out in the end. Below are two approaches you can take
Assign a Principal to the list item
var principal = _rootWeb.EnsureUser("domain\\johndoe") as Principal;
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = principal;
Assign an list of FieldUserValue if you need to assign more than one user to the field.
string[] users = { "domain\\johndoe", "domain\\peterpan" };
var projectMembers = users
.Select(loginName => FieldUserValue.FromUser(loginName))
listItem["ProjectMembers"] = projectMembers;
I'm sure there's better ways of doing things and you could combine the two to ensure that the users are valid before adding them to the list, but this is working so far. Hope this help someone else.
Microsoft has a wiki article, "SharePoint: A Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields using C#" that can help.
It includes this sample code.
var lotsofpeople = new SPFieldUserValueCollection(web, item["lotsofpeoplefield"].ToString());
var personA = web.EnsureUser("contoso\\fred");
var personAValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, personA.ID, personA.LoginName);
var personB = web.EnsureUser("contoso\\barnie");
var personBValue = new SPFieldUserValue(web, personB.ID, personB.LoginName);
item["lotsofpeoplefield"] = lotsofpeople;