Undo doesn't function in IB (Interface Builder) in Xcode 5 - ios7

Is anyone else having this problem? It was working a couple of days ago but now anytime I'm working in Interface Builder on a storyboard Undo simply says "Undo Change Frame Size" no matter what I do it doesn't allow undo/redo (this is VERY TEDIOUS!).

It also happened to me when I upgraded to Xcode 5 for some of my older projects that I've migrated. Cleaning the build folder didn't do any help. But deleting everything inside the DerivedData folder (/Users/(your username)/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData) helped me. It works much like a cache folder so deleting everything inside it is safe (everything inside there is built from your project files anyway, they just speed up things). It's probably corrupted (or incompatible) with Xcode 5. Close Xcode, delete everything inside it, and reopen Xcode, build your project. It worked for me.
Note: If you are unsure about deleting the files in DerivedData, you can back it up to somewhere else before deleting it just to be on the safe side. But I can pretty much delete everything inside it with confidence.

I have the same problem but in my case, i can use the undo function in the assistant editor view.
try it
I hope this help!


Xcode 6 Swift code completion not working

Using Xcode 6 GM seed my code completion has stopped working. It was working the other day. I was trying to get the unwind segue work around to work. I had made an Objc header file and assigned it as a header for a Swift class.
At this point I get code completion with an Objective-c project. But, not with a Swift project.
I have tried restarting Xcode, making a new empty project.
Just go in user->Library->Developer->Xcode->DerivedData and delete the Data of folder(Derived data) and restart Xcode.
This fix from apple dev forums works for me. I have had autocomplete issues with Xcode 6.1/Yosemite.
Quit Xcode.
Restart the computer (this is to clear any in-memory caches).
Delete the contents of the DerivedData folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData), precisely run, a) cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
b) rm -rf *
(Try this if Steps 1-3 dont really work as it rebuilds the cache later on restart which takes time) Delete the contents of folder ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode, i.e., a) cd ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode b) rm -rf *
Now launch Xcode once moreā€¦
I experienced a serious breakdown of code completion because I had some 'notes' after the #end statement of my .m file which were as follows:
NSAlertFirstButtonReturn, NSAlertSecondButtonReturn, NSAlertThirdButtonReturn
These lines can appear before the #end statement without destroying code completion.
There's an easier way to delete the Derived Data from within Xcode (no need to open finder or restart):
Xcode Organizer -> Projects -> (Your Project) -> Delete Derived Data
I just recently had this problem. Autocomplete did not work ...and when i typed for example tableView.... it did not give me the different functions available.
I tried the following and it worked for me.
Xcode Organizer -> Projects -> (Your Project) -> Delete Derived Data
delete the file ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache
Restart xcode
Hope this works
Another possible reason why it isn't working is because it's not part of the target membership. To fix this, select the file you're working on. Then, go to the File Inspector and in the Target Membership section, make sure your project is checked.
Try the following - as silly as it may sound:
Change Device to iPhone 6, close Xcode, Reopen Xcode and wait for the indexing to finish.
Go to Xcode menu, then Window -> Organizer, then select Projects. Pick your project and press on delete button beside dervied data
Then restart Xcode
That solution worked with me on Xcode 6.1
If your code completion problem is only with UI classes (e.g. UIImage, UIDevice), then you just need to add "import UIKit".
Swift files will NOT have code completion for UI classes unless there is an "import UIKit".
I had the same issue but under different circumstances,
I have 2 projects in my workspace
Swift framework for iOS and OSX
iOS Project (which uses the swift framework)
My code completion works fine in iOS but it keeps failing in the swift framework. I tried all the about solution and had no luck and was killing my productivity.
Finally i figured out the solution to this problem.
Select the file you are editing (in the framework )
Select the 'utilities' tab on the right
uncheck the Mac target (just keep the target you are working for
Thats it, this solved my problem.
hope it helps someone who is in this kinda situation.
user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData Delete all the files shown in this folder. after that go to your project name and clean project then come back to the file where you wanna see suggestions. Type any word and its done.
So all you have to do is make sure, in the file inspector view on the right side, under Target Membership, the first box is checked. I'm not sure why this changes things but I'm sure someone can come along and give a more complete answer.
In my case Some File(s) were deleted in File System but were still referenced in the Project i.e. in Red Color. Just delete those from Project and everything was fine. Code Completion started working.
Also Like to point that all the above answers about Clearing/Deleting Derived Data folder seems to work momentarily but whenever there was a new pull or update the problem started again, so the root cause was the unreferenced/moved/deleted files which show up as RED in the project, they needs to be manually cleared.

How in the earth my aplication is still running even when the appdelegate and main.m is missing

I restore the apps from time machine.
The app run just fine.
However, when I check the project, my appDelegate is gone. I can't see the file in the editor. It becomes red.
What is going on?
The files are still in finder though.
Restarting xcode doesn't work. Removing and adding files is kind of risky, though I'll give it a try tomorrow.
Maybe xcode just "forget" where the file is. But I get my app compiled.
Note: The problem is solved. Restarting iMac works. It's one of those get fixed by it self eventually. However, if someone can explain why the hell this happened in the first place it'll be great.
Check the target's Build Phases. The files being compiled can be shown in Finder using a context menu.
u can do a dirty move trick in deleting and re-adding ur file into Xcode. They'be correctly added into the build phase as well.
Deleting the reference is not risky because the references are lost. If you do a clean project, you may have a compiler build error.
U just has to drop again ur already added file into your Xcode project, but don't check "Copy items into destination group's folder" since your files are already included in your folder.
This happening to me lot of time when i'm using svn.
All those are good answer. I restarted iMac and things work fine.
I think this has happened several times. It's one of those fixed by itself problem eventually. This one it ticked me off that I asked question.
I still do not understand why it actually happens. So I'll wait for more people to answer this.

Storyboard will not save in Xcode

So, for an independent programming class I am working in Xcode. I am using stanford's iOS development course to create a calculator. However, recently, the item mainstoryboard.storyboard has been unable to save. I removed the entitlement, which allowed the other files to save, but the storyboard has still been unable to save. I looked around on the internet a good deal, and all I've been able to dig up is that the file might be corrupted. What do I do for this? Is there anything I'm missing? I don't know what kind of context I should be providing, so please tell me if there's something you want to see.
Try to clean your derived Data and try to clean and clean the build folder (you do this with alt+clean).
If you can't save the file again try to create a new project create a storyboard. If you can't create it on this way then you have to get to the Apple Dev Forums there is a bigger Problem then.
But anyway if you create Storyboard the App only runs on iOS 5+ Devices. Not the best option imho.
Clean all targets, close Xcode, reboot your mac. Then restart Xcode and create a new iPhoneStoryboard.storyboard and try again!
I've solved in this way this problem!
You can delete the storyboard by clicking on it in the left pane and press delete button. When prompted choose delete rather than removing reference only. Then use command+n and in the popped window, choose storyboard and name it as MainStoryboard (Xcode will add .storyboard for you).
Well, as it turns out, it was a problem with not having enough memory on the server. I've been looking at all the wrong things and can go back to working on my program. Thanks for all the help, too bad it was something else.

Code loses syntax color in Xcode 4

I have just upgraded to the new Xcode 4 and the code is not colored has it ought to be.
For instance, the string NSString is not colored in my custom code, but when I switch to Apple's code (NSString.h for example) everything is well colored.
How can I fix that?
It's a known bug with the latest XCode. This happens with some projects which are migrated from XCode 3.X to the new version. For some people it seems to help to go to the organizer, and in the project tab delete the derived data for the project where code sense does not work correctly.
If you have a small project, it might also help to create a new project in XCode 4 and import the files from the XCode 3 project.
Update: XCode 4.0.1 made the situation a bit better, at least in some of my projects I have syntax coloring and code sense back. But it's still far from fixed.
Update 2: XCode 4.0.2 did not change much. It seems that the problem is related to subprojects, specifically static libraries. According to comments of this blog post some people were successful by changing header search paths from relative to absolute paths, e.g. instead of Foo/Bar use $(SOURCE_ROOT)/Foo/Bar. This together with switching all projects to XCode 3.1 format and to use LLVM 2.0 fixed a lot for me as well. It's not perfect yet, but usable.
Update 3: After converting the sub projects to independent projects and putting them in a workspace (aka the XCode 4 way) I have now full syntax highlighting and code completion back.
My current environment is now a XCode 4 workspace with each projects being 3.1 compatible (as opposed to the default which is 3.2), LLVM GCC 4.2 (system default) and the header search paths are still absolute (using $(SOURCE_ROOT)/.../).
I used undefined Macro, But those macros defined in Preprocessor Macros in build settings. So the xcode4 didn't generate any error for that undefined macro.
Steps taken to resolve.
Removed undefined macros wherever I used those undefined macros.
Removed duplicate definitions of Marcos.
Removed duplicate Resources. (I'd added same (many Thumbs.db files) files into the project.)
Clean & Build.
if still you are not getting the color then, please relocate your project to some different location, I changed to my Desktop location.
After these steps I got the color in my eyes.
But its very bad issue. I sucks lot of valuable time. I think these steps may help you.
I had the same problem with mine. Its a cocos2d game with box and chipmunk. It was a hell of a mess getting the project to recognize and find the user search paths in the first place so I wasn't about to mess with those.
What I wanted to point out is that I DO HAVE recursive paths and I do have relative paths and I still got the issue. It happened when I added a new version of a 3rd party SDK I was using. It was Testflight 083 which I updagraded to 1.0. I erased my old version but only removed references. Then I manually deleted it from finder. Imported the new SDKv1 folder and readded it to my project and removed the old SDK0 folder path leaving only the newly added SDK1 folder path. For some reason I noticed that even though in v083 I had used a #import in my Prefix.pch file, it still wasn't recognizing a call to a method from AppDelegate. Which means the #import in Prefix.pch for some reason was not working. I had to add #import to my AppDelegate file individually. This gave me duplicate #imports as Jeeva said above. That sounded an alarm in my head.
So the solution was to go and effectively remove the duplicate #import in Prefix.pch therefore only leaving the one in AppDelegate. It reindexed and CodeSense works again. Thanks Jeeva!
This issue was driving me insane, and I had given up hope of fixing it without some ugly hack on XCode's configuration. I passed through this very forum thread a stack overflow of times. Then one day, I happened to accidentally fix it. I'm not sure if you need all these steps, but I've found this a sure-fire way to fix XCode's indexing issues:
Clean your project (Command-shift-K)
Open organizer, close your project.
Under the "Projects" tab in organizer, remove the derived data for the project you want to reset.
Quit XCode
In the terminal, run:
sudo mdutil -a -i on
This seems to reset spotlight indexing (I don't know much about it because I don't use spotlight).
When the command finishes, Spotlight will have to re-index. Look up to see a little dot in the magnifying glass for your spotlight's icon. When the dot leaves, spotlight has re-indexed. You can check the progress by opening spotlight.
Re-open XCode, and wait for it to re-index all your files.
Build the project.
On build success, you should now have appropriate syntax highlighting again. I hope you guys find this little discovery as useful as I did :)
I should probably add that the syntax highlighting sometimes seems to re-break when the debugger hangs the simulator during app launch. I just try to avoid this by being more careful about letting the process hang.
EDIT2: (sorry first contribution)
Works on XCode 4.6 and 4.6.2.

XCode Syntax Coloring Broken

XCode frequently seems to lose it's mind, and doesn't color code system classes or provide correct "code sense" suggestions. This is endlessly frustrating. The question has been asked on at least three other occasions:
Problems with Xcode Syntax Highlighting
xcode code sense color/completion not working
Xcode: code loses syntax coloring
I have switched by project version to/from 3.1-compatiable and 3.2-compatiable, completely restarting XCode before and after each change with no effect.
I have rebuilt the code sense indexes and completely restarted XCode with no change.
I have built my project to make sure there are no errors and restarted.
I have copied my files (sans .svn files) to a different location - same problem.
I've already completely disabled the argument "placeholders" because they screw up my documents when i type too fast... all I'm asking for is for the "esc" key to display the correct list of properties and methods.
You should clean your project's derived data. They are likely corrupted.
Go to Organizer > Projects > Your_Project > Derived Data > Delete
Xcode will reindex your project and you should be back to normal.
For anyone interested; my app has some precompile directives:
#if ...
Turns out there was an error in one of these sections.
I'm assuming my app built fine because these sections were stripped out before they ever got to the compiler... but CodeSense doesn't care about these (it still wants to color code everything inside these) - so CodeSense would puke all over the place because of the error, even though I didn't find it when I tried to build the app.
Once I fixed the error within that block of code, my coloring returned.
Would be nice if XCode just greyed out those sections instead of dying.