Uploading archive to another developer iTunes Account - app-store-connect

I have admin access as an Independent Contractor to 'Suzies' account.
I have all the certificates, and distribution provisioning created.
I have a new iTunes Game in the prepare to Upload state on 'Suzies' account.
But I am unable to archive the code on my machine and successfully upload it to Suzies iTunes account.
I can archive and upload the code just fine to my iTunes Account.
Is this possible? Any guidance would be a great help.

For this you have to
1.From you keychain access generate certificate request
2.Save that request some where
3.Go to Suzie's Developer account
4.Create one new certificate with the request
5.Install it in your system
6.Make and app store Profile with this certificate in Developer.apple.com
7.Using this certificate and profile make one binary
8.Make the status of the app upload ready to upload in Suzie's account
9.Now you will be able to up-load the binary through application loader in your system


Reset Google Credentials and upload to Google Play Store - Expo/React Native

I'm using Expo/React Native. I have to upload a new version of my APK/AAB into Google Play Store. For that, I needed to reset my Google Credentials. I contacted Google Support Team and I have just sent them the new PEM file created. Which is the next step to attach the new certificate to the new builded app version?

How to upload app to TestFlight for sandbox User?

I have already created sandbox tester account.
I want to upload TestFlight app for sandbox User only including developer certification not production certificate, is it possible?
if yes than how?
any reference link?
No you can't.
TestFlight builds are production builds. If you need to distribute the app through TestFlight, you must need to have production certificate and provisioning profile to build and submit.

can I ftp-upload a file from my web page?

Is there a client or plugin that allows me to put a frame/upload field on my web site that will let my users upload files to my ftp server without an ftp client software of their own? Preferrably one where I can pre-configure the ftp username/password automatically (from data I have stored about the logged-in user)?
In a digital signage solution we let users upload video files to their account, and currently have the solution of uploading via ftp (the file is then renamed and moved, users can NOT use this feature to share video files. Furthermore it is solely about videos they themselves made, no license breakage. Just as a disclaimer =)
try third-party software like uploadify, or a service like http://www.net2ftp.com/ which can be somewhat integrated with php.

Retrieving data programmatically from a Configuration Profile in IOS

I have been searching all over the apple documentation, including these forums, yet was not able to retrieve a certificate from a configuration profile that I had created and installed on my iPhone.
More specifically:
Using the iPhone Configuration Utility, I created a simple configuration profile that contains a certificate under the Credentials tab.
I am now trying to retrieve this certificate using my iPhone app but without any luck of coming across useful documentation/examples.
I know how to extract PKCS12 data - I just don't know where to find the certificate data to begin with.
Is there a path to the certificate data or to an NSDictionary of configuration profile values?
It seems it is not possible currently to read a profile. See https://devforums.apple.com/message/533356 (requires login).
Was looking for the same thing, to authenticate user as an enterprise employee.

Can I submit an application to iTunes Connect that is signed by another Apple Developer account?

I have a question regarding app submission.
Situation: We have an iPhone Developer account and our customer has an iTunes Connect account. Is it possible that we hand them the signed, zipped application (that is signed with a provisioning profile from OUR account) and they upload it on their account?
Or is it REQUIRED that they give us acces with the "technician" role?
From my first impression, i think it should be possible that both accounts are not in any way connected, but i am not sure.
Any help is appreciated. If it is possible, please post references, Thanks =)
I think the short answer to the question in the title is "No".
See the iTunesConnect > FAQs > Manage your applications
I sold my app to another developer and
can no longer distribute on the App
Store. Can I transfer the app to the
new developer's iTunes Connect
account? At this time, applications
cannot be transferred to another
developer account. If you would like
the application to be sold through
another developer account, you will
need to remove the app from sale in
the current iTunes Connect account and
upload the app under the new iTunes
Connect account.
Not exactly your question, but sounds similar enough.
We had a need to resign a 3rd party developer supplied app with our signing keys - which sounds similar to what you want to do:
1) Use Xcode's Build > Build and Archive feature to create the version of the app to had off to your customer.
2) Select that build in the Archived Applications source in the Organizer
3) Choose Reveal Archived Application in Finder from the contextual menu
4) Select and compress the enclosing folder
5) Send that zip archive to your customer.
Your customer would then unzip and expand that archive in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Archived Applications. That will make it available in the Xcode Organizer. Your customer can then use the Share Application… and/or Submit to iTunes Connect… buttons to re-sign and distribute the app using your customer's distribution provisioning profile.
EDIT: A follow up that may not be clear from the info above.
To be able to do this, the 3rd party developer needs to build the app with your development profile; e.g. they need to be a "Team Member" of your account. They can do nothing more than build the app and sign it with development keys. Then they can deliver a build that has been compiled with your development keys at which point you can re-sign this with your distribution keys and submit.
If you need to, you can remove them and revoke their information from the iOS Provisioning Portal after successful app deployment.
EDIT2: With the Xcode 4 .xarchive bundles, you can just copy the .xarchive bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/[date]/ folder. Then it will show up in the Organizer under the Archives section - validate, share and submit from there.