Progress Bar not working in WP8 - xaml

I have a simple Progress Bar where IsIndeterminate="True". It's working fine in WP7 but not in WP8. All I see is one dot that doesn't scroll. I've read how the Progress Bar was included in a Toolkit which I should've used in WP7 for performance issues which I didn't (ooops) but running the app in WP8 shows just 1 dot on the screen. I've upgraded the project to WP8 as apparently the Progress Bar within the SDK is the best one to use yet I still have the problem. My xaml is as follows:
<ProgressBar HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="300" IsIndeterminate="True"/>
Here is an image showing which reference package the Progress Bar is using from the Toolbox:!3185&authkey=!AJOdQz3YPV8xEtY&v=3
Could I possibly be referencing a package that has an older implementation of the Progress Bar?
Any help would be great.

I found the problem. It was because I had my own copy of CustomThemeResources which had a WP7 definition of ProgressBar. I removed it and it works.


.NET MAUI - HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" is not working on Android

I've converted a project from Xamarin to .Net MAUI. MAUI has many issues, but one of the most annoying is the fact that HorizontalTextAlignment set to Center is not working in Android. For labels that are only a single line the regular HorizontalAlignment is working, but for multiple line labels it is not a working solution:
In the screenshot the two header labels are centered using HorizontalAlignment on the VisualElement, but for the longer text below this is not working. Event though the label element is centered, the text inside is not center aligned.
Does anyone have a solution?
P.S. HorizontalTextAlignment is working in iOS, and it is also working in my Android emulator when I manipulate it in Hot Reload.
Turns out this was an issue because I upgraded a xamarin project to Maui. Somehow in the android mainifest the value android:supportsRtl="true" is then not set on the application element like this:
<application android:networkSecurityConfig="#xml/network_security_config" android:icon="#mipmap/icon" android:label="YourAppName" android:supportsRtl="true">
Thanks to #ewerspej

How to change the thickness of WinUI progress ring?

I have a WinUI progress ring in my UWP C# XAML app like this
Value="59" />
It looks like this
How do I make it thicker?
As #mm8 said, WinUI ProgressRing is implemented with AnimatedVisualPlayer, and it will load play source in the code behind.
ProgressRingIndeterminate Lottie animation has not provide method to edit thickness. if you do want to this feature, please post your requirement in GitHub, and share link below, I will help to vote up.

Hiding navigation bar causes unexpected extra space in the bottom of the screen

I develop application both with WPF and GTK platforms using Xamarin forms. I decided to hide the default navbar using NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="False", but after that, I got an extra space at the bottom of the app window. On WPF everything works good, this bug occurs only in GTX platform.
It looks like this navbar became transparent and moved to the bottom.
Here is the link to the picture
On Windows app everything works good, this bug occurs only in Linux app.
Not understanding occurs in Linux app .
By the way , if want to hide NavigationBar in forms , as follow will work :

Backdrop control in Windows 10 UWP doesn't blur

I am trying to add a Backdrop blur in my Windows 10 UWP app, however the blur effect doesn't work. I am using the code from Windows UILabs Github, but the blur effect simply doesn't show. I also tried making my own simplified code, but that didn't work either (didn't throw any exceptions though). In the XAML, I am using
<Grid x:Name="grid_blur" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0,0,0,55" Height="100" Background="Transparent">
<local:BackDrop BlurAmount="40" TintColor="Red"/>
to add the Backdrop control itself.
I am using VS2015 Community Update 2, project target version is build 14295.
Does anyone have the same problem or am I simply missing something (or should I stop copy & pasting from github?). Thanks in advance.
Don't know UILabs but you can also use Win2D to apply a blur effect. Please check the following article In next version of UWP SDK, Windows Composition will provide you also a native way to perform Blur, Drop Shadow and Light effects.

Storyboard not rendering added views

I am trying to execute the steps described in iOS developer library basics tutorial. When I add "Scene to story board" run the simulator, I am not seeing the label. It is just white screen. Not sure what is causing this issue. Any suggestions?
iOS SDK7.1
XCode 6.0
Rented server machine from MacInCloud.
Here is snap shot of my Xcode:
When I use "Single View Application" template, "Views" I am adding to story board are showing up properly in simulator.
It could be that the positioning of the label is outside of the visible screen. One quick way to rectify this would be to add a new Alignment Constraint so that the label is "Horizontal Center in Container". An example of how to add an Alignment Constraint below...
I thought to close this question first, but it seems not a good practice, so adding solution as answer.
I missed To configure the app delegate implementation file step from the documentation, which is why it is showing white screen. Make sure you delete the code which renders white background.