Search with result priority based on different condtions [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a auto-complete search box that I am working on for a client. The database is in SQL Server and there is a big set of data.
I've been able to do a standard LIKE query to the database which is not that much of a problem, but the client has come up with some requirements.
Let's say the search keyword is "London Airport"
The results that show up must have certain precedence. Here are the precedence criteria:
The results with London and Airport as match must show at the top. e.g. London Airport, London Main Airport etc.
The results with London must follow, since it matches the city field.
Airport would then follow, as it is the catagory part.
The requirement is actually to include UK results first but I have already taken care of that.
Let's say the table is
Airport_name | country | city | geo_id and so on.
I've created a table function that splits the keyword into table rows of results and then I've done the like query
LIKE '% split_table.result %'
the trouble is even for the 1st criteria, the above approach is doing an OR query, showing results with London and Airport only... I want to do an AND query here and would appreciate it if I could use the split table function I've created.
I need some idea about how to set these priorities.
I'd really appropriate some help.

One plan of action is to build the separate result sets and union them together
select Id, Name
Select Id, Name, 1 as SearchRank from tables where (primary filter)
Select Id, Name, 2 as SearchRank from tables where (secondary filter)
Select Id, Name, 3 as SearchRank from tables where (tertiary filter)
) results
group by Id, Name
order by Min(SearchRank)

Hope this helps as you are using sql server


Querying multiple Data Sources together [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We have multiple data sources, which have more than a billion records in different tables, most of them are Oracle SQL data sources along with a few NoSQL solutions. The primary fields have different names in different sources. SQL Queries can only join tables in a particular data source. Writing REST API's and stitching data in each API is not possible as our queries are dynamic and might change over time.
How can we tackle this problem, Can GraphQL servers help us stitch multiple data sources and query each with different conditions?
What we seek is a query language that can query across data sources, stitch them together based on certain conditions like join queries and return us the resultset.
Table 1(Oracle SQL server 1):-
|username | age | tenant |
abc 56 US
xyz 32 IN
Table 2 (Oracle SQL server 2):-
|userid | config | duration |
abc {..json.} 2100s
the query could be like:-
select * from table1, table2 where table1.userid=table2.username and duration>2000s
CONNECT TO user1 IDENTIFIED BY password1 USING 'connect1';
CONNECT TO user2 IDENTIFIED BY password2 USING 'connect2';
select * from table1#dblink1 AS t1, table2#dblink2 AS t2 where t1.userid=t2.userid and t2.duration > 2000;
Note: DB Link should be created once, select could be repeated many times.
CREATE DATABASE LINK has many options, but I hope the idea helps.

Calculate number of exercises in each category in access 2016 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have two tables such as: Category and Exercise. In the first of them I have field names such as: CategoryID and CategoryName. In the second table there are field names such as: ExerciseID Exercise and CategoryID. I have to calculate the number of exercises in each category. For the exercises with provided data I have:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, enhancemen,
running, jumping, pole vault, shot put, literature, grammar.
The query has to output me:
Maths = 5
English = 2
PE = 4
How would I be able to calculate this within query in ms-access?
You should have a key to join the tables.
In addition to ExerciseID and Exercise, have a CategoryKey column which you can join to the Category table through CategoryID. Then you'd just query SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM Exercise WHERE CategoryKey = 1 where 1 is the CategoryID you want to count. You can also do more complex joins in the future if you have new requirements.
Otherwise, you'll have to write a giant goofy sql switch statement, which I don't have much experience with, because it's usually not something you need to use if your table is structured correctly.

SQL Select Sub Query [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have the following database tables
User List
------ ------
userId (PK) listId (PK)
fullName description
addedById (FK with userId in User table)
modifiedById (FK with userId in User table)
I need to pull out all data from the List table, but instead of showing the IDs for addedById and modifiedById, I need to pull the fullName from the User table.
This query works, and gives me the data I need. However, I'm not sure if there is a better way of constructing this query? I'm not keen on having multiple sub select queries within my main select query, mainly because of performance issues.
select t1.[description],
(select fullName from dbo.User where userId = t1.addedById) as [AddedByUser],
(select fullName from dbo.User where userId = t1.modifiedById) as [ModifiedByUser]
from dbo.List t1
I'd really appreciate if anyone could suggest improvements to the query, or advise to keep as is.
A more standard SQL method would be:
SELECT t1.description,
add.fullName AS [AddedByUser],
mod.fullName AS [ModifiedByUser]
FROM dbo.List t1
LEFT JOIN dbo.User add
ON add.userId = t1.addedById
LEFT JOIN dbo.User mod
ON mod.userID = t1.modifiedById
However, I suspect this will perform identically to your query and probably has an identical execution plan. The only real advantage to this method is that it's easier to expand. For example, if you wanted to add new columns from the User table this would be easier.
As #Gordon notes, performance should be fine if there's an index on the fields you're joining with.
Is that double join with same table bothering you? It's not slow, its preferred way of doing it instead making the linked subquery.
I am assuming you got indexes on PK and both FK.
Only thing you can minimize is to lessen the number of joined rows. You can do that
by either using the left inner join or filtering in the end with where clause stating both keys you use in join must be not null
I can write both examples for you but this should be self explanatory.
Other mayor thing you can do is to PRESELECT values from users. For example if you have a shit ton of users, and you know only few of them can be in either role. And you can filter which ones by some column in Users you haven't listed, even better if that column has an index.
Then you can maybe profit from pre-selecting only those users and then joining to selection result. Either by temp table if both can be pre-selected or by making a select on spot instead joining to the entire table. Not sure about numbers we are dealing with here for this to become relevant..

SQL Query for specific value in each of multiple records

I have a SQL question involving a one-to-many relationship.
I have a table in my database called Checklist. Each checklist record can have multiple matches in the table for ChecklistMaterial. The ChecklistMaterial table has a field that indicates whether it was shipped or not using a 1 or 0 in a particular field indicated shipped or not shipped.
At the Checklist level I want to indicate (in a SQL statement that is pulling other Checklist fields) whether or not all materials for that checklist have been shipped. Basically, it would show a 1 at the checklist level if all material records for that checklist have been shipped.
This is a simple version of what I am trying to do. Let me know if this sounds completely off-base or a reasonable and appropriate approach.
Thanks in advance!
Like this?
(select sign(sum(shipped))
from checklistmaterials
where checklist.checklistid = checklistmaterials.checklistid
If you are sure ChecklistMaterial only has 0 or 1, the a minimum over this column would calculate if all records have 1.
(SELECT Min(checked)
FROM ChecklistMaterial
WHERE <JOIN between Checklist and ChecklistMaterial>
FROM Checklist
BTW. Using Max instead of Min would check if at least one record has a 1.

SQL Join code check and peer review [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am still fairly green when it comes to SQL joins. The below code works but I want to check that I am doing it the best way before I copy and paste errors into other work in the future.
The idea of the below code is to get the PropertyID and Name of a property from the first Table and using the PropertyID join them. In this case I am actually using every field in Table B (thus the *).
So more a peer review than anything.
SELECT TblA.propertyid AS PD,
TblA.propertyname AS PD,
FROM tbpropertydetails AS TblA
INNER JOIN tbpropertydetailssafeguarding AS TblB
ON TblA.propertyid = TblB.propertyid
WHERE TblA.regionid <> '0'
ORDER BY TblA.propertyid ASC
I am programming in but this is really standalone SQL.
Generally you want to be caution with inner joins because you can lose potential record sets.
An example would be records in TbPropertyDetails that do not have an entry (no matching PropertyId) in TbPropertyDetailsSafeguarding would vanish. There might not be a corresponding entry in the joining table because this information is entered at a later date.
Try using a LEFT JOIN first and then decide how you want to handle the null records i.e. those records in the primary table that had matching records in the joining table.