Pause VBA macro, allow user to make a selection, and restart where it left off - vba

I want to allow the user to make a selection, run some code, pause for another selection, run more code?
I work with documents with large number of tables that eventually convert to HTML. Sometimes the formatting on two like tables doesn't convert the same. Knowing how the converter works, I'd like to copy all of the formatting data from one table and "paste" it onto another one.
I've the idea of a userform to have the user select something, hit a copy button, select something else and hit a paste button.

The timer function allows you to do this. It may not be the best way to code, but it is the answer to your problem:
'1st code here
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 10
'do 2nd code here
DoEvents allows the user to select text, etc. After 10 seconds, the code resumes at "2nd code."

You can use global a global variable:
Public myVar as Variant
Sub fillmyVar()
myVar = Selection
End Sub
Sub doSth()
' use myVar and the new selected text
End Sub

Using the answer from Aaron and incorporating it with a ToggleButton in the Userform you can successfully pause the code. With this you can then work in an additional selection to change the operation.
I originally did not use Global or Public Variables but soon learnt that its easier for passing data between Subs and Userforms
Public Sub ToggleButton1_AfterUpdate()
'Program is Paused / Selected to Pause
If ProgBar.ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
'Changing the Text of the Toggle button once the program is selected to Pause
'If program paused then button will display continue
ProgBar.ToggleButton1.Caption = "Continue"
'For Sending to Loop Code
ProgramStatus = "0"
Call LoopCode.PrgStat(ProgramStatus)
End If
'Program is running / Selected to run
If ProgBar.ToggleButton1.Value = False Then
'Changing the Text of the Toggle button once the program is selected to continue
'If program running then button will display pause
ProgBar.ToggleButton1.Caption = "Pause"
'For Sending to Loop Code
ProgramStatus = "1"
Call LoopCode.PrgStat(ProgramStatus)
End If
End Sub
In your Module
Public Status As String
Public Sub PrgStat(ByVal ProgStatus As String)
Status = ProgStatus
End Sub
Sub SomeSub()
Do While
' Some Loop Code Running
If Status = "1" Then
'Toggle Not Pressed
End If
If Status = "0" Then
'Toggle Button Pressed
Do While Status = "0"
'Program will stop here until the togglebutton on the
'userform is pressed again which changes Status = 1
'This is where you can make another selection on the
End If
End Sub


VBA How to programaticly select an item in a listbox without triggering the on click event

I am using Excel 2010, Windows 10, with VBA. I have a function which runs upon clicking an item in an ActiveX ListBox control. The issue is that if you click the list box I ask if they are sure if they want to change the selection. If you click "yes" I continue, but if you say "no" I set the selection back to what it previously was.
So the issue is that when I programmatically set the list box selection back to the previous selection my function will re-run the code that runs if a user clicks an item in the list box ...which is what I don't want.
Does anyone have a better way to stop a list box selection and change it back to the old one without causing the on list box selection event to trigger?
Function prototype for on click of the list box
Code for setting the list box selection
'Prototype: setListBoxSelection(query As String, listBoxName As String) As Boolean
' Purpose: Set listbox selection based on text
Public Function setListBoxSelection(query As String, listBoxName As String) As Boolean
Dim lsBox As MSForms.listBox
Set lsBox = Workbooks(mainFile).Worksheets(entrySheet).OLEObjects(listBoxName).Object
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To lsBox.ListCount - 1
If lsBox.List(I) = query Then
lsBox.Selected(I) = True
setListBoxSelection = True
Exit Function
End If
Next I
setListBoxSelection = False
End Function
Please note that I think the line of code below is what is triggering my click event which is what I don't want.
lsBox.Selected(I) = True
The way I do this with my VB6 projects is to define a module-scope variable
Private blnChangingInCode As Boolean
Then, when I need to utilize it, I set it to true, call the even/sub, set it back to false.
blnChangingInCode = True
blnChangingInCode = False
Inside the affected subs/events I start with
If blnChangingInCode Then
Exit Sub ' or Exit Function
End if
This might not be elegant, but it works, and I don't need to do it very often.

Set a sub-form hidden field to visible, based on a check box status

C, Thank you for your input and encouragement! I have changed my form and script slightly, I am afraid I kept the if then statement as I am comfortable with the formatting. The script now works when the 'On Open'event runs.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.ChkAlbumNotes.Value = False Then
Me.lblAlbumNotes.Visible = False
Me.txtAlbumNotes.Visible = False
Me.btnAlbumNotes.Visible = True
Me.lblAlbumNotes.Visible = True
Me.txtAlbumNotes.Visible = True
Me.btnAlbumNotes.Visible = False
End If
If Me.TrackName = " " Then
End If
End Sub
This is fine when the form opens for the first time but I have a set of navigation buttons that are installed by the application as Macros. I cannot add my script to the On_Click event when the button is clicked, as On_Click is linked to the Macro. Is there a way to incorporate the script from the On_Load process to the pre-defined macro? Or can you suggest a neater way to achieve my requirements which are;
When the form opens,a check is made for the existence of a false value in the checkbox
if the check box is set to false, then the Notes Text Box and label are hidden and the notes button is visible.
If the check box has a true value, then the Notes text box and label are made visible and the button is hidden.
On completion of the test I check the field Track Name
if this is empty, I assume I am at the last record and give the Add New Record button the focus
If Track Name is not empty, then focus is set to Next Record button
when this button is clicked, the next record page opens and the process starts again.
Many Thanks
You should use the Form_Current event instead of Form_Open . This fires on starting the form (2 times) and everytime you move to another record.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Me.lblAlbumNotes.Visible = Me.ChkAlbumNotes.Value
Me.txtAlbumNotes.Visible = Me.ChkAlbumNotes.Value
Me.btnAlbumNotes.Visible = Not Me.ChkAlbumNotes.Value
If Me.TrackName = "" Then ' I suggest If Me.TrackName = " " being a typo and you want to check if empty ( that's why you should use vbNullString instead of "")
End If
End Sub

Call a sub after this one has finished

I have a userform looping through a range with 2 settings; manual and automatic.
When I have an option button on my form set to manual, and click a next command button, I check the next cell in the range, change the contents of the form accordingly, then wait for the next button press.
However if I find the option button is set to automatic then instead of finishing up my code and waiting for the next button press, I have to call the next button press programmatically. That means that the previous subs each calling the next code slowly build up in the call stack, and I worry this will have some memory implications if I'm looping over a large range.
In code:
Private Sub nextItem()
Dim willShow As Boolean
returnResults 'return details from the form to the sheet
clearMemory 'clear out previous items on form
itemNo = itemNo + 1 'iterate over the range
SetupParts 'place new items on form
'do what next
Select Case displaySetting 'this variable holds the result from my option button in a custom enum "dispMode"
Case dispMode.Manual 'always show form
willShow = True
Case dispMode.SemiAutomatic 'show form based on condition
willShow = (Data.Count = 0) 'if SetupParts returns no data, display form, otherwise keep hidden
Case dispMode.Automatic 'don't show form
willShow = False
End Select 'there are actually a few more options here, but I've simplified
If willShow = False Then
If Me.Visible = True Then 'if needs to hide, and currently visible, then hide the form
nextItem 'this is the problem, I call this code again, so the call stack grows
'form is already hidden, do nothing
End If
ElseIf Me.Visible = False Then 'willShow must be True
Me.Show 'then wait for button click
End If
End Sub
Private Sub commandBtnNext_Click()
End Sub
To avoid this problem, is there any way of getting nextItem to run immediately after the previous call of nextItem has run; ie. to tell a sub to run immediately after this one has finished (without introducing time delays). Or maybe this isn't an issue; if so, please explain why.
There is also a SemiAutomatic check to see which mode to use based on the contents of the userform. This is fine when calling recursively, but I can't see how to incorporate it into a looping approach.

Pausing a VBA loop to allow editing of worksheet, with or without userform

I have a procedure that consists of several do and for loops and i would like to find an easy way to 'pause' the routine and allow the user to edit the sheet, with a msgbox or userform to resume execution where it left off.
I would like to do something like this
dim pause as boolean
For i = 1 To 40
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A" & i) = i
If i = 20 Then
UserForm1.Show vbmodeless
Pause = true
Do until pause = false
End If
Next i
End Sub
Where the pause condition would be set by a sub on the userform. This do loop just crashes.
Ideally i would like the userform to have buttons that can run subs but also allow direct editing of cells while execution is paused.
Here is a typical control structure that allows the user to perform some actions in the middle of a macro. When the user is done, they run OKToContinue to allow the macro to continue with the second part:
Dim AllowedToContinue As Boolean
Sub FirstPartSecondPart()
AllowedToContinue = False
MsgBox "allow user to perform actions"
Do Until AllowedToContinue
MsgBox "doing second part"
End Sub
Sub OKToContinuw()
AllowedToContinue = True
End Sub

Click button1 on 20th loop

On my form I have one button (button1). When I click this button it starts my app. My app is meant to loop forever. Is there a way for my app to click button1 on the 20th loop?
Here is an example of my app:
**Click button1**
'some code
'some code
goto looping:
You'd need a variable to use as a counter, and increment it each time through the loop. During each loop iteration you can test the value of the variable, and if it's equal to 20 then fire the click event on the button.
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but perhaps this will get you started.
Dim i as Integer =1
If i = 20 Then
Call Button_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
ElseIf i<=20
End If
If shouldExit Then 'some other condition to break out.
Exit Do
End If
Loop While True